LONDON DENTAL INSTITUTE. I 1 ABSOLUTELY PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS. I i IjMSP^ : y*> ~" ONE OF IHE Old-fashioned Pain-giving Method BFff dliilip^^'Tii^ Hill! Extractions, 2s 6d and'ls. Gas, 2a 6d extra. Kif IH&^^F Iliß ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS. ffinfiUi *^j I l /If? *^ c Deal Direct with the Manufacturer. EL/SHkv N. *^< A ' Hfi&m Plates are madewith the NEW IDEAL STENOE W? (ICKSwJA K/^/ V mtM lllfa PALATK, unequalled for lightness, strength, durakl\^MSSv.v J "-v». -.<|sblPS bilit^and comfort. As to the quality of our work, 1& vliKllis§«S»»l V-22p/»/^!i tne * act s P eaks f° r itself that, although inquiries BfilsSSDgllla /Eafetew v^GH«O^%2 were made at the bank concerning our recent firaX^ffiPyiSo&i cdCiooo <3rTT.A.i£.AasrT:£i:i3i Bjfnp 'BiV^v^Pv^Q-^T^^gj'* y*¥*3f**£ that oDl y the BEST TEETH OBTAINABLE in any mgff^rtfr l*\&{ rty ry *'f^f^r pffflffW market in the world wens used in our £3 3s Sets, and Mji?W^yS^B&^^ySlUsafc<^Br^SS^ra that our Porcelain Gum Sets were the most naturalBBBHlffllWia"'"™!!'" rty^v^. j^^ng and best-fitting of any made in DuDedin, no effort was made during the whole month our offer was kept open to the public to controvert our statements. Country Patients caD, owing to our large itaff, he fitttd with Complete Se's in One Day. Ladies can depend on absolute privacy. Nurse always in attendance. Other dentists, work remodelled at small cost. Hours : 9 till 6 ; Saturday till 9 p.m. Open Wednesdays and Saturdays. Telephone ?16.— LONDON DENTAL INSTITUTE, Princes Stbeet, Dunedin.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 47
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Page 47 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 47
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