Another attraction was presented at the Alhainbra Theatre on Monday night in the shape of nearly 50 new wax figures, which were obtained by Mr Fuller from Sydney. The figures include representations of a number of royal personages, eminent clergymen, statesmen, explorers, and about two dozen notorious criminals. Among the latter are the bushrangers of the Puzzle Ranges, in the Ovens district, known as the Kelly gang, Deeming, the Windsor murderer, who it is said, was suspected of being identical with " Jack the Ripper," and the three persons concerned in what was known as the boot trunk tragedy in the colony of Victoria. The Rev. Charles H. Spurgeon, his Holiness Pope Leo XIII, General Booth, and Cardinal Newman are the representatives of different ecclesiastical bodies shown in wax ; while Miss Ellen Teriy, the famous English actress, is the sole representative of the stage. In the way of explorers are to be seen the figures of Stanley, the great African explorer, and Dr Leichhardt, who was lost in the Australian wilds in 1848. Dr Grace, the celebrated cricketer, General Gordon, the hero of Khartoum, Prince Bismarck, and a great many other interesting celebrities are likewise to be seen imaged in wax among the figures on view. In connection with the waxworks there is also a side-show, which was opened for the first time last night. This consists of an attra-c-tive enclosure called the crystal maze, which is well worth visiting. After the audience had inspected the wax figures and visited the crystal maze, they had an opportunity of enjoying a vaudeville entertainment of the kind usually given at the theatre. On Wednesday, in addition to other attractions, there will be a Highland fling competition and a baby show.
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 47
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