There was a capital attendance at the Princess Theatre on Monday evening when the Pollard's Opera Company presented the perennially bright and tuneful opera " Paul Jones." Perhaps in no other work in their repertoire is the company seen to better advantage. The number and variety of important characters afford opportunities to a correspondingly large proportion of the company, and the vein of comedy which so strongly permeates the opera is a mine of wealth that is thoroughly exploited by those performers whose forte lies in this direction. In the title role Miss Maud Beatty acted with all the vivacity and grace for which she is noted. Her impersonation of the gallant, dashing son of the sea may be ranked amongst her most successful performances, while last evening she sang the music allotted to the part with more than customary skill. Miss Lily Stephens made a captivating Yvonne, and her rendering of " Before the altar " evoked a demonstrative encore. As Chopinette Miss May Beatty also won for herself the golden opinions of all present, and her singing of " He looked at my sabots " had to be repeated before the demands of those present were satisfied. Mr Alf Stephens and Master Albert as Bouillibaisse and Petit Pierre kept the audience in a perpetual state of merriment with their drolleries, and Messrs Percy Nable and Carter all made the most of their parts. —On Tuesday night the attraction was the merry musical comedy '" In Town," in which Miss May Beatty appeared as Kitty Hetherton. The members of the Williamson and Musgrove Pantomime and Comedy Company to the number of 20, arrived on Tuesday, and will combine with the "' popular Pollards " in producing on Wednesday night the celebrated musical comedy " The Belle of New York." This is said to be undoubtedly the strongest combination of histrionic and saltatory talent that has ever been seen upon a New Zealand stage, and Mr Pollard deserves the thanks of playgoers for his energy in placing before them such an aggregation. Judging by the large number of seats already booked the house on Wednesday night should be a record one. Patrons are advised to book their seats at once, as "The Belle of New York" can only be staged for a limited number of nights. Notwithstanding the expense attached to this extensive combination, the management have decided to retain their popular prices.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 47
Word Count
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 47
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