A meeting of university graduates was held in the chemistry room of the Otago University on Saturday morning, Mr J. Collie being in the chair. On the motion of Mr Pryor, seconded by Mr Bertram, the Rev. A. Cameron was re-elected # to represent the graduates on the University Council. The Rev. Mr Cameron said ho had much pleasure in accepting office at the hands of the graduates. He Would do all he could to further the interests of the whole institution, and, of course, that included the interests bf the students connected' with the university. He had a feeling that a member of the council could do very little on account of the straitened circumstances in which the council were placed, but if some one would leave them a bit? legacy or give them a large gift they might be able to do something. He had often feit it would be a good thing if there was some wav of bringing members of the council and students a little more into contact with one another. Ho did not know how that could be done, but ho thought it would be an advantage if the executive of the Students' Association invited the representatives of the students on the council to meet with -them to discuss matters that were before the students. Mr Bertram referred to a proposal which had been made in a report to the council to add another class room to the university building, and observed that if the proposal were carried out it would involve the annihilation of the tennis court. Mr Cameron said he was not aware of any such proposal. A good many tilings came up in reports to the council which they were not ready to carry out. The meeting then terminated with a vote of thanks to the chairman.
At the Feilding court last week in a maintenance case, the wife refused to live with her husband unless he stopped visiting his mother. Sir Greenfield, S.M., considered the stipule tion was an unreasonable one and refused ths. application for maintenance. Mrs Edols, of BUrnija station, New South Wales, died from the shock of an encounter with a burglar and the excitement of thf subsequent court proceedings. Her house was entered during one night in July, and she had a struggle with the burglar, who got away. Subsequently a man named William M'Brearty was arrested, and as Mrs Edols swore positively to his identity he was committed for trial. Being advanced in years, the ad venture and the excitement prostrated her And ahe died on the 10th August.
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 45
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