Business Notices- *••»— — _ _ — — — _ __^__ — — •^— — —^_^_ — — — —^— — —^— In Bed for Months? Terrible Suffering; Rheumatism Cured ; A Limb Saved $ Now Works Hard at 72. "While living at Broken Hill I was subject to lumbago and rheutnatis- d, having swollen joints which prevented me from working or going about ary. 'I tried a great many remedies and put out a great many pounds trying to get rid of my, complaints, but to no good. 111 1 "As soon as I put my foot on the ground I suffered terrible pain, so I was obliged to stay in bed for many months. 1 " One doctor told me I had the dropsy, and another told me I would have to lose my leg. "But, having heard of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I decic to try it, and now lam thankful to say it has completely restored me to health.. " I am now 72 years old, have a splendid appetite, aad work hard every day." Mr. John F.Jones, of Cobar, New South Wales, sends us this testimonial with the above portrait of himself. It is the experience of thousands of others fcrho have had impurities removed from their system by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Buch testimonies have given to this remedy the name of "The World's Greatest Family Medicine." Sick people may be cured if they will only take the right medicine. The blood must first be made pure, no matter what the disease. With pure blood feature can go ahead and complete the cure. '■ j Ths It Acts on the Blood. Ayer's Pills are Sugar Coated, Easy to Take.^ Gold Medals, Paris, 1878:1889. Of Highest Quality, and Having Ft f9f 9 !|B tffe Greatest Durability are Therefore a3 !■ m& CHEAPEST. 1 Lll V tflo|iijf &N& Istta, Sri|£ Oalarrh, Mb. I &' CBtfiBOtENE when vaporized in the sickroom will give immediate j|§ MUet Itituraclye powers are Wonderful, at ttje seme time preventing: the BS | A Hei Era in Cod Liyer Oil Manufacture. We are Indebted to recent soientlfio researches for the revelation of the no less surprising than Important fact, that of all the Cod Liver Oil hitherto produced not a particle has been really pure, even jwhen claimed to be " the purest " : however pure the source, the oil must by the present system of manufacture always be contaminated with decomposition products of its own fats, hence the nauseating find " repeating " properties. ' With full knowledge of the cause Peter Moller soon found the remedy, and having remodelled his factories In accordance.with the requirements of the new discoveries, he has now adopted a new system pf manufacture which, for the first time in the history of this invaluable remedy, produces the pure oil, yery different from other oils : easy to take, easy to digest, and quite free from the tendency to create unpleasant eruotations. THIS NEW OIL IS KNOWN AS HYDROXYL-FREE • Th* Lancet June, Bth, 1895 :— " It is now known that Cod Ltoer Oil can be prepared, not only free from objectionable taste, bnt also free from the tendency to cause unpleasant eructations." This latter yery disagreeable property has-been removed by Moller's New Process. The Chemist and Dmg'gist (London), May ist, 1897 ;— Moller's Cod Liver Oil.—" It would b« difficult to speak too highly of this oil ; the taste marks the advantage of the hydroxyl-free process, ono could not tell It to be an oil. The absence of eructation we have again tested aad proved.'^ OF MJUXa CSE2HKXB I X?S«
Page 44 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 44
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