CAULFIELD. Saturday, August 5. CAULFIELD GRAND NATIONAL HURDLE RACE, of lOOOsovs; second horse 200sovs, third lOOcovs. Three miles and a half, less 92 yards. Messrs James and Richard Gnce s blk or eh g Crysahte, by Acolyte, dam by Plover, aged, 9.7 (A. AVilliams) 1 Mr L. A. Cooper's blk g Myrmidon, by Cast Off— -Governess, aged, 10.3 (H. Howard) 2 Mr S. Woiuersley's bi g Mystery, by Pell Mell— Zillah, aged, 10.13 (G. Burghall) .. 3 Mr W. Kelso's br g Waiter, by Lord Farnham—Lady, aged, 10.9 (J. Chevalley) .. 4 Mr J. Farrell's b g Valdis, aged, 11.6 (T. Curtin) 0 Mr F. Hill's br g Residue, 6yrs, 11.5 (H. B. M'Laughlin) 0 Mr A. Scott's br g Loch Fad, aged, 10.7 (H. Howie) 0 Mr W- H. Jones's eh g The Armourer, aged, 10.6 (J. Sutherland) 0 Messrs H. Benbow and W. Hudson's b m Rosella, aged, 10.5 (T. O'Brien) .. .'. .. 9 Mr P. Nolan's B g Ditto, aged, 10.0 (R. M'Nally) 0 Mrs E. Campbell's eh g Podarces, 6yrs, 9.6 (J. J. Allan) 0 Mr J. J. Barrett's eh g Clive, aged, 9.0 (J. Dixon) 0 Betting : 4to 1 agst Valdis, 7to 1 Crysalite, 7 to 1 Residue, 8 to 1 Loch Fad, 10 to 1 Mystery and Rosella, 12 to 1 The Armourer, 14 to 1 Podarces, 20 tc 1 Myrmidon, 20 to 1 Ditto, 33 to 1 Waiter and Clive. They went away at a fair pace, Loch Fad and The Armourer being the first to show in fr»nt, while Residue was immediately pulled to the rear. There was a good run to the first hurdle, over which Rosella led, with Loch Fad, Iho Armourer, and Valdis handy, and the others, with the exception of Residue, not far away. Passing the stand the first time Valdis was m command, with The Armourer next, then Rosella Waiter, Podarces, and Loch Fad. Mys-> tery, who had struck hard, had fallen back from: the main body, and Residue was still looking on from behind. Thus they ran up the hill, but making the descent Clive, on the outside, took up the running from Rosella, with Podarces next, then The Armourer, Valdis, Loch. Fad, Crysalite, JMyrmidon all in handy posiUoua. As4tei ««tftiatsa Iht ttod Juui&B
for the second time Podarcea was acting as pilot, with Clive, Rosella, and Valdia next, Loch Fad and Crysalite also being still prominent. Residue, jumping- badly and losing ground at ev«ry hurdle, remained in the rear, but he now had a companion in Ditto. Allan, on Podarces, forced the pace a bit up the hill, at the starting of which Clive fell. Down the siae again Podarces was still showing the way irom Valdis, Rosella, and Mystery, who had worked forward again after his blunder. Beginning the last six furlongs the most prominent were Podarces, Myrmiaon, Crysalite, and Rosella, with Mystery ana Waiter amongst the handiest of the others. Soon after Vaiais lost his place and Loch Fad fell. Then Myrmidon got the better of his field, and came down to the last turn with a commanding lead from Cryßalite, was the only one of the others •who lookea to have a ghost of z chance at this stage. The race still looked Myrmidon's own as "they crossed the last hurdle, but he faded away after landing, and Crysalite, finishing well, ran past him, and won comfortably by three lengths . Mystery, who came with a good run at the finish, was four oi five lengths farther back, third, Waiter a fair fourth, Rosella fifth, then came The Armourer, Podarces, Residue, Ditto, and Vald's, who had injured himself, last. Time 7min 2|sec.