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GKANI) NATIONAL MEETING. First Day— Tuesday, August 15. The Canterbury Jockey Club's Grand National meeting commenced to-day at Riccarton in finer weather than was anticipated. After the rain which fell over-night, the 'course was.affected, the going being somewhat heavy. There was a capital attendance, and the racing was interesting. Following are the results: — FIRST HANDICAP HUNTERS' HURDLE RACE, Of BOsovs; second horse lOsovs from the stake. Once round and a distance. Bs— Mr R. H. Nolan's br g Irish Twist, by Ingomar— Torori, aged, 12.9 (M'Rae) 1 67— Mr J. C. N. Grigg's br g Skipper, 11.4 (Hardwick) 2 m — Mr D. Sullivan's br g Birthday, 11.2 (Mitchell) S 'Also started: 56 Zola 11.12, 11 Ciusader 11.11, 37 Fly 11.5, 114 Pomellion 11.2 (carried 11-9)-Crusader jumped the first fence a length m advance of Pomellion and Irish Twist, all three lapping the timber, and Crusader almost falling. Running past Cutts's Pomellion led Crusader, the lattei coming down, and Irish Twist, •with Zola, a long way in the rear. Running 'Sown, the back Pomellion and Irish Twist {jumping poorly) were together, with Birthday five lengths away next, and Zola still last. ■■Running round the top and into the straight •Irish Twist was running well within himself, and, though Skipper made an effort to catch ihim, Irish Twist ran home a comfortable winner by two lengths. Birthday, seven lengths away, was third, Fly fourth, Pomellion fifth, jand Zola sixth. Time, 3min 18 4-ssec. Dividend, £4 13s. MAIDEN HANDICAP HURDLE RACE, Pi lOOsovs ; second horse 20sovs from the stake. One mile and three-quarters. 408— Hon. J. D. Ormond's b g Roller, by Dreadnought— Roll Call, syrs, 10.2 (Williams .. 1 3698 — Mr W. Curries b g Popgun, 9.12 (Redmond) 2 163— Mr J. Maher's b g Full Charge, 9.7 (A. Peters) 3 Also started: 75 Jib 10.2, 116 Daphne 9.13, B9 Flirt 9.9, 43 Rangefinder 9.9, 88 The Weavel £.8, 82 Lord Stansbury 9.7, 35 Shekel 9.2 (carfried 9.5), 23 Rata 9.2 (carried 9.5). ' Roller cleared the first fence a length in ttront of Rangefinder and Shekel, Daphne comjin'g down. Passing the stand Shekel was leadting Lord Stansbury by four lengths, and PopIgun next, Jib being last just in front of the ariderless Daphne. Going out of tho straight QPopgun and Lord Stansbury had deprived '(Shekel of premier position, whilst Roller -was {handy. At the mile post Roller and Popgun /were in command, but Lord Stansbury, Flirt, and Full Charge were making up the leeway. lAt the fence six furlongs from home Lord Stansbury Yell, and Roller went round the top jia length in front ol Popgun, with Full Charge mextj and the Test beaten off. Running down |the straight Popgun was being ridden, and after isafely negotiating the last fence Roller "won Jby a bare half length from Popgun, .with Full Charge six lengths away third. The Weaver ■ finished fourth, just in front of Flirt. Time, '3mm 29sec. Dividend, £3 Is 6d. WINTER CUP HANDICAP (FLAT), Of 250sovs; second horse 25sovs and third r lOsovs from the stake. One mile. j.67 — Messrs Ellis Bros.' eh g Jupiter, by St. * Clair — Evening Star, syrs, 9.9 (M'Comb) 1 172 — Mr M. Hobbs's br h Benzoin, 9.9 (R. Wilson) 2 !400— Mr D. O'Brien's b h Malatua, 9.9 (T. Clark) 3 Also started : 177 Castashore 11.11, 91 RuamaIhunga 10.13, 83 Cruaoe 10.10, 158 Female Franchise 10.9, 384 Ngaparu 10.8, 177 First Blood 0.0.8, 22-1 Huku 10.4, 118 Ben Farley 10.3, 83 foapidary 9.12, 262 Ruby Twist 9.9, 18 Rex II 9.6, 48 Banner 9.0. i Jupiter immediately took up the running irom Ben Farley and Benzoin. After a furQong was covered the two first-named, together .with Benzoin, First Blood, and Ngaparu tslosed up. Entering the straight Jupiter was still leading from Ben Farley and Benzoin, ,*he remainder of the field being whipped in '"by Lapidary. Half way down the straight the jjvhole field was under the whip, and just below ilhe distance Ngaparu shot out and held, com■anand for a few strides, but Jupiter came jagain, and, quickly passing the leader, won 'comfortably from Benzoin by a length and aIhaif, with Malatua, who came fast in the last (hundred yards, two lengths away third. Huku was fourth, Ruamahunga fifth, and Female {Franchise last. Time, lmin 49sec. Dividend, £14 12s. NEW ZEALAND GRAND NATIONAL STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP, jOf Gsosovs , second horse lOOsovs and third oOsovs from the stake. Three miles and ahalf. 114— Mr R. M'Culloch's blk g Blackberry, by Gladiator— Good Fruit, aged, 10.6 (J. Redmond) 1 J92— Hon. J. D. Ormond's b g Morag, 11.1 (Williams) 2 Jl— Mr D. Rutherford's b g Venture, 9.8 (W. Clark) 3 Also started: 749 Dummy 12.9, 228 Muscatel 5.1.0, 370 Ruby 10.8, 119 Tally-ho 10.0, 469 {Powder Monkey 9.9, 23 Te Kooti 9.7. Blackberiy led over the brush fence in the straight, with Ruby second, Morag next, and Powder Monkey and Dummy bringing up the rear. In this order the field crossed the double In front of tha stand. Te Kooti ran off. Cutts's fence was taken by Morag, Ruby, Venture, Muscatel, and Tally-ho in that order, with Powder Monkey and Dummy still last. Morag led over the next wall, the remainder of the field •'toeing in the same order as given above. Ruby -•topped at the next fence, where Morag was leading Venture and Blackberry, the rest running in Indian, file, whipped in by Dummy. •Morag led the way over the big sod wall at the turn, with Venture still as attendant, and Blackberry, Tally-ho, and Muscatel following in that order. Negotiating the post-and-rails at the entrance to the straight and on past the ■brush fence to the double in front of the stand Morag and Venture were racing together, but -'after crossing the second fence Venture \vent in and jumped Cutts's fence a couple of lengths in advance of Morag, with Blackberry, Tallyiho, and Muscatel, going well, close up. Dummy here commenced to make up ground, and, passing Powder Monkey, who fell at the sod wall near the mile post, went in pursuit of the leaders. At the kennels double he was within Six lengths of Venture, who was behind Moiag, with Blackberry holding two lengths' advantage. r lhe last-named jumped the sod wall and sbe lywt-aad-wils well yi iront oi Aluraj; and.
Venture, and ran down to the brush fence, which he negotiated a length in advance of Morag and Venture, with Dummy leading Muscatel. A short struggle ended in favour of Blackberry, who finished two and a-half lengths in front of Venture, with" Morag half a length away third. Dummy was fourth, and Muscatel fifth. Time, 7min 40 4-ssec. Dividend, £11 9s. TALLY-HO PLATE STEEPLECHASE, Of 50sovs ; second horse lOsovs from the stake. About two miles. 97— Mr J. D. Hall's b m Crocus, by Young Messenger, aged, 12.7 (Mr N. M'Rae) 1 284— Mr J. Rae's b g Natation, 12.7 (Mr Mitchell) 2 63— Mr G. H. Khodes's eh g Liberal, 12.7 (Mr A. Ford) 3 Also started: 53 Fleetwood 12.7, 26 Tekoa Glen 12.7, 91 Victor 12.7. Crocus was first over the initial fence, and he jumped the stand double in front of Natation and Tekoa, Glen and Fleetwood running round Crocus maintained the lead from Natation and Liberal, Tekoa and Glen falling at the post-and-raila, whilst Victor was piilled up. Crocus won easily by four lengths irom Natation, Liberal, five lengths away, being the only other to finish. Time, 4min 21 4-ssec. Dividend, £5 13s 6d. ENFIELD STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP, Of lOOsovs ; second horse lOsovs from the stake. About two miles. 204— Mr H. G. Pitts's b g Dundonald, by Duntroon, 11.2 (Owner) .. ». 1 202— Mr J. T. Blake's Schnapps, 9.9 (Mr T. Hannon) 2 218 — Mr H. M'Lean's Huntingdon, 9.8 (H. Moore) 3 Also started : 463 Barnardo 11.3, 144 St. Hiko 10.9, 59 Rawai '9.8, 43 Dugald 9.7 (7lb extra). St. Hiko drew out from the start, and jumped the brushed hurdle a length in front of Schnapps and Dugald. The last-named foil at the first fence of the double in front of the stand, after crossing which St. Hiko and Schnapps went on and jumped Cutts's fence together, with Barnardo some distance away fifth, behind Huntingdon and Dundonald, and Rawai taiKng off last. Safely negotiating the two ■walls at the back Schnapps drew out from St. Hiko, but with the double cleared Dundonald ran to the front, and, jumping the sod ■wall and post-and-rails (where Rawai came down) without a mistake, went on and won easily by three lengths from Schnapps, and Huntingdon a similar distance away third, Barnardo having pulled up. Time, 7min 14 3-ssec. Dividend, £5 17s 6d. WOOLSTON PLATE HANDICAP, Of 50sovs. Minimum weight, 9.0. Six furlongs. 858 — Mr E. Cutts's br g«Boecaccio, by Stonyhurst—Dudu, syrs (G. Matthews) .. 1 388— Mr F. Holmes's Wedlock (W. Brown) 2 259— Mr M. Hobbs's Bizarre (R. Wilson) .. 3 Also started : 26 Phryne, 74 Lepanto, 173 Bimetallist, 41 Shekel, 59 Leather Medal, 19 Hickory. Bizarre obtained slightly the best of an indifferent start, and with Boccaccio and Bimetallist carried on the running to the entrance to the straight, where Wedlock joined issue. The last-named was in front at the distance, ■where Boccaccio challenged her, and won a capital race by a length ; with Bizarre two \ lengths away third, just in front of Bimetallist. j Time, lmin 21 3-ssec. Dividend, £3 10s. The winner was bought by Mr V. Harris for £45. ! - LADIES' BRACELET, Of 70sovs— bracelet, value 60sovs, for first horse, and lOsovs for second. Gentlemen riders ouly. Two miles on flat. 74 — Mrs J. D. Hall's eh g Cameo, by Medallion—Miss Webster, 11.6 (Mr N. M'Rae) 1 227 — Mrs G. G. Dalgety's eh g Golden Legend, 31.8 (Mr P. Neagle) .. 2 294 — Miss R. E. Hardwick's b g Windermere, 11.10 (Mr G. W. Hardwick) . . . . 3 Also staited: 14 Flirt 11.10, 24 Mainstay 11.10, 108 Dundee 11.10, 64 Gold 11.8, 68 Boccaccio 11.8, 253 Bulrush 11.8, 47 General Wolfe 11.8. Flirt led past the stand from Golden Legend, with Boccaccio close up. Coming out of the straight Golden Legend took iip the aunning, and was in command at the entrance to the straight, where Cameo ranged alongside, and easily disposing of the St. Leger horse won easily by three lengths, with Windermere two lengths away third. Time, 3min 54sec. Dividend, £14 ss. Second Day — Thursday, August 17. The attendance was not equal to that of the first day, but £13,918 was put through the totalisator. Several horses came down, but a broken collarbone was the worst accident. The following are the results: — AUGUST HANDICAP FLAT RACE, Of llOsovs. Six furlongs. 252 — Mr G. Hobbs's br h Benzoin, by Friar's Balsam — dam by Bendigo — Lady Paramount, 4yrs, 10.3 (R. Wilson) 1 2S8 — Mr T. Clarke's br m Ngapaiu, 4yrs, 10.12 (Barry) 2 47— Mr H. A. Knight's b g The Spinner, 6yrs, 10.0 (Moore) 3 Also started : 68 Mauser 12.0, 26 CannonshoL 1 10.13, 66 Sir Agnes 10.11, 68 Female Franchise 10.10, 159 Edelweiss 10.0, 34 Waterstone 9.9, 61 Peerage 9.9, 59 Wedlock 9.5, 113 Bulrush 9.0. Benzoin was first away, followed by Wedlock and Ngaparu, Cannonshot being slow to move. Running for home Ngaparu passed Wedlock, who was just in front of The Spinner, but Benzoin won by two lengths fiom Ngaparu, with Th« Spinner four lengths away third. Time, lmin 20 2-ssec. Dividend, £4 15s 6d. NEW ZEALAND GRAND NATIONAL HANDICAP HURDLE RACE, Of 500sovs.. About two miles. 888 — Hon. J. D. Ormond's eh h Defiance, by Dreadnought — Legacy, 6yrs, 11.0 (Williams) 1 166— Mr O. R. Wise's b g Ilex, aged, 11.5 (Robertson) 2 178— Mr R. W. Smith's b m Marina, aged, 11.2 (R. Arnol) 3 Also started: 181 Social Pest 12.11, 108 Dummy 11.11, 108 Torpina 10.9, 200 Troubadour 10. 6, 72 Dundee 10.0, 86 Straybird 9.9, 19 Daphne 9.5, 20 The Weaver 9.0, 34 Derry 9.0 (carried 61b over), 13 Popgun 9.0. Defiance and Torpina led a compact field over the initial fence, and racing to the stand fence Defiance held a slight lead from the Weaver and Popgun. At the mile post Hex jumped tho obstacle two lengths behind the leader. Derry fell at the six furlongs post. Defiance negotiated the last fence just in front of Ilex, with Popgun a length away. A capital struggle home ended in a short neck victory for Defiance, who seemed slightly jammed on the rail; Marina four lengths away third. Time, 3min 56 2-ssec. Dividend, £2 5s 6d. HUNT CLUB CUP STEEPLECHASE, Of 60sovs. About two miles and a-half. 322 — Mr J. Rae's b g Natation, by Natator — Bessmere, aged, 11.12 (Mr M. Moore) 1 143— Mrs G. G. Fitzgerald's gr g Wahoo, syrs, 11.0 (Mr P. Neagle) . . . . 2 Also started : 336 Crocus 12.8, 220 Huntingdon 11.13 (carried 7lb extra), 48 Fleetwood 11.12, (carried 7lb extra), 25 Tekoa Glen 11.0. Crocus was first over the double, Tekoa Glen running round. At the brushed hurdle in the straight the field took close order, with Crocus leading Natation. At the stand double Wahoo tocjs command, and JUJMpetl Cutts'fl ftftsa <b
length in advance of Natation, with Crocus close up, and Huntingdon last. The positions •were only slightly changed until the kennels double was reached, where Crocus unseated his rider. Huntingdon fell at the post and rails, Notation and Wahoo being left to fight out the finish, which resulted in favour of the former by four lengths. Time, smin 3S 2-ssec. Dividend, £3 Is. SUMMER HANDICAP FLAT RACE, Of 80sots. One mile and a-quarter. 40 — Mr H. Lunu's br g Vulcan, by Artillery — Fairyniaid, syrs, 9.8 (A Ayers) 1 228 — Mr F. Martin's br m Cornea. 4yrs, 9.9 (F. Barry) 2 285— Mr J. R. M'Kenzie's b m Red Banner, syrs, 9.12 (J. Rae) 3 Also started: 132 Lapidary 10.13, 207 Golden Legend 9.11, 148 Coiispirer 9.0, 50 Skipper 9.0, 24 Soubriquet 9.0. Golden Legend, Conspirer, and Red Banner were quickly away, but Lapidary and Soubriquet were slow to move. At the entrance to the straight Vulcan and Cornea made a forward move, and Conspirer fell away beaten. Half way down the straight Golden Legend and Red Banner were beaten, and Cornea and Vulcan came away, a punishing finish resulting in favour of Vulcan by a neck. Time, 2min 22 l-ssec. Dividend, £25 Is. BEAUFORT HANDICAP STEEPLECHASE, Of 200sovs. About three miles. 537 — Mr F. Watson's b m Muscatel, by Foulshot, aged, 10 9 (Johnston) .. ..1 416 — Mr D. Rutherford's b g Venture, aged, 9.7 (W. Clarke) ,2 Also started : 219 Dundonald 10.12, 265 Black Dust 10.2, 178 Tally-ho 9.13, 50 Barnardo 9.9. Tally-ho, going to the front, jumped the two walls a length in /front of Venture and Dundonald. Over the double, sod wall, and post and rails, Venture and Tally-ho were together, with Dundonald in close attendance, and Barnardo and Muscatel next. Tally-ho fell at the first wall of the double, Barnardo following her example. Black Dust jumped Cutts's six lengths in front, Dundouald, Muscatel, and Venture following in that order. Dundonald, at the kennels double, threw his pilot heavily. Black Dust had eight lengths to the good at the sod wall, but came down at tho post and rails, and Muscatel and Venture fought out a fine race, the first-named winning by thiee lengths. No others finished. Time, 6min 29 4-ssec. Dividend, £2 15s 6d. SECOND HUNTERS' HURDLE RACE HANDICAP, Of 50 soys. One mile and three-quarters. 302— Mr R. H. Nolan's br g Irish Twist, by Ingomar — Torori, aged, 13.8 (Mr N. M'Rae) 1 283— Mr B. Basil's eh m Sub Rosa, aged, 11.0 [carried 7lb over], (H. iMoore) 2 40 Mr G. D. Crowe's eh g Zola, aged, 11.8, (Mr Hardwick) 3 Also started : 52 Poniellian 11.8, 112 Victor II 11.6, 235 Birthday 11.3, 42 Ply 11.0. Victor II led for a mile, Birthday falling at the fence opposite the stand. At the top turn Irish Twist took command, and won easily by a length from Sub Rosa, with five lengths between second and third. Time, 3min 3(5 -i-ssec. Dividend, £3 3s 6d. MERIVALE- HURDLE RACE HANDICAP, Of 80sovs. Once round and a distance. 221— Mr J. Reed's blk g Derry, by Derringer — Nectarine, syrs, 9.10 (Peters).. 1 78 — Mr D. Rutherford's br g Pensioner, Cyrs, 9.0 (Carmichael) 2 173 — Mv J. T. Blake's br g Schnapps, aged, 9.0 (Lawry) 8 I Also started: 51S Roller 11.7, 416 Glenore ! 11.3, 39 Jib 9.8, 38 Flirt 9.2, 32 Rata 9.0. Roller led to Cutts's, where he was joined by Schnapps. Glenore ran off in the straight. The leaders were beaten by Derry and Pensioner, who fought out a fine finish. Time, 3min 13 3-ssec. Dividend, £6 3s. ISLINGTON HANDICAP (FLAT), Of llOsovs. One mile. 42— Mr H. A. Knight's m g Bimetallist, by Apremont— Silver Queen, 6yrs, 9.0 (W. Holmes) 1 212— Mr W. Davies's br g Ruby Twist, aged, 9.7 (Matthews) 2 290— Mr C. P. Murray-Aynsley's blk g Huku, 4yrs, 10.5 (G. MurrayAy nsi ey) 3 Also started : 144 Ruamahanga 10.10, 557 Ju- ! Piter 10.9, 205 Crusoe 10.5, 238 First Blood, 10.5, 64 Waterstone 9.5, 66 Bizarre 9.4, 20 Rex 11, 9.0, 38 Banner 9.0. Jupiter led into the straight, halfway ilnwn j which he was joined by Huku, Ruby Twist, | and Crusoe. Bimetallist came ,strong at the finish, and won by a length. Time, lmin 50 l-ssec. Dividend, £40 Is 6d. Third Day— Saturday, August 19. : There was fine weather for the third clay of the Grand National meeting, and a largo attendance. The investments on the totalisator for the day totalled £11,365. Results: — HUNT CLUB LADIES' BRACELET, Of 25sovs. For hunters syrs old and upwards. Two miles. 63 — Miss Claridge's br g Master Sockburn, by Master George— Lady Sockburn, aged, 13.0 (V. A. Ward) .. .. 1 53— Mrs J. C. N. Grigg's br g Zither, aged, 13.0 (W. P. Neagle) 2 Only the two started. Won by 20 lengths. Time, 4mm 15sec. Dividend, £1 13s. HEATHCOTE HANDICAP, Of llOsovs. Seven furlongs. 168— Mi E. J. Watt's eh h Castashore, by Castor — Zip, aged, 11.8 (H. Moore) 1 140— Mr O'Brien's Malatua, 10.3 (T. Clarke) 2 384— Mr Baldwin's Tortulla, 10.5 (Wilson) 3 Also staited: 73 Ruamahunga 10.9, 47 Cannonshot 10.8, 215 Sir Agnes 10.6, 118 Bimetallist 9.13, 157 Ruby Twist 9.13, 91 First Blood 9.13, ■17 Lapidary 9.9, 64 Bizane 9.3, 37 Waterstone 9.2, 139 Cornea 9.0, 79 Red Banner 9.0. Malatua took up the limning till within two furlongs of tho post, but Castashore won by three-quarters of a length. Time, lmin 33 3-ssec. Dividend, £9 19s. SYDENHAM HURDLES, Of 200scvs. One mile and three-quarters. 305— Mr O. R. Wise's b g Ilex, by Le Loup, f.ged, 11.3 (Robertson) .. .. 1 120— Mr Curries Popgun, 9.3 (Redmond) .. 2 •liG — Mr Smith's Marina, 11.6 (Arnold) .. 3 Also started : 360 Social Pest 12.8, 68 Troubadour 10 3, 156 Derry 10.3, 34 Dundee 9.9, 127 Straybird 9.3, 42 Dpphne 9.0, 34 The "Weaver 9.0. Popgun led, followed by Weaver and Straybijd. Ilex joined them at the kennels. The Weaver falling, Straybird led into the straight, with Ilex close behind, and Social Pest coming fast. Straybird fell away, and Ilex won by a length and a-half. Time, 3rnin 28 l-ssec. Dividend, £4 19s. THIRD HUNTERS' HURDLES, Of 50sovs. Minimum weight, list. Once round and a dietance. 75— Mr J. T. Blake's br g Fly, by Ilukatcie, syrs, 11.0 (Neagle) 1 109— Mr Darley's Victor 11, 11.7 (Orton) .. 2 528— Mr Basil's Sub Rosa, 11.7 (M'Rae) .. 3. Also started: 160 Zola 11.5, 270 Birthday 11.3. Sub Rosa was beaten at the entrance to the straight. Fly won by three lengths. Time, 3niin 14 3*ssec. Dividend, £13 149. A protest against Fly for inconsistency was dismissed. LINCOLN STEEPLECHASE, Of 200sovB. Two miles and a-half. 463— Mr J. H. Prosser's blk g Blackdust, by £H«'b E Z e, aged, 10,12 (A, Jfc&l «, i
486— Mr M'Culloch'B Blackberry, 11.9 (Redmond) 2 83— Mr Myer's St. Hiko, 9.7 (M'Grath) .. 3 Also started: 177 Tally-ho 10.2, 280 Venture 9.8, 105 Te Kooti 9.7. Won easily. Time, smin 12 4-ssec. Dividend, £3 Is Cd. SELWYN HANDICAP FLAT, Of llOsovs. Six furlongs. 386— Mr H. A. Knight's b g The Spinner, by Tarantalus — Prirna Donna, 6yrs, 10.0 (H. Moore) i 345— Mr Baldwin's Tortulla, 10.6 (R. Wilson) 2 527— Mr Hobbs's Bristol, 9.2 (R. Wilson) .. 3 Also started : 164 Female Franchise 10.8 102 Sir Agnes 10.7, 110 Wedlock 9.7, 38 Waterstone 9.3, 150 Peerage 9.3, 30- Gold 9.0, 25 Rex II 9.0. The Spinner was the first to move. Entering the straight Bristol was leading The Spinner, Tortulla, and Peerage, who were in a bunch. At the distance post The Spinner came again, and won by two lengths. Time, lmin 20 2-ssec. Dividend, £i 7s 6d. FINAL HURDLE HANDICAP, Of 7580V9.. Once round and a distance. 271— Mr A. Reid's br g Torpina, by Torpedo — Christina, aged, 10.13 (Woolley) 1 113 — Mr Hardwick's Windermere, 10.8 (M'Grath) 2 258— Mr Smith's Marina, 11.12 (Arnott) .. 3 Also started : 359 Glenore ,11.4, 215 Popgun 10.0, 171 Full Charge 9.8, 119 Pensioner 9.3, 94 Schnapps 9.0, 41 Flirt 9.0. | Torpina held a leading position the whole way, Popgun and MaTina as nearest attendants for a mile and a-half, when Windermere came through. Time, 3min 7 2-ssec. Dividend, £5 7s 6d. HUNTERS' PLATE, Of 30sovs. On the flat. Minimum weight, list. One mile and a-half. 492— Mr J. D. Hall's eh g Cameo, by Medallion — Leather Medal, 4yrs, 12.13 (M'Rae) 1 260— Mr Dalgety's General Wolfe, 12.0 (Neagle) 2 266— Mr Todhunter's Leather Medal, 11.7 (Stead) 3 Also started: 124 Pomellion 11.10, 78 Mainstay 11.13, 107 Phryne 11.4, 137 Fly 11.5. Leather Medal led for a mile, when Cameo ran up to him, and won easily from General Wolfe. Time, 2min 44sec. Dividend, £2 13s 6d. CANTERBURY TROTTING CLUB. First Day — Wednesday, August 16. INNOVATION HANDICAP (in saddle), of 50sovs ; second horse lOsovs and third Ssovs. Two miles. 101— Mr Russell's Lalla Rookh, 19sec (A. Pringle) 1 399 — Mr Lolievre's Jean Valjean, 19sec (Angus) 2 26 — Mr Hammond's Simon R, 17scc (Owner) 3 Also started: 7 Bonnie 13sec, 42 Dora 13sec, 178 St. Julian 17sec, 4 Jewel 17sec, 156 Black Oak 18sec, 34 Toronto 19sec, 16 Boswell 20sec, 2 Luna 20sec, 10 Leopold 20sec, 34 Nigger 21sec, 4 Good Gift 21sec, 15 Mistake II 22sec, and 7 Miss Stott 23sec. Won by four lengths. Time, Srnin 51 2-ssec. Dividend", £6 16s. PONY TROT (in harness), of 40sovs; second Bsovs and third <Ibovs. One mile and a-half. 61J — Mr Hudson's Agnes, 24sec (M. Edwards) 1 151— Mr White's Amelia, 3sec (T. W. Price) 2 18 — Mr Douglas's Farewell, 24sec (Owner) 3 Also starte-.l : 14 Narragansett lOsec, 45 Jessamine 12sec, 128 Gladys II 16sec, 29 Little Harold l 22sec, 31 Norma 22-iec, 105 Cordelia 24sec, 27 Florence 25sec, 75 Ken-I-No 25sec, 72i Hamlet 27sec, and 10 Bhthday 28sec. Won easily. Time, 4min 41sec. Dividend, £7 18s. A protest against Agues on the ground of having been trained by an unlicensed person was dismissed, but the owner of Amelia gave notice of appeal to the Trotting Association. HIGH-CLASS HANDICAP (in harness), of 120sovs; second 24sovs and third 12sovs. Two miles. 320J — Mr Smithprs's Vickery, by Specification, lsec (M. Edwards) .. .. ... 1 214— Mr R. Rutherford's Cling, ssec (G. Grant) 2 164 — Mr Harris's The Baron, lOsec (J. Milne) 3 191 — Mr Holmes's Prince Imperial, ssec (N. Price) 0 125 Mr Allan's General Tracy, 6sec (Owner) 0 200 — Mr Gerkins's \Lauderdale, 9sec (M'Millan) 0 Won by three lengths. Time, smin 16sec. Dividend, £2 14s. INTERMEDIATE HANDICAP (in saddle), of 75sova ; second 14sovs and third 7sovs. Two miles. 176 — Mr Logan's Lexington, by Berlin, 2sec (Pringle) 1 12 — Mr Percy's Rarus. scr (Owner) . . . . 2 62 — Mr Beatty's Miss Brownwood, ssec (Martin) 3 Also started: 12 Delaroo ssec, 14 Budd Doble 7sec, 12 Arahura lOsec, 42 Simon R. 17sec, 75 Bob M. 17see, 9 Black Oak 18sec, 19 Electra ISsec, 257 EfHe 19sec, and 158 Bonnie M'Gregor 19seo. Won easily. Time, smin 33sec. Dividend, £3 Bs. PROGRESSIVE HANDICAP (in harness), of 70sovs; second 14sovs and third 7sovs. Two miles. 38— Mr Bcgg's Toronto, 16sec (Cotton) .. 1 52— Mr Oliff'a Hazeldean, ssec (J. Wright) 3 Also started : 23 Johnnie 111 scr, 143 Wandering Willie 2sec, 233£ Thelma (diaq) 3sec,l46Day Star 12sec, 24 Royana Msec, 8 Spectator 14sec, and 13 Bonnie M'Gregor ldsec. Thelma won by half a length from Toronto. Time, smin 39sec. Dividend, £15 16s. A protest was entered on the ground of crossing and blocking Toronto going down the back stretch, and the stewards awarded the stake to Toronto. Mr W. Ken, owner and driver of Thelma, gave notice of his intention to appeal to the Trotting Association, consequently the stakes and dividend are withheld. SPRING HARNESS RACE, of lOOsovs; second 20sovs and third lOsovs. Two miles. 450J— Mr Mace's Almont, by Rothschild— Puella, 4sec (T. Price) 1 117J — Mr Edwards' s Collector, 2sec (Owner) 2 119— Mr Gaskin's Elflock, lOsec (C. Harold) 3 Also started: 225J Premier 4sec, 34J Polly Huon ssec, 16 Heather Dew lOsec, 74 Vasco ; lOsec, and 37J Kingston lOsec. j Won by two lengths. Time, smin 24 l-ssec. ! Dividend, £2 2s. ELECTRIC HANDICAP (in saddle), of 75sov7j second 15sovs and third 7sovs. One mile. 363J— Mr Edwards's The Member, llsec (Owner) 1 238J— Mr Semple's Wilkin, 7sec (Mouldey) 2 83J— Mr Rutherford's Cling, 2sec (G. Grant) 3 Also started: 6J Prince Imperial scr, 41S Harold 4sec, 28J Dictator 4sec, 38J Young Bur" Hngton 4sec, 34£ Ruahine 4sec, 19 Eulalie ssec, 37 Maniac 6sec, 38J Premier 7sec, 70J Nero Bsec, 22 Miss Annie 9sec, 26 Ophir llsec, 15 Miss Brownwood llsec, and 12 Rotherham 12sec. Won easily. Time, 2min 40aec. Dividend, £2 12s. DASII HANDICAP (in harness), of 73sovs; second 15sovs and third 7sovs. One mile. 284J — Mr Edwards's Val, by Vancleve, 4sec (Owner) 1 38J — Mr Pettie's Moana, 6sec {J. Taggart) 2 21£ — Mr Sutherland's Carolina, lOsec (Needham) 3 Also started : 16£ General Tracy scr, 82 Judah 3sec, 38J Polly Huon ssec, and 36 Norman lOsec. Won easily. Time, 2min 47 l-ssec. Divi-
Second Day— Fbiqay, August 18. TRIAL HANDICAiP (in harness), of 503OT»;second horse lOsovs and third ssovs. Two miles. 33 — Mr Begg's Toronto, by Texas, ssec (T. Cotton) . 1 27 — Mr Arscott's Bonny M'Gregor, 9sec (J. Milne) 3 90— Mr Murfitt'e Day StaT, 9sec (Owner) .. 3 Also started: 10 Vancliffe ssec, 3i Sou-West-er 12sec, 217 Moonbeam 12sec, 19 Tasman 17sec, 12J Mistake II 17sec, 3 Mambrino King 17sec, 2J Chummy 17sec, 4£ Robex 17Bec, 80jfc Rimu 17sec, and 21§ Afistake 18sec. Won by five lengths. Time; smin 57s ec. Dividend, £14 4s. ' PONY HANDICAP (in saddle), of 40sovs; second Bsovs and third 4sovs. One mile ( and a-half. 43J — Mr Hudson's Agnes (M. Edwards) 1 13 — Mr Douglas's Farewell, 23sec (Owner) 2 14 —Mr Cox's Sunset, 30sec (T. W. Price) 3 Also started*. 2J Narrangansett lOsec, 8£ Jessamine 14sec, 184 Doubtful 18sec, 263J Eureka II 21sec, 8J Little Harold 23sec, 93J Wenlock 23sec, i Parry R 25sec, 34J Cordelia 26sec, 81£ Vanity Fair 26sec. Won by ten lengths. Time, 4miD 37 l-ssec. Dividend, £15 Bs. ADDING TON HANDICAP (in harness), of llOsovs; second 22sovs and third llsovs Two miles. 149J — Mr Rutherford's Cling, by Vancleve — Ivy, sseo (G. Grant) . . '.. .. ... 1 176 — Mr Smithers's Vickery, scr (M. Edwards) 2 531 — Mr HarrTs'B The Baron, 12sec (J. Milne) 3 100J— Mr M'Farlane's J.H.,- 9sec (R. Day) 0 69 — Mr Gerkins's Lauderdale, 12sec (R. M'Millan) 0 377J— Mr Edwards' s Collector, 12sec , (B. Edwards) 0 62 —Mr Rae's Sam Slick, 13sec (Owner) 0 Won by three lengths. Time, smin 13Jsec. Dividend, £5 18s. NURSERY HANDICAP (in harness), of 70sovsj second 14sovs and third 7sovs. For three-year-olds. One mile and a-half. 360 — Mr Friedlandev's Lancewood 11, by Wildwood — Rosewood, ssec (W. Kerr) 1 77 — Mr Price's Royalwood, scr (Owner).. 2 149— Mr Mace's Weary, scr (T. W. Price) 3 Also started : 26£ Lynbrook scr and 10J Fleeiwood ssec. Won by 80 yards. Time, 4min 26sec. Dividend, £1 10s. AUGUST HANDICAP (in saddle), of lOOsovs; second 20sovs and third lOsovs. Two mile 3. 170 — !Mr Taff s Diciator, by Imperious-* Nelly, 7sec (M. Edwards) 1 58— Mr Rntherford'3 Cling, 2sec (G. Grant) 2 99— Mr Allan's Harold, 12sec (Owner) .. 3 Also started: 28 Jessie Palm 2sec, 10 Prince Imperial ssec, 124 Wilkin Bsec, 26J Ruahine Bsec, 90 Florrie 13sec, 23£ Maniac 14sec, 76J Premier Msec, 167J Torpedo Msec, 37£ Millionaire losec, 4 Ascot 18sec, 78 Shylock 20sec, 23£ Miss Brownwood 20sec. Won by six lengths. Time, smin WJsec. Div^-ial. £5 2s. A protest against Dictator for alleged inconsistent running was dismissed. NATIONAL HANDICAP (in harness), of lOOsovs; second 20sovs and third lOsovs. Two miles. 107 — Mr Mace's Alinont, by Rothschild— Puslla, scr (T. W. Price) 1 104 — Mr SVatson's Fleigher, 17hso (D. J. Price) 2 108 — Mr Smith's Wandering Willie, Sslsec (M. Edwards) 3 Also started: 60 Lexington llsec, 8J Polly Huon 12sec, 7 Heather Dew 17sec, 1674 Elflock 17sec, 58i Zepha 17sec, 47J Vasco 18sec, 54 Johnny 111 203 ec, 23 Kingston 21sec. Won by half a dozen lengths. Time, Smin losec. Dividend, £6 4s. TELEGRAPH HANDICAP (in saddle), of 75sovs; second 15sovs and third 7sovs. One mile. 54J— Mr Gerkins's Ophir, by Caliban, 17sec (A. Pringle) 1 59J— Mr Rutherford's Cling, ssec (G. Grant) 2 76J— -Mr Hay's Premier (M. Allan) .. .. 3 Also started: 29* Wilkin Bsec, 16 Ruahine 9sec, 123 Young Burlington 9sec, 94£ Eulalie lOsec, 52i Harold llsec, 16 Maniac 12sec, 11 Torpedo 12aec, 59 Peggy 13sec, 2£ Annie Rooney 17sec, 142| Clifton 17sec, 2J Rotherham 17sec. Won by four lengths. " Time, 2min 44sec. Dividend, £12 4s. A protest against the winner for alleged inconsistent running was dismissed. , FINAL HANDICAP (in harness), of 75sovs; second Issovs and third 7sovs. One mile. 397 —Mr Edwards's Val, scr (M. Edwards) 1 406 —Mr Thomas's Hollis H., Bsec 28£— Mr Harris's The Baron, 2sec (J. Mime) 3 Also started: 35 i J.H. scr. 104*"Moana ssec (coupled with Baron), Shylock Bsec, 16S Zepna. Bsec, 92J Fleigher lOaec, and 9i Carolina, lOsec. Won "by two lengths. Time, 2mm 34Jsec. Dividend, I*2 Bs.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 38
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5,028RACING IS NEW ZEALAND. Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 38
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RACING IS NEW ZEALAND. Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 38
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