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Press Association— By Telegraph— Copyright. London, February 13. A Russian officer has been hanged at Odessa for divulging army secrets to a foreign Power. Tbe Finance Minister of India is prohibitwg the private impcrtatiou of silver. Wyndhain, a carter, wao was for some time confined ia a lunatic asylum, was charged at 330w street jesterday with having threatened to kill the Queen unless his claim to an earldom, was recegr.ised. He was remanded ior tnetfical examination. February 14. In the course of a lecture at the C .lonial .^lustituto on "Tbe British Empire," General Chcsney advocated the formation of a c juncil of the Empire con&isticg of the Prime Minister, some members of the Imperial Cabinet, the Premiers of the great colonial dominions together with some of their colleagues, to deal with I m penal and colonial affairs, thus securing a harmonious poiicy and superseding the Colonial Office. Mr Reid, of Victoria, in referring to General Chesney's remarks, declared that the safeguard of the Empire lay in kindred interests, sympathy, and blood relations. The colonies, he said, were convinced their interests and those of England wtre similar, «nd that it would be impossible for them to •rxist without her. Tbe task of safeguarding the Empire in future was (stupendous. Tlieold legislative mucltiueiy at England was unfsuitod )<« n« .v countries. Toe du'i.a of Ecglaml ami t lie colonies, he thought, wt re *m hit\i\ tog-jitior and direct attention to tho ceWbßiiy ior the command of tbe Beas. Sovere galoa have berni experienced iv Germany aud many iiv«»t lust and much property deitroyo-1. Seveial speak* i» eulogised the Australian auxiliary squadron. The small arms factory at Ltigh exploded accidentally. Tho directors and several others were killed. The War Office experts report very favourably on Victorian brandy. The total quantity of wheat and fl >ur afloat for the United King lorn is 2,808.000 quarter?, and for tbe Continent 911,000 qnnrtei s. Latest f-hare quotations: Ne?/ Zealand Trust and Loan Company, Li ; Robert Campbell and Sons, L 2 ss. The Antwerp wool sales have opened. Competition is fair. River Plate wool is brioging five centimes below tbe rates ruling at tbe November sales. The manager of the Gaiety Tueatre was compelled to wishdniw tho character of the Khedive in the burlesque " Don Juan," owk-g to objections raised by the Turkish Embassy. An English doctor named Tyndall has requested the authorities to allow him to hypnotise Mrs Maybrick. He claims that reliable evidence has been elucidated in American cases by this means. Steyer, who arrested Le Breton, tbe man •who exploded the bomb at the Termiuus Hotel, Paris, has bten decorated with the Legion of Honour. February 15. The American vipible supply of wheat is 98,600,000 bushels. Shareholders in the English, Scottish, and Australian Bank havo approved of a bill to pay interest to depositors duriog the time of the suspension of tbe bank. The Shah of Persia intends to pay another visit to London. Yellow fever has broken oul among tbe f hipping iv Ilio de Janeiro. The real name of Breton, the Paris dynamiter, is Camille. He acted without confederates. The Republicans of Ohio have totninated Mr M'Kinley as a candidate for the Presidency. Zohrab Pasha, who is friendly to tbe British, succeeds Mah'.r Pasha as Undersecretary of War. A disa-itroui tire has occurred at Focchow, in China. Fifteen hundred bouses wore burned. The Liberal Federation demand tbe recognition of the betterment principle and a heavier land tax. Tbe French police report that there are 22 Anarchists living in London who are wanted for deeds of violence on the Continent. The Queen of Spain gave an to delegates representing 20,000 workmen, and promised to assist the unions against the Socialists. '" A tamer named Tbieman was performing with lions in San Francisco by ekctric light, when it suddenly went out. Tbe animals immediatelj sprang upon Thieman and badly worried him. The liquidation of the Bank of South Australia is being brought to a close. It is expected a call of LI will be made, and that with the help of the mm thus derived the aseets will fully meet the labilities. Captain Audley Coo f o states that the international Pacific cable tuil secure 75 per cent, of the English business. He returns to Australia shortly to submit a scheme for tbe construction ot a cable. Addressing the London Chamber of Commerce, Mr Reid, of Victoria, said that Victoria did not intend to borrow, bub to go in sternly for retrenchment and tbe opening of new markets. Imperial reciprocity was essential. Harness, of the Medical Electric Company, has withdrawn the libel action against tbe Pall Mall Gazette. It is stated that the sons of the Ameer of Afghanistan will shortly visit England. At a meeting of pbareholders in the National Mortgage and Agency Company of New Zealand, Mr H. R. Gronfill ('ha chairman) said that investments were being temporarily reduced, and that probably a call of LI would shor ly be mode. Fetraary 1G Mr R. RfAO, oi Victoria, in addressing the London Cbami-er of C'.mmcro, warned his heareis to be jropared for a slight flecrease of Austi&iia.ri import-, owiDg to rtTer chment by tha cvlonie?. Yicoric ha-, he declarer), altaobt recidod nt-t to liorrovv ior a csn^ury unleoo to build railway* into grain- growing centre?. He- mul it v/as his intention to examine the Fiftch Vice industry to discover the C2.U3G of uniformity of texture. Sir W. B. Perceval regretted that Victoria

was unable to definitely pledge abstention from borrowing, which was the only way to restore confidence. Sir A, Clarke, acting Agent-geneial for Victoria, asked for tho support of the Chamber of Commerce in inducing the Government to the CanadiauPacific steamers. February 17. A cargo of Victorian wheat has been sold at about 263 Gd. The Wool Committee expect to induce dock owners to slightly reduce charges. The lion tamer, Tbieman, wonied at San Francisco, is dead. Senator Brice urges the United States Congress Finance Committee to impose a duty on wool. The French Minister for Agriculture advocates 2 f r additional duty on coin, instead of Bfr. The Paris courts have decided that Princess Colonna (nee Miss Mackay) must sue for divorce at Naple-. An inquiry is ordered into Commander Raaf's dtatb, owing to rumours that he was murdered. Mr R Reid, of Victoria, advises that the idea of sending butter from the Australian colonies to Eastern Canada should be given up. Forty deaths from yellow fever occur daily in Rio de Janeiro. The American llect is temporarily withdrawn in consequence. I Caiio newspapers stato that Ri«z Pasha, the Egyptian Picmier, threatens lo resign owing i.o the Khedive's refusal to dismis-fc four palace I'dicidK Mt S.iudl'oid Fleming, rupljipg to Ihu striefcured op'tx the Pacific cable propound, accuses Mr Kid J, P^atm istor-gem ral of Now S< ush Walu?, of bfciog t-be only man in Auitralta opposed to the scheme. Mr Greihatn, United (Status Secretary of State, ohjests to the modus viventii arranged upon with regard to the Bahring Ssa question, on the grouod that it involves a reduction in revenue He is negotiating with th?. British Government on the subject. Tbe Government of Cape Colony are takiDg steps to annex Pondoland. February 18. In tho billiard match of 7000 up, Peal be at Memmott, the Victorian, by 15 points. February 19. Tee Times thinks tbe decision of the Victorian Government to lend money to farmers requires the utmost caution, as the Government ought not to accept securities which tho banks woulri rej ict. The Minister for War advised Mr Rsid, the Victorian Commissioner, to consult General Sit R. Buller regarding tbe appointment of an inspector-general for the colonial military. A forger standing in the prisoner's dock at Buffalo Court suddenly drew a pistol and ordered thope present to throw their hands up and escaped, locking the door behind him. It is believed the weapon was secretly handed to him by an accomplice. A yacht conveying the Empress of Austria was stranded on the Spanish coast, near Almeria, in the Mediterranean, Her situation is perilous. Those on board were rescued by a steamer. Tbe Socialists ia the French Chamber of Deputies demand that tbe State shall control tbe export and import of wheat, regulate tbe price, and abolish middlemen. A i per cent. Queensland loan is expected to be announced immediately. Its success is undoubted. Professor Johnston, of the Exoter Grammar School, h?-.s been appointed mathemat'cal professor at the Auckland University Colltge, and Mr H. A. Tubbs, of Melbourne University, professor of classics. It is repotted the village! s of Mi3foume, in the Western Soudan, threatened the French envoys, whereupon the latter opened a cannonade, which killed 100 of the natives. Ie is reported the Roumaniin fleet in the Black Sea is to bfl increased, in view of the possible necessity of interpos=irg in naval matters in those waters. The libel proceedings instituted by Count Favier Chappelle against General and Mrs Brown, residents of Nice, for alleging that he was an ercipcd convict from New Caledonia, and had acted an roaster of ceremonies at public balls in Melbourne, were concluded to-day. A verdict for plaintiff was returned, and tho defendants were ordered to pay L6O damages. Tbe consignment of Australian milk sent Home in the cool chambers has arrived in useless condition. Sixteen thousand quarters of Australian wheat to arrive in February and March sold at 25s 3d. February 20. The Cape Government is sending a military mission to Pondoland, armed with Maxim guns and Btrong in artillery. It is understood tbe Unit<d States Senate will agree to the new tariff and report the bill on Monday. Paris, February 11. M. Ferdinand do Lessens has bo< n appointed hononry president of the Suez Casal, a'H'l M. Charl-:& do Lcsseps will le appointed vice-p:esident on lesigning from the Managing Committee. February 15. An official report received from French officers regarding the second Sierra Leone incident accuses the British of seeking to force the villagers under French inflaence to construct roads. The French police intervened, when the British troops attacked them, but were repulsed. February 17. The relations between Portugal and France are strained, owing to the reluctance of the Government of the former country to safeguard French investors in the capital for the construction of Portuguese railways. In consequence oE this the French Minister has been recalled from Lisbon. February 18. A committee of the Chamber of Deputus has recommended that preserved meat factories be erected in the country, in order to prevent the troops from being dependent on foieiun supplies. The French official explanation of the attack on the Biitish troops at Warina, Sierra Leono, is that it whs caustd by a native ehii-f, v/l«o allc-gcd tbey were Soias. The chief has since be^n executed. Berlin, February 13. The death is announced of Hans yon Bulow, the eminent pianist, in bis sixty-fifth year.

February 17. By the bursting of a steam pipe on board the cruiser Brandenburg at Kiel 39 persons were killed instantly and nine others injured, two of Wiom have since died. The accident occurred while the cruiser was engaged in speed trials. February 18. The Kaiser has sent messages of condolence to the families of those suffering by the explosion on board the Brandenburg. The entire eDgineering staff were mangled in a heap. February 19. I The mairiago of the Duke of Hesse takes place on .April 22. February 20. The Kaiser visited Prince Bismarck, and gree'ed him with every demonstration of affection. Great popular enthusiasm was shown at tho rapprochement between the Emperor and tbe ex- Chancellor. St. Pbtersbukg, February 17. Five hundred persons drifted to sea on an ice fl-JO at Ingerruannlaud, HelsiDgfors, in the Gulf of Finland. Hopes are entertaiced that they are safe, and it:tcue parties have been sent out. Owing to the brutality of Colonel Akertsk, of tbe Dragoon regiment, Warsaw, the officers drew lots who should murder him. Tha lot fell to the adjutant, who bhot the colonel dead. February 19. The people who drifted to sea on tho ice floe were lescuid. Bucharest, February 19. One bundled and thirt.j-fivo 11 umauian cavalry oillwrs have rottigced by way of f_rotubfc aguiusl the Euvuily oC tho cavahy inBpoctore. Calcutta, February 19. T(ie luclidn Cudgel showa a delioil of 350 lacs of rupees. Capetown, February J7. King Lobergula died from smallpox AH his rcgimeuts aro now surrenderiig to tha British Chartered Company except loyato's, which guards tbe king's grave. Washington, February 13. Datails of the snowstorm show great destruction on the eastern coast. Reports from Chic i#o and the Western States also revealed a number of disasters. Twenty persons are known lo bave been frozen Co death. Iv Oklahama a father murdered 1 is family, numbering six in all, iv order to hasten the end. In other localities numbers of people were frozen. February 19. There is a deadlock in thi House of Representatives over the question of silver S9igniorage aad coinage. The minority refuses to form a quorum. New York, February 14. It is reported from Brazil that Admiral de Gama is dying of wouads received during the insurgents' attack on Armacao. The blizzard caused a million dollars' worth of damage in the Western States. One hundred persons perished in Oklabama. February 17. The death is announced here of Frank Byrne, one of the Irish " Invincibles." News has been received that the Brazilian forces defeated the insurgents at Bassofundo, and 400 of the latter were killed. Yellow fever has broken out on the British, Austrian, and Portuguese warships at Rio. The commander of the Austrian warship has succumbed. The fever is also raging amongst the merchant shipping. Ott .WA, February 15. The Hon. Mackenzie Bowell, Minister for Trade, who recently visited Australia, in addressing a me9tiDg of the Manufacturers' Association in Toronto, announced that the Government were prepared to send a resident agent to Australia to take charge of Canadian trading aifairs. The Government, he said, would support tho construction of the Pacific cable on certain conditions. A conference on the matter between Australia and Canada, in which Hawaii will probably join, will take place at Ottawa in June. Febmary 19. The Colonial Conference meets at Ottawa on Jane 21. The Imperial Government and Fiji have been invited to send representatives. Mr Bowell states that Canada demands that the Pacific cable shall be wholly British, but is not wedded to any particular route. Rio de Janeiro, February 19. Two-thirds of the victims of yellow fever are fore'gnera.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2087, 22 February 1894, Page 36

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BRITISH AND FOREIGN. Otago Witness, Issue 2087, 22 February 1894, Page 36

BRITISH AND FOREIGN. Otago Witness, Issue 2087, 22 February 1894, Page 36


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