BOARD. The mimues of the previous meeting liming been read and cori'lm ed, " | A letter was read iro.u the Provincial S >ere- | ury, accompurio.l by an extract from tlie Colonial Secretary to His Honor the Superintendent, intimitinc His KKeeUoney h.ul ! assented to the Dune lin Municipal Loan Or.ii- , nance 1562. The Colonial Sn retary ia his letter pointe 1 ont thai, tin- iicurity too the debenture-: ! authorised under this ordinance appealed t) be very scanty, an 1 requested th it the General G >- vemmuU might be fin-rmhed with specific information as to tlio position and liabilities of the " Dunedir Muniiipai Kstn'c." It was p;opo-;ed by Mi Cargill, a-id i I>y ?>lr Hardy, and rusolvcl, •' Cut the Cle^k l>c instructed to supply the information required, i'nd at the same time "to place he. ore the Government the faliae/ of the theory, of borrowing money foi the impi ;vem?nt or* the tow.i,bci':j.- at all S.ts-cl on the real piopcrly lie! 1 by tlie Eoird ; .lia; \sith-o lartre a-i aiva of ti\ation :;s now e\^t. iii the ! town of ihmodin, ••vhic'i is the U\oiim «te security j o:i rt'>k>h to hoivcvr. n I, ni-vi; tniihg to 'i;^e the sc-anti kss of the security. Thai the Government he respectfully mni:sted fo take the w'n >le um'ter into consideration uith a view t > place the b.)irowing pii\er of the Boar 1 on a permanent imd satisfactory footing."' A letter" vas read iron Mr John ChV'.oim, urging his chum for cotapei'Sifion for injury sustained in>.u Alb >rt-street inipiovcn.cnN. ft was .rewhod that the Board shot: 1 1 i cpui^e in J Mr Chir.h<.lm't> rcmaik a* to the ad\autat<e to tin neighborhood by the lc-ent alteration.-,, but tint tlie Board did not rccognisj their liability for claims for couipens I'ion. xV k'ttcr fioin ?vlr 11.I 1 . .V. Cinranncs, ecrti^ •na: that Till llosb ii-id satisfactorily conijdet.vl o'iehalf of Mansi'-.^trcet, .nd nuthorisiny a ] ivuicnt ofL2JO on this co,:lr,,ct. A letter fiom Mr 11. Gordon, co-nptaining of th^ state of the causeway ia front of'ln^ jn-jau'ses in (ior,:;e-?tveec. The Inspeet'ir orlcitd to be directed to the muter, n-. siNo to a ctutlnjand another ol'sh'ietio-i in Il'Lrh-,treot. The, Clerk stated that Mr Hibbald had reused to contrib'ite any propoi tiun of cost of K'inoval of e.vth o])posiie his jiropcrty in Princes-street, (30 fec^,) all ,[ <j, a t the re.novi'l (,f the lucky \^vtlon lvoulJ coot as 3 1 per )u;d i'j-:ead of "is as stilled lasi moetin^ ; also tlsai. the 15 )A\\\ would have to hear the whole ost of removing earth otF | the line <>f Dow ling -"-treet. j The Clerk was instructed to sec Mr Sibbald aim' «,"."! 'cavour to arranuc v\i;li him. Mr Cargill -Jt _, £, — l leiae to v itliO;a\v his u.ut: n for reconsideiiug the asMissmeili-St^te for t'nc cur- j rent year. ' . j A letrer was read from G. Cooke, E^q., Folicaor, I to the eileet that he had no communication to j make to the Board, ad to whether the published report of his btatcment in the Police Court, redacting on the credit of the Town Board, was correct. _ The Cleik was instructed to obtain the solicitor';, opinion and advice on tlii» matter. A letter was read from ihe Provincial Secretary, dated 11th October, intimating that the : Government «ould gtamntce the repayment by tlie Town Boaid of r.:i nvcidiaft, not to exceed Ll o,ooo, to the lUi'um J' mk of Aiistraii.i—on condition oi' a. <Hjparate account beinu opened at the bank, in the joint names of the" Provincial Trcasmer and tlie Tiva>urvr uf the Town Hoard, and t'.ic as3pis>nent for the current year l>eing placed to the credit of such account us collected. An agreement was t-i^ned by the membeis present to the above ott'cci, and addressed to his. Honor the Superintendent. It was resolved that a wooden footpath, with stone koibniij, mi.'.ht b: laid on tho south tide of Mac'.a-r^au-btrecl, betwixt Clark and Grcslnm-siivct-a. The following accounts were passed for paynient :—: — J Lambert &Co £6 13 8 I Fcrmito.i & Mitchell 1 7 6 J. T. Cr.ig_r 0 1;) 0 Crichton, l)ainiuple & Co. 14 12 8 Tlie Eo.ird t'len adjourned to Tuesday, 2 1st October. A QUFiEH STOIiY. The Bii-lrui3 correspondent of tho Argus lells the following story :—: — Yon will recoilcvt that I niado m.-ntioji a short time a'»o of the ucalh of v .Mr., MamiuiiaM, hv her own hand, at Koekhampton. Tin; u'lfortunate woman coin'vitled suicide by cutii.i^ her ihnmt w it !i pieces of a gLh* tumbler. Mticdonald was at t'ue time living with another wonun, '• Mis Wakefield," w!i(>m, bigamist as he must have been, he had aNo mamed. Tno iiuincil 'lis-do-sed great cruelty towards the unfortunate woman, and an ninount of> on the part of Mrs Wakeiield und hor paramour which created much excitement and indignation in that town. An in t ! 'e s'lhst <j,ient carter of the "second v.ifc" is tlms rr-corded by the Rockluunpton correspondent of the Courier, who, I fancy, must lm\c been an interested spectator ot the occurrenoii : — '-Mrs "W.iLctield's sins and misfortunes bi 1 fair to become the most inteT-st-ing j.'o«ip of this lively l(>ca!ity for a miicli longer period than will be at all pleasing to rhe nerves of that not very nervous channel 1 . The amount of public attention occasioned by her dc-partuie for Maryborough on the 2!itli ultimo is beeoi.d only in extent to that caused by the late fire At an early hour on the day mentioned it v,-ns noised abroad that ' Mother Waky ' — as^ she is popularly designated— had been refused a cabin passage per Telegraph, and nko per Queensland, to where slie is to he cried for stealing one white cock, the property of one of our townsmen. Of course il was known that she must depart, or else forfeit bail and be incarcerated. Therefore a large crowd assembled to enjoy the fun of seeing her taken on board with the other prisoners, which some were sang'linc enough to believe would take place. However, both steamers had hauled into the stream before any Mg,i of the unctuous lady was mani-fe-t. At last, to the great delight of all, ' Mother Wakefield " was observed descending the river bank near the wharf, gorgeously arrayed in purple, and white, and red, and blue, and with ribbous iiauutiug defiantly to the bree/.e. ' li-ro she comes ! ' was heard on all biifos and a general rush was made by all, men and women, lads and lasses, great and small, to give her a parting yell, bhe was serenaded to the wharf wirh a flourish of groans, howls, and other sounds, the exact interpretation of which I cannot furnish. At any rate Mrs Wakefield was nothing damnted by these noisy ft re wells but swaggered on, now and then scornfully waving her delicate arm. Old Brown, a Rockhampton notable, had, with Cr.'.craft-likc skill, adjusted a rope to the end of a pole in that peculiar stylo known as the " hangman's knot," and followed the old lady about, inviting " the ould baste to put her tattn- in ;" but Mrs Wakefield not admiring such a necklace, declined the honor. Under the protection of the police, Mrs Wakefield was conveyed in a, boat to the gangway of the Queensland, the chief constable gallantly leaped on the ladder first, to assist her out of the boat, another person followed, and then the lady heiself set one foot on the ladder, when the steamer move I a little ahead and she fell plump into the water, amid the execrations of the people on the bank, who, knowing she was sale, were in a complete frenzy of delight. The spectacle was, indeed, qeeer ; before the boatmen got hold of her she was floating on the surface, her legs and her feet being plainly visible. The boatman got hold of her by the arms, and kept her head above water till assistance arrived from the shore, when she was hoisted into the boat, and taken on board the steamer safely, all the while shaking herself like a, duck. The only regrets I heard were that Macdonald was not then; to siiaro the bath. Macdonald, the bigamist, stands a good chance of sevdii years' Government employ. It is stated confidently about town, that the'evidence of his first ma-riage with the unfortunate suicide Las arrived. If so, it is to be hoped that no compromise will bo allowed, but tho trial proceeded , with."
(PROM "THE DAILY TIHES REPORTER.) Minuheiiki, 2nl October. A invc,<n inirn 1 , c, i i). j, . ),-,,, !o I tlio .!ij,)viry <;< ••>:.'•! j >'.'.; . • ii. v • >•' <v i , 'l.Cint'ia, ■■■mil , i it i h t'-fl ii ttliii t'l ' ii- \CI\ Viii.'l i,i iill.liC OTIC. j Cni.r.y nif.rmed me t!i .1 he ha i .-en oat prosI pectin;, him'o the ;-is ■ in the river, and that ho an 1 liismi'oi Lad 01-tni-od the "color" in every hole j fi y had ,'v:, but tli a it was < Til . in this particular j g.Hv>'c.u ; iluoi i'ty .b'j^.ild. Iv t!u'.:'i!ly they j ftUrik mmi c s'v I; >!• .>, '',i J.x iy .. m 1 >!' w.'iuh toyt 'ov f jimhl }i iyu!Ko l>i Xl, averaging- Mom !n!f a d.. fc , to over one dv/ttoihe dish, ;uui in m-ianccs e\ou inoiv. The «x>ld is iou a h and luavy. o:,e pioco wei^hinij over 2 dwN. The iiul'.y h .ih ut Uk-co milis lon^, an'! th ro h a eoiibi I -rabli? q laiitity Gf sciub.i'.ailable i >;• ,\..uood at us it-;, i. Up II.; valley of '.ho M.muh- ikia now d:-..0 etvs arc t.ho Ici "4 -ude I ai.i'ns d.iil.-. ic<fcvr''y I <•>'., >wn a .tough sa."!i.l, ; 01' i^)\\ <.vi'iu)ii;i^ about, naif in oi'inj", the pro tii-iL of mx dish, s of \\a~h!irt obtained a lowj; way a 1).,-;a 1 ) .,-; J ,lm piv-e-t vui-knu*. -Mv informant ■vuii'.l not di/ui ;.' ih' e\,u't i<.c 1 ly, sta-tiuir lv lnd lv to to "ri'S' ul'' until he Lad J,iuislt Not,- itliiia.nii ,„'^, I hue no doubt "i the Vuthluln^s of the i.2p,,it. h.d. Ed, the wh >!c'i'y of th-5 »I a ii'lien'Ki 1 h .«•. <nor, in li \ition of Ikii\H ,»inf. i-mis, an 1,1. it i,'.K lj 1 n-iufd ol dint \v \-~iif { (\ ) lU ,i 1j,,1'0 aroa of umi'tij wlnsu ioi-\s ayi 1 til 1 , iiu^o or I".,? 1 o'd boirhiK, it i^, t think, move tl.a 1 jiroliable tl .t rioh Ica-'s will I sooner ur lat.>r lie ducneiv I. Tie Mai.uherikia nl-o iwoivjs t!io wit>.r-i of.i i ir.o iium'w vi" c.'u-ks, uin^.' lunU- ha»p brosi fnun 1 ! to lo auriforo'H, sn-li .t l>y vay of example, ii. Da '.'-Mn (Jicek, wimrc t.!i- 10. .iv .it iu-e .>-it iLruit CO or 7U people d:j;!;i"t;, a.n f l till >[r.i<v Jjiirn, 1 1 v. hich gold has licuii found in liiu'K'i.iv'v pa;. ; u/ •fHutitic-. The hi >\\-qux ttl'l i\)\\ •> Ui ali.uit t...; '•am- !c\o!. altnnat"jj io'.ug mid filling t > «"..>. extent ol a rtmplc off. c . .NLir.y j'i\rtiL"! whi-sj ci ii'ii-, -ir- unlei wa'.oi', lo uh to lo>ve them, ! have 1 "immoi.ced v.' > ': : j on the odt; ' oi the liver, niKi even h iipani /.l^-t lii n h «!»o m i-»rs of }'ock lio on the b i;i\.s, and aio d iin^ .\ el. A party oi 1 tiiroo show oil 1110 a [lavixl of IV^ -v. , the le-uit or thne -.v.^ I,s -\oiic, aoil o'.liii, >d ir.j'ii grniti'l, o." l.vUi^rl sl.ouN <i\ \oi\., that they tip'\ii.iv»!y believed hot ro < - 0"t ti.i a r\v ok. The^s looso m i4ee> r,f rx>k on lijin"- tn.-iiul ovj-, are fie'i.i-ntiy fou> d c>virin,;a thin 'ny .-of jii >v-' 1 1, two ifichp.j :n: n tiivl:ui'>->, ji'iil it is in thisa id ilie CiVv c^ i ofth.-li'l of Ih *1 l ■•'; t' 1»t t ne f»lLis f 1 uul. It i; a iiiiU^r >if t v o.|uciij .i- .i^io 1 lis.-i'. as to v.iietliur t'lf ' -Id lu 1 - '-u'Mi b iiu'i'iti i!'",ir. b; th-> nvir, or Ins Yen v;l«''!. d ff 1 01*1 tii •vdl •s f n - m \U bai.ks The i "-.!»'• hi I brliov" l>r.inahc tiow :\ by fur tic lai-^«.t porti.jM ;,ct it U amply aiipi'jnt thi-t «'. r nj of "&110 c<.nr> iroi 1 a m i"h neir.'r source. 7 fe i« anofl'ir, s'nni 1 : iit'ie app.aianee <i' h ivinjr beor> rolVd tar froiii ti e paionl ro'jk. and istcun.l in places th'.t aic a \o'\z .■<• ;.ln'.c the hid.c: fl n,l Ic.c!. Sonio *n:t.T JatiiiLC .; .p<.;i'u>.;irs h i\\ Ij:ti ; 1 ido with a \iu\v to d( tvidne wii .t amoiir.r of E5.11! if any, hiMiialit do,n iiv til-" liv-c/ii a ilum! -il -Sale. \. liidlow uf the rcz'i. c.-cn^e 1 >to the cino'it oftlie rivir, and fvoui -.\ liic r i r Lvvnl prim,- n'lij.Vi of j.«;o!<! had boeii \.ds!;el, c mfail* s.wpt cifc -0 Hi t £ not n, parti' 'c reui.iiii'd )) On the f i!i of the river, it left thK :oA just baftl.. -"ib.j' c the w,,wv l«vel, an ! int'ifhnllciw \\a-.< l i-.")v».i'«<'.adepo6,it off ind uoi.t lining f.lwut !W spec; ofvey fin^ -^okl An.-ih-jr paitv do-v 1 a r tiip of i;i."on Ivii^:, v.lii^h -,\,\i keo' i,i p,j ■jition by a ro.vof'stoii { . I -ecuved by :i Voii])lp of co"U. AfU.r haviim; uiider v. i'rr fn- ■ 3 ; ; y L .ral d.n'i it i'ai'.j'i. ait 1 on bciii^ wished wn* f<Min.l to be C(,vovrd with fin; «pf;'s of t;old. Ofoonr^ if 13 jvut pos- i>ic (Ua l the lire.ikit'jr v,) 01 tbc b.'ir,!:^ o f thi; vivp.- by tlu> uitaorj h.^ <\piel al.a.v* qiiindty of au'iiVinu, drift, which i.s now b 'inj wished aw.iy! If buchslnuld be the <"is'\ iu\"\, \vh>-; claims wive v«y licli, in iy find on the f.diiri* of t!io liver th.-.t " v v l>:i\e bi'Cii cons'di "ibly iuip(,\crUh"d. I'o t.xy an n p - - ilrnt n^ciiie.l ti a boa', mitt down ,' l vi MolyneuK f'O'n li? iimotioii of 11 1 101 0 MiiMiJprikii. T^opc^SOJis n'i'v'd YiU\ . tiu-L and H'pn, ' oth v.' ( ;i kf.i.wn Yank^SCOiM-.u t d a ]n..t, with the \:ew cfemvo.ini; UKr^-tg^K, and prov'-i .1 s lown the livi'i, vilca 'i.ij; to land aiiTr v .°"«4m»-noj dii^liiir j,f die fir.-t f ivoui-.ible :-pot. Th."' li^rpru(-?euc*! z??& •iotvn the l'ner for a tVw mile->, %\heu (hey smldenl^ I found thov liad Ir- 1 ' all n,m\.l «.f the boat, Vliieh i v als shooting a'onir vitii <?.cat ' r e!oc ; ty, An e-li'y <■ wept it broadside on r> Mi} htierm, \\hon it immediately capf.izod, tnr.'iuu 1 bottom ui),\ardb. Fovliuiatcly, both (nen and Fil/p>triok m i-i.i^-i t) lav hod of tic loafc, and we 1 1.1" 1 cm' -d with il il:i.\u the liver for about ten miliN bsfin t!i n v w.\-o I'.'-scufd. Thoy w.jro observed floaliiu: ilywu t'ne and Ihj alarm bniiin- civmi, c.erv ( i!ilea\jur ua-5 inalo to 10-ciip llioiu f/oai fjioir peri'.oi'- p »Mtion Iloju's wf-ir throw >i, but they failod toiPiMitU.- liont, and it t,.i^ foued the men mi-ht lose tbi-ir h(4d tiivoi!;;h o^'iaus.rion, wh^n a miiiPr who hrl stitioaod hiri^ulf on a jutting point of ro"k, iiiana^.' l, as Hie boat ,is sv ept by an td Iy c'.n^e t<> 'vliM'vi hf> stood, to icch a fuplitV^ to Glr'u, an I by t'li? nvi".^ it vms dr,..',vii ovt of tin: f-urront Til tin mmvuvuiJ. TJotii men «w cxhiustel, specially Fi'r.patii.'k, wli.> i, >nme».!>at ai\;uu-elin years, and !rui. i.iiii 1 cli'igir'? to the, received mino sevi'i-e contust'.iw by bciii^ ilr.s'ted n^.nn^t a rockotrth-ri".".. Ft nppi'-us t>nt they won. 1 not av»i<^of the (!Tiie>iU:<.", of iiavi^ati-sir t'i.' Atolyne'iv, ar. 1 1!. it at thr time of tic ac 'n'.'iiL tiuy !ud iv:i"bo I a ri'i-r ot tiie liver Known as "IVFi 1 11! 1 11, 1 or ;i? it would be mo.v ■•orrcc^ly t"rni r 'l, tii'j U'.,;>il-i. litre, fi nn fie v api.i fV.I of tin' he lof th" ri\cr,' I'm current fflivm onv. rvl v !th LTCTt AcW'iiy, and it is <jii ; te uiT-.ife for such lmfs as aro al nrrsont on the rher. ApT'-pos of the diiiiculties of i>avtea 'i -c; the "'.l' 'yncac, I a>n iufr-rnicl th,.t Mr R?!ey l>as crot in-, b-iitt as fir r.i "In qnve and Andei'ionN'-ta-tion, bin that po tedious nn 1 iiang( rons w;'s t!i • vo^Mire. ti-it several of his m?n left, an I that it is not iii . intontiou ti lvpj.J t^a.'^perimrnt. Ho isc!Tn»3'l at pio^L-i't abiutii.e mil's b'.>lo>v tlif'Tev'ut, an 1 th' n •■a iK to be doubt a", to whet'in- ho will be able to no hi.di*! 1 up the rive.' . Mr Ht!ev lru =oi 1 soiar; tntis oMho lirnti;'^ up by hi 11 at ls'purlb, a low price uHisiflcriiij* tha prison t high rato of carTiip popul.fioii v? tlii-. field ij hr^eV on the in- ', crca . , f-uv ml I'iitii'ro U )) ivi-!, r arrived \f".ti»nJ,.v and t'w!'iv_ Thevwv.e jirincip dm])po ; 'itf(l niiiuis rptuihiiii: r .mi lioko iiai, .-'ifh .1 L.v- n» .v a-i-ivds who h i.l b m onTurjj'ci dn in,' 1 i-t Mi.Tiifr, and eamfi rm tliat p!ae n , in crdpv Vj have a look at old Gabriel's. Provisions are still snavoo anl dear, with uo alteiation ia the pvic3(|aol"l by , n; bi^t week.
l'lie f.i'l'.wi'i^ l-opo' t from Itfr. Keldeil, Uie Co'unii«-Mjncr for th" Diu.stau, has been placed at for pn'ili.-ntinu :: — ■ G >ltl-fiv Ids, Departii, cut, CommisMo'iPi's Officp. Clutha, 7th 0.-tobor. "fi — I have the lnmur to rcpirt tor ymv in'ot-mi-tion, that, on Sam. 1 iy I.i^t, a miner iiHiue-l Comoy v ailed on mo and j.uomiMo.! fji' mv atte.-iiioa a samj'lcof pMld, in v.eijJif uhout sixteen penn\ weights, «v'iio!i, he stated, he !.,id obtainp<! in prospacchv.; a s?idly on th" \vesl"ni si.h of the Clutln, rimniniidown from the Umbi-'.lh Kanpes, ;nd, at Hip same time, male anpl'cation for a prospecting cl.iim uiilrrthe re'trulaf 101.3,
Tin-, f|iianfity cf tro\l, iv stitcd, ho had obtained from five holts, .-rtor.-.jrii.^ in de.itli from five to twelve feet {'> to 12 foot) sunk n<\ir th? creek which divides ths kuMv. jiiid the prospects avcrastod, accordintx to iiid written statement, IVom a quarter pen'iyweicjhi to OTiepemi} woi^'ht to the tin dish ; but he stated, verbally, that tho hinhrst amount wished out of one di-ih wa^ five pennyweights, that he did not wash'in nil more than sixteen dishes
I have Mace vi.- ii eel the epot, and found the gully to hi iix or Fevt'ti rnilrs in length, divided by the crook lefuro mentioned, which empties itse'f into the Eni-.cleuKh. a tributary to the Clutha. about three miles north of the junction of tho M.inuherikia on the western bank. The jmlly conM,ts of a Miecp^ion ot s-mll flats, varying in length from a ciuavter to hnlf a miles, v-hich aie closed in, in pkecs, by rocky pas<e"=, through whif-h tho creek anpeais to have cut its way. On one of these flats, the prospectors, three iv U,e party, sunk eleven ho l^. si\ of which they bottomed, and iv five of them found payable COM. l J
I fonvnrd lierewilh a sample of that submitted to me (three dwts), which. I lookout of their prosppct, and wnieh e-tvos a fair average of the weight and de-soiipti-m of the port. The "botfai' in which it was found .convste 1 of blue slate, and, in one shaft, of der-iiyed s'atish pipe-clay, and in this but was found the best, prospect. Thorp h a -rood supply of scrub for ™ L '"f Purposes all clown tho creek. The t^lly r.uis clown from tho Tjinbrpll'i r.anu 0? , botween two loidiiv spun, mm shows all the indications of bein^ aWdpioducing country. " fa Under those circii'instauces I have granted a pro?pectnir? claim, in accord mcc with tlie roculations. rhe distance irom exiting workings I oonsuler to be about s z miles.
1 have- binee heard tliisdny.that about two hundred mon are workiner on this spot, that they have obtained gnml prospects, but that not being provided with tlie proper appliances for drainage (buckets and pumps) they are at present unable to give the nlace a fair trial. It wmy intention to vi<^tho spot at an early opportunity, and to report tho result of my observations, J I have further the honor to report that I have since (yesterday) received n second application for a prospecting claim for the discovery of payable sold workmp m the same direction. Prospects obtained state' to be about one-halt to three pennyweights to the dish ; this 1, also on wet Rroimd. 1 I 4ve not yet had an opportunity ot visiting the ground Jrom these applications 1 anticipate a furthor development of the believed resonrcea of this district. Many miners who are prevented from working their claims hy the floodod state of the Clutha, are prospecting the nei-;iihorrood. I have further the honor to report that a great many miners have left this field for the Nokomni since the rise of the Clutha, a number of whom Jioterapts>d th" mountain track, nnd many of these returned unsuccessful, givinpj deplorable accounts of the dithculties and privations they encountered, and &om 6 nch reports Ima induced to bel^ve
some may liaye peri heel oa the road. A Maori undertjok to pilot about oue Imnelred anel fifty on Saturday last, he is reported to be well a-qiruited with the twk ami rmy ronrii there in safety, tin; greater part ot tho uii'ii'iv clip's- the niore eirui'nuiis, but fafer, route rw 'I ilrj ru; -••;=•, iVnvv ny: Ih: com 0 e>.-' UiC Mo'jiieii.. a.,. ut tl.i'l/ mile-, lu.tltloy iunA\ [ l-o ii-vc, Moa Fiat. I tui'mate tho pre-ent jupululion .t/, about i'OO'), soms few an ivals occur daily, most oi" these are Victouans. Tlie workings at the junction, of the Manuherikia and the Molvneuv- are progre--si%' rapidly, and by repo: t yield goo 1 wages. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your niosi, obediant scvant, (Signed) Jacii'os Ki;j>i>klTi. ComJnis^tnnpr of (j-old FicLls, In el,.u\;<M>f Clutln Dutrii-t.
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Otago Witness, Issue 568, 18 October 1862, Page 3
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3,633TOWN BOARD. Otago Witness, Issue 568, 18 October 1862, Page 3
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