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The Constance Hall at Colmnba College was too small for the large attendance of parents and friends o£ the school who sought admission to the annual break-up function which was held last evenin'-. The Rev, J. J. Cairney, representing tlTe Board of Governors in the absence from New Zealand of the chairman (the Rev. Professor R. E. Davies), had- with him on the platform Miss Rose (the principal “Ijegß), the members of the staff. Moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly (the Rev. Professor Hewitson), Dr W. H. Borrie. and Mr James Begg. •Ji; ontra l y ‘i to ou *to m > the junior and senior schools combined their break-ups mtp one function, at which the whole scnoql was present. The programme was divided into two seetioi«, one each for t P® wo schools, anfi »each section consisted of religious exercises and items for the scholars.. .The keenest appreciation was shown by the large., audience of the efforts, of the pupils, particularly the tiny tote who charmed everyone with their dainty Songs and pretty dances. The proceedings were commenced with the emging of thehymn, '' God Sees/’ after which the 100th Psalm was read by Mr Cairney. Two polished little elocutionists followed with recitations. Miss Evelyn Tucker_ delighted her hearers , with Miss Eyleman a pretty children’s' piece, Tlhere Are Fairiea at the Bottom of Our Garden.” and little Miss Lola Johnston was responsible for A. A. Milne’s equally . suitable child’s verses, entitled Vespers. . Then there were two or tnree -class items, in which a score of little girls and two or three small boys, * i ea ?. e des Plt e the preponderance 2iiiv tt i?Y , l^. le *', san ß The Cow” (Dunaj Si ei ? n *e Wren ” (Rowley), and The Milkmaid ” (French folk song) . A very effective rhythmic dance by the tiny members of the drill class concluded the first half of the programme, after which Miss Ross presented the. prizes to the younger pupils. Before she commenced two of the little girls appealed with bouquets almost as i ™® n,s ®l veB > which they presented to Miss Ross and Miss Gillies, the head mistress of the junior school. Referring to the work done in the junior department during the year. Miss Ross said she could n °S f.^ y enough for the earnestness and diligence, and enthusiasm; exhibited Gillies. Mies M'GUI, , arid Miss M George. They had been a great help to her, and done good work for the binder -their charge. Miss Ross said that m the coming year the junior work would be reorganised. Miss "Gil--hes would take charge of the Third and Fourth Standards, as well as those she had handied this year, and the Fifth and Sixth Standards would constitute the junior high school, as distinct from the Ingh school. She then distributed the prizes and gifts provided: for the small children. ■: Tke senior pupils then wont on with their part of the programme, the chairman holding up proceedings long enough to welcome ail present ; and to ;thank tnem tor ’the keen interest in the school which was indicated by their presence there on such a night. , Thu programme as . follows:;—College Hymn (“ Our' Father, by George MacDonald), aprayer by the , chairman. Scripture recitationfrom Proverbs viii by Miss Peggy Allan; ' Sweet Nymph ” (Morley) and The Ahgel, (Rubinstein), by the Columba Quartet; a dance by the senior dancing class; class songs, “The ’Swing” (R. L. Steyenson-Shaw) and "I Love Sixpence” (Carse). by the Junior Choir, and a dml display by the senior drill squad. '■ ’ * ■ ! Profeesor ■ Hewitson, who was the speaker of the evening, entertained his hearers for nearly, an hour. He had t° and ’ * n Snve. no .address, instead, he took his audience in imagination artumd the world, from continent to continent, picturing fo,- them the manifsrs and methods of lauds in the matter of the .education and training of girls. Australia, • China, - tlapan, Palestine, America, and Great Britain were some ot the countries whose girls' colleges and. customs he retailed- for an audience that was not in the least eager for his hour’s talk to end. Dealing with systems and schools in the East, he .told theXschol-ars ■Me Columba College- notto.-sniff -when, they-heard of schools and girls’ education m China, and Japan. Givis in those countries Were ' receiving quite as good training as they were here. In conclusion, he said that in the past girls and' women had not had a very good, time.- They had not had many opportunities, but. now, in spite of the fact that all the old back-numbers parsons and academicians in England hastened to Cambridge to vote’ against the granting of degrees to women students every, time that matter was brought np, girls had all the ; opportunities they could wish for. Personally, he would like to see women members of Parliament, jurors, and graduates everywhere. • There was really no- reason why they should not make a woman president of their Board of Governors, and send , all the men packing. After paying a high .tribute to the oharacter, earnestness,-and enthusiasm of Miss Rms in her capacity ~of - principal, and c ® r ujnendmg the different teachers on the staff, most of whom- he , had known for many years, to ithe, pupils, the speaker relinquished the- platform; in favour of Miss Rosa, who began the long, task of distributing the, piles of certificates, prizes, medals, and cups that completely covered the surfaces, of two tables. The presentations j were made amid scenes of the ereatest enthusiasm in. the'front seats of the hall where the scholars were accommodated. - . . ■ J® v av ?r prizes were presented by Mr Begg. after which Mr Cairney, on behalf of the Board of „f a lfJ ,aor p’ ,® x P res sed the deepest appreciation work accomplished during the year by the staff. . .le Hoirw vai bronaht ,to an end with the. singing of the National Anthem.

' :: PRIZE LIST.; The following is the prize list:— " ' JUSTIOR SCHOOL. (Awards fpr good work).

Standard ll.—Spelling, reading, recitation, drawing, composition, history, writing, physical; culture, aural training, helpfulness, music (piano)—a; Adams; script • writing, arithmetic, drawing, composition sewing, good conduct, physical culture geography-—D. Hobbs; Scripture, reading, spelling, composition, history. Nature study, script writing—J. Herbert; reading, spelling, attendance, aural training, physical culture—M. M'Cuilough. , Standard-I.—Scripture, spelling, readw?>, arithmetic, 1 composition, geography sewing, aural training, physical J. .took; reading, recitation, , compo?it lon {. P“y s }9?l culture—J. Begg; arithmetic, writing, composition, recitation, physical culture, attendance — li. Johnston; reading, arithmetic, geography, aural training, physical culture—f • Brennan; reading, recitation, gpell»rlfchmet*c, good conduct—T. Young; Scripture, reading, drawing, nature study, aural training, physical culture—D, Tiplar; Scripture, reading, spelling, aritht«l’^tC ' l i- atl ° n ’t. c 0 ? 3p ? sition > attendance, • aural training, physical culture, good conduct—E. Laurenspn; spelling, reading, . recitation—E. Tucker. b Preparatory Class.—Spelling, reading, a H, ral . training, physical 'it 8 ™™’ Scripture, arithmetic, physical culture, good conduct—D. Ross: arithmetic, recitation, nature etudy—P* 1 Moore; arithmetic, handwork, good conduct—M, Orr; spelling, script writing, attendance—P Young; arithmetic, nature study, attendance—M. Conly; reading drawing, amp wtiking-J. Corbett Each child in the Kindergarten was presented with a gift. Standard IV.—D. Tipler, first class in arithmetic, spelling, composition, history aural training, sewing, reading. Scripture, mapping, drawing, and second class in grammar, elocution; D. Scott, second class in writing. Scripture, mapping, sew- ■. ing. - , Standard lll.—Scripture; First class— J. Campbell, C. Hogg, F- Malcolm; second class—E. Baigent, P. Ewing, D. M'Lachlan, R. Gilfay. Drawing: First class—E, Hogg, F. Malcolm, D. M'Lachlan; second l Barnett, D. Brookfield, J. Campbell,' P. Ewing, J. Maydon, R. Sonntag. Mapping: First class, P. Ewing, R. Gilray; Second class—D. Harper, F. Malcolm; p. M'Lachlan. Elocution: Second class—-D. Brookfield, D. Harper, E. Hogg, i" •™- aaco^m - Physical culture; Second elasn, D, M'Lachlan. Arithmetic: Second class, D. Brookfield, R. Sonntag. Spelling: First class, R. Baigent, F. Malcolm; second class—J, Campbell, E. Hogg, J. Mac Lean, D. M'Lachlan. Grammar; Second class—D. Brookfield. E. Hogg, J. Mac Lean, D, M'Lachlan. R. Sonntag.

Composition: Second class, R. Gilray. J. Mac Lean. History: Second class, R. GilL ay i, "klcoha* Geography; First class, R. Gilray; second class, F. Malcolm. Readmg: Second olass-J. Campbell, R. Gil- £ ay > D-Harper E. Hogg, F. Malcolm, D. M Lachlan. Writing: Second dans, R. Raigent. Sewing: First class—P. Ewing, Rma Sonntag, J. Campbell, D. M'Lachira;TTSe.???d class—F. Malcolm, E. Hogg, M. Halhday, R. Gilray. training; i irst class—J. Campbell, P. Ewing, E. i ’ Sonntag; second class, 1), M Lachlan, J, Maydon.' Music; Pianoforte, first class—J, Campbell, P. Ewing; violin, second class, D. M'Lachlan. _ Standard V.—Scripture: First class, E. Hobbs; second class, E. M'George, B. x>egg. English Grammar: First class, I. Eraser. English composition: Second class, N. Grey. Spelling: Second class— B, Hobbs, I Fraser, Pat Christie (km. mention). Arithmetic: First class, 1. Fraser; second class, E. M'George, K. Davjdaon. Reading: Second class, B. Begg. NEdmonds History; Second class, E. Hobbs, N. Grey. Civics; Second class, K, Davidson, N. Grey. Geography: Pirst class, N. Grey; second class, I, I- raser, E. Hobbs. Nature study. Second class, N. Grey, E. Hobbs. Writing: Second class, V. Grieve (honourable men--tion). Mapping: -First class, D, Anderson, E. Hobbs.; second class, Natalie Grey, Kyra- Davidson. Elocution: Second elass-Betty Begg, Natalie Grey. Ethelwyn M'George, Dorothy Anderson. Nola Edmonds, Isabel Fraser, Kyra Davidson. Physical culture; Second class. Isabel Fraser. Drawing: First c ass, Natalie Grey, Isabel Fraser; second wS~ Betl o Begg ’ Kyra Davidson, Edna Hobbs. Sewing. First class—Ethelwyn M George, Isabel Fraser, Edna Hobbs; second class. Nan Hart, Rural training: First class, Ethelwyn ‘M'George. Pianoforte music: Second class, Nola Edmonds, Kyra Davidson.

Standard First class— E. Brookfield. V. Blamires, Gladys Mills, M. Elder; second class—R. Simpson. M. Christie, > Ruby , M'Lachlan,' Eleanor de Lojb Xatta, Jessie Neill. English i grammar: First class, Evelyn Brookfield,! Margaret Elder; second class—Gladys Mills Vivienne BJatnires, Ruby M'Lachlan, Roria Simpson.- English composition: Birst class., Margaret Elder; second class —Ruby M'Lachlan, Evelyn Brookfield, Vivienne Blamires, Margaret Christie, Rona Simpson,-Jessie Neill. Spelling; First class—Eyelyn Brookfield, Margaret Elder, Rona Sinipson, Margaret Christie, Gladys Mills, Ruby . M'Lachlan; second class, Lois Latta, Vivienne Blamires. Arithmetic: First class—Ruby M'Lachlan, Gladys Mills. Evelyn. Brookfield; second class, Vivienne Blamires. Reading: First class, Margaret Elder, Vivienne Blamires; second class —Isobel Clarke, Ruby M'La'chlan. Evelyn Brookfield, Rina Porteouij,: Rona Simpson, Margaret Baton, Margaret, Christie. History: First class —Evelyn Brookfield, Margaret Elder, Vivienne Blamires; second class-—Ruby M'Lachlan, Gladys Mills, Margaret Christie,"Janette Ewing. Civics: First class-* Margaret Elder, Vivienne Blamires, Ruby M'Lachlan; second class, Evelyn Brookfield. Geography: 1 First class, Evelyn Brookfield; second class—:M. Elder, V. Blamires, Ruby M'Lachlan, Gladys Mills. Writing: First class. Ruby M'Lachlan; second class—Jessie Neill, Lois Latta, Vivienne Blamires,. Eleanoi de Beer. Cookery and science: ‘First class,;Evelyn Brookfield; second class, Margaret -Elder, Ruby M'Lachlan. Mapping: First class, Margaret Elder, Margaret Baton; second class—Japette . Ewing, Ruby M'Lachlan, Vivienne Blamires, Gladys Mills; Evelyn Brookfield, Kathleen Austin, Isobel Clarke, Eleanor; de Beer, Rona Simpson, Lois Latta, Jessie Neill, Rina Porteous. Elocution: Second class—Vivienne Blamires, Margaret Elder, Evelyn Brookfield, Ruby M'Lachlan, Isobel_ Clarke, Eleanor de Beer. Sewing: First class—Ruby M'Lachlan, Margaret Elder, Gladys Mills, Margaret Christie, Vivienne Blamires, Eleanor de, Beer; second class—Evelyn Brookfield, Janette Ewing, Ethel Abpinall, Rina Porteous. Physical culture: Second class, Vivienne Blamires. Drawing: .First- class; Jessie, Neill, Evelyn Brookfield; second class—Ruby ‘ M'Lachlan.. Margaret Elder, Isobel Clarke. Senior IB.—Scripture: First class, Janet Carson; second class, Pat Leihy, Jean M'Gilk Language: First class, Janet Carson, Lorna Chance, Jean M'Gill; second class, Pat Leihy, .Grace M'Kenzie. Literature: Second class—Lorna Chance, Pat Leihy, Jean M'Gill, Grace M'Kenzie. Historyi and civics: Lorna Chance, Pat Leihy, Jean M'Gill. Geography: Second class—Lorna Chance, Pat Leihy,. Jean M'Gill.* Latin; . First class, Lorna' Charice. French; First classf 'Grace M'Kenzie; second class—Janet Carson, Lorna. Chance, 1 Pat Leihy, Jean M'Gill. Arithmetic: Second class —Janet Carson, Lorna Chance, Jean M'Gill. Algebra; Second class, Lorna- Change, Jean M'Gill. Geometry: First class, Lorna Chance; second class, Grace M'Kenzie. Science: Second class, Lorna Chqnce, Pat Leihy. Mapping: First'class, Pat Leihy, Zoe, Mayer; second class—Janet Carson, Lorna Chance, ; Jean M'Gill, Grace M'Kenzie. ' Elocution: Second class— Lorn?' Chance, Pat Leihy, Zoe Mayer, Jean/., M'Gill, Grace M'Kenzie.. Plain .sewing: . Firjst class, ,Zoe Mayer. Drawing: First class, Pat'Leihy; second class, Lorna Chance, Janet Carson., Drill: First class, Pat Leihy. Piano: Second class, Zoe Mayer. Commercial Classes.—Scripture: First class, K. Rapson, R. Morrison; second class—C. Roberts, R. Jeffrey, I. Trengrove, A. Trengrove, M. Douglas, S. Ayent, N. Stewart. 1 English language; First class —I. Trengrove, A. Trengrove, N. Thomson, R. Morrison, L, Corbett, K. Rapson; second; class—G. Fleming, N, Moodie. S. Avent, B. Hastie, A, Caldwell, M. Douglas, P. Allan,, C. Roberts, R. Jeffrey, E. Inglis. English literature: Second-; class,- L. Corbett, . K. Rapson.-' History: Second •class—A. Caldwell,l. Trengrove, L. Corbett. French; First class—A. Trengrove, P. Allan, N. Thomson; second class—G. Fleming, C. Roberts, L. Corbett, S. Avent. R. Morrison, I. Trengrove. Arithmetic: First class—N. Thomson, A. G. Fleming, K. Rapson; second class—S. Avent, R. Jeffrey, I. Trengrove., Shorthand: First class, K. Rapson: second class —C. Roberts, S. Ayent, A. Trengrove, N. Thomson, N. Stewart; G. Fleming, A. Caldwell, N. Moodie. Tsrpewriting; First class—M. Grant, N. Stewart, A. Trengroye.P. Allan, C. Roberts, H. Jeffrey, I. Trengrove; second class—K. Rapson, G. Coombe, S. Avent, R. Morrison, N. Moodies, L. Corbett, G. Fleming, M. Douglas, B, Hastie, A. Caldwell, N., Thomson. Book-keeping: First class—A. Trengrove. I. Trengrove, S. Avant, N. Thomson, G. Fleming, P.- Allan, B. Hastie; second class—C. Roberts, N. Stewart, A. Caldwell, K. Rapson; R. Morrison. Mapping: First class—N. Stewart, N. Thomson, N. Moodie; second elass—G. Coombe, P. Allan, L. Corbett, K. Rapsonf I. Trengrove, E. Inglis, A. Trengrove, G. Fleming, S. Avent. Elocution: First class, P. Allan; -second class—lf. Jeffrey, G, Coombe, A. Caldwell, M. Douglas, N. Thomson, S. Avent, I. Trengrove, C. Roberts, L. Corbett. Drawing: First class—N. Moodie, R. Morrison; second class—B. Avent, L. Corbett, N. Thomson Physical culture: 'First class—P. Allan, M. Grant; second class—K. Rapson, N. Stewart, S. Avent, C. Roberts. Geography: Second class—G.. Fleming, K. Rapson, S. Avent, L. Corbett. Plain sewing: First class—A. Trengrove, G. Fleming* second class —M. Grant, R. Morrison* Fancywork: I 1 irst..class, G, Coombe. Leatherwork and marquetrie: First class—G. Coombe, G. Fleming; second class, N. Stewart. Painting: First class: N Stewart. Piano: First class, R. Jeffrey. ■V iolin: Second class, A. Trengrove. Domestic Science.—Scripture: First class, K. Lyon, E. Morris; second class— M. M'Kay, C. Price, Ariti Andrews, Sybil Douglas, Nella M'Cartney, Ethel Thompson. Grammar: Second class, Joan Duncan, Margaret Mackay. Liteurature: Second i class—Margaret M'Kay, Ariti Andrews, Eileen Arise!!, Kathleen Lyon, Dulcie Ruddenklau, Ethel Thompson. French: First class: Connie Price, Ariti Andrews; second class—Eileen - Anseil, Catherine M'Skimming, Ethel Thompson. History: Second class—Margaret M'Kav, Ariti Andrews, Freda White. Science: Second 1 class—Margaret M'Kay, Ariti Andrews, Kathleen Lyon, Dulcie Ruddenklau, Ethel Thompson. Mapping; First class, Jessie Taylor, Joan Duncan; second class—Helen Borrie, Peggie M'Farlane, Mona M'Lean. Margaret M'Kay, Connie Price, Mary Puflett, Peggy Trott, Ariti Andrews, Jean Cowie, Jean Techney, Catherine M'Skimming, Ethel Morris, Dulcie Ruddenklau, Ethel Thompson, Iris Townsend, Freda "White.

First class, Eileen Ans?ll; second class—Kathleen Lyon, Ariti Andrews, Jessie Taylor. Painting: First class, Constance Grant, Jessie Taylor. Elocution: Second class-—Helen Borrie, Joan Duncan, Margaret M‘Kav, Mary Purflett, Peggy Trott, Jessie Taylor; hon mention, second class, Freda WhitPhysical culture; First class—Margaret M Kay, Mary Puflett, Lilias Samson. Helen Borne, Freda WtiV; second class —Constance Grant Joan Duncan. Ethel

Thompson. Sewing: First class —Ariti Andrews, Nella M'Cartney; second class, Ethel Morris, Kathleen Lyon. Dressmaking: First class—Joan Duncan, Constance Grant, Peggie M'Farlane, Margaret M'Kay, Ariti Andrews, Ethel Thompson, Iris Townsend; second class—Helen Borrie, Connie Price, Kathleen Lyon. Peuter work: First class—Ethel Thompson, Mary Puflett, Lilias Samson; second class -Dulcie Ruddenklau, Catherine M'Skimming, Connie Price, Essie Blair, Cora Flatman. Lead work: First class— Sybil Douglas, Peggie M'Farlane, Dulcie IrVrii • sfiooud class, Catherine M Skimming, Mary Puflett. Fancywork: First class—Peggie M'Farlane, Ethel Thompson, Cora Flatman; second class— Catherine M'Skimming, Mary Puflett, Essie Blair. Music: First class—J. Dunc.M. Puflett (A.T.S.), L. Samson /ipi’ (S - T - P -). A. Miller S.P.T.AiT.), C. Flatman (V,), E. Morris (P.); second class—M. M'Kay (P,), C. Trott (P,), K. Lyon (P.). .Public Service.—Scripture: First class, K. Begg; second, class—R. Irving, B. Angell, I. Seelye, E. Helmkey, N. Lindley, D; Strang. language: First class, B. Angell, L. "Williamson; second class—- ?,*. B. Brewer, R. Hay. B. Fraser. M. Sutton. I. Seelye. English literature and composition: Second class—R. wm n - g ' B ' Angell, B. Brewer. R. Hay, L. Williamson, M. Sutton, I. Seelye, D Strang. History: First class—R. Irving, 11 T» y ’ n Eraser; second class—B. Angell, B. Brewer, L Williamson, M* Sutton, L Seelye, M. Porteous, E. Helmkey. K. .Primmer. French: First class—r! living, R. Hay, B. Brewer; second class— B. Angell, B Fraser. L. Williamson, M. M f ree J' D - Strang. Latin: Second cass, R. Irving., Arithmetic: Second class: B. Angell. R. Hay, B. h Williamson, M. Porteousf Geometry: class, M. MKreel; second class,-B. Brewer, B. Fraser. Elocution; & p as |T ß M lr^ ng > B - Angell. B. Bieuct R. Hay, B. Fraser, M. Sutton, I. Seelye, L. Helmkey, K. Begg, K. Prinjmer, N Lindley, C. Herbert; D. Strang. Physical culture: First class, M. Sutton. D. Strang; second class, E. Helmkey. worl-? 1 | econ . d c , IaB8 ' B- Strang. Pewter Second class, M. Sutton. Scripture: First class— M. Thomson, p. Johnston, J. Hould; second .class—N. Evans, M. Drennan, M. Cook, J Munro, P. M'Kinlay,. C. SomerJulie. English language: First class, M. Thomson. D. Johnston; second' class—J. Hould, B. Anderson, M. Drennan. M. Cook, N, Evans, G. Vidal. English literature and composition: First class, M. Thomson, D. Johnston; second class—J. Hould, N. Evans, B. Anderson, M. Drennan, J. Munro. History: First class—M. Thomson, D. Johnston, N. Evans; second class—J. Hould, B, Anderson, G. Vidal, J. Munro, N. Shannon. French; First class—M. Thomson, D. Johnston, J. Hould; second class—N. Evans, B. Anderson, M. Drennan, M. Cook, D. Campbell, G. Vidal, N. Shannon, C. Somerville. Latin: First class, M. Thomson; second class, D. Johnston, M. Drennan. Arithmetic; First class—M. Thomson, J. Hould, B. Anderson; second class, D. Johnston, P, M'Kinlay; hon. mention, second class arithmetic. Algebra: Second class, J. Hould. Geometry; First class* J. Hould; second class, M. Thomson, D. ; Johnston. Home science: First class, J. Hould; second class, M. Thomson, N. Evans. Elocution: First class—M, Thomson, D. Johnston, J, Hould, M. Cook; second class—N. Evans, B. Anderson, D. Campbell, J. Munro; hon. mention, second class, A. M'George. Physical culture: First class—M. Cook, G. Vidal,. N. Shannon; second class, 0. Somerville. Geography; Second_ class—N. Evans, B. Anderson, P. M'Kinlay. ' Feather work and marquetry: First class, K. Kirk. Pewter work: Second class, K. Kirk. Mapping;First class, D. Campbell. Music: First class, piano, M. Cook, J, Munro; first class, theory, M._ Cook, D. Cdmpbell. .Higher Leaving. Scripture: First class, M, Brewer, R. M'Kenzie; second class—B, Blamires, L. Brewer, I, Lawson. English language: First class, R. M'Kenzie; second class, G. Stevenson, L, Brewer; hon, mention, second class, A. M'George. English Literature and Composition. First class, R. M'Kenzie; second class—B. Blamires, G. Stevenson, L. Brewer, M. Brewer, I. Lawson; hon, mention, second class, A, M'Geoijge. History; First class—R, M'Kenzie, |B. Blamires, G. Stevenson; second class; M. BheweF; non. mention, first class, A. M'George. French: Second class —L. Brewer, M. Brewer, I. Lawson. Latin: Second class, R. M'Kenzie, B. Blamires. Trigonomentry. First class, B. Blamires. L. Brewer. Algebra: Second class, B. Blamires. Geometry: First class, B. Blamires; second class, L. Brewer. Elocution. First class,_ B. Blamires; second class—R. M'Kenzie, L, Brewer, I. Lawson. Chemistry: First class. G. Stevensou- Physical culture: First class, R. MKenzie.

Higher Leaving Certificates.—B, Blamires, M. Brewer. G. Stevenson?" 0, Lawson, K. M'Kenzie.

Dunedin Athenasum Membership Ticket (Proficiency in English and History).—B. Blamires, R. M'Kenzie, G. Stevenson. 1

Johnson Cup, for Best Account of Book Head During Term—M. Puflett. Shakespeare Prize.—M. Thomson, Cunningham Cup (Best Essay on St. Golutnba.)—R. ; McKenzie. Schubert Essay.—A. Hiller. ■ Karitane Garments.—Senior: A. Andrews, Q. Mayer. Junior: R. Sonntag. ■ Dus of College.-—Margaret Thomson, Proximo Accessit.—Joyce Hould. First Place Public Service Class.— Betty Angell. Dus of Primary Department.—Evelyn Brookfield. Silver Medal for Elocution.—Margaret Allan. . _Special Award _ (Cooking and Housewifery).—K. Austin. Awards for Diligence and Progress.— D. Johnston, K. Rapson. Certificates for Fairy Tales.—lntermediate: First, D. Tipler; second (equal) —R. Bagent, P. Ewing, D. Brookfield, F. Malcolm. Senior II: First, M. Smellie; second, M. Elder and B. Begg. Domestic science: First, A, Andrews; second, S. Douglas and J. Fechner. Senior lb: First, P. Leihy; second, J. Carson and G. M'Kenzie. Commercial: First, L. Corbett and P. Allan; second, B. Hastie, Public service: First, K. Begg; second— F. Helmkey, B. Angell, and K. Primmer,' Navy League Essays.—Matriculation: R. M'Kenzie 1, D. Johnston 2.- Public service: L. Williamson 1, K. Primmer 2. Domestic, science: M. Allan 1. Senior IB; L. Corbett 1, G. Fleming 2. Standard VI; M. Christie 1. Standard V; M. Elder X. SPORTS. Interclass net ball shield.—Domestic Science Class (L. SamsOn, captain). Junior Net Ball May Cup.—Senior 118. “ Seliwood ” Guide Cup.—Rata Patrol (L. Brewer, leader). M'Leod Drill Cup.—Nessie Shannon; runner-up, M. Cook. Senior Tennis Singles Cup.—B, Blamires, Junior Tennis Cup.—V. Blamires. Interform Tennis Cup.—Public Service Class. • Swimming Championship Cup.—hL Shannon. Junior Swimming.—R.- Porteous. Life Saving.—Award of merit: G. Grant and M. Sutton. i Bronze Medallions.—C. Herbert, I. Seelye, M. PorteouSjß. Hay, C, Grant, M. Subton, G. Vidal, H. Borrie, C, Somerville, L. Samson, M. Puflett, A. M'George. and J. Taylor. TENNIS. Junior Championship Singles.—B. Fraser. Junior Championship Doubles.—P. Leihy and 'V. Blamires. Junior Handicap Doubles.—P. Leihy and V. Blamires.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20591, 14 December 1928, Page 7

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COLUMBA COLLEGE. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20591, 14 December 1928, Page 7

COLUMBA COLLEGE. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20591, 14 December 1928, Page 7


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