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MONTHLY MEETING. Th«_ monthly meeting of the University Council was held yesterday afternoon, and was attended by Mr T. K. Sidey, M.P. (chancellor), Sir James Allen, Drs Marshall Macdonald and Fitzgerald, Professor Bonham, Professor Inglis, and Messrs J. Rennie, L. D. Ritchie, J. S. Douglas, J. W. Scurr, J. Wallace, W. J. Morrell, J. C. Stephens, J. A. Moore, J. C. Thomson and G. R. Ritchie, The. Dean of the Dental Faculty wrote recommending that the certificate of proficiency course should be : abolished. This was a recommendation from the . Professorial Board.—Referred to the Medical and Finance Committees for a report. CORRESPONDENCE. The Dean of the Dental Faculty recommended that only those giving instruction be members of the Dental Faculty; and that a member of the Dental Association be co-opted. _ This, was recommended by the Professorial Board.—Referred to the Medical Committee for a report. The Actingidcan of the Medical Faculty wrote informing the council that Mr C. D. Costello had won the B.M.’A. prize for assays by final year, students of the Empire outside the United Kingdom.—lt was decided to send a letter of congratulation to Mr Costello. , The Chancellor remarked that this was the second year tho.prizo had been awarded and that on both occasions it had been won by an Otago University student.—(“Hear, hear.”) The Assistant-secretary, New Zealand Institute, wrote _ asking, for assistance towards the publication of papers contributed to the institute by Professor Malcolm, Mr Allan,, and Mr Fihlay.r—Referred to the Finance Committee for a report, Dr Benham to bo associated with the committee.

Professor Park forwarded, on behalf of the Dominion Mining Conference, £2O Is to establish a prize commemorating Professor Waters.—Acknowledged with thanks, and referred to the - Finance Committee to arrange the conditions. The Town Clerk wrote stating that the Maori House might remain on Logan Park for an ' additional three months.—Referred to the Works Committee. NURSING COURSE.

The Director-general of Health wrote asking if council coufd review the.position in relation to the nursing course. The Medical Congress had recommended _ that a course of instruction should be given at a medical school. The Chancellor said the council was quite familiar with what had taken place. It had never been contemplated by the council that there should bo an expenditure of anything like ££oo per year. Ho would submit the following motion: —"That the Director-general of Health be informed that this council is most anxious to proceed with tho course for the diploma in nursing. Unfortunately, however, os has previously been pointed out, the council has no funds to provide the salaries of the in tho final .year of the course. If this difficulty can be overcome ho time will be lost m instituting the necessary classes. The council directs that the matter be referred to the Medical and Finance Committees to roDr Macdonald said that the Directorgeneral was confusing two things. One thing was that the University course m nursing was from tha beginning, and was a very elaborate and, ho thought, an unnecessary scheme. The other was a special training in public health nursing, ana could bo carried out as' a post-graduate B *Mr Stephens said it would be assumed from the Director-general’s letter that this was an entirely new matter, He thought the resolution should bo referred to the committee named, so .that it would be in a position to place the whole matter before the Minister of Public Health. It was decided to adopt this course. ANNIVERSARY DAY.

The Secretary, Otago Early Settlers’ Association, wrote stating that the association considered that tho University should be closed on Anniversary Day. The Registrar reported as follows concerning business transacted by tho Professorial Board:—Tho question of tho observance of Anniversary Day has been referred to all faculties. With tho, exception of law arid commerce all faculties are opposed to granting a holiday on that date. Tho law faculty desires a holiday; the commerce faculty has not reported. The board, therefore, is of, opinion that Anniversary Day in future"'years should bo observed as it was in 1927. ' _ It‘was decided to hold over tho matter to'next meeting and to circulate copies o! Professor Thompson’s address on Anniversary Day amongst members of tho council. HOME SCIENCE DIPLOMAS. The Dean of tho Home Science Faculty wrote recommending that diplomas _in homo science be awarded to tho following students:—Annio Borne, Ahoo W. GUchiist, Marie E. Conley, Miriam M. Horrick, Ruth M. Jolly, Mary C. Marshall, Vera M. M’George, Eileen B. Newcomb, Sylvia M. None,' Ynys E. Owen, Catherine B. Ritchie, Ellen I. Smith, Winifred M. Stenhouse, Evelyn I. Waddell, Gladys M Wilkinson (recommended by Professorial Board).—Approved. EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. The Howard League for Penal Reform wrote recommending tho appointment oi a lecturer in experimental psychology and asking the council to apply to the Dunedin Savings Bank for funds to endow tho lectureship. It was thought an endowment of £6OOO subsidised by Government should provide the salary. Dr Fitzgerald said that there was an important branch of modical study which was being starved. Ho thought they should consider tho establishment of a chair of midwifery before they went in for tho proposal now put before tho councii* Mr Stephens moved that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee. Mr Ronnio moved as an amcndment_ that a special committtee should be appointed to report to the council. Ho thought tho business was important enough for that. The amendment was lost. Mr L. D. Ritchie moved as a further amendment that the matter be referred back to tho Professorial Board for a report as to what teaching was required—whether they should have a new chair, an assistant to Professor Dunlop, or a fulltime lecturer. Tho Finance Committee was quite incapable of forming any opinion on tb« matter. It was decided to refer the matter to tho Professorial Board, which will report to the Finance Committee. FINANCE AND MEDICAL COMMITTEES.

The Finance and Medical Committees reported that they had considered „ a letter from Dr Fitchett concerning the teaching of pharmocology. the • adoption of which had been recommended by the medical faculty.— It was reeblved that the chairman of the Medical Committee should report to the next meeting as to necessary equipment, annual cost, and as to any other points concerning which ho should think a report desirable. The committee had considered the following recommendation from the medical faculty“ That the University Council to contribute to the salaries of the senior clinical tutors at the hospital as heretofore, but that two more highly paid tutors be appointed in place of three as previously recommended, and that the Hospital Board be recommended to appoint Dr Geerin as surgical tutor.”—These matters were referred to a sub-committee consisting of the chairman of the Medical and Finance Committees with instructions to consult with the executive of the faculty and to report back to the committee. The committees hada doptod a report from the sub-committee regarding th appointment of a professor of dentistry. That report stated that consideration had been given to a letter from the Dental Association stating that the following resolutions had been nassed bv the Executive Council; — “The Executive Council of this Association would urge on the Council of the University of Otago:—l. That the position of the deim of dental faculty bo advertised as vacant in (a) England; (b) British colonies; and fc) in two leading dental iournnls in the United States. 2. That the position be a whole-time _ one with the possible proviso of permission for research work and that no private practice be permitted. 3. That the salary be a minimum rf £llOO. That the now holder of the position should be primarily a surgeon dentist. The Executive Council had also suggested the appointment of a committee to inquire into and report upon—(a) The duties of the credent staff; (h) their hours of work; (c) their salaries; and (d) generally upon the training given in the Dental School.” The sub-committee reported as follows:—!. In the opinion of the sub-committee advertising should be confined to England and British dominions. 2. The sub-committec recommends that in advertising no reference should be made to research, otherwise that the recommendation of the Dental Association be approved. 3. The ,sub-com-mittee recommends that the position ' be

advertised at £IOOO. 4. The sub-committee recommends that no pronouncement of this kind should be made in the advertisement, but that, other things being equal, the double qualification should be considered a recommendation. 5. In the opinion of the sub-committee the present occasion of the retirement of Dr Pickerill is not an, opportune time for investigation of the past work of the Dental School After the new director has been appointed the council will, in the ordinary course, consult him as to the organisation of the school and as to any changes which he may deem necessary or desirable. With regard to any reorganisation the council will be glad to receive any representations from the Dental Association and to give due weight to them. At a conference with representatives of the Dental Association the following resolutions were passed: (1) That previous recommendation 1 be adhered to (the representatives of the association acquiescing in this finding); (2) that previous resolution 2 be adhered to (the representatives of the association concurred); (3) with regard to previous resolution 3, the deputation • stated that, in their opinion, £IOOO would not attract a satisfactory man. They pressed for £llOO, and stated that the professor in Melbourne receives a salary of £I2OO. The deputation further stated that the whole question would bo considered at a meeting of the Dental Association in May, and asked that a decision on the point should be post-

poned till after that meeting. The subcommittee, therefore, recommends that consideration of this matter be Held over pending receipt of report from meeting of the Dental Association: (4) the sub-com-niittce recommends, that the fpllowing words bo added to previous resolution 4 “The highest stress would naturally ho laid upon dental qualifications and experience, teaching and practical." (5) The deputation undertook to report the view of the sub-committee, as expressed in resolution 5 to tho central executive. The report was adopted. WORKS COMMITTEE. The Works Committee reported that it had considered a letter from Dr Benson regarding central heating. It was resolved that a copy of the letter bo sent to tho department with an explanatory letter, and that the department be requested to supply information as to what was to be done with the chemistry and geology departments. A letter had been received from tho town clerk stating that the City Council was not responsible for erosion in the Leith _ bank, but that if the University Council would contribute to the cost of the work the City Council would also probably do so. The letter was noted, and it was resolved that the willows in the bed of the stream south of the bridge bo removed and tho soil picked over.

The report was adopted. CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES.

A commiteo, consisting of the chairmen of tho various committees, reported that it had considered the regulations made by the University of New Zealand in respect of the method of appointment of university professors. Those regulation* read as follows:—(a) That_ a committee on appointment of university professors, consisting of tho Chancellor. Principal, Mr Acland, Mr Bakewell. Hon. Mr Fowlds, Mr Sidey, has been set up and the powers of the council under section 1 delegated to this committee, (b) That the Academic Board has been asked to co-operato with this committtce bv . making arrangements for such expert advisory committee as the Committee of Appointment of University Professors may from time to time_ desire, (c) (i) That before making an appointment to a chair a college council should send to the registrar of the university a short list of names of the applicants considered most suitable by tho college council; (ii) that the Committee of Appointment will strike out of the list tho name of any applicant of whose appointment the copimittoo would not approve; (iii) that the college council be then advised that if it appoints to the chair any one of the applicants whose names still remain on the list the committee will approve of the selected cancommittee will approve of the selected candiato as . a university professor. It was . resolved that the council _bo recommended to accept in the meantime the regulations made by the New Zealand University Council as to tho approval of the appointment of professors by that council on the distinct understanding that the functions of the committee are limited to tho pronouncing as to the fitness or unfitness of applicants for such appointment and do not extend to the making of any recommendations as to the order of eligibility for appointment. _ The committee is of opinion that the ultimate acceptability of the regulations will largely depend upon how they are administered. It is of high srhporbanco that the procedure adopted should bo such as to avoid undue delays. Tho committee had considered regulations made respecting the payment of subsidy on voluntary contributions. It was resolved to recommend the council to receive the regulations and express the hope that tho new legislation would not bo administered in such a way as to dcscourago voluntary contributions. Tho council was recommended to approve of the new regulations in respect of tho Board of Control. Tho report was adopted, and it was decided that tho resolutions referred to above be forwarded to.the registrar of the New Zealand University. On the motion of Mr Stephens it was decided to write to the Director of Education stating that in the opinion of the, council the Now Zealand University Amendment Act, clause 21, was not retrospective, and that if it was applied retrospectively by the department to recent contributions made before the Act oamc into force tho council would claim that it should be retrospective to all contributions made before the passing of tho Act and on which no subsidy had been received. MEDICAL COMMITTEE. Tho Medical Committee reported that it Had considered a letter from tho Plunket Society with reference to ■ the Lady King Scholarship and a report thereon from the Medical Faculty. It was resolved to approve of tho proposed regulations with the exception of portion of regulation 4. Wit|i regard to this regulation it was resolved that in order to bring tho regulations for this scholarship into line with those for other scholarships, all of which provide that recommendations come to the council through the Professorial Board, the committee approved of the alteration recommended by the Medical Faculty—viz.: "That tho appointment be made by tho council on he recommendation of the Professorial Board acting on tho advice of a committee consisting of the executive of the Medical Faculty in consultation with tiro general president of tho Royal New Zealand Society for tho Health of Women and Children, and tho president of tho Central Council of tho society.” It was further resolved that the chancellor be asked personally to bring this decision before the Plunket Society. Tho committee had considered a letter from the Medical Faculty concerning tho fuller utilisation of midwifery cases at St. Helens Hospital. Tho faculty reported that in tho immediate future it should bo possible to dispense with tho use of Rcdroofs Hospital. It was resolved that the council be recommended to inform tho authorities of tho Rcdroofs Hospital that the University would not need to make use of tho institution for the current year and to express thanks for the facilities which were granted in the past. It was resolved that Dr Fitzgerald be reappointed es a cooptivo member of the Hospital Committee of the Otago Hospital Board. The report was adopted. FINANCE COMMITTEE.

The Finance Committee reported that it had considered a request from the ,Hon. G. M. Thomson that Professor Cockerell be invited to lecture in the University. In view of the financial position it was reluctantly resolved that the request be declined. The committee had considered a letter from Victoria College asking if the University would support a request for the restoration of the cut.—lt was resolved that this request be acceded to. A letter from Canterbury College asking the council to express its opinion concerning a scale of salaries had been referred to a committee consisting of the Chancellor, Vice-chancel-lor, the chairman, and Mr Stephens to report to the committee. The committee had considered what alterations should bo made in the regulations of the Fowler Scholarship to comply with the Government requirements for subsidy. It was resolved to approve of the following amendments: “Introductory paragraph—delete all words after ‘student’ in the fifth line. Delete paragraph 14 and substitute the following words: Tf there is at any time for any reason a surplus of income this surplus" may be applied for the purpose either —(a) of granting another scholarship for one or more vears; (b) of augmenting an existing scholarship.’ ” The following business had also been dealt with: —(a) It was resolved to approve of a request from ’ bo"t=on for three months’ leave of absence subject to the registrar being satis(i d that a satisfactory substitute can be obtained; (b) a request that the University contribute towards the expenses of Professor Blakesloc was declined; (e) it was resolved that Mr M'Clymont be appointed assistant to Dr Elder at £75 for tiie present year the malte r to be reconsidered next voir if the work is increased. The report was adopted.

HOME SCIENCE COMMITTEE, The Home Science Committee reported that it had considered a letter from tho Education Department concerning tho award of home science bursaries. The letter stated that in future bursaries would bo awarded strictly in accordance with the estimated need for teachers, and no notification was to bo sent to applicants until a decision had been arrived at by the department. Professor Strong reported in writing on this letter. Tho general joints set out in tho letter were:—(a)_ Eighty home science teaching positions in New Zealand are reported to .bo held by teachers who have not received special home science training; (b) in granting bursaries the department cannot assume that all tho students to whom tho bursaries are granted will qualify at the end of the minimum period; therefore, tho number ot bursaries granted should be greater than tile number of positions estimated to be vacant at the end of the bursary period; (c) a set of conditions for the award of homo science bursaries was submitted and ordered to be forwarded to the Education Department—namely, that applicants for homo science bursaries be considered in tho following order of preference:—(l) Those who have taken chemistry and physics to tho medical preliminary standard; (2) those who have obtained the higher leaving certificate, including as one of their subjects at a postmatriculation stage, mathematics or home science or chemistry; (3) those, who have obtained the higher leaving certificate irrespective of subjects, and who have had teaching experience; (4) those who have obtained tho higher leaving certificate only; (5) thoso who have passed the matriculation examination and who have teaching experience; (6) those who have passed the matriculation examination only. The committee had considered a further letter from tho department stating that certain homo science bursaries had been cancelled, and that certain ones were renewed subject to tho bursars transferring to the diploma course. Professor Strong reported in writing on this letter, and the letter, with certain modifications, was ordered to bo sent to tho department with a covering letter. Tho main points made in this letter were that the students in question had returned to their studios at the commencement of the current year in tho expectation of continuing to receive their bursaries, that it was unfair to tho students to notify them at this stage of the year of tho cancellation of the bursaries, that in the majority of cases the students wore unable to pay their fees (including boarding fees), and that the loss might, therefore, fall upon tho council. In view of these facts _ the department was asked to review its decision for this year, and as regards future years to adopt a scheme submitted whereby the continuance of tho bursary would be definitely ascertainable from the results of the examinations held at the end of each year. The committee had considered tho question ot tho lease of “Arana,” and had resolved to recommend tho council to ask Sir James- Allen for an extension of lease till October 31, 1928, at a rent of £3 per week for the whole period. The report was adopted. GENERAL.

Mr J. J. Clark was appointed a,member of the Ethnographic Committee in placo of Mr F. Waite, M.P. The chancellor was given power to appoint any suitable person as a representative of the University at the centenary celebrations of tho University of Toronto. A letter was received from Professor Lawson regarding a course of lectures by professors on evolution. —The matter was referred to a committee consisting of the chancellor, tho vice-chancellor, Mr Rennie, and Mr Mooro.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20101, 18 May 1927, Page 5

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UNIVERSITY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20101, 18 May 1927, Page 5

UNIVERSITY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20101, 18 May 1927, Page 5


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