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A.J.C, RACES. BEAUFORD DEFEATS GLOAMING. THE DERBY WON BY RIVOLI. Frees Association — By Toloeraph—Copyright SYDNEY, October 1. (Received Od. 1. at 5.5 p.m.) Ovqr 80,000 were ailractcd t,o Rand wide on tbe opening day of the spring carnival, which was held in line, warm weather. The public interest was curiously divided between (lie Beaufoi-d-Gloaming contest, from a strictly sporting standpoint, and the Derby and Epsom from a speculative angle, 'he bud; of the patrons wore satisfied to watch the Spring Stakes, which resolved into a battle of tactics between the rival jockeys, Wood and Young. Tno great crowd warmly applauded both horses after the magnificent two furlongs’ struggle to the post, if was anybody’s race till the numbers were posted. Bcauford had the advantage of the more skilled horseman. The Epsom, as was largely predicted, resulted in Jirst. and second places for Connolly’s pair, both oT whom were gtron.gly favoured for several weeks. The Derby should have been won ov Soqrak, the, jociiey appearing not. to ride his mount right out. Results:—SPRING STAKES. Of l£S2sovs. Weighl-for-age. One mile and a-tialf. Mr S. Killick’s hr g Beaufovd, by Beau Soult —Blueford, 6yrs, 9.3 (Wood)_ ... 1 Mr O. D. Greenwood's b g Gloaming, by Tho Welkin—Light, aged, 9.3 _(G. Young) 2 Air .1. J. Leahy’s hr h Speciality, bv Persian Knight—Arrogant, oyrs, 9.5 ... 3 There were eight starters. The race was really a battle of tactics between Wood and Young, the jockeys of Bcauford and Gloaming. Violinrollo went to the front past the stand, hut no serious effort was made to chase him till leaving tho straight. Beanlord assumed command at Ihe mile post, two lengths ahead of Violincollo, with Gloaming leading the hold a length away. Bcauford increased his lead to four lengths at the bend,' with Gloaming in hot pursuit. Both were almost level at the distance. From thence to ihe post there took place one of the finest struggles ever witnessed at Randwick, the horsemanship of Wood enabling .Bcauford to securt? the victory by a neck. Time, 2miu 33iscc. HURDLE HANDICAP. Of 505sovs. * wo niiles. Mr E. J. Watt’s ch " Alt Aboard, by All Black—Float, aged, 10.10 1 All- T. Collier's Palbi, 9.5 2 Air J. Wren’s Kildennis, 9.2 3 There were 16 starters. .AH Aboard went to the front at (lie half-nmo, and staved there. He won by two lengths. Time, 3min 'to^sec. TRIAL STAKES. Of 630sovs. Special weights with allowances. One mile and a-quarter. Air N. Falkinor’s ch f Even Song, by land of Song—Yippingale, 4vrs, 8.3 ... 1 Air J. Lobston’s blk m Aliss Lilia, syrs, 8.5 2 Air S. Killick’s b g Akaba, 6yrs, 8.7 ... 3 Eighteen starters. The held was hunched at the distance. Even Song broke away a furlong from home, and won by throe lengths. Time, 2min S^sec. A.J.C. DERBY. A sweepstake of 25sovs. with TOOOsovs added. Air 0. H. Andrews’s b e Rivoli, by Repartee Lady Rahhie. 8.10 drown) ... 1 Air F. G. Spurwav’s hr c Soorak, by Wnorak—So So, 8.10 (Pikel 2 Mr <J. Mvers’s hr e C-.iserta, by Comedy King—Scssn, 8.10 (Cairns) 3 Full Power did not start. Clift’dilo led c"l of tho straight at a slow hat, attended bv ,Sr Andrew, Cn=evl-', and Soorak. the straight Soorak, on the rails, assumed the lead, and se.omed lo have the race well in hand. He was challenged bv Rivoli in the final dash, the latter snatching a victory by a short head; three lengths between second and third. Tressnvr finidicd s ; vth and never showed up. Time, 2min 35(1 sec. EPSOM HANDICAP. Of 30C0sovs and sweepstake of 33sovs each. One mile. Afr E. A. Covrmll-’s bik h Rostrum, by Roscworthv —Tullia. syrs, 8.12 (Kcllv) 1 Afr E. A. Connolly’s b h Fleur’ste (imn), by Bona Rosa—Flountina, 6vrs. ,7.2 (Johnston) 2 A!"- G. Cr’dland’s b g Sir Maitland, bv Persian Knight—Jomfy Sharp. 6vrs, 8.6 , (Cracknel!) 3 Liberty Loan did not start. Loyal Irish wont to the front immediately, but was quickly displaced by Alfort, who l°d to the half mile. Fleurk-to took up the running round tho b“ r 'd. with Rostrum and Alport close up. Odray made a bold bid on the outside, but the finish resolved into a fine struggle between Connolly’s pair. Rostrum and F l '' , ’.nV«, the former gradually overhauli”" - b ; s st-Me mate and winning by half a lc”'Ui. The same distance separated second and third. Loyal Irish finished with the hunch. Time, Imin 33isec. SOUATTERS’ HANDICAP. Of 658sovs. One mile and a-ouartor. Air C. G. M'Dougill’s c h S ,r ce Knight. by Syce—Aferry Thought, ftvrs, 9 13 ... 1 Air M, Jones’s h g Purser. 6yrs, 9.5 ... 2 Air T. Sander’s o It Wildun, fivrs, 8.7 ... 5 Won by a neck. Time, 2min Sjscc. NAPIER PARK RACES. (Peb United Pkess Association.) NAPIER, September 30.' Tho Napier Park Racing Club’s Spring meeting was held to-day in line weather. There was a fairly largo attendance. Tiro amount put through the totalisator came to £12,167, as against £21,085 for the corresponding day last year. Results: TRIAL HACK HANDICAP, Six furlongs.—Kaotanc 8.3 1. Kahikatea 9.0,.2, Novoko 8.5 3. Also started: Kilbird 8.8, Tabumata, 8.7. Marcus 8.7, Esquimaux 8.7, Martinique 8.5, Alotu Kura 8.5, Killian 8.5, The Linnet 8.5, Pretty Girl 8.5, Sunny Valley 8.5, Sartoliui 8.5, Arataura 8.5, Junarat 8.5. Won by a neck. Time, Imin 11 2-ssee. GREEN MBA DOW’S HACK HURDLES, i of 150sovs. One mile and a-half.—Kail I 9.11 1. Black Art, 9.7 2, Raffle 10.5 3. Also started: Ilyrax 10.9, Ton Tana 9.11, Woden 9.9, Rauuiaimnvhin 9.7, Blue- Hall 9.6. Kcvno 9,0, Oak Rose 9.0, Raimi 9.0. Won by four lengths, six lengths between second and third. Time, 2min 46see. PRINCE OF WALES HANDICAP STAKES, of five furlongs.—Razzle Daz/.lc 1, Mum 2, Simonello 3. Also started : Misgovern, Mountain Belle. Town Talk, Strong Holt. ’Won by a. head, five lengths between second and third. Time, Imin 3 l-ssec. PARK STAKES HANDICAP. of 250sovs. One mite and a-quarter.—Orawia 6.11 1, Bonnettcr 8.1 2, Admiral Ccdring(ou 9.0 3. Also started: Anomaly 8.13, Heather Sprig 8.9, Festivity 7.10, Crown Gem 7.0. Won by half a length, a head between second and third. Time, 2mm 8 I-Sscc. AHURIRI HACK HANDICAP, of 125sovs. Six furlongs.—Chaplin 7.8 1, Good Sport 8.2 2, Viyelia 7.13 3. Also started: Suspicion 8.3, Communicate 7.13, Damien 7.10, Ferwood 7.3, Fera 7.2, Mimus 7.2, Merry Sarah 7.0, Motuknra 7.0. Won by half a-leiiglh, a length between second and third. Time. Imin 16 1-Ssee. TARADALE HURDLES, of 2Co;ovs. One mile and three-quarters,-Highway 9.0 1, Mai at mi, 10.5 2. Wamha 10.10 3. ‘Also stalled: Gay Boy 9.2. Zeus 9.7. Won by a clear length, rigid lengths Ixttweoli second and third. Time. 3min 13 4-ssec RAILWAY HANDICAP, of 200sovs. Six furlongs.—Tai-aiwliili 6.9 1, Maioha 8.12 2, Morose 8.0 3. Also started: Ad Astra 7.10. Mountain Lion 7.9. Won by a head, three-quai'tors of a length between second and third. Time, Imin 15 l-ssee. COUNTY UAHs; HANDICAP, of 15-Novs. One mile..—Taipairu 8.0 1, Comical 8.4 2, Penitent 9,0 3. Also started: Rmanvai 8.4. Muugakinn 8.0. Joyride 7.10, Slave Marl 7.5, Megan 7.2, Five Eighth 7.0. Won by two lengths, a head between second and third. Time, Imin 42 4-ssec. WELT.INGTON NOMINATIONS. I he following nominations have been received for the principal events in connection with the Wellington Racing Club's meeting:— Wellington Handicap, of lOOOsovs. Eleven furlongs.--Hitters, Bonnie Heather, Dainty Step, Scion, Mura a hi. Almoner, Trespass, Bonctler, TwUcrtield, Mark Time, Heathersprig, Suuarl., Kilgour. Equitable, Vespucci, Pluto. Cupidon. Haurangi. Winning Hit, Marqiiefcur. Maioha, Bonnie Winkie, Festi\ity. Thespian, Prinlemps. Royal Mac, Rapine. King's Trumpeter. Gasbag, Rouen, Insui'reciion. General Advance. Shortfi Handicap, of SOOsovs,' Six furlongs.—Canyon, Moutoa’s Gift, Songbird, Bumptious. Blackmail. Mireusontn. Arcs, Solfanollo, Astinome, Passionless, Rational, Vespucci, Pluto, Civilform, Capping Day, Winning Hit, Chimera, The Hawk. Mountain Lion, Maioha, Listowel, Glentruin. Anomaly, Grotesque, Epitaph, Sunny Loch, Backsheesh, Irapuka, Ad Astra. Wellesley Stakes, of lOOOsovs. For two-year-olds. ' Colts 8.7, geldings 8.4, fillies 8.2.

Five furlong’s.—G. Gerard’s hr f. Martian — Lady Lucy; Estate W. J. Douglas's bf, Martian—Trichas; Sir Geo. Clifford’s b f Owlseombe, Autumnus —Glenowlct; G. M. Currie’s ch o Deluge, Absurd —Liquify; G. M. Currie’s Homage, Absurd—Eulogy; W. H. Kemball’s b f Foolish, Absurd —Cintra; The Countess .Tellicce’s b g Ralston, Bonifoi'in—Peace; It. M’Donald’s be, Boniform —Lady Stewart ; Henry Lake's br f, Kilhroney—Glen Helen; J. G. Duncan’s b r, Kilbrouc.v —Bonny Helen; J. G. Duncan's b f. Martian —Esther; K. D. Duncan s b c. Boniform—Dearest; W. M‘A. Duncan’s b f Tnrkia, Absurd—Talma; Jan. Dealy’s ch f, Boniform—Maltegarde; S. J. Gibbons's b o Muriiiaupo. Sunny Lake—Equitas; W. T. llazlelt’s b f, Kilbronoy—Simper; Chas. Eiger's b c. Panmure —Adebcia ; H. A. Knight’s br g. Nassau-Medley; C Milieu's b o, Bisogne—Molly; J. D. Ormond s b f, King Mark-Hoy: Eric Riddiford s b e. Nassau—Cooing: R. M’Donald s br c, Ab«urd—Week End; E. R. Davis’s br f, Lucuilus—Match. , Rosanoatb Handicap of SCOsovs. h ive furlongs. -LueinoHe, /.xle Blongc, Tantatuiel Idano, Garemore, Glaive, llazzel Daz;:r 11. ’ Boniform —Historiette g, Benmure, Avonlea. Allgold, Ralston, King of. Hearts, Tukia, Owlseombe, Attractive, Garcas. Deluge. Homage. Murihauno. Panorama. Indiana. Misgovern. Penelophos, Ransack, Buglecall, Soliform. Pearce Handicap, of 6Cosovs. One irnle. Bonny Heather, Petunia. Halifax, Esperanto, Princess Pat, Dainty Step, Scion, Bodyguard, Probate. Almoner, Martian Miss, Tcnlerfield. Flight Commander, Marktime, Ilcathersnng, Snnart, Cleasanta, Kilgour. Ares, Solfancllo, Equitable. Vespucci, Pluto, Ziioon. Cupidon. Haurangi. Ci\uform. Capping Day. 'Whipping Boy, 1 lie H.-i.wk. Maioha, Tinohanga, Mountain Lion, Bonnie Winkie, Festivity, Listowel, I rmtomps. Royal Mac. Anomaly, Irapiika, King's Thninpetor, Gasbag, Grotesque, 1 emtoiit." Sunny Loch, Insurrection, Cold bice,, Admiral Codrington. Prince Martian, General Advance, Ambitious. Champion Plate, of lOOOsoys. One nine aud a-quartor.—Zouave, Songbird, Trespass, Boncller, Snnart, Enthusiasm, Gloaming, Tres'avr, Winning Hit. The Hawk. Marquetour, Maioha, Mn'in!ai.n Lion. Bonnie Winkie. Thespian. Rapine, Gasbag, King a Trumpeter, Rouen. Amy t has.

RACING IN ENGLAND. Pras* Am octal ion —Bv Telegraph ucprnght. LONDON, September 30. T he feature of tho racing season has been t.ho extraordinary bargain made by Air Somerville Tattersall in leasing the late Lord Manton’s fillies. These five have won stakes aggregating £27,000. Lord Woolavington has purchased a. yearling filly by The T’etnirch-Prelty Dark for 4000 guineas— A. and N.Z. Cable. NEW ZEALAND CUP WITHDRAWAL. (Pkh United Press Association.! ■ CHRISTCHURCH, September 30. Tame Fox was scratched for the. New Zealand Cup at 9 o’clock this morning. OAMARU RACES. The Oamaru Jockey Club has arranged for a special train in connection with its race meeting on Saturday next. It will land horses at Oamaru not loss than a clear hour before the first race, and bring them back to Dunedin the same night. SALE OF SYDNEY" RACECOURSE. Piem Association—Bv Telegraph—Copyright. SYDNEY, October 1. A tentative agreement has been arrived at between the Australian Jockey Club and the Warwick Farm Racing Club for the sale of the Warwick Farm course to tho Jockey Club—A. and N.Z. Cable. WELLINGTON RACING CLUB. THE ANNUAL MEETING. (Pee United Press Association.) WELLINGTON, September 30. At the, annual meeting of the Wellington Racing Club the profit shown , for the year was £2986. The stakes paid were £45,700, and the Government taxation £41,200. It was mentioned that, a sum of £50,000 in debentures was raised in three days for building new stands, etc. The president stated that a considerable falling off in revenue was anticipated, and the club would have to consider the possibility of a heavy loss. The Railway Department was adversely criticised for giving facilities to other meetings and refusing them to Wellington. Mr J. B. Harcourt (president) and other officers were re-elected.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18674, 2 October 1922, Page 7

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SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 18674, 2 October 1922, Page 7

SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 18674, 2 October 1922, Page 7