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Tho half-yearly mooting of the District d£u2 of . *at important event was postthe Ml? °1 ™ eSOUt to hold the half-yearly meeting at Port Chalmers. ....TiT'' • L Br °- °- H - Russell Presided, Mid he was supported by Prov. D.G.M. Bio 1. Middlomass, P.P.G.M. Bro. W. FlemB J t^ XOv - lreaa - Bro - J- H. F Hamel and Prov. C S. Bro. J. A. Hoperaft. Tho *™« delegates were present :-Hund J. H. G. Clarke, W. \. S* A• Sligo, W. H. Poyntz E. >E Hunt B. H. Rosovcar, S. Raffils, and \V. U. Rosevenx; Duncdin—Bros. J. A S^ rt \,W. Gleeson, D. Graham, a' MDougaU, C. West, and G. Crosbie; DalPnncG, of Wales-Bros. F. Keenan, W. J. Johnston W. D. Campbell; Albion-Bros. A. A W. Sullivan A• \ Coughlan, P. W. Stabb, E. Longwortl,; S Smith; OamarUi, Bro. T. Young; Tuapoka P-oneer, Bro. R. C. Mooro; Naseby, a a- 1 ?- , Tll °nison; Alexandra-Bros W doch; Roxburgh, Bros. T. P. Michelle and R. George; Tapanui, Bro. J. Edgar ;CromBr ' n r °W^-- S - ?**: Mount Wtodon, J? 1 Wl^T 10 and W - G - Stewart; Outram Bros. W. A. Barclay and R. Kidd ■ Mpegiel Bros W: H. and W T w=ll Ca-versham-Bros. W. H. Berin, ™i t \,f JR- Hambleton, F. J. M<Kenzio, S. J \ W rxr a :Rendol: North-East Valley J. Bros. A. W. Palmer. W. Hutton, T Henderson; Pnde of Kaitangata—Bros. C F O TT P 'wV G - K M "and U H. Williams; Umted Brothers, Bro E £.s£?,?' Milton-Bros. R. W. Bowie, w' F. Mills, and O. Grater; Waikaka Bro W French; Middlemarch, Bro. W. E C Roid • ?? f ntenar £> Bro. W. B. Kemohan; Prince Alfred, Bro. N. Stewart; Palmerston, W Pittaway. '

DISTRICT OFFICERS' 'REPORT +jAV epOrt of the distric t officers stated •that the membership on Juno 30 was 4939 an increase of 77 for tho half-year. The £™ e Q7°7 Hnu l °t Se fun<ls was sefc down at £204,977: The Registrar of Friendly Societies had advised that the fees payable to secretaries in respect to the preparation cf annual sickness and njortaiity returns had been increased as hereunder, to apply re returns rendered for 1920:—For lodges'consisting of 50 members or less, 10s; for each additional 50 or portion of 50, 7s. It is to be understood that 'payment of the fees is consequent upon the furnishing of correct returns within the time specified by the Act (March 31). Clearances.—The permission of the executive has been asked for granting a clearance from Kaitangata. to Alexandra Lodge on account of the principle adopted in the latter lodge for medical benefits,' they paying a sum for medicj.i services rendered to. members wherever situated. The matter is' held in abeyance, as the executive considers it a question for discussion by delegates. A question of issuing a clearance with surrender values to Auckland district was considered, and that district advised that they never granted a clearance on those conditions and to accept was exceptional, as such a system was equitable only in consolidated societies and applied only to members of lodges in the New Zealand branch. Amalgamation.—Your executive trusts before the next district meeting to have completed the amalgamation of Waitahuna, Waipori, and Blue Spur Lodges with the Tuapeka Pioneer. The matter has been somewhat delayed owing to tho regulations having to be conformed to. Lodge Competition.—Entries have been received from Hand and Heart, Dunedin,/ Prince of Wales, Albion, Roxburgh, Band of Friendship, Alexandra, Mosgiol, Caversham, Valley, Pride of Kaitangata, Milton, Middlemarch. Harrop Scholarship.—The examination for the Harrop Scholarship takes place on or about November 30, 1920. Secretaries have been advised that entries must be received by &th September next.

Increased Sick Pay.—The question of increasing the sick allowances has exercised the minds of your executive for some little time owing to the increasing cost of living. As it is a matter requiring earnest consideration and actuarial investigation wo suggest the appointment of a committee to make inquiries and report to next meeting. \ Continuing, the report states that official visits this last half-year have been excellently attended. Special mention is made of the one to Loyal Dalton Lodge, Balclutha, where about 200 visiting brethren from far and near were present. Loyal Prince of Wales visit was also a good one. -Your executive was represented at the second anniversary of the Loyal Pioneer Juvenile lodge, Kaitangata. The function was a great success. It ~ives your executive great pleasure in reporting the opening of a second juvenile lodge, the Taieri Juvenile Lodge, which was opened at Mosgjel on June 15 last. In connection with uie return of soldier brethren from the great war of 1914-19, divine service was held in the Early Settlers' Hall on Sunday, May 30, 1920. A welconre home to soldier brethren was held in the Early Settlers' Hall on June 1, and has the merit of being the most enthusiastic and successful social function ever held in the annals of the Otago District M.U. During- the past half ye-ar your executive have had the previlego of being present and assisting in the unveiling of rolls of honour in the Band of Friendship, Dalton,- Caversham, and Albion Lodges, to perpetuate the names of their brethren who followed the Flag during the great war. That the purpose of these records of war service shall not be lost sight of in the slightest degree, we commend to lodges most heartily the proposal set out by the Handbook Committee. It is: "That the meeting nearest to Anzac Day (April 25) be set aside in each, lodge syllabus as a ' Night of Memory, , a short ritual to be used (which shall be uniform), after which brethren shall stand in silence for one minute facing their repective rolls of honour to soldier brethren, 'Lest wo forget.' " At the past officers' and purple degree meeting, held in the Valley Lodge in Jury, the whole of the degrees were, at the request of your executive conferred by officers of the Past Grands' Lodge. The revision of the ritual connected with the throe minor degrees has been most effectively carried out, giving a completeness to the whole function. The Past Grands' Lodge is to be congratulated upon the results obtained so far in improving our ritual. Much more remains to be done in this direction, and until the whole is brought into lino we trust that this lodge of past officers will not cry halt. The Friendly Societies' Council, by its work during the past year, has fully justified its existence. The most important work undertaken by this organisation is that in connection with the Dunedin branch of the British Medical Association's application for increased remuneration to medical officers of lodges. A conference was held between representatives of the medical profession and the executive of the council. Up t? the time of going to press, no decision had been reached. This qnestkm is still under consideration. Owing to the annual meetingo£ the council being held m August, your execntive decided to reappojnt the same representatives for the Otago district—viz., Prov. C.S. Bro. J. A. Hopcraft, Prov' Treasurer Bro. ,J. H. P. Hamel, P P.G- M Ero. W. Sullivan, and P.S. Bro, P. W. Stabb. These appointments are subject to the approval of the deputies. A special matter of congratulation was the appointment of Bro. Stabb as of the council. DISCUSSION ON THE REPORT. On the motion of P.GJVL Bro. Russell seconded by P.P.G.M. Bro. Fleming, the report was received and considered olause by clause. Under the heading of "clearances" in the report a lengthy discussion took place in committee.—lt was eventually decided on the motion of Bro. Sligo, that a coml mittee consisting of Bros. Grater, Stabb, and iho mover be sot up in conjunction with the District Executive to formulate recommendations for the annual meeting. Bro. HopcraTi reported that the matter of amalgamation was in twin, and it was hoped that the books of the lodges concerned would shottly be taken over as from June 30. Regarding the question of issning a clearance with surrender values to the Auckland district, it was decided to refer the matter to the executive to communicate further with Auckland. Bro. Grater moved that the question of increased sick pay bo deferred until the quinquennial report waa in hand. Bro. MuMleinass submitted the annual report of the Loyal Pioneer Jtrvenile Lodge,

kaitangatu showing a total membership of It and a. hoolthy iinancial condition. Ho stated that u second juvenile lodge had now been established at Mosgiel, and it was hoped tliat more of these would be instituted in other places.— It was decided to forward a letter of congratulation to the Loyal Pioneer Juvenile- .Lodge- and to print its report m the- report of tho meeting.' Hearty votes of thanks woro accorded to Uioso who hud been responsible for tho success of the animal ball and the welcome iiomo to soldier brethren. In connection with, tho clause relating to tie* thanksgiving memorial service:, B ro Jilack suggested that tho delegates should fctaiKi for a moment in silence as a mark of ■respect to those who had laJd down their /S. , ' u t,h,s OO1U "« 3 was followed n .r!° sub J° ct oi aud degree ritual iii-o. lhomson advocated a movement for securing a, greater degreo of uniformity throughout the order.-Bro. Black said he a Uoml f d . lod |» meetings in England and the order in AW Zealand had nothing to learn from the British lodges in connection with the del.,ery of its ritual or in tho matter of decorum.-Bro. Hamel said ho was not in favour of uniformity of ritual because the lodge methods as fa/ as possible should reflect the individuality of members. It was decided that tho ritual as drawn IT™ 1460 Prijlted a,ld fol- - wardod to lodges. Bro. Hopcralt reported that 'good progress was beuur made with tho striking off of the membership medals, and it was hoped that those would ;bo available in the near future It was decided to forward a letter of congratulation to tho Taieri Juvenile Lodge, n a V^ to uS f £5 made to fundi, of iL rff ' sp * akin e °e the new president J .; Fnend ly Societies' Council, claimed that that body had undergone a £' k™* l du ™& the past year and had done much good work. Under the presidency of Bro. L. D. Ritchie, I.OOF the council had been a very live body and Bro Batch* had fulfilled his duties in a Sort wiuch had token place with the members of the medacal professoin, stating that he mattCr would shortly ber, , FINANCE. ih«S tho , mot \°f °\ Uro. Urater the balance sheet and auditors' reports were approved, mover recommending lodges when plac ng investments to endeavour to scWdl S u r S^t[ oh would return at least 6 *- Bro. Stabb moved, and it was carriedoonfoi *f e xceut,ve officers and the auditors S- i° £ w ; orkln e of the interest ac*u 4 PW - CGnt ,- per annum ' I& ss comnussion, the various lodges be credited with Oi tlie total amount of interest earned " Fun/w- r ded tIMLt lle Distric t Benefit £und levy for the ensuing half-year should Fund P lf 9d ember; Md f ° r the Management * NOMINATION OF OFFICERS for ffi foUow i n S, brethem wore nominated for office, and the election will take place cLI in March:-Proving cial >rand Master, Bro. T Middleman sT,lk i obson ' E - Longworth P W Stabb, and Jas. Brown; Provincial (W spending Secretary, Bro. J. A. Ilopcraft. li-rTri TrOaS Br ?; Shgo; aSiBros W V' r , B ?° k o Examiners Au-l T" C - Reld and J - 6. PattersonArbitration Committee—Bros A M'Dou £ U . <*■A. Coughlan. R. S. Black,'A Sligo" !|^^ D^r^u« Bros. Palmer, Coughlan, and Sullivan ACCEPTANCE OF MEMBERS' bflvUf S J lg fu 6 " 1 the f ° Uo ™ng remit on behalf of the Hand and Heart Lodge .— Any member wishing to propose a candidate for membership shall adviso the lodge as to his knowledge of the character, geneSS health, etc. of the candidate and ask: the consent of tho lodge to make the proposfIT' ""I.? baUot be take" whether the candidate shafl be put forward for membership. One black ball in five shall negative the proposal. No candidate shall be given a certificate for medical examination unti a ballot has authorised the proposition '-The mover said the. Mosffiel Lodge already had this procedure in operation, and he was strongly of opinion that it would act as an excellent safeguard — Bro. Black said he thought the present s'vstem could be improved by making th Q iwf S a c . onfide ntial document to the lodge direct, instead of its beinhanded to the candidate himself. A better system would, perhaps, bo to hold the ballot lirst and then send the candidate to a doctor for examination.—Bros. Sullivan and lhomson and other speakers opposed the remit ,n its present form.—Bro. Moore suggested the appointment of an Investigation Committee in each lodge.—After a good deal of further discussion the remit was lost by 29 votes to 28. GENERAL. _The appointment of the place date, and time for holding the next purple 'lecture and past officers' degree meeting was left in the hands of the executive to arrange. Bros. Hamel, Leslie, and Black were appointed delegates from this district to the next Annual Movable Committee of the order, which is to bo next year in Glasgow. The .appointment of tho place, date, and time for holding the next district meeting was left to the executive. It was decided to make a donation of £10 10s to provide, extra comforts for the patients at the Port CSalmers Cottage Hospital. The meeting further decided to make a donation of £5 ss''to the Dunedin Hospital Kadium Fund. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to P.G.M. Bro. Russell for the manner in which he had oondxicted the meeting. VISITING DELEGATES ENTERTAINED. In the afternoon the visiting deputies were the guests of the Prince of WaJes Lodge on a trip to the Spit, and the evening was devoted to a highly enjoyable and successful smoke social at which a number of toasts were proposed and a oleasing musical programme presented. ■ The hospitality extended was cordially appreciated.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 18050, 25 September 1920, Page 6

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ODDFELLOWS' LODGE Otago Daily Times, Issue 18050, 25 September 1920, Page 6

ODDFELLOWS' LODGE Otago Daily Times, Issue 18050, 25 September 1920, Page 6


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