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As a result of tho slnvp rise which took ■' p aco m the Molyneux River shortly before , the compilation of our lust fouV-weeklv ' biinunary, dredging conditions during tho : past month have, for tlio most part, not : been favourable, the river being too IIHI ' and mere being tho usual drift nuisance ••■ to conton thvith. The tendency over tlio '' past fortnight, however, lias been'for a, ' Jailing river and a lessening of the amount ' ot drift travelling, and indications arc such • that companies which at present are perforce inoperative, or are working under ' uiuicultios, anticipate better times lit a ■ very curly date. Tlio gorge lleot, of • course, is still waiting for a low river, but .' immediately Hint comes no time will be lost in placing the various dredges in com-' mission. Most, if not all, of those- claims ' have been proved to ho exceedingly rich, , and in some cases oven a few weeks of perfectly favourable dredging would suffice to pay a dividend and compensate share- ' holders for their patience. . There are great ' hopes entertained of the Valley lmv- ■ ing several more largo dredges at work soon, and it is currently reported that an order has been placed for a monster dredge, with nine cubic feet buckets, to work a claim on the Clutha River. A good deal of activity has been displayed in Cram- , w-cll district in reeling, and several pros- .■ peeling parlies have been out and met ! with success. Attention is also being '' directed to quartz reeling in tho Alexandra, district.

A suitable smelter has been procured by the Tarawera Gold Mining a,nd Smolttng Co., and \r, as anticipated that operations ' in the mine "will start early next year. A company called the King Gold Mining i Co., with a capital of £125.000, is being formed to acquire and work gold reefs- at I Wilberforee, in the Westland district. A j consider lble amount of work has been put ' in proving the extent and valuo of tho ' ore.

A strong company has been formed in Wellington lo work Fiddcs and Banoko's claims in the Wilberfcrco Valley, about • which such a highly favourable report was : made by Dr 8011, tho Government gcolo- ■ gist. A drive has been put in to a dept'i ■ of 186fi, where a remarkably rich vein was struck a large sample of the ore as- j saved by the Mines Department giving a result of £44 19s 4d per ton. | During, the half-year ended September oO the gold won by the Undaunted Gold Mining Co. reached a value of £1179, as against £1249 for the previous half-year. . The profit on the half-year's operations was £606. i Two returns, one of 520z for seven days' work, and another of 700/, for nine days, are reported from tho Stanley ParacaJe , Co.'s .hedge in Manila, in which New Zealand mpital is interested. There arc 100 mining companies in Otago and Southland. Their subscribed capital is £621,403, and the amount actually paid up £601,939. The companies employ 955 men, and they have obtained since their • registration £44,13407. of gold, of the valuo ' of £2,447,930. Their total expenditure has ■ been £2,059,244, and the total amount of dividends paid £786,816,. while at the period the returns were made tin their accumulated debts totalled £47,840. AUCKLAND NOTES. The result of crushing at the Wju'lii Grand Junction Company's mine for tlio past month was very satisfactory, as 35 stampers running for 24 days treated 472 ; tons of ore, which yielded bullion valued at £10,180. In addition another £1026 15s ■ was obtained from the slag accumulation. The progress through tho Koyal lode, No. 5 level, is disclosing a large body of linolooking ore. The management a-egand the development as of considerable importance, as the existence of so large a body of oro will materially augment the company's oro reserves. At an extraordinary general meeting of .shareholder!) of the Waihi Consolidated (Ltd.), held at Auckland on November 9, its was resolved to voluntarily wind up tho affairs of the company, the mine having x been taken over by the newly-formed Wa ." Roofs Consolidated Company. The Talisman Consolidated Gold Mining Company, on November 25, paid its twentieth dividend of Is 6d per sharo. This ' will absorb £22,500, ami will bring the - total paid in dividends to date to £356,250. i Of the £22,503 to bo distributed', £16.732 5s 6;l will bo paid over to 1189 on tlio colonial register, holding 223,097 shaves. During the month of October tho Talisman Company crushed and treated 4040 tons of ore for a vield of bullion valued at £18.605 5s Id. Tlw cost for the month totalled S.s 8d p;r ton, made up as follows: Mine development, lis Id: mining, 13s 7d; milling 13s; general expenses, 2s.

Negotiations in connection with thoThames deep level scheme arc st latest advices hung up. The May Queen Company, in pursuance of a letter from tho Minister of Mines dated July 7, 1907, has sent in a claim for £4180 in connection with the unwatering and decpeJuiK; of (.he Queen of Beauty shaft, from which the crosscut is to bo driven. Tho other five companies ' concerned have offered £1000 in full settlement, but the May Queen Company has declined'this, and, suggests that the companies should apply to the warden for ca?o- ■ ment under the letter referred to. Tho companies dcclbke to adopt this course, and negotiations nrc now at a standstill. DuriiKf November the Waiotahi Gold Mining Company treated 128 tons of quart?, and 61b of picked stone for a return of ' Js4oz l&Vvt of gold, valued at £949 Is 6d, This represented a decrease compared with : the return for the previous month when 163 tor.s of ore and 2311) of picked stono pickled £1054 lto 6d, The average of tho present return works out ot about £6 17b ' per ton, as against £6 10s for October. THE WKST COAST. The promoters of tho Rirmt Toaroha syndicate, which proposed to' generate electrical power for tlu purpose of pumping water to work a largo auriferous area of ground in this district, has (says a Iltkilika message) received cablet; from London slating thai the water-power conditions imposed by the Government made it impossible [or them to undertake the flotation of a company in England. JJr Ticheliuann (the chairman of the syndicate) has telegraphed to tho Minister of Public Works stating that the syndicate had consequently abandoned the scheme, and asked for tho refund of the £500 deposit in accordance, with tliu conditions. Great disappointment and' much feeling is manifested throughout the district at the treainent that tho promoters have received, who have spout over £1600 in preliminaries. Further public meetings of protest in connection with the matter are to be held in Hokitika and throughout the district. As a sequel to tho above (a later message, states), two 40-head rights have been applied for in the tame locality for tho purpose of bringing water on fi the Riinu goldlield by means of a gravitation scheme, at Mi «stijnated cost of £150,01)0.

The. following th« milling returns for tlio consolidated grotrp of mines:— Wealth of Nations crushed 1500 tons, which yielded 50707, 12dwt, valuo £2110 16s sd; cyanide*) 830 /tons, (yielding 151oz 19dwt, valuo £455. 17s 3(1. Blackwater crushed 3180 tons, which yielded 1717oz; ejanided 2013 tons, yielding 3960z sdwt, value £1069 17s 6il. Progress cvanidod 1735 tons, yielding 2870z Bdwl, value £731 12s 4d, The Progress's 65-stainp mill did not run during the month of October. The secretary of the New Alpine mine reiKU'tti that tho ('.lean-up from lie buttery resulted in a return of 790z 15d\vt; from cyanidt l , 40oz retorted gold-ct>tiinatcd value, £448,—front 264 tons ore. A return of 2050z is reported from the Mount D'Ot Sluicing Coinpany'ii mine. The manager of tho new liig Uiver mine (Reefton) advises that the November return amounted to 4970z 6dwt, emelted gold. •Stono to tho amount of 420 tons was crushed, whilo cyanid.i 'routniont prodttced9ooz 4dwt. The total value of the gold obtained was £1860.. TUB WAIHI MINK. Tho Waihi Gold Mining Company, during tho four-weekly period ended the iOtli Ootober treated 35,501 tons of ore for thi liands.omo return of £75,971. Tiiis established a frefh record, beating by £119 thai net up during the previous month, v.ii-n 33,697 tons of ore yielded £75,852. As compared with tho return for the corresponding ]KM'iod of lust, year, when 52.057 i tons realised £73,278, last month's rtlrun represents an advance of £2693. The ie- I turn now recorded brings tho lotnl vdno of tho bullion won from tho mine during tho present year up to £i 97.169, and the total yiold to date up 1« £3,017,404, as drown in the following tabic: — To end of 1907 6.290,113 in 1903 (corrected to October 31), 393,214 tons 9a0,122 £7,220,235 Period endingJanuary 23, 1909 (17 dav.>), 22,105 tons 55.205 February 20, 1909, 31.428 tons... 73.135 March 20, 1909, 30,770 tons ... 73,515 April 17, 1909, 33,263 tons ... 74.534 May 15, 1909, 32,649 tons ... 13,412 June' 12, 1909, 32,065 tons ... 73,212 July 10, 1909, 30.561 tons ... 72,539 August 7, 1909, 32,303 tons ... 74.5-85 September 4, 1909, 35,741 tons 75,401 Ootober 2, 1909. 33,697 tons ... 75,t92 October 30, 1909, 35,501 tons... 75.971 Total to dale £8,017,404 (Total dividends, etc, declared to date, £3,615,188 6s 8(1. COMPARATIVE DREIIOINO RETURNS. Tho following tablo shows tho number t>\ . Otngo and Southland dredges at work weekly, with their returns, together the figures {or tho corresponding periods of 1008, 11)117, »nd 190(1. Pennyweights and grains «ro omitted in each instance: —

5710 12,292 91.22 11,825 EXPORT OF COM). During November gold to the vjlue of '£150,622 was exported from Now Zealand, it which is a decrease of £30,180 com ;>,v.o'J J .with November, 1908. DIVIDENDS. , , AVailcaka United, Is; Koputai, 2s; Rise and Shine, Is; Golden Bed, U: No Town Creek, Is, SLUICING IIETI'UNS. . Nokomai Hydraulic (No. 3 elevator). 6Doz 18dwt; Ludvsmith (six weeks), 13toz; ; New I.uggate Hydraulic Sluicing Company (four weeks), 540z.

/3V > ii——»i nm nimniMiinii . . The. following aro the milling returns for rjvr tho consolidate! grotrp of mines:—Wealth of Nations crushed 1500 tons, which yielded 507O7, 12dwt, valuo £2110 15s 5d; cyanide*) 830 /tons, {yielding. 151oz 19dwt, valuo £455. 17s 3d. BlaeUater crushed 3180 tons, which yielded 1717oz; ejanided 2013 tons, yielding 396oz 5dwt, '' valuo £1069 17s 6d. Progress cvanidod ]\i\[ 1735 tons, yielding 287oz 8dwi, value £731 vie 12s 4d, The Progress's 65-stainp mill did () f not run during the month of October. ; llt ] The secretary of tho New Alpine mine ;.. i'CIKH'tti that tho o.lean-up from liie bat toy ..i resulted in a return of 79oz 15d\vt; from ''. cyanide, 40oz retorted gold-et>liinatcd wp value, £448,—from- 264 tons ore. an( A return of 205oz is reported from the ; ml Mount D'Ot Sluicing Company'ii mine. in The manager of tho now Dig Hiver mine in (Recfton) advises that the November return tll( amounted to 497oz 6dwt, emelted gold. J C i •Stono to tho amount of 420 tons was 0 f crushed, whilo cyaniil.i 'routment pro- ,| |( dticcd90oz 4dwt. The total value of t'hc «old obtained was £1860. ?. " tio TIIK WAIMI MINK. lal Tho Waihi Gold Mining Uompany, dur- ? ing tho foiir-weekly period ended the iOth '"! Ootober treated 35,501 tons of ore for tlw ot .' liamlsomo return of £75,971. T'nis eata-b- ''" Jished a fre.di record, beating by £119 thai pri net up during tho previous month, v.ii-n rei 33,697 tons of oro yielded £75,852. As j-hi coinpaied with tho return for the corresponding jwrioil of lust, year, when 52.057 i .,(, tons realised £73,278, last im.nih'.i i-tlrun j |n represents an advance of £2693. Tlio ie- I J turn now recorded brings tho total v.duo of tho bullion won from tho mine during i' tho present year up to £'i97.169, and the total yiold to date up 1« £3,017,404, as Known in the following (able:— .,., To end of 1907 6.290,113 ,|'„ in 1903 (corrected to October 31), .y., 393,214. tons 9a0,122 jj" £7,220,235 Period ending— 1W January 23, 1909 (17 davs), 22,105 tons 55.205 no February 20, 1909, 31.428 tons... 73.135 bi March 20, 1909, 30,770 tons ... 73.515 April 17, 1909, 33,263 tons ... 74.534 j n May 15, 1909, 32,649 tons ... 13,412 „,. June' 12, 1909, 32,065 tons ... 73,212 July 10, 1909, 30.561 tons ... 72,539 August 7, 1909, 32,303 tons ... 74.S-85 September 4, 1909, 35,741 tons 75,401 ca October 2, 1909. 33,697 Ion* ... 75,t92 1>" October 30, 1909, 35,501 tons... 75.971 ca Total to date £8,017,404 iv (Total dividends, etc, declared to date, til £3,615,188 6s 8d. eh COMPARATIVE DREDGING RETURNS. t |, Tho following table, shows tho number t>\ . Otngo and Southland dredges at work weekly, with their returns, together the figures . {or tho corresponding periods of 1008, 11)117, "' »nd 190(1. Pennyweights and grains iiro omitted in each instance:— ni 1909. 1903. 1907. 190G. VI Oz. Oz. Oz. Oz. 5 90 3 CO il 50 8 lit fc 11 267 II 242 22 55!) 30 991 ,„ I!) 797 28 955 82 701 39 1087 E8 715 20 878 81 9:10 -II 1006 2G 842 24 083 2!) 798 .18 1072 ' 20 G63 01 933 33 833 3-1 900 al 25 G37 2B GB9 HI lUt'8 -10 1170 d 27 733 32 901 35 1021) 12 USD 33 822 30 973 37 1 ] 57 41 1103 tl 31 800 28 885 31 78S 37 921 Ii 21 671 29 073 23 718 31 wO 31 913 26 903 20 658 38 1927 35 o74 30 1009 31 704 37 1017 82 715 20 047 31 710 -41 1172 P E2 632 22 8!G 30 750 42 1199 B3 034 25 803 S3 820 46 1300 a 20 751 29 MS 33 801 11 1170 25 073 21 693 30 798 37 jl»0 ' 25 8JU 27 893 35 II1-2 Si rf!l P 24 712 2S 782 34 811 34 979 I 1 30 765 23 TO ;!;, <j, sl ; ); j 977 o 27 650 28 791 30 820 31 i)7G 25 603 28 701 3S 012 30 1062 |, 23 589 27 815 35 810 -10 1025 i 27 70G 31 701 30 918 37 913 23 533 27 711 38 971 32 MO 27 BIB 29 781 35 1010 30 853 v 25 C5G 20 724 41 1152 34 823 0 20 701 31 820 33 9(18 35 930 t 28 062 2S 830 38 1271 37 1071 [, 27 Oil 31 834 41 1351 37 1107 i. 29 709 30 60S 31 1185 41 1203 27 G72 30 718 37 1204 33 lOS'l 31 831 31 m 37 1135 43 1235 30 822 30 101(1 30 1138 40 1203 23 625 34 017 31 1152 35 901 23 C82 35 708 35 1102 37-1001 S9 8,17 30 fits 31 HilG ,1!) 981 ' 31 957 27 699 30 1053 43 12G2 ' Mil 9lvl 20 701 30 051 43 1230 t 28 721 27 0?2 27 87G 13 12)6 , 24 G13 2.8 KU 29 7:1-2 40 1213 ] 25 7G0 32 797 27 755 43 1216 2-2 077 27 707 25 GOO 32 813 ' 25 710 20 57S 31 Sit 29 835 I 24 G07 20 673 31 857 2.) 752 ] 27 787 28 751 36 1073 33 1013 , E7 759 29 781 31 10. ; G 37 1031 33,518 37,393 41,478 4G,G93 1 This Wkst Coast. » ( 1909. 1903. 1907. 190G. ■ Oz. Oz. Ol. Oz. 1 > 101 - - 2 43 2 23 ' B 101 2 203 8 3S1 C 254 - 8 102 3 132 8 303 8 373 . " 217 0 294 8 202 8 411 6 145 3 15-t 0 20-2 7 2S2 ' 5 130 5 192 7 259 8 2$i 0 150 4 m o 209 10 395 4 91 4 122 0 222 9 -.'71 3 89 G 144 6 233 0 208 7 171 7 300 9 212 9 273 - - 7 302 8 215 4 125 G 104 8 191 8 253 8 5f5 5 155 9 2U» 3 95 8 "85 3 77 4 190 5 135 5 192 2 62- 4 162 0 203 5 177 6 333 i 110 0 200 0 231 ' « lnl' 5 131 10 237 7 201 ! E 1G2 5 192 7 203 5 119] B 6.) 4 103 7 221 0 2001 E US 4 104 9 273 7 ai>5 I * 189 8 254 0 100 0 200 « 155 5 125 7 218 3 103 C ' 137 5 101 8 218 6 151 B 93 7 191 8 199 4 97 "> 113 7 192 7 140 7 232 6 352 G 101 4 90 3 02 4. 116 5 150 4 lie i JOO 2 40 7 210 4 SO 8 382 4 131 0 101 7 203 7 "SI C 158 7 212 4 129 9 376 3 101 7 303 5 158 S 283 5 132 7 301 8 210 7 2<7 3 78 7 298 8 223 7 231 5 H8 9 287 7 161 7 212 3 31 7 205 9 213 0 2'9 I 100 9 202 5 132 5 229 < W 8 2,17 6 255 7 201 3 "3 6 148 1 110 'G 231 B 157 7 211 6 143 8 20) 3 HO 0 191 7 168 10 3::t I 125 0 223 3 100 0 2VS C 1W 7 228 4 \\\ r> Ha ■i 113 3 8t 6 109 S 333 4 1»1 8 293 0 189 0 217 1' 30 7 210 4 105 7 200 ~5 132 7 2J3 S 2IS .8 333 G 170 7 183 8 213 1(1 371 ■ 4 K> 7 220 4 159 9 2.-8

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14699, 6 December 1909, Page 1 (Supplement)

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MINING SUMMARY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14699, 6 December 1909, Page 1 (Supplement)

MINING SUMMARY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14699, 6 December 1909, Page 1 (Supplement)


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