Monday, June 13. (Before Air C..C. Graham, S.M.) Wright, Young, and Co. v.' Peter Amos (Mataura).—Claim £2' 15s, for goods supplied.— Mr W, L. Moore appeared for plaintiffs, for whom judgment was given, with costs (10s). D. Benjamiii and Co: v. Arthur South (Alexandra South).—Claim-ffi 4s 2d, for goods supplied.—Judgment for plaintiffs, with costs (10s). Dunedin Wharf Labourers' jnion v. Thomas Dodck.—Claim £1 35,-for contributions.—Judgment for plaintiffs for the amount claimed, with costs (ss). , ■••■ ' John Murdoch and Co. v. Mathieson Bros.— Claim £25 3s Cd, for goods supplied.—Judgment for plaintiffs, with costs. (£3). L. Clancy v. Will Watkhis (Wellington).— Claim £5 12s Gd. fo'r board and lodging and for money lent.—Judgment for plnintin (for whom Mi' Irwin appeared), with costs (255). Smith and Smith v. James Nisbet.—Claim £25 18s Gd, on a dijhouomed promissory note, with interest to dale of hearing-Judgment for plaintiff, with costs (30s). In tho Magistrate's Court on Friday last Daweon and Co. obtwihed judgment for Ms Jld ogainst Benjamin Barker (Outram), but through a misprint the name of the defendant appeared as Parker..
Otago Daily Times, Issue 12999, 14 June 1904, Page 9
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