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An ordinal) , aneMing of tho Tuieri County Cciiiictl wa? held at Mosgie! yester&y morning, wlrai there'were present—Mr R. Gibson (chairman),- Cm • Harrison, Blnckio,. Dow, ?J'Donald, end Christie. kxginf.f.r's riF.i'onT. Tho Engineer (Mr B. B. Coiiston) reported for May as follows:—Th» contracts completed during tho month are ■Nα. 110, schist spalls, jjald Hill; No. 111, gravel, Middleniarch;;?to. IM, gravel, Kaikorai.Molitli, and No. 119, spalls, Kailiowi Valley road. Tliei contracts in progress axe: No. 117, maintenance metal,Main Soiilh road,'and No. jib, gravel, Blair. Taicri..'Contract No. Ill), ,metal,-.Outrara. to Berwick, will be started next wed;. Tenders aw called this meeting far contract.No.-120. ■ metal, Koikoiiu . Ricoim;; No. 121, metal, Outrain Riding (on roads .directed at last meeting of the No.-122,-gravel-aiid spalls, Berwick' (Government ■'grant .for flood damnges); No. 123, gravel, road and Murdoch's Guil'y 'voaii (Qpvornmciitrgrant for flood damages), aiid No..IMi widening creek below Robert. Marshall's.bridge. Thdro is nn objection 'lodged to the last-named work, but I do not -think JTr JLwsliall is ptoperly acquainted with-tho liatvmi of the works contern-p!«trd.--Bridge-.repairs:-'llic bridge repairs have beeii ciirric-tl out by tho' foreman ot wor.ks ami regular liarjds.' North- Taicri: Mill Creek bridge,(on Wingatui-iotul) and . Long's Creek bridge'-have' betai redeake:!."' East I'aiexi: A 2ft concrete inilvert Ins ken inserted at Sutherland's corner. . Otalgia: -...The water opening & by rr traction <aigine on k'l.nrcn's..Quily'road,llia :'l)ooii replaced by ,1 Sit x 3ft' framed opcriiig. Outran]: The decking ot tho Wust Taieri bridge on the left approach i 3' being reribwed. Further .repairs will probably bo tequiraHo deck of main Blrnctiire, but the exact amount cannot bo diitermiricd till tilt bridge is '.opened up. It wjll only ho a nictlcrof a year or two when the council will be called upon -to -leuow the Vi'helo of 1)10 trestles carrying .tho' inclinedportion of this bridge, The fencing of Shorbl road to AliholefonV station is , being proceeded with, nnd urrangemwits. made to follow'on with Brighton Domain and Scrogg's Hill gravel rest-rv<v !fhb giiarcl fence' on - Main South road, for which the county provided timber, is,.satisfactorily, completed. Rpad grader: Tito grader completed l -tho formation -and surfacing of roads in Strath-Taieri Riding early in the month, aii<Jl.was , hauled- to tho' Lower '.Plain, nnd Iras been subsequently cmpioyod iii 'Outnuri and. Maungatua- Ridings. Tho roads, on which theinachine has worked siricii my-last report nre:— Sirnth-Taicri: Middicmarch to Colitesbtbbk, Suttou to Gladbrook, aiid Gilbeit'.s to Long Ford. Oiitrami: Dow's to AVest ; Taieri .Church,' Lindsay's (0 Bruco's, JKllci's.road, Bolitiic's road, »nd Perrieski's road. -Mnivngataa-: road, B. road, iond to Bc'iWey, Poplar road, HenleyBerwick io»d, and! road to Mill Creek. .The council is indebted; to Jfrasrs;Boss and (rlendiuing for COTtngo of spalls to'Kaikorai Valley road; to Messrs Adams, of Otoliia-, for hprsev&Tk on.Main road opposite.his property; to tho niarwgcr Berkley. 'Estate for plough team for giadiiig road to liomesteaci), llr R. Itobinsqn, sen., dot: filing trees that tlireatenca tho safety of the .embankment near B.brwick. ■ Tho council is iu receipt of.'votb fdi- flood 'damages' from the. Department of Kontls.' I ■ have nrado Kecessorj- nllocn-tions,. which liwo.bebni approve'di-by the road, engincoi', Dunediu. ! , As instruij'ted,' I have iiiepcoled the road 'leading from P. K. Mlican'S residence to Hcnlcy-Bcr'wick road, which was the subject, 'o!: 'o'lpofition; a.t lastmcetnig Of tho council, aiuliimmit the'following estimate of icost:-Dri|y. track from Honley-B-.TO-iok road to bant'past lagoon,, including 4ft x 4ft box opening, .£3B; bridle track,'Gft wide, front joffoon to B. read, f35;-tot»l,-f73. The petitior.ers have, a/claira. on- tho council for conBidtrotiori, as a qiralified promise was given to open up this road some' 12 months ago, and there is ivo- question that the properties iionlirw tho load wOitld bo more iirofitably wprktd'if a. safe outlet werd oiiEurecl for stock iii time of flood.' ■ ■ • : . It wo-' n"Toctl (0 leave the matter of Marshall's' wnal-in tho hands, of Cr Miller end the engineer, and iJio eaine resolution wa3 (ivrived at in th 6 matter- of tin? rcoommendalion of tho pstitibn.—The'report was then, adopted. " ' ' HSAKCF..' The' finance Cominit'.e- , roported: having csair.iuca.tlic -iiccouate and vouchers for the month, mid found "that £ffl Ms 4d OucJ been emended. Of-'iliisi, && 123 -Id wns chargocl to tho general Account,. Mid £121 4 3 to "thirds and fourths.".- Tho accounts vrotn recomrrendea <icst navmmf. .-Willi regard to outSdinV mil (luring the month fflSB lfc 6d hud. Ivor paid, and there was now. outstanding W tlie ye-» **&& '''MmcV 31 tlie sum of £ iii , ! 13s Sd : The cpiiniii.ttec rccoriimonded tho ccu'ucil'.to 'issue, summonses against ■'de-inuHcrs.-Ailopfed.'. " ' rssPMTon's Ky.ronT. ' The council's Inspector reported that the KaikoMi 'Strcnrn fefi continuccl in very fair condition- during -the past month. He nad cautio<i"d two or three offenders regarding po.lulioiv. .miehoavy-traffib-lincenscs»"f«ir]y--wbll, and-worn still , being attended to! . In a:cordimee with instructions regarding a nuisance snid'to exist at or in a. running stream- -near Brighton, and caused by", flaxmill -ho visited the. locality and found that tno wholp of -llio iofuse from the fkxmill was Ul3oharged' into, ihe stream, where it had been allowed to'iiccumuiatoto such an extent that it had becomo'not only a serious nuisance to tlie public, but also a : danger to the highway and to the bridge, as it Hooked tho water course,— It was resolved'.to sue the" owner ot the mill for damages'.—The report was then adopted..

. '. OORnBSrONDRSOE. T!io Treaenry Department forwarde;! £-2 4s Gi goldfields rovchnp.—Eeccivod. Tho Secretary to tho' Treasury wrote with reference fa file' council's application lor ft further loan .of .-C577 for the construction of roacU, I havetlin honour'to inform you that life Rifjlif Hoi!., (lie C'oloninl. Ti-easiuer hw declined to cnicrlnin the sjid' ftppiication. Mr D. IteW,, fonvnrded n. tho snrac liimirom the Treasury. Ho sniiposcd, as (li'o'seoariij , wi-s sufficient, that the. reason must' .te that Mn was m> money corwsnondeneo was received.. . .. .'..'"!

The Railway District 'Engineer wiq# iniiiiwling the appointment of a coniu:issioir on the allocation of cost of' liiaiintfliniilg combinotl road and railway- bTidgos.iieiiveeii the local bodies interested. -The.commission bad asked 'him toascertnin whether the council accepted tho assessment with . regard' to Sution l»idge. Ho understood' the commission would comm:nce° its inquiry jii Duiiodih on Juno 20.— Attended to. ■.' . I t ' bh W^Hay.(chairman.Omtlia Comity Conn-

cil) requested co-oporation with his council in tho matter of procuring an increased subsidy from the Government on county rotes.—lt .was agreed to support the Ginthii Council in the matter.

Tho Boy of Islands County Council forwarded a circular letter asking co-operation; with, and signature to, a, petition requesting that legislation be passed entitling local bodies to receive a. proportion of the royalties derived from tho sales of timber and naw-Hecaved.'

Mr D. Bold, M.H.R., wrote that Mr Lothaby,' owner of some land at Grimi Island which was ' surveyed for it township many years ago, complained that the law as at present in existence prevented, him doing anything with his land. Mr Lethaby's difficulty was that under secliions 2 and 3 of " The Public Works Act, 1903," ho must provido a. Toad 01 street CGft wide over any sections sold by him fronting an existing road or street. Mr Lothaby hud already dedicated the street lines to the public by depo3iU ino the plan. He could not now cancel , the roads and sol! them as private property. He (Mr Beid) asked if the council would: have any objection to proposed legislation which would have tho effect of cancelling these road 3 with the consent of those who bought sections in tile subdivision,—lt was decided that the council approve of the legislation provided a ciaiiso was inserted that no surveyed road,-or land transfer plan be closed unless the consent o£ the local authority was first obtained, and that private rights of landowners were first ascer- - tainecl.'

jlcssrs Duncan and MacGregor, soiicitorsfor the Hon. A. Lee Smith, owner of certain sections fronting JUng street and Victoria place, in Burnside, wrote asking the council what it required the owner to do to these roads before it was prepared to acknowledge them as publio roads. The owner would be prepared to pay for formation, and leave it to the county to carry out the work.—it was decided that the council's requirements were that loads be oi tho widh provided by statute, unci that a plan showing subdivision be deposited with tho council lor approval, and, if approved, the roads to be fornix! to ihe satisfaction of the council.

P. C. Hartley, Oulram, wrote drawing attention to the stato of disrepair of the West Taifli bridge a Oulram. Ho thought the whole of tho planting should be; tested, and replaced whsro necessary. He had narrowly escaped asorioas accident owing to. his horse putting its foot in a hole in the b'nidge.—Donit with in engineer's report.

Alfred Howorth drew attention to the state of tho 'drainage of the'sections held by himself and A. Patterson at Brighton.. When heavy win fell tin; water was backed up for want of ( an' outlet.—Referred to the owner of surrounding land, whose culvert wm causing'the obstruction.

' Alexander Brown, Abbotsford, wroio complaining that some of his agricultural implements had been broken owing to the state of the culvert, leading to Chain Hills.—Received.

Messrs Bnthgate and Woodhouse, instructed , by llobert Charters, wrote stating that the . drain adjoining their client's property had caused damage by overflowing. Mr Charters therefore requested the council to clean out the drain, and intimated! that he would, hold fho .council responsible for damage.—Tlio council agreed to pay half cost of clearing the

J. and C, Campbell, ilombna, -wrote requesting the council to grant a,bout five chains of metal from the Main road past their buildings: They would undertake to do the carting free of cost.—lt was decided to grant 50 ynrds of metal on the condition stated. v

John Brace, liomona applied for 100 yards of metal for the road passing his house.—lt was agreed to giant 60 yards ot metal provided , applicant did the carting.

Qeorgo Metaal, Jlomona, requested the plating of some metal on the road from idler's to his property.—lt was decided to expend £10 on the road. . Donald Miller, ITaungatua, wrote stating that the grader had accomplished very little improvement on his road. Ho offered to plough the road if the council would grade it immediately afterwards.—The matter was deferred till the spring. GENEE.Wi. . With a view to decreasing cho overdraft, the Chairman, moved that the necessary steps be taken to make a general rate of Id in the .pound, and a charitable aid rate of Jd in the pound for the year 1004-5. Tho following tenders were accepted:— Delivery of 350 yds metal in Kaikom Hiding— D. O'Eourko, at £26 ss; delivery of 200 yds metal Outraru Hiding— J. Hughes, at 2a 2d per yard;- supply and delivery of 200 yds gravel and 100yds'of apalls, near Berwick—A. fiobinson, jun., at £33 fis 8d; supply and delivery of 20yds gravel near Brighton-D, O'Eoiirke, at £25. ■'.;.•■

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Bibliographic details

Otago Daily Times, Issue 12991, 4 June 1904, Page 4

Word Count

TAIERI COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12991, 4 June 1904, Page 4

TAIERI COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12991, 4 June 1904, Page 4


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