(FROM Ouit Ow. 1 ." CounKsroxnKST.) LONDON,'.lime 21. Last Monday evening the for New Zealand and .Mrs AV. P. Reeves hold a. reception in honour of the New Zealand Premier and Mra .Seddon. It took jtlaeo at the Imperial Institute, ami brought together by far the largest muster of New Mealanders—both present and former colonists—that has ever yei occurred in London. The guests numbered nearly 1000, of whom the larger proportion may be classed as New Zealandcrs present or past. Everything passed off to admiration. The line Imlls and galjcries of tho Institute building were suitably decorated with flajjs, flowers, and foliage. Excellent instrumental musio was contributed by the iEdlian Ladies' Orchestra and by the Quartet, from Paris, interspersed with a few vocal items. Suitable refreshments were provided. The spacious halls, vestibules, galleries, and grand staircase afforded promenading space for tho numerous gueets. Mr Chamberlain was unable to be prcsfcnt, but Mrs Chamberlain came in good time, looking, as usual, very pretty and girlish and graceful ill an exquisite dress. Numbers of pretty faces and charmnig dresses were to be seen 111 all directions, snd the number of fine-looking men was quite • Temarkable, but the gigantic forms of Mr .T. P. Firth, tho brothers AYason, M.P,', Colonel Porter, and Dr AVatson to.wered massively above the rest. It was evidenii that those present greatly enjoyed the opportunity of meeting one another and of renewing many mutual friendships of long standing. I heard it often remarked, "This is the first time we have met for 20 or .30 years!" Mr and Mrs Reeves, wero most genial and successful in their respective roles of host and hostess, and everything passed off from first to last Without the slightest hitch. Mr, Mrs, and Miss Seddon, who had been dining -with Lord and Lady Onslow, whom they subsequently accompanied to the theatre, arrived about 11 o'clock, and were most cordially welcomed on all bands. The company did not separate until half an hour after midnight. • The following is the official list of the gusstfi invited, most of whom, were procent:—
Mr anil Mrs John Alexander, A. C., Mrs, and the Misses Arthur, H. V. and Airs Anson, 1. A. and Mrs Anson, M. Andrews. W. Acton ™ ™ al> d tne Misses Adams, John Aitken, -fcoel Bercy Adams, Sir Frederick and Lady Abel, W. ■ S. Allen, A. \V, and Mrs Arkill, -a-. Acheson, Reg. L. Antrobus, Sir John Andersen, Misses Armstrong, Mr and Mrs Astiton, Mrs Armstrong, Charles and Mrs Armstrong, Thos. C. Alleby, Dr J. V. Arkle C aaid Mrs Atkinson, Walter and Mrs Abrahams, Paroy and Mrs Adams, Mr Edward and M* Millward Anderson, Miss Anderson, Arthur H. Adams, Thomas Allen, Rev. and Mrs Harold Anson, &. G. Atkinson, George and Mrs Beotham, J. H., Mrs, and Miss Baker, F: Faithful! Begg, Sir Walter and Miss Buller, Azim Birch; H. T. Batley, E. Spencer and Mrs Booth, John Baillie, Miss Baillie, Cecil J. BIS 9, M.D., Mrs Katie Brown Blood, James M. Brigham, Mr and Mrs J. R. Boose, James Baxter, H. Blunt, Mr and Mrs Berry, R, Noviell Bealey, Mrs Wm. Buckley, C. W. . Brown, Mrs J. Evans, Sir E. E. Blake, K.C.H.G., Mrs Boyd, Lord Monk Bretton, Mrs Hugh Bailv, Miss Barnicoat, Miss Bridgen, Mr and Mrs De Bear, James W. Blackett, John BailUe, S. R. Bailey, W, P. and Mrs Byles, Grafton and Mrs Bothamley, Mr and Mrs Birchell, Miss Fanny Bailey, Lady Bright, Mr and Mrs and the Misses Bluudell, Arthur Begg, Rev. Ed. Bell, John and Misn Batger, A. D. Blytho, F. W. Bunting, Stewart Bridge aaid' — Bridge, Miss Alice Bou'en, Mrs and Miss Blacke, Sam, Begg, M.P., and Mrs Begg, Mr and Mrs. Baden-Powell, Miss Begg, Miss Brandon, the Misses Balls, Mr, Mrs, and Miss r ßlandy, Mr and Mrs Brandt, Mr and Mrs Bird, T. J. Brassey, Misses Bamett, Ernest Bell, A. P. Buckley, E. C. Britfan, Hy. Scott and Mrs Boys. Mrs and Miss Browning, Mr Barnett-Homeleigh,- J. Ross Burt, Mrs. and Miss Blair. Arthur Beauchamp, John Bayne, Lennox and Mrs Browne, Mrs J. Barnes and Miss Gray, H. C. and Mrs Cameron, J. K. and Mrs Campbell, George Cowie, A. Cunningham, John and Mrs Caxruthers, W. Leedham Crowe, John Campbell, Ernest E. Collins, G. F. and Mrs Copus, J. G. and Mrs Coliner, Sir John and Lady and Miss Cockburn, Hon. H, Copeland, H. G. Cave, Right Hon. J. and Mrs Chamberlain, John Campbell,. Major M. A. Cameron, R.E.; D. and Mrs Crewe, Mrs Cooke, George Cliffe, J.P., H. 8.. Cox, Louis P. Christeson, T. I). Culling, Commander Cratchley, Colonel C, Cratchloy, Wm.-Cable, J. Hy. Cock, Mrs and Miss Coleman, K. S. and Mies Cox, Mr and.Mrs Castle, P. Cunningham, G. Cunningham, Miss Cunningham Smith, J. "W. Cossar, C. J. Cowens, W. E. Carbery, B. Clark, G. H. Cressey, Mr and Mrs Caverhill, Miss Clarke, Mrs and Colonel Cautley, Mrs Croucher, Percy and Mrs Cox, E. F. Clarke, Gordon and Mrs Campbell, John Cooke, Miss Colbeck, Mr A. M. Clarke, Mrs Cameron, Lieutenant-oolonel-Cradock, Mrs J. P. Creed, Lionel D. Cox, Cooke, Mrs D. Cplqulioun, the Misses Crumptony Mr and Mrs Chadwick, Mrs D. E. Clerk, Sir E. S. Dawes, \Vn>. and Misses Dymock, J. M. Dowsett, Colonel B. M. Dawes, Hon. A. and Lady Dobson, Mrs Dalrymple, C. G. Davis, Miss Lui Davidson. Mrs Dudfield, Mrs M. M. Dodwell, Sir Charles and Lady Dilke, Mrs Diuce, the Misses . Druce, Stephen Druce, Francis Druce, Mis 9 Laurie Daniell, Miss Ro&&' DixoH, Captain S. R. Davidson, Lady and the Misses Douglas, Dr and Mrs Donald, B. C. Dawes, A. A. S,, Mrs, and Miss Edna Danby, Gilbert H. Dive, Colonel J. M. Denny, H.P., Mr and Lady Agnes Daniel, Charles and Mrs Dalgoty, Professor and Mrs Wm. Duueta,n, Lord, Lady, and Miss Davy, Mrs' W. Herbert Daw, James Davenport, Charles J. Davies, Mr and Mrs Dyer, J. A. Eweri, Pcrcy Eleworthy, J. F. Edwards, P. A. Ely, H. W. Ely, TV. F. Edmond, Misses A. and M.-Evans, Miss Edwin, Miss Ellaby,' Stanley Edwards, Mr and Miss Elworthy, W. A. Ellis, Major E. H. M. Elliott, David, Mrs, and Miss Elder, W. Friedlander, W. A. R. Fitchett, Rev. T. Flavell, T. E. Fuller, Rev. Lyttellon Fitzgerald, George Fra, Rev. G. Frost, Miss H. Field, Arthur Francis, Mr and Mrs Fortune, Sir Fortoscue Plaimery, M.P., Mr and Mrs, Firth, Miss Hilda Foster, C. P. Fowler, Miss Edith Fairchild, Dr Finlay, George Feriwiclc, J. and Mrs Foden, Mrs and Miss Pantham and Miss Alikotell, Ronald Fox, Miss Folkard and friend, Sir James Fergusson, Hugo and Mr 3 Friedlander, R. Galloway, Spencer Gollan, Seymour T. George, Major Nelson George, A. C. Gairiclc, T. and Mrs Godloo, Mr and Mrs Graham Hill, H. A. and Mrs Grainger, Leslie Gaze, Captain Garsia, Fred Graham, C.8., Jlrs Gow, John G ell, Mr Gardiner, Miss Gurney, Dr Peter Gow, H. Gavin, Major and Mrs Kelson, George and Miss Sutton, James S. 1 Gilison, S. Thome, Mrs and the Misses George, S. W. and Miss Graham, R. H. Glyn, Mrs and Miss Grindley, James Gardner, Lady Nina Ogilvi'c Grant, Walpole L. Greenwell, H. J. Gibbs, Charles A. Galton, Mrs Gordon, J. Galloway, Eari and Countess of Glasgow and Miss Mcmtgomcrie, Miss Griffith, Mr and Mrs Greg, Miss Grigg, Miss Gilruth, Mrs J. Bees George and Miss George, Captain and Mrs Ewart Grogan. Frank Hyams, General Hainlay, C.8., Wolff and Mrs Harris, R. Hislop, Sir Alfred Haslatn, K.C.M.G., M.P., Rev. C. H. Heather, J. Horsbnrgh, R. and llrs Hackworth, Mr and Mrs von Hnast, R. C. Hare, R. Heard, Waller Hope, Sir R. G. AV. Herbert, Sir W. A. Baillie Hamilton, H. Homibiook, Frederick Hobbs, T. H. and Mrs'Hainer, Miss Halse, Miss Maude Hogg, Mrs E. Ilarredbn, Hon. Oliver Howard, Miss Kathleen Henry, Mr and Mrs Ilnnkin. Charles Hill, Miss Hill, Mrs Harvey, Miss Home, Dr Hall, tho Misses Henry, Dr and Mrs Haines, Mr and Mrs Hare, Arthur P. Harper, It. T. Harper, Dr Gerald Harper, Dr T. M. Hccken, Miss and Miss Margaret Hoy, the Misses Hutchings, Mrs Howie, R. F. Hackworth, John Holmes, Mrs and Miss Hoc-ken; E. Brodie Hoare, My and Mrs Holworthv, the Misses Henry, Mrs T. Gertrude Hughes, Mr and Mrs and Mi?s Begg Hamilton, Dr and Mrs Hamilton, Mr Hesse, Mr and Mrs Hare, Mr and Mrs Hoare, Miss Wolff Harris, W. V. Holmes, Dr and Mrs Hogg, Maures Horner, J. and Mrs Howard, B. Hallenstein. R. B. Haldane. Lieutenant-colonel Sir A. Ilime, K.C.M.G., and daughter, C. H. Inglis, Thomas Inglis, F, Irvine. Miss Isaacs, Leonard Tsitt, A. ITitTJack, T. Mandeno Jackson, J. Jonas, Sir Penrose G. Julyau, G. F. Johnston, the Misses Jcrvois, R, W. Jeans, F. Martin Jenkins, Guy Johnston, Randall Johnston, Walter ami Mrs Konnaway, F. J. Kimbell, E. M. and the Misses li.eunaway, M. E. Knight, R. Wynn
Kirkby, George King, John Kelsall, Norman Kirkcaldy, Gordon LarkworthV, AV. A. Low, J. C. Lovcll, Dr llopa Lewis, Mr and Mrs Collins Levey, Hon. H. B. Letroy, Cecil Lonisson, C. P, Lucas, Louis Lyons, Reginald Luscellcs, Mr and Mrs Lawrence, Mis 9 Lohse, Mra and Misses Loughnan, W. AV. de Lautour, John Leslie, Mr and Miss Lowry, Mrs W. Levin, Samuel Lowe, X. W. mi Mrs Lcveu, G. It. Lee, Mr and Mrs Landtvle, liemy Mackenzie, Richd. Maxwell, Mr urnl Mrs Mennell, Mr uiul Mrs Koiis-Morlen, L. A. Macpherson, J. M. Maelareii, 8.50., I. Augustine and Mrs Mason, Leonard and Mrs Maton, Gerald K. and Mrs Maltby, Y. A. MalcolniEon, 11. Mayer, Walter M'Lay, .1. T. Martin. Mrs H. MucKeil, Robert anil Mra Jlosa, K. 11. Marsh, AV. H. Mercer, T. W. Maude, J; Myera, J.P., A. Major, Miss Sybil Devenisli Meares,- IJ. M. Mauser, F. 1). Mauser, Dr Mauser, Mr and Mrs Massingbam, Captain and Mrs.Macnab, J. Maekrcll, Dr Jessie Muddison, Mrs and Miss Macey, Angus M'Kat), John M'Nab, Mrs Mayer, A. D. ,and Mrs M'lrnth. 'H. and tho Misses Meyer, J. P. Maxwell, Dr Bernard Myers, Dr and Mrs Myles, Dr and Mra' M'Manus, Leo. Mandel, John Munro, Mr and Mrs Mutton, Mrs H. Widcnham Maunsell, George Moodie, Miss Watson, Hon. William and the Misses, M'Culloch, W. H. Macdonald, Murdoch Maciver, Mr and Mrs Montgomery, C. F. and Mrs Murray, Herman W. Marcus, Miss Hilda Modrhouse, L. and Mrs Mix so, Mr and Mrs Morris, Mr and Mrs MacMillan, Lady Montague, J. It. and Mrs Macdonald, Dr Duncan and Mrs MaoGregor, Miss Meddings, Mr and Mra Montgomery and family-, the Hon. Mrs Madocks, Miss , Sybil Mennell, Miss Agnes Murphy, L. J. Nathan, Sir E. M; Nelson, L. A. Nathan, H. L. Nathan, Mrs David Nathan, Frank E. Nott, C. T. Newton, Mrs Georg3 Nation, Sur-geon-captain J. H. Ncill, J. G. Nairne, Miss Newton, C. J. Nairn, Leslie Nancarrow, L. and Mrs Nicol, A. S. Oiterson, J. S. and Mrs O'Halloran, Earl of Onslow, Hon. R. Olwer, Sir Montague Ommaney, Arthur Owen, E. and Mrs Oldham. Arthur Oakley, Mrs Oliver, M. D. and Mrs Ogle, G. L. Oetzman,.C. W. and Mrs and Miss Palliser, J, D. Potter, Colonel I'earce, Sir W. 8., Lady, and Miss Perceval, Captain M. N. Plante, James and A. S>. Paterson, Sir W. H. and Mis 3 Preece, Sir 'W. and Lady Peace. B. H. Price, Dr F W. and'Mm Parkinson, W. P. Perry, Miss J. J. Perston, M. le Corate de Perceval, Miss Peach, G. and Mrs Pember, Ross Pember, MiBS Pember, Mr and the Hon. Mrs F, Pembsr, E. H. Pember, C. J. Parr, .J. W. Piatt, Mr and Mrs Pegram, Chas. Pharazyn, Misses Parker, Edward Paterson, Cyril'Parlier, . Mr and Mrs Pipk:n, E. Pembroke, Mrs Louis Pharazyn, A. W, and Mrs Pottinger, Mr and Mrs Preeee, Lientenant-eolonel Porter, B. and Mrs Quincey, W. B. Robinson, Neville Roberts, Jame3 Russell, J. A. Richardson, G. G. Russeil, H. H. Russell, A. S. and Mrs Row, W. E. and Mrs Robinson, R. and Mrs Russell",*W. J. Roberts, Mrs A. D. Riley, Miss Rachacl Richmond, A. B. RoseJA. H. Russell, Mr and Mrs De Rougemont, Yv. Cowper and Mrs liobisou, Mrs H. W. Re-;ves, Edward Reeves, Lionel Reeves, Rev. E. G. Reeves, If. IC, and Mrs Reeves, Hugh Reeves, A. Reeves, Miss Reeves, Hon. Eertram Russell, Russell and Mrs Rca, Walter and Mrs Rea, Miss 13. Reeves, Misses Rucker, James Rucker, Mr and Mrs Robertson, Mr and Mra Rendell, Sir Alexander Rendell, Miss Reudell, Georje Robison, Mr and Mrs" Rowden, Ncwtoii and Mrs Robinson, Spring and Mrs Riee, Alan Randle, Mrs R. Heaton Rhodes, Mrs and Miss Riddiford, Samuel Rawnsley, Mr and Mrs. Russell, G. G. and Mrs Russell, Grant and Mrs Richards, James A. Roberts, A. G. Ross, Sydney and Mrs Ridge, Edmund and Mrs Reeves, Mis Robert Rhodes, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Reid, Sir Alexander and Lady Rendell, Sir Owen and Lady Roberts, Stanley and Mrs Russell, R. E. Raven, Purvis Russell, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Robinson, Surgeon-captain A. C. and Mrs de Renzie, 0. R. Strickland, E. J. Spence, AV. Sprent, J. ' Studholme, Alfred and Mrs Smith, Ear! and Countess of Seafield, Charles and Mrs Short, W. Scrimgeour, Lord and Lady Strathcona, Mr and Mrs Snell, J. A. Serimgeom, Mrs J. W. Smith, James F. Scott, James ai:<l Mrs Saunders, George Saunders,. Mrs Fred Saunders, Dr Arthur Saunders, J. Parker Smith, Herbert Samuel, Mrs Ptarsal! Smith, G. B. and Mrs Shaw, Miss Stirke, Captain Slade, Hugh and Mrs Seymour, Mr and Mrs Simp, Mr and Mra Schwann, Mr and Mrs Stephenson, the Misses Sievwriglit, B. A. and Mrs Scott, Mr Sutherland, G. F. Stutchbery, J. and Miss 0. Smith, AV 11. and Miss Snelling, J. F. Studholme. AY. Savill, Prideaux Sdby, Colonel and Mrs Sommerville, Sir Thomas Salt, J. 11, Selfe, T. Bailey Saunders, Llewellyn and Mrs Smith, J. M. and Mrs Sinclair* the Misses Shaen, Miss Stack, Captain and Mrs Steel, ' Mrs Studholme, Lieutenant P. Symon, Captain Seddon, the Mioses Seddon, Mrß D. York Syme, C. G. Tegetmeier, B. G. Tothili, Sir Horace and Lady Tozer, S. B. Todd, T. E„ Mrs, and Mias Taylor, Mrs Arthur H. Taylor, Mrs Tanner, Captain Thompson, E. E. Thomoson, H. T. Trevena, Mhs Tuckwell, Regd. H." Thompson, Miss Luke, Mrs Tancred, Robert Thompson, Captain Tryon, James and Mrs Turnbull, Mis and Miss Todhunter, C. P. Llewellyn (M.P.), G. D. Turner, MY and Mys Yates Thompson, Mr and Mrs Tothili, Mr Thompson (private secretary to Mr Seddon), Miss G, Thompson, Mr and Mrs Turnbull, Harry A'ogel, H. J. Underwood, Captain A'oile, B. F.'Uttilig, Mr and Mrs A r ernet, L% A'ogel, J. C. AYason, M.P., and Mi 3 Colonel R; AYilliams, • M.P.; Eliot AYarburton, Hon. J'. B. AVhyte, H. M. AYilson, Mr and Mrs Woo&vard, T. G-, and Mrs White, "William Hood, Herbert and Mrs Woolmer, Colonel E. AV. D. AVai-d, Mr and Mrs AVorden, Sydney and Mrs Webb, Mrs AVilliamson, Mr and Mrs AVoodrofle, Mr. Mrß, and M[ss AYilson, Dr Watson, Mr and Hon. Mrs AYest, J. Scott AVood, F. J. and Lady 'Williamson, Mr, Mrs, and Misses AYillcs, Sir G. S. Whitmore, K.C.M.G., George AYatson. E. Watt, Eugene AVason, M.P., Captain and. Mrs Chas. Wood, J. B. AYest.rav, Robinson AYestray, T. C. and Mis 3 Williams, lliss AVarden, Mr Weddel, Mrs and Miss Lyal AYilson, Miss Wilkins, Herbert AYebl), Mrs Winkworth, Anthony Wilding. Mrs AYair, Lady Wittenoom, Leigh and Mrs Wood, Geo. AYebster, Rev. Robert AYood, Hon. G. ,M. Waterhouse, MissJYatson, Rev. F J. AYatters and friend, Mrs unester Wilson, Sir Frederick and Lady Young. William Young, Lady Fox Young, William and Mrs Young, D. and Mrs Ziman and niece, Hy, Zander.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12415, 26 July 1902, Page 2
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2,599RECEPTION BY MR AND MRS REEVES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12415, 26 July 1902, Page 2
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