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Extract from tha " Housewife Annual," 1896-7. 3 (i '~|~*«I-IERE is not, perhaps, a more important question for a mother who is unable to nurse her infant ( 1 than the selection of a suitable food as ;i substitute for that designed by Nature. Sometimes starchy i JL foods are given to young infants which they are unable to digest, and as a consequence, instead ) of thriving, they remain thin and puny; and there are cases where fatal effects have followed sueh > (^ injudicious feeding. 'i-low important, then, for mothers in selecting a food to make sure that it is one upon which < a reliance may bo placed I , t " i j) " fudging from repute, as well as from many excellent medical and private testimonials, the infants food prepared \ 4 by Messrs. Joisiah R. Neave & Co., of Fordingbridge, may conscientiously lie recommended. \ g "A mistake may be made in classing this food with ordinary starchy foods, lire use of which for young fl I S infants is to be deprecated. In a report of Dr. A. Stutzer, the. well-known analytical chemist of Honn, who is | i % a director of the Chemical Laboratory of Rhenish Prussia, it is stated the microscopic examination of & 4 Ncave's Food, well cooked with milk, showed that no regular cellular structure of the vegetable constituents' ff $ origin could be recognised, and that the starch contained in the uncooked food was made fully digestible by. B j cooking; and as regards the proportion of flesh-forming albuminoids and the bone-forming salts, there exists \ € a perfect uniformity between Ncave's Food and mothers' milk. A further important testimony to the value f | of this food, as relating to the matter in question, has been given in the Medical Magazine, edited by Dr. George | f J. Wilson, M.A., which states that the starch is so split up that after cooking no evidence of its presence can s % b'u detected by the Microscope.; thus doing away in this particular instance with the objection that ioods con- \k {{ taininr starch are not digested by very yo"ung children; and the fact that numerous children have been S . i brought up from birth upon this food, with the best results, is the strongest, proof of the correctness of what | a is stated. Tho Lancet, the Medical Journal, and other well-known medical magazines have spoken in praise of \ \ Neave's Food, also many eminent doctors in this country, as well as in Germany, and America." | ' I b*a mF '^ j?^ Y\ Iff WZQ^WJ^I I I I OVER REVESm '*\Lj Lj fcjti\ \\!»f |4*J BL™ \ K.i urn. \\K , ly/ WA I 5 ESTABLISHED f\J3% >£ >«J B& Kfitf PU*« fe'Yl I f C fc^ |||| J )) BEST A'M iJ^HeAPEST. SOLD M l-LB. PAIEfeT AR-TIjiHT.TINS. ~ V ' J. 'T.OAR TX B, j p MQNF y" . CROCKERY AND HARDWARE STORES, j *-> 11 Jli/l i. IUV H^l, «GZOHGE_STHEET. . ' j QQj^jy MONET, Has a Few Odd Lines that must be cleared before stocktaking:— ; CUPS and SAUCERS, DINNER PLATES, COVER DISHES, MEAT DISHES, ODD In Suma of ,».,'_ BEDROOM BASINS, JUGS, and' CHAMBERS; Also, CUTLERS, SPOONS, and f/800 FORKS. *"IVW ' ' NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. f ' ■ ' l 0 CaU and Inspect at J. T . CARTER'S, " .. ' ' £10,000, \ii " ' , ■ ■ 45 Gcorgo street. . ■ Ou ■ j . „' . ~~ Country,- .■■• •'■■• . | ABfiosf Strengthening-and Bnvigoratinglomc ;■ , ■ -:■■ city, and". Takes out impurities from tho blood, brinsrs bock an Oil Dill*bail appetite for good food, imparts strength to tho nerves, TTWoiinlrla gives energy and power. X ICCUUiUS), Jlk * €at*ft m&*** b^q wit Pa' .At 4J to-5 Ber--Gent '* -^?^N\ or Forms o£ Application aud full hiforUMi' --^^^^^^^Wft^i' tion apply to tUo District M^uigor, Daiudiu . //////'■jW GovBBNtiBNT Insurance.Comjiissioner.' \\\ i'/rttHllftli " 4"^ W \sS^^^'-^vi SKIN DISEASES I ■;■■ ' i A"i£HsiSo"}s iesl '■ys'-?rt"% \ % f '/i ■I'l'v ''j ' •;,•• ..,!•' . . ilSfallsie VstaSUy Piiß's ■. f,' •.''•'■''MrsyC'KeLningW^^^ . prwsV^Mts^bmtyla^ the above portrait of1 herself, witU tlie following letter: -, the Spine, Bramuud Nerves. --SpociiiU'owor. a "Ihaveused Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and have found it a wonderful strengthen- G^'^Si^osit'^^S^'Tosted i ' ing and invigorating tonic and restorative, ■ . , _ . ' .- - Send fo'i-free iiaroDUlet."1 ' ""-■. 'I • ■ "Sometime a?o I caught a severe cold and an attack of rheumatism tol- ' H*s n *i-L Baß^^^ESSSl^ ¥,' lowed. I suffereilterrible pates, could not eat'or sleep, and feared I might be- - aßfeJlfiS^BSood Pills | Come a helpless illvalM; . .. ..■••■«« Blood'ToSo'liu'd will eniflicute tli'e most 2v "I did not obtain any relief until I was given a prescription tor faarsa- obstinate Blood and Skin Affections. I'rice, g ! parilla.' My husband took it to a chemist, who said,' Try Ayer's.1 a™ ? as Vitality Mils. . . |' j " " I noticed a decided improvement from the very first, and I was soon able Co mplaintt M.o.uS pm«. i"«.™ and $ \ to do my work again. I know of several people who owe their good health to Coug]l j,^ i-niitciiuoiiii; Powciera, Vurico- U this great medicine " ■ cole Powdera, Gurgle Powders, Flesh Pro. B ■ These remarkable results are not due alone to the sarsaparilla in Ayer's p"S t ° u T^ 1 Sarsaparilla.. They are due to the combined action of many ingredients, ho nn d Cmnplorion Ue.iut'nor, Liver and Kid- i other sarsaparilla contains the same medicines. There is no other.sarsaparilla ■ noj- Pill., and instant' Headache Cure, arc i like "Ayer's." This is why the people call it ' Kook, which con- 1 fl4Tte 'World's ireafest Family Medicine." s^«e^ U3c£l!l hiniaaua 1. .■ » . , , • All CORHKsroisiixKCU Strictly Pmvate. fl "Ayer's" cures. You know this. You have to experiment with others, 'Write without delay, and address g and you can't afford to do that. ■ War"" HiassiniliSeei} i For removing impurities from the blood, for making thin blood become • S2-«^ r ,«?«•* w n •«' rich and life-giviSg, for restoring strength aud vitality, and for building up the 91. lambton Quay, Wellington, N.Z. § nervous system, there is but one medicine: . • ■vm^V^^m^mz^mxrwwrnxti Tha : ■ — ®V /&sWlb(i&^fa%'&£s!& $f^ ®§iii rpHE OTAGO WITNESS has the Largest #i?*°sl& Wa w»»™^^3 B3 Sf\J\i) l'ra®L "v . <s>>ie , northern rural districts, it offers unrivalled WW W W TBiat OiSfSS. ! facilities for Advertising anythinfi of interest Boeaavj «ai»(»«s»t | 0 joyntry readers. Present circulation (steadIt ReniOVeS DepreSSiOn. I ily increasing), OSOO weekly. . ■ 27au Ayer's Pills Act onlheTiverTmore Bile is Secreted. S T- Jgf g^'" 1 in the ""^ Easy to Make, Easy to Digest, and of Perfect Flavour. , Strengthening! EourisHng, and. Cheapest in l[se L _

1 „___ _i__i_ ___,__£ UJ.N IELIQ . If you want a Cycle designed on cor-v >^iUlas&s. rect lines, made from the best mate- /^^^M^^k rials, by skilled mechanics; 11^11111^111 If you want an up-to-date Cycle; fast, a^V/lIIS^a speedy, durable, and absolutely free $f*fi£J£&fwV" from fads; \olMMf If you want to do business with an old-established firm who respect their * guarantee, and whose guarantee is ' *g worth 20s in the pound; j *" If you are a business person and want i A TCTfI-T O-OPffHT A T a high-class Cycle at a reasonable price, for either lady or gent; -_—__, If you are a "road scorcher" and want /s"g7S\ a fast, stylish, and light mount: \ fk?£~~& i \ *i, NEW ZEALAND If you arc a racing man, and want the | v--"C^?jJ ¥¥~^^U fastest path, 'racer to "lead the ' MANUFACTURED BY 6 PEINGES STREET, DUNEDIN. WK EB. __s "__• O Wl_ 3E E£ Is a SPECIALIS'f for the CUKE ot PILES, no matter from vrhat causi arising, and is the only lady possessing this wonderful .euro. With her Great .Remedies Mrs Towike is able to Ct'El_ . BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS, .■:■•■ BURNS, and .-...■ SORFS of all kinds. ■ M. A; N .S:.A.V ITA. ; . : Are you suffering with Open Sores?— Try MANSA^ITA. Have you rot a Severe Cough?—MANS A VITA will ■ cure you. MAISSAVI'I'A will cure RHEUMATISM:, SCIATICA Do you want a CLIO Alt COMPLEXION ?--Take MAKSAVITA I*_LL,S. MANSAVLTA B B_LBS 4J»B.WTMI_.W,a Guaranteed Cure. MANSAVITA OIJS'rMENT cures Sores of all kinds, Burns, Eczema, Old Wounds ' All.Letters sent to MRS TQWJLER, 15, Royal Arcade, Dunedin, wil receive prompt. attention. Sole Manufacturer Mansavita Eemedies. t£W AGEKTB : Messrs J. H. Hancock and E. Kutherford, Caversham J. Peterson and Co,, George street; H. L. Sprosen, chemist, Octagon. " SOLE WHOLISSALE AGENTS : Messrs P. • HAYMAN &; CO., DUNEDIN. ANDY- CALDER On his Favourite Wheel, HE . 5> I cIKI—IINm,. '£npoks a big lump of 4 hours : M^^^o§^^. ; llMfe^^^^Pli ■ road-kfcepßDi-■■■■■■=, TIME: 18hrs. SOinln. T« 22lirs. SOniiu. 1 MOKSOWi BABBETT, '■'& CO,, NEW PREMISES—CORN EE OF CASIIEL &' MANCHESTER STREETS, < Cs_s_c_Ri^ rircj_E_i:i_T__^c3ii:. > ' ' ■ AsßuppliacltoTheQUEEN_: j __ePKIHCBSSO-'»fAWBS. _wa« Stea__Hi 4o tha FpoA Mril [ f PH iIIIMFOSN- . i JEenows Hei-v-and Energy. iIiLILL €C UUij ■ BJWSI!-Wll«« • I Bla,_es Children _Jiriya.

—^Tho word "sirdar" is now said to be a contraction of the Arabic words "sayer ed dar," that sayer meant- inspector or watcher, and dar means palace— thus, " inspector of the palace." Other authorities assert that " sirdar " comes from .'tho Persian " sardar," sar tho head," top, and dar holding, possessing.— hence, a chief or general. Valuable Discovsky for tiie Haie.—lf your I hair is. turning grey or .white, or falling off, i^"> I " The Mexican Hair ■ Eenewer,">: for it will positively restore in every case Grey, or White Hair to its original colour without leaving tho disagreeable smell of most " Pvestorers." It makes the hair charmingly beautiful, as well as promoting the growth of the hair on bald j spots where the glands are not decayed. Ask j your Chamist for " Tire Mexican Hair Ec- ] stcber," sold by Chemists and Perfumers ! everywhere at 3s 6d per bottle. Wholesalo ! depot, 33 Farringdon road, London, England.— ! Advt.

FOR BODY AND DURABILITY USE " m\ jA does not Oxidise or Hub off; retains'its Colour, being not affected by atmosplierio ' fflijsl flSlilk 1&J§» changes; Non-poisonous. For many years largely in nee in India, China, Japan, Manila, jpgß««Mi» PPIS. • \ West Indies, Straits Settlements, South Australia, Now South Wales, etc. Can bo tinted y>^& &s&* /tt&L THOf¥SAS HUBBUCK.& SON, LTD.,. ' vßk 11 ♦, ~ .^ jpJl Australian Office: 34 Queen street, Melbourne. ify! Wmj®* l&anBl Jjf i| fj A Sure, Safe, Quick Cnro for these |j ! . . <^^^[^>^^>j)ll<<^a^^^j^j<r^>^/>B^_>>j^| _ >^^^ '^ Frcc.'wilson Eardrum Co |- £< troubles is a' "w^wfV^*^l*^'^^^'^^^^^^^^-^ l^^^^b^^^ i^^^ as JJS£Sl | *J^ti^tllpf 1 lELLIN VS POOD when prepared is similar to Breast Milk. T^ODATLTTIMES AND WITNESS \ | (PEnuvDAvrs'.) |' , ■ ' a^^W^^^°>°^Wa^^^l^^ Mffl^SS^ii 00- 11ELLIFS FOOD is Entirely Free from Starch and Cane Sugar, and is adapted for use in all c ——_ — DUNEDIN. rti>■»>«i»«

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11398, 15 April 1899, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11398, 15 April 1899, Page 7


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