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TO THE EDITOB. Sir,—A letter on this subject, copied from the Christohurch Press, appeared in your paper recently, and also a leading article on same supporting the views therein expressed. It would appear as if the letter.was written more iv the interests of local' insurance companies than anyone else, as Mr Stead very well knows a shipper can insure his goods by any good vessel against every marine risk, including negligence of the master and mariners and others in navigating the vessel, without any extra charge for latter risk, provided tho " negligence clause," as it iB termed, is mentioned in bill of lading; so that Mr Stead has really no grievance on that Ecore. A shipowner in any part of the British Empire stands in this position: His vessel cannot go to sea unless surveyed by Government inspectors, and the master and officers (including engineers, if a steamer) must be holders of Government certificates before the vessel is allowed to clear the customs. Once the master has got the clearance from the customs (which is never given until the authorities are satisfied with the vessel's equipment, loading, and crew), and the vessel gets oat of the harbour, the owner has no possible control over her until she again reaches port, yet it is proposed to make the owner answerable for all neglect or default of the master, pilot, or crew in navigating the vessel. This is a risk which shippers can and ought to insure against by taking an ordinary marine policy with any respectable insurance company or underwriter. There is no reason why the owner should be made liable for such losses because the shippers do not choose to protect themselves against same in an ordinary business way. It is not so long ago since an owner at Home was made liable for the value of a cargo of grain which was lost through the pilot takiDg the ship through a channel on the east coast of England in which there was not enough water for the ship. In this case the bill of lading did not contain the " negligence clause," and the underwriters, finding this out, proceeded against the owner for negligence of the pilot and got a verdict for value of the cargo. Now, what had the owner done that this loss should be thrown upon him ? The captain employed a pilot to take his vessel to her port of destination, the man had his license and was supposed tokuowhis business. The owner, therefore, bad to suffer this heavy loss through no fault of bis own, but because the bill of lading did not contain the negligence clause. With such injustice, can you wonder that owners take every precaution to protect themselves from possible loss caused by neglect over which they have not the least control ? Every marine risk can be insured against at moderate cost, and if shippers are too penurious to protect themselves in this way they ought to suffer, and not throw the responsibility on the shipowner, who is compelled to comply with requirements of the authorities before be con send his ship to sea. In New Zealand the shipowner made is liable for neglect, as, by a stupid piece of legislation, the English Canal aud Railways Act has been adopted for the carrying trade of this colony, and shipowners on this coast cannot protect themselves by special contract as they can in all other parts of the British dominions. The New Zealand act reads," carriers by land or sea"—these two words " by sea " rendering the shipowner liable for negligence of master or crew in navigating the vessel while on the coast, even though, as already stated, all the requirements of tho Colonial Government must be complied with before the vessel is allowed to leave port. A local insurance company was the real plaintiff in the Tui case, and it is disgraceful to think that they were able to compel the shipowner to pay for goods lost by the wreck of that steamer when they bad received a premium to cover the very risk. This has now become a very serious matter for shipowners in New Zealand, and they, are considering some way of ridding themselves of this most unjust liability. The circular issued by the Union Company some few months ago shows that the shipowners do not intend to let matters remain in their present unsatisfactory state much longer. If the shipowner is to be held liable for such losses in future, over which he can have no possible control, shippers will have to pay for the extra risk in some way or other. At present more than half the cargo carried on the coast is uninsured, because shippers rely on the New Zealand act to pull them through without loss in case of accident. They are really too mean to pay for insuring their gooda in a business-like way. lam glad, however, to see that the New Zealand Government cannot interfere with bills of lading drawn out and signed outside the colony. Thin is a good job. I appeud several extracts published in the Shipping Gazette, London, dealing with the subject of bills of lading, &s., and feel sure the British shipowner ba9 trouble enough with all the recent legislation and restrictions imposed at Home, without having the contracts made at port of loading, regarding carriage of cargo, upset at destination. —I was, Sir, at one time May 15. A Shipownek. Thb "Jkoligench Ciiusra. A bill was introduced into tho American J><<lslature which,hadit beenpatßed, would have affected, or would have purported to affect, contracts made in this country to be executed in the United States. The New Xork Corn Exohange BtroDgly oppoßed it. It

was amended In the Senate, mid was referred to committee, where, ao for a» we know. It diod natural death. Had it paseed It would have pre vented the shipowner from protecting himself fron the disastrous consequences of errors in navigation In other wa» essentially an underwiiteri bill, and its supporters completely failed to pass 1 into law. There is no reason to oxpeot better suocea for a similar experiment if It weie made in tnl; country. object to be hold liable for tin negllgenoe of the oflicfirs and crew of the veßseloIlret, on the principle that they employ only oflicen who Bre eertllleated by the authorities, and in whosi choice they have by law very little choice; and as t( the crew, they take tho btßt they can net; and there fore, as they do all that Ilea in their power, thej onght not to be held liable for not performing impos slbllltiea ; and secondly, not ao n matter of prinolp c they point out that they are free Bgentß, and as Ihe merohants are likewise free to accept or decline then their terms, as they one has any right tc fores them to accept the risk against their will mid they refußO bo to do. Tho shippers, on theothoi hand, say it la a reoogrdsed principle of the law ol this country, and of almost overy other, that master! ehall be reiponaible for tho negligence of their servants. The oflicerß and crow of tho vessels are the shipowners' servants, it is therefore their duty, on prlnoiple, to accept the risk. The controversy hns now advanced so far that thero ought surely to be some Bolutlon of it eatmaotory enough to meet tho reasonable wishes of reasonable men on either side of the battleground. (Jbipperu and underwriters are relying far too much on the present condition of the freight market. Tho cost of litigation must fall in the end, not upon the shipowner, but upon tho consumer, for the former must and will, if he can, recoup himielf by increasing tho freight. True as this proposition is in a 1 ordinary times, these are, undoubtedly, extraordinary times, and underwriters and shippers are making full use of the opportunity afforded them by the temporary suspension of the law we enunciated. That suspension must be utrlotSy limited In point of time. Weak shipowners are disappearing every month from the unequal stiupgle against Home and foreign vesaelß, tun, apparentiy. with little or no regard for profits. The plethora of tonnage cannot last for ever, and that being so, it would be absurd to legislate upon this question on data derived from times, euch as will, we sincerely hope, be never seen again in this country. Underwriters ought to ccc from the records contained in their own book, that they are acting unwisely in plaoing new restrictions and embarrassments upon shipowners. Is It even concehaWy just that a P shlpo WD Per should be liable where goods on board a steamer are damaged by sea. water admitted into the hold through negligence of an engineer In leaviDg open a bilge cock, or where a sailor has ported the helm Instead of starboarding ? what can the shipowner do more than exercise the fullest care that can be exercised on shore, and then to transfer the possible negligence of his «e™antß. when completely out of control, to underwriters? If insurance is to be limited so that negllgenoe is to be altogether excluded, then there will be a deoided falling off In the volume of marine lmurance, or what there is left will pass more and more into the hands of mutual olubs.-Shlpplng Hazette Weekly Summary, Maroh 20,1885.

Sales by Auction. THIS DAY, SATURDAY, the lGth clay of MAY 1891, At 12 o'clock noon. Undor the conduct of the Registrar at Ducedin of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, pursuant to "The Property Law Consolidation Aotl883," and" The Land Transfer Act 1585," imd iv exercise of the piiwi-r of !S:-.!u conferred by a D..l of Mortgage, registered No. 65,733. MESSRS E. O. REYNOLDS & CO. have received instructions to sell by unction, at their Rooms, High street, Dunedin, Bt the above time: The rents, issues, profits and income arising or to ariso during the lifetime of-the, mortgagor out of or from, and all other (if any other), his estate, right, title, interest, claim, and demand in the trust property so far as the same oonsists of realty mentioned in the said Deed of Mortgage, and comprising inter alia: (1) All that parcel of land, being Beotions 66 and 67, block 111, of the Town of Dunedin (not Bubjeot to "The Land Transfer Act 1885 "). (2) All that parcel of land (subjeot to "The Land Trausfer Aot 1885"), containing 6 acres, 1 rood, 31 poles (more or less), and being part of block XIII, Daneoin and East Taitri Distriot, and part of section 33, Ocean Beach Distriot. The premises offered are snbject to a prior Becurity. For terms and particulars apply to THE AUCTIONEERS; Or, MESSRS KBNYON & HOSKING, 2my Dunedin. THIS DAY, BATURDAY, 16th MAY, At 2 o'clock. At Rooms, High street. IMPORTANT SALE OF BOOKS. Grammaire dei Gratnmaires (2 vols), Johnston's School and Physical Atlases, The Suni: its Planets, bo., Imperial Dictionary by Ogilvie, Letre's Frenoh Dictionary (the only one in Dunedin), French and Latin books, Political Economy, Natural Philosophy, Mathematios, Chomistry, Principles of Perspective, Elements of Dynamics by Blaifce, &o, &c EO. REYNOLDS b CO. « will sell as above, at their Rooms, High street, on Saturday, 16th May, at 2 o'clock. 15my TUESDAY, 19th MAY, At 2.30 o'clock. At Rooms, High street. To Merchants, Grocers, Storekeepers, Hotelkeepers, and Others. ENORMOUS CLEARING SALE OF TEAS (Of all Qualities and Grades) HALF CHESTS AND BOXES. Balances of Lines of previouß years' shipments which MUST BE SOLD. IN LINES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. EC. REYNOLDS b CO. • are instructed to sell a large and assorted Btock of teas by auction, at their Rooms, High street, on Tuesday, 19th May, at 2.30 o'olook. Samples at Rooms Friday. Printed Blips may be obtained on application. 12my FRIDAY, 22nd MAY, At 2.30 o'olook. At RootnH High Street. EDUCATION RESERVES, MOERAKI, WAIKOUAITI, HILLEND, CLUTHA, to, &c. 14 YEARS' LEASES AND VALUATION. Seotion. Block. District. a. r. p. 57 VI Moeraki 43 524 2 of 42 I Waikouaiti 25 1 23 1 XI Waikouaiti 65 0 0 2of 35 VI Hillend 30 0 0 4 XV Clarendon 37 0 0 4 v* CI Clutha 52 231 2ofl XI North Molyneux 26-1 30 -WJT C. REYNOLDS & COJ3^e are instructed by the Sohool Commissioners of Ofcago to offer the above Leases by auction at their Rooms, High street, Dunedip, on Friday, 22nd May, at 2.30 o'clock. Full particulars and conditions of ecle from THE AUCTIONEERS; Or COLIN MACANDREW, Secretary, 253p Colonial Bank Buildings. FRIDAY, 22nd MAY, At 2.30 o'clock. FREEHOLD AND COTTAGES In FORTH STREET. EC. REYNOLDS & CO. • have received instructions from tho Registrar of the Supreme Court to sell by auction, at their Rooms, High street, Dunedin, as above, in pursuance of the Provisions of "The Land Transfer Act 1885," and the Powers conferred by Memorandum of Mortgage, No. 11,190: All that parcel of LAND, situate in Dunedin, containing 27"65 hundreths poles (more or less), being parts of Sections 49 and 50, BIock,'XXXVI, with a frontage of 150 links to Forth street, on which ia erected one Stone and three wooden cottages. For further particulars apply to BATHGATE & WOODHOUSB, . Solicitors, Vogel.street; emy'' THE AUCTIONEERS. FRIDAY. 22ad MAY, At 3 o'clock. Immediately after the sale of Land advertised. IRON SCREW STEAMER REYNOLDS, 60ft length, 10ft beam, draft sft 6in, Bin cylinders; tubular boiler, pressure 601b; coal consumption, 3cwt per hour. Licensed 70 passengers. EC. REYNOLDS* CO. • are instructed by the Otago Harbour Board to sell as above by auction, at their Rooms, High street, on Friday, 22nd May, at 3 o'olock. 13my PRELIMINARY NOTICE. FIFTEENTH ANNUAL UNRESERVED SALE OF NATIVE AND FOREIGN FURS, Carriage and Railway Rugs Boas, Muffs, and Sets Sealskin Handbags Tea Cosies, Smoking Caps, The Manufacture of Mr S. R. CLARK, Gold Medallist at the late Geelong Exhibition, end First Prize-taker at Canada, Amsterdam, London, and Paris Exhibitions. JAMES A. PARK & CO. have instructions from Mr S.R. Clark, the premier furrier of Außtralia, to sell by auction, early next week: A really magnificent and beautiful assortment of AUSTRALIAN AND FOREIGN FURS, manufactured by skilled labour imported for the purpose, and guaranteed free from the attacks of moths and other insects so destructive to imported furs. 21ap M. SFEDDING, a EBIISrOES STBBBT SOUTH, JhMge» the MWBSS UATBS of GOMMISSIOB ifor MTCTIO3 BALDS and V&LUATIOHS. Anoonat Sslsi rendered promptly. Cash Advanced on Boodo for Sal«. BstCGßive Storage st Onoap Batei. EISIb Dl«eounted. Ir.denf.» Hxeccted. MONDAY, 18th MAY, At 2.30 o'clock. 6 Superior FIRE and BURGLAR PROOF SAFES ; From the celebrated Factory of MESSRS WITHERS & CO., Makers to the English Government and principal Banking Companies. -jr\ U. SPBDDING JL/a will sell on Monday first, at half-past 2 o'clook: 6 Safes, of the following dimensions :— 22 x 17 x 15 26 x 19 x 17 28 x 20 x 18 30 x 21 x 19 34 x 24 x 21 38 x 263E 34 Fitted with patent powder-proof, unpickable locks. 14my ~~ THIS DAY, SATURDAY, 16th MAY, At 11 o'clock. At Dnnedin Horse Saleyards. IHCTRIGHT, STEPHENSON, b CO. VV will sell The PRIVILEGES in connection with the Dunedin Jockey Club's May Meeting on 23rd and 25th. 12my ENRYLA R N E B, AUCTION JiEK AND VALUATOR, Rattray street (next B»nk of New Zealand), Cnergf* Lowest ratou of Commission for Auction Sales and Valuations. Account Sales rendered following day. Monoy advanctd on gooda for sale. Furniture, bedsteads, carpets, linoleums, and furnishings on private sale. Largo show rooms. 1S« rpHOSE requiring really fir3t-olass Spring I Flowers should purchase Bnlbs from Matthews, ]bnlb grower, Moray place. 2my

Sales by Auction. THIS DAY, BATURDAY, 16th MAY, At 2 o'clock. Under Distraint for Rent. JAMES SAMSON & CO. will sell by auction, at their Rooms: 6 leather chairs, copying press, pigeonholes, fendor, office table, revolving office chair, code books, oiloloth, stationery, &o, &c. Without reserve. 16m THIS DAY, ~~ SATURDAY, 16th MAY, At 2 o'clock. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTSJAMES SAMSON & CO. have been favoured with instructions to sell by suotion, at their Rooms, Household Furniture, be., including: Leather suite, dining table, oornioe pole, Brussels carpet, hearthrug, fender and flreirons, cheffonier, Vienna chairs, overmantel, couch, lamps, oval table, piotnres, iron and wood bedsteads; spring, flock, and hair mattresses; blankets, chests of draworß, washstands, dressing tables, toilet ware, looking glasses, portable copper boiler, colonial sofa, kitchen furniture, cooking utensils, Singer Sewing machine, svmJiies. -* &0., &c, &c. 16my On SATURDAY, the 23rd MAY 1891, At 12 o'clock noon. Under the conduct of the Registrar at Dunedin of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, and in exercise of power of sale contained in Memorandum of Mortgage registered No. 13,422. THE PERPETUAL TRUSTEES, ESTATE, AND AGENCY COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED) are instructed to Bell by publio auotion, at their Rooms, Rattray streot, as above: CORPORATION LEASE of Allotment 7 on plan of subdivision of Sections 1 and 2, Block IV, Upper Kaikorai district—the whole of the land comprised in Memorandum of Lease registered No. 850, For further particulars apply to Messrs FITCHETT & THORNTON, Solicitor, Crawford street; Or to1 6my THE AUCTIONEERS. LORIE AND OCX • (LATB IiORIB AND KoT), AUOIIOHEBBS, FBUIT AND PHODUOK SALESMBS. Dlitrlct Managers for National Mutual Life Assoolatlon of Australasia (established 1869), High street, Dunedin. We offer Producers the following advantage! :— We hold a sale of Poultry, Fruit, Babbit and Sheepskins, Potatoes, and General Produce every "we render account sales, with cheque, every TuesWe notify oon»tituentß immediately of any ohange In the Market. We compile our Weekly Prices Current from actual sales. . .. , Af Agents for the Largest Factories In the oolony we have always a woll-asaorted Stook of Furniture. Ws have Money to Lend on personal or freehold security at a very low rate of interest, In sums of £100 to £8000. 6 "P THIS DAY, SATURDAY, 16th MAY, At 12 o'clock noon. ANNUAL SALE OF PURE POULTRY. Including a magnifioent selection of 80 birds (absolutely without reserve) from J. C. Buokland, Esq. The catalogue includes every known variety of Poultry, comprising: Langshana, light and dark Brahmas, Wyandottes, Hamburgs, Polands,Game, white and brown Leghorns, Houdans, Andalusians, bnff and partridge Cochins, Plymouth Rocks, Spanish, Dorkings, bo., bo. This opportunity of securing really first-class birds at unreserved prices occurs but once a year. We confidently invite inspection. AL OR I E & CO., « Auctioneers. 15my THIS DAY, SATURDAY, 16th MAY 1891, At 1 o'clock sharp. At the Clinton Yards. 1000 4-year-old MERINO WETHERB (from Beaumont Station), ' 500 6-tooth CROSSBRED WETHERS, 500 MERINO EWES (from Oairn Station). 1000 CROSSBRED EWES. JOHN GKINDLBY (on behalf of the Farmers' Agency Company.Limited) will sell by auction, at the Clinton Yards, on 16th May 1891, at 1 o'clock sharp: 1 '100 etners a 8 ak°ve X QQ Ewes as above 1000 oroSßbrea Ewes> Other entries invited. JOHN GRINDLEY, B mv Auctioneer. MONDAY, 18th MAY, At 1.30 p.m. Falmerston. THE FARMERS' AGENCY COMPANY have received instructions to sell, without reserve, at above time and place: About SOO mixe(J Sheep A Horses 2 Fig"JOHN GRINDLEY, 15my Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, 20th MAY 1891. Burnside Yards. SPECIAL ENTRY. TT'ARMERS' AGENCY COMPANY Jj (LIMITED): 1 RAft two > four> Bix> and eight-tooth J.OV/l/ crossbred Eweß and Wethers. JOHN GRINDLEY, X6my Auctioneer. THURSDAY, 21st MAY 1891. At Saleyards, Clinton. STOCK SALE. THE NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY (LIMITED) have received instructions from variouß Vendors to Bell by auction, at above time and place: 400 2,4, and 6 tooth crossbred Wethers 150 2 and 4 tooth crossbred Wethers 250 crossbred Ewes an-3 Wethers 100 crossbred Lambs 200 full-mouthed merino Wethers Further entries may be made to H. GARFORTH, Clinton; Or, ANDREW TODD, 12my Manager, Dnnedin. SALE OF VERY VALUABLE OFFICE OR WAREHOUSE SITES In Cashel street, Adjoining Inglis' Buildings, opposite Tattersall's and at the corner of Manchester street, CHRISTCHURCH. MR CHARLES CLARK is instructed by Messrs Harman and Stevens to sell by auction, at his Rooms, in Hereford street, Christchurcb, on TUESDAY, 26th MAY, All that very valuable cleared area, having about 110 ft frontage to Caßhel street, one section (a corner) having also a frontage to Manchester street, opposite the offices of the Union Steam Ship Company, and a frontage to a right-of-way 12ft wide, rnnning from Cashel street to Manchester street. It is proposed to subdivide the property into sections, having frontage to Cashel street with a depth of 70ft. The extensive frontage affords an opportunity for any business proprietary to build to suit their special requirements. For wholesale houses or offices the Bite caDnot be equalled in the city. Its position ia central, nearly on a line with the most valuable retail shops in the city, and the absolute centre of the farmers' markets. For warehouses in that connection, or for the offices of grain or produce merchants, the position is more than first-class. Sale at 2 o'clock p.m. Liberal terms of payment. For plan and further particulars apply to MESSRS HARMAN & STEVENS; Or THE AUCTIONEER, 16my No. 33 Hereford street, Chrifltchurch.

Sales by Auction. THURSDAY, 21st MAY 1891. 4 At 12 o'clock sharp. At the Farm (noar Berwick). CLEARING SALE OF HOUSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, PIGS, IMPLEMENTS, EIG^tT ACRES TURNIPS, &c, &c, &c. DONALD REID & CO. have received instructions from Mr Alexander Sinolair to sell by auction, on the Premises, near Berwiok, on Thursday, 21st May, at 12 o'clock sharp:— 10 dairy Cows 100 three and four-year-old Bullocks (threeparts f»t) 40 one and two-year-old Steers and Heifers 200 crossbred Ewes (eight-tooth) in lamb SOO crossbred Wethers 100 merino Ewes (six and eight-tooth) 1 six-year-old draught Mare (pedigree at sale) 2 five-year-old draught Mares 8 four-year-old „ ,■ 5 eix-year-old draught Geldings 3 four-year-old „ „ .3 ~ » .. 3 three-year-old „ „ 1 five-year-old good buggy Horse 1 first-class spring-cart Mare (four-year-old) 1 first-class Hack (four years, by Sir Garnet; will carry lady) 5 f;°od Hacks 2 Yearlings (by Laird of Kilbride) 6 Horse Waggons 8 sets Harness 12 young pigs. 1 Buggy 1 Gig Ploughs, Harrows, &c, &c, &c. The horses are a first-class lot, all thoroughly staunch and sound, and a trial will be given if required. Also, at the same time will be offered about eight acreß Turnips, with right to feed of with Sheep up to 1891. Terms at sale. Note. —Conveyances will meet both North and South trains at Henley station, and buyers ■will be driven to the sale free of charge. TUESDAY, 26th MAY 1891, At 12 o'clock. At Mr Kerr's Farm, The Camp, Peninsula. CLEARING SALE Of SUPERIOR DAIRY CO WS, HORSES, FARM IMPLEMENTS, DAIRY UTENSILB, STACKS OATS, &0., be., be. DONALD REID & CO. have received instructions from Mr John Kerr to sell by auction as above: 32 Buperior dairy Cows, coming to calving 13 „ „ Heifers, springing 5 „ ~ it just calved 5 „ „ 2-year-old Heiiers 3 „ ~1 „ i. 1 snperior Bull 1 Bhorthorn Bull 1 heavy draught Mare, by Laird of Kilbride 1 heavy draught Gelding 1 farm dray with frame, 1 Barrowman swing plough (new), 1 set four-leaf harrows, 2 setß swingtrees, 1 springcart and harness (new), 1 set dray harness, 1 set plough harness, 1 Andrews and Beavan's patent churn 710-gallon milk cans 60 milk basins and a large quantity of dairy utensils, 2-horse sledge, stacks of oaten hay, a lot of empty bags, 20 pairs superior fowls, and sundries. No reserve. Terms at sale. Luncheon provided. DONALD REID & CO., 16my Auctioneers. THURSDAY, 28th MAY 1891, At 12 o'clock. DISPLENISHING SALE. DAIRY COWS, FAT & STORE BULLOCKS, HEIFERS and BTEERS, DRAUGHT aud LIGHT HORSES, BUGGIES DRAYS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, GROWING CROP of TURNIPS, &c, &c. DONALD REID & CO. have received instructions from Mr Archibald M'Donald to sell by auction, on the Premises, Riverside Farm, on Thursday, the 28th May, at 12 o'clock sharp: 20 superior dairy Cows, in full milk and near calving 50 Bullocks and Heifers, fat and three-parts fat 50 Steers and Heifers, 18 months to three years old 4 heavy draught Mares 4 heavy draught Geldings 3 heavy draught Foals 1 superior carriage Horse, 17 hands, four years old, by Bucephalus, saddle and harness 1 pair Ponies, four years old, broken to saddle and harness, 13 hands 3 inches high, a good match 1 dog cart, 2 buggies, 1 village cart, 3 farm drays, 2 tip drays, 1 three-horse grubber, 1 set four-leafed harrows, 1 Norwegian harrow, 1 set saddle harrows, 1 drill plough, 1 d,f. plough, 1 drill grubber, 1 turnip and carrot sower, 1 weighing machine, 2 water troughs, 1 wheelbarrow, 2 sets shaft, plough, and leading harness, 2 Bets buggy harness; also, about 8 acres Swedish turnips—a good crop. Terms at sale. Luncheon provided. 16my TUESDAY, 19th MAY, At 1 o'clock. SPECIAL SALE Of 2000 SHEEP FROM BROOKSDALE ESTATE, At Tapanui Yards. WQ U I N a instructed by J. M'P. Miller, Esq., manager of Brooksdale Estate, will sell on the above date, at Tapanui Yards: "I Oftft crossbred Ewes, just four years old, XAivv j n g tan( i condition, suitable for breeding or fattening QQA fat Wethers K|\A croSßbred Lambs. Without reserve. Other entries will be'received. 14my SATURDAY, 23rd MAY. ~ At Inglewood, Flaxton. MR J. T. FORD (in conjunction with Mr Wm. BUSS) has received instructions from P. C. Threlkeld, Eeq. (in consequence of expiration of the lease of one of his West Eyreton farms) to offer for public sale, at Inglewood, Flaxton, on Saturday, 23rd May: OKA Pure Lincoln Ewes, desoended from ou the noted flock imported by the late Hon. W. Robineon, and from direct importations from the flocks of Dudding, Kirkham, Byron, be. The above Ewes are in lamb, having been carefully mated to Mr Threlkeld's best rams, the progeny of imported stock. 1 fid fa™ Lincoln Ewes in lamb toSouthxou down Rams. Also, Mr Threlkeld's small and highly-bred Flock of: Aft Southdown Ewes. These Ewes are iv/ all by a ram bred by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, or by a son of a " Sandringham" ram, and are in lamb to a "Jonas Webb" ram. Also, 1 X firßt-class Draught Horses and the -*-" well-known draught entire Blackfoot. 1 O Hacks and Ponies, also the hackney -*■■" entire, by The Waif—dam the pure Arab mare Fanny; and the beautiful pony entire by Santa Claus— dam Rose. SHEEP DOQS, IMPLEMENTS, SUNDRIES, &c. Conveyances will meet the morning trains at Flaxton station for Inglewood. Sale will commence with the Bheep at 11 o'olock sharp, and there will be an interval for luncheon at 1 o'clock. MILES & CO. 1 Joint i 6m J B^ oßD)i^°— ] WANTED KNOWN .—New shipments oi \: Men'i and Women'i Boota and Bboes. Bndlorn variety. I ait arrived.—W. Hurrfe. * Prlnoei . l',r««t 1«1" 1 ASTHMA. —Medical profession strongly ~* recommend Cigarettes prepared by Dr Douglm.—Sold by all Ohemiiti. Wholesale, Kempthorno, (1 Proner, and Co. Uja I

Public Companies. CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE J (LIMITED). [Established 1836.] head ol'fioe, hong kong. Eon. J. 3- Kbswick (of Messrs Jardlno, Matheion, and Co.), Chairman. Capital Subscribed ... ... 82,600,000 Capital Paid Up ... ... 600,000 BeserveFund ... ... 417,000 Having been appointed Agents for the above Comiftny in Dunedln we beg to notify that we will carry n the BUSINESS of the COMPANY at onr Office, etty street, and are now prepared to accept larineßisks of all kinds at current rates. Bonus i L distinguishing feature of the office Is that contrlmtors of business participate in the profits by way of m annual rebate. HIilD, MACLEAN, & CO., 9m ' Agenti. TNBU'BANOK. SHB AUSTRALIAN ALLIANCB ASaUEAHOB COMPASS (Eire, Marine, and Guarantee). OT6 Bt« prepared to accept Firs M«rln«, tat 3u»rantas Bisks at Lowest Current Bates. £oiies promptly paid la Danedln. B. H. &HABY & CO., Us Agents for Dnnedln. ORWIOH UNION FIRB INBUBANOB SOOJSTX. .ESUBABOHS ejected at Lowest Current EMM LOSSES from Fire and Lightning covered. Qiilmi Settled with Promptitude KUd HbtrMIST. Agenti for Ottgo i SHB PBBPBTUAL TBU3TBBS, KSTAXB, ABB &BHHCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED), Hastbat btbbbt. Umrronr. mHE PERPETUAL TRUSTEES, ESTATE, JL AND AGENCY COMPANY OS1 NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED). Capital ... ... ... £136,000 Directors i The Hon. W. H. Ekvnoldb, M.L.0.l The Hon. W. Dowkib Stbwabt, M.L.O. Thomas Moodib, Bsq. Waiter Hislof, Esq. Manager. WALTBB HISLOP. Offices s Corner of Eattray and Vogel streets, Dunedin. This Company acts as Kxooator or Trustee under Wills and Settlements, n« Attorney for Absentees and others, Manages Properties, Negotiates Loans, Collects Interest, Kent, and Dividends, and conducts all General Agency Business. For full particulars see Company's Pamphlet. TVTORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE J3I INSUBANOB COMPANY LONDON Mid BDINBUEGH. Established 1809. Incorporated by Boynl Charter. Capital ... ... ... ..3,750,000 Paid up 687,600 Fire Eeserve Fund, 1689 ... 3,183,636 Bet Fire Premiums, 1389 ... 1,370,031 ToUl losses, 1888 ... ... 710,801 Lowest Bates, and Prompt Settlement on tbe spot MUHHAY, BOBEBTS, A CO., Chief Agents foi Otago and Sonthland; Also Agenti for the Universal Marine Insurance Company of London. rp~HE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY 01 THB UNITED STATES. The thirtieth Annual Report of the Equltabli shows It to be the largest, strongest, and most pros< perous institution of its kind in the World. Assets ~ £ 21,849,417 Outstanding Assurance , 160,138,015 New Assurance 42,463,772 Surplus, 4 per cent, basis ~, 4,945,936 Income 7,289,309 SAFETY. —The Equitable has a larger surplus, on every basis of valuation, than any other Life Insurance Company in the World. POLICIES ore INDISPUTABLE, NON-FOB-FEITABLE, and unrestricted as to travel and residence after three years, PEOMPT PAYMENT.—Its promptitude In the payment of alolms is unrivalled. Paid over £30,000,000 to Its Pollcyholders. RESULTS.—No other Society Is paying on Its policies as large Bonuses as those declared by the Equitable on its matured Fifteen Years Tontine Policies. Local Dibbctobs (With power to Issue policies and pay claims): Hon. Sir Fred. Whltaker, Henry F. D. Bell, Esq. K.0.M.G., M.L.O John H. Cock, Bsq. Albert Martin, Esq., M.D. C. WATSON MAETIN, F.8.G.5., Manager South Island, New Zealand. T. K. HABTY, Resident Agent. Dunedln Office i Harty and Oo.'s, Bond street. AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY. Established 1849. The Oldest Mutual Life Office in Australia. New Zealand Branch: Head Office, Custom House Quay, Wellington. Local Boabd op DntscTOßa: The Hon. Morgan S. Grace, M.D., C.M.G., M.L.O. (Chairman). The Hon. Oharles J. Johnston, M.L.O. (Deputychairman). Alfred de Bathe Brandon, Esq. Tbe Hon. Edward Richardson, O.M.G. Nicholas Beid, Esq. Medioal Omosß: Dr W. G. Kemp, M.E.O.S. (England). ASSUBE YOUB LIFE In the Australian Mutual Provident Sooiety, and secure an ANNUAL BONUS or DIVIDEND. A PBIVILEGB WHIOH NO OTHBB COLONIAL LIFE OFFICE CAN GBANT ITS MBMBERS. Be csreful that yon Select this Society, and do not be misled by the similarity of name of some of the other younger Australian Offices. The attention of the Members and the General Public is called to some of the special features connected with this Sooiety, which Is the Oldest Colonial Institution of its kind, having been established in the year 1849. The results of the Business for the Forty-first year, ending 31st December 1389, way be summarised as under :— First.—The number of the New Policies Issued was 11,664. Second. —Tbe New ABBurance business effected was for £3,679,459. Third.—The New Annual Premium Inoome amounted to £121,800, Fourth.—The Net Increase to the business, after allowing for loss of Income from terminated policies, was represented by 7028 policies, aißuilng £2,109,199. Fifth.—The operations of the year raised the annual inoome of the Society from £1,512,380 to £1,625,185, an increase In 12 months' of £112,905. Sixth.—The Accumulated Fund was increased during the year by the sum of £742,311, equal to 71 per oent. of the grosß premiums received. Seventh.—The deathß among lives assured were 649, under 735 policies, causiDg olaims upon the Boolety amounting to £299,603, Irrespective of bonuß additions, while the number expeoted, according to the tables used in estimating the liabilities, would have been 1143, for an amount of £438,976, the mortality experience being thus extremely favourable. Eighth.—The receipts from interest and rents were £518,832, an amount exceeding the sum paid for the claims by £138,952. Ninth.—The expenses of Management were only 95 per oent. of the total receipts. Tenth.—The Cash Surplus divided for the year 1889 was £426,494, being at the rate of 41-5 per cent, on the premiums received. The Operations of the Society during the 41 years of Its existence may be summarised as under :— It has Issued 141,907 polices, assuring £49,417,717. It has paid to the representatives of deceased members over £4,000,000 in satisfaction of death and matured claims. It has divided among the members cash bonuses aggregating over £4,000,000, yielding reversionary additlonß of over £8,000,000. In has acquired an Accumulated Fund of £9,000,000, all invested to yield fully 6 per cent.interest. Assets In New Zealand, £1,273,514, EDWABD W. LOWE, Eesldent Secretary. Branch Office: Cußtom House Quay, Wellington. Dunedin District Office: * B. B. STOCK, District Secretary. Efficient Canvassers Required. In FOR SALE, a Portion of the ROSEVILLE FAHM, Sawyers' Bay. consisting of 120 iCEKS (70 aores under Grass, 50 acres of a good nixed Bush); together with a Six-roomed HOUSE, Pen-stalled COWSHED, HAYSHKD, &0.,&e. For further particulars apply JOHN ELMKB, Waitatl; Or, THK PERPETUAL TKUSTBES, my Dunedln. BULBS can be grown by anyone, and the prices are very moderate.—At Matthews', floray place, 2my WANTED KNOWN. — Ladles' Glacg Walking Shoot from 7s 6d ; Morocco Shoes bullion und Uce) from 8s 6d; L«oe and Button ioofcs from 10s «d.—W. Harris, 4 Princes strut. Uju

Business .nonces. THOMSON, BRIDGES, AND CO., tin DONEDIN IRON AND WOODWABB COMPANY, Wholesale and Betail IBON, TIMBER, AND HABDWABH MERCHANTS. An* WOODWABB MANUFACTURERS. SHOW ROOMS and HARDWARE STORES: ALBERT BUILDINGS, PRINCES STREET (directly opposite the GENERAL POST OFFICE). IRON and TIMBER YAEDS and WOODWARE FACTORY: BOND STREET SOUTH. LONDON ADDRESS: METAL EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, LEADBNHALL STREET. Our Stocks include every description of General HARDWARE AND WOODWABB, And we are now landing and have to arrive »n extensive assortment of FURNISHING, BUILDING, and GENERAL IRONMONGERY. £10,000. Having Purohasod the EXTENSIVE STOCK Of MESSRS PARK & CUBLE (who are relinquishing business,1, We have taken the PREMISES ADJOINING OUR OWN Lately occupied by Messrs Glendining and Dobie, to which we are removing it, and in about two weeks' time shall offer £10,000 WORTH OF IRONMONGERY. Messrs Park and Curie's has always been known as a high-class Stock, and the Goods are of the finest quality and from the best makers, as can be seen by inspection. The SEASONABLE GOODS Consist of STOVES and RANGES of the latest improved designs, REGISTER GRATES and HEATING STOVES, Very Choice GAS FITTINGS, GASALIEBS, BEACKETS, HALL LAMPS, LAMPWABE, and FITTINGS for every kind of Lamp. BUILDERS' and CABINETMAKERS' Requisites of every description. TO CARPENTERS. A large selection of Planes and other Tools will be offered at very Low Prices. Parents and guardians fitting out boys for the trade will find this an exceptional opportunity for doing 80. THOMSON, BBIDGES, ; ,AND CO Properties for Sale and to Let. X^ OR s A L B, A particularly well-situated FABM, bounded by good roads and close to a railway station. Having been in grass for some years, is now in grand heart for wheat. The Bnildings, which comprise good house, stable, woolshed, &c , are substantial and good. MILES, ARCHER, & CO., 9my Tlmarn. J^ANGDALE STATION, whabbama, mastebton. bobth:island. FOR SALE, IN BLOCKS TO SUIT FUBOHASBBS. ON EASY TBBMS. An excellent opportunity for those seeking farms ; or the Property can be purchased as a whole. Full particulars can be obtained on application to W. & G. TUBNBULL & CO., Wellington; Or HENBY B. BLDEB, Bsq., 2my Langdale. OH N HER OU S & O 0., LAND, ESTATE, INSUBANOB, And GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, t & 8 BXOHANGH OOUBT, 96 PBINOBS STBBBT. FOB IMMEDIATE SALE : HIGH STBEET (corner of Graham street).— Superior seven-roomed HOUSE and Section; commanding view; leasehold, 32 years to run. Frice, £400. Superior three-roomed Verandah and Bay Window HOUSE (plastered), with soullery, &o. A bargain, as present owner is now in Scotland and must realise at once. STBWAETON, EOSLYN. — Choice SECTION j commanding splendid view of harbour. TO LBT OB FOB SALB i BOYAL TERRACE. — Superior seven-roomed HOUSE, with every convenience; vinery, So. TO LET: MIOHIB STBEET, BOSLYN.-Superior six-roomed HOUSE; every convenience. EOYAL TEEEAOE.-Five-roomed HOUSE. 10s per week. SHBBN TBEBAOE, BOSLYN. — Six-roomed Verandah HOUSE. PBINOBS STBBBT.—The premises known as the NEW ZEALAND RESTAURANT; DOUBLB SHOP, with Dwelling! and large Cellars. GBBAT KING STBBBT.—BrIok SHOP and Dwelling. Low rental. NOBTH-BAST VALLEY (opposite Botanlo Gar-dens).—Bight-roomed Brick HOUSE. Low rental. GUMBBBLAHD STBBBT NOBTH.-Nlne-roomed Verandah HOUSE, with bath, <So. LICENSED BROKERS UNDER LAND TBANSFBB AOT. MORBY TO LBBD ON FEBBHOLD SBOUBITY. Medical. WHY Buffet Asthma, Winter Oonghs, Bronchitis' Instant K«IIc( Dr Dooglsi Aithmi Cig«r«tt» lII* CO IIS EMULSION Of PUEE COD LIVEB OIL And HYEOPHOBPHITBS OF LIMB AND SODA Is endorsed and prescribed by leading physicians, because both the COD LIVEK OIL and HYPOPHOSPHITES are the recognised agents in the cure of CONSUMPTION. It Is as palatable as milk, and three times aB efficacious as plain oil. SCOTT'S EMULSION Is a perfect emulsion. It in a wonderful Flesh Producer. It is the best remedy for CONSUMPTION, SOHOFULA, BRONCHITIS, WASTING DISEASES, CHRONIC COUGHS AND COLDS. Ask for SCOTT'S EMULSION And take no other. —1 '

A BTHMA.—lnhale the pleasant Fumes of «L Medicinal ClgarettM proscribed by Or Dong* JM lift FOB " THIS BLOOD IS THE MFB." pLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED TJLOOD MIXTUEB. IHH GBJIAT BLOOD PUBIFIBB and EBSTOBBB. For CLEANSING; and OLEABINQ the BLOOD from ALL IMFUBITIES, it cannot be too highly reoommended. For Scrofula, Sourvy, Skin and Blood Diseases, Hozema, and Sores of all kinds, it li a never-falling •rid permanent oure. Jit Corel Old Sorei. Curei Ulcerated Sorei on the Nook. Onrei Ulcerated Sore Legi. Onrei Blaokhaads, or Flmplei on the Faoa. Cures Sourvy Son s. Onrei Cancerous Uloen. Corel Blood and Skin DUeaiei. Cores Glandular Swelling*. Clean the Blood from nil impure matter, From whatever cause arising. Olarke'i Blood Mixture li the only real Specific for Gout and liheumatlo Fains, for It removes the cauM from the blood and bones. As this Mixture In pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injnrions to the most delloate constitution of either sex, the proprietors lolloit sufferers to give It a trial to test Its value. THOUSANDS OF TBSTIMOHIALS. Olarke'i Blood Mixture is sold in Bottles, 3s 9d eaoh, and In oasei, containing six times tbe quantity, 11s—sufficient to effeot a permanent oure in thegreat majority of long-standing oases. BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VBNDOBS throughout the world. Proprietors—THß LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DBUG COMPANY.LINOOLN, ENGLAND. Trade Mark— " BLOOD MIXTUBE." CAUTION. Purchasers of Clarke's Blood Mixture ihould ice that they get the genuine article. Worthiest imitation* are sometimes palmed off by unprincipled vendors. The words'' Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, England," are engraved on the Government Stamp, and " Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture" blown in the Bottle, WITHOUT WHIOH HONB ARM SKNUINB. AWONDBBFUL MEDICINE. BBBCHAM'S FILLS BBBOHAM'S PILLS BEHCHAM'S FILLS Are universally admitted to be worth a Guinea a Box | for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, snob, as Wind and Fain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, ! Fullness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness an< Drowsiness, Cold Chills,' Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Oostiveness, Sourvy and Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, So. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This Is no fiction, for they have done it In countless oases. Every sufferer is earnestly Invited to try one Box of these Pilli, and they will be acknowledged to be WOBTH A GUINEA A BOX WOETH A GUINEA A BOX WOETH & GUINEA A BOX. For.females of all ages they are Invaluable. ITo female should be without them. There is not a modiolne to be found equal to them for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. I taken according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured by their use.! BEEOHAM'S FILLS BBEOHAM'S PILLS BBBOHAM'S FILLS. For a Weak Stomaoh, Impaired Digestion, and Ml Disorders of the Liver they act like magic, and a few doses will be found to work wonders on the most Important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long Tost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into aotlon with the rosebud of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are Facts testified continually by members of all classes of sooiety, and one of the best guarantee! to the Norvom and Debilitated is, BEBOHAM'S FILLS have tht Largett Halt of any Patent Medicine in tfie World, BEEOHAM'S MAGIO OOUGH PILLS BEBOHAM'S MAGIO OOUGH FILLS BBBOHAM'S MAGIO COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Oonghs in general, Asthma, Bronohlal Affection!, Hoarseness,. Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, 4c, these Pill" stand unrivalled. They are the best ever offered to the public, and will speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any perion give BBEOHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trim, and the most violent cough will In a short time be removed. Prepared only, and Sold Wholesale and Betall, by tbe Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, Bugland, and by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere. In Bozss, I] lid ahd 2e 9d Each. EDH. DIBIOTIOKS MOt GIV WITH BACH BOX. -T£T O TJ E TOILET Is incomplete without a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. To preserve the COLOUB, BEAUTY, and ABUNDANCE of the Hair,-to free the scalp from troublesome humours, scurf, and dandruff,—to restore faded, thin, or gray hair to its former colour and fullness,—to promote a new and luxuriant growth,—and to impart to the hair a silken texture and a lasting and delicate fragrance, no other preparation of [the ;kind approaches Ayer's Hair Vigori Suited alike to tbe NEEDS of both sexes, it is considered " queen of the toilet" by the aristocraoy of all lands. Ayer's Hair Vigor gives to the whiskers, beard, and moustache that softness and gloss so mush admired by the ladies, and though before the publlo over 30 years, It is still the most POPULAR and FASHIONABLE dressing in the market, being In greater demand than all other similar preparations combined. Clean, safe, and Inexpensive; put up In strong, convenient, and handsome bottles, at once useful and ornamental, AYEB'S HAIB VIGOE, Prepared by Dr J. O. AYEK * CO., Lowbll, Mass., U.S.A Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. OCKLE'S PILLS FBBB FBOM MBBCUBY. COCKLE'S PILLS FOE LIVSB. COCKLE'S PILLS FOB BILB. COCKLE'S PILLS FOX INDIGESTION. COCKLE'S PILLS SOB HBABTBUBN. COCKLE'S PILLS FOE SICK H&ADAOHB, COCKLE'S PILLS FOB ACIDITY. COCKLE'S PILLS IH USB EVEBYWHEBB. COCKLE'S PILLS IN USB 80 YHABB. In Boxes, at li lid, 3i Bd, it Bd, Hi, and 22s At all Medloine Vendors' throughout the World.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 9117, 16 May 1891, Page 3

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BILLS OF LADING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 9117, 16 May 1891, Page 3

BILLS OF LADING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 9117, 16 May 1891, Page 3


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