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__, Licensing' Rofiees. THE QUARTERLY LTOEVSING -a ™ MEETING for the I'ORTOBELLO LICENSING it will be held at the Road Boarl Offi,e. ES Portobsllo, on FHIDAY, the 10th d<iy of Match' cs > 1*52, to hear and determine Applications for Lice kc-?' ts' Transfers, or Removals under the proviso, sof '■ The in Licensing Act, 1S81." All Notices of Apjflicalion mult Bd oe Jod-ed m duplicate wifh the Clerk of the Li«m-=n-•fa to" twenJy-one days at least before the said .Meet*" :ta WILLIAM SOMERVILLE, hi Clerk o£ tho Licensing Committee, ye JMcdatDunedin, this Cth day of Ftbiuary, IS3?. Sf ■t- mHE QUARTERLY LIO-N'^lX^ ' n^r^ EETING f°r the ST- le<*"AKl>3 LICEXSI.-.'G DISTRICT will he held at the SAoolliouse S* Leonards, at Nooa on FRIDAY, the 10 li day o? B . March, 1882, to hear and determine Applfcafioni for - Licenses, Transfers, or Removals under the provi -iocs t> of the Licensing Acts. All Notices of Application o must be lodged in duplicate with the Clerk of th« Licensing Court _twent3--one days at least before th~said Meeting. . WILLIAM SOMSRVILLE, Clerk of the Licensing Committee. Dated at Dunedin, this Gth dayof February, 1532. Sf . 'PHE QUARTERLY LICENSER^ _ -«- MEETING for the BLUESKIN LICEXSIXG DISTRICT will be held at the Cood Templars1 Ilrll •• Blueskin, at Noon on FRIDAY, 10th March, ISS2, to hear and determine Applications for Licenses, Trans fere, Renewals, or Removals under the provisions of , 'The Licensing Act, ISSI." All Notices of Applica-tion-must be lodged iv duplicate * ith the Licesssin--Court, at the Resident Magistrate's Court, Port Chal" ; piers, twenty-one days at least before the said JK-e'-ing.- . ■ THOS. HINCHLIFF, > D. _, , Clerk of the Licensing Court :- Port Chalmera, 7th February. ISS2. 7 i * fpHE QUARTERLY LICENCING 6 riL MEETING for the NORTH-EAST' VAIL^Y * S™ •« the ( Bcßideuce °f Mr John Crickmore, ISt h ßay> 1 f°° n °a THURSDAY, 9th March ~ 1832, tp hear and determine Applications for Licences - Transfers, Renewals, or Removals under the provi sums of 'The Wearing-Act* IS3L" AH Notices o* * cfeKth T' 'Odged " ( Clerk of the Licensing Court, at the Resident Jla~i=--Ir?w , P°rt Chalme»- t«enty-one davs°at least before the said Meeting. THO3.. HINCHLIFF, „ . „, • Clerk of Licensing Court - rort Chalmers, 7th February, 18S2. 7j . ~.r-HB QUARTERLY' LICENSING * MEETING for the PORT CHALMERS LIOE^ SING DISTRICT NORTH will be held at thcS- ! wfnvaS^ trate' 3 C°Uttt I>Ort Chal'«"-3. at Koon on [ WEDNESDAY, Sth March, 1882, to hear and dofr- , mine Application* for Licenses, Transfers Kene-vals ior Removals under the prorisions of'the L'cen'A'n.' ; Acts All Notices of Application must be lodged iv I dupneate with the Clerk of the Licensing Cour , twenty-one days at least before the raid Meeting. \ THOMAS HINCHLIFF, 1 Clerk of the Licensing Cou4. I . pott Chalmei-3, 6th February, 3532. Gf J THE QUARTERLY LICENSFNG , J MEETING for the PORT CHALMEI 3 LICfU ■KO DISTRICT SOUTH hsld «£*££- Mr Thomas Brebntr, Magnetic sti eet, Vort Chalmers at Noon on FRIDAY, leth' March, ISS2i to h^' determine Applications for Licenses, TiS Renewala or Removals under the provisions ot tho L. ensmg Acts. All' Notlcw of Application must b, lodged m duplicate with the Clerk of the Liccnw- ; Court twenty-one days at .least before the said Meet°THOMAS HINCHLIFF, s ' . ■ Clerk ol tWCourb. i Port Chahneß, Oth February, 1552. c f THE QUARTERLY- ~LlCEKili«ftL MEETING for the PORT CHALMERS LICEsV r NG DISTRICT EAST will be held at thoi£S^ j Institute, Grey street, Port Chalmers, at Noot o'. ; THURSDAY, Oth March, 18S2, to hear and del^o" Applications for Licenses, Transfers, Renewals or ' Af,T? JS Und6r the Provisions of 'he Licensing Act, A 1 Notices of Application must be lodged i:, duplicate with the Cierk of the Licensing' Com-t twenty^ days at least before the said lice! ing. THOMAS HINCHLIFF, ' . ■ Clerk of the Court. I Port Chalmers, Gth February. 1882. - Cr - ! Fog Sale, &o. O- N - 8 A.L ' E 4 1 rB? NEI, LL BROTHERS,^ Hi?h street: Bu^'X^and gf"?^-, Burktf. Bulldog, John : SotfesLW 0' TartariC ***> CrCam ol Tar^. bK^t^^s:^ Paste hnd Jar: Ni^'a —Heuaessy-s, Jiarteir 8< Albert, bulk and Blend, Tochmeal, Mitchell's, Glenlivat, and otliw' O th!T C" JDKZ; -224" 32 P°W), Koy.-ind Old Tom—Burnett's and Heddle'3 ' Kice—Patna and dressed Ja-a Cornsacks-Calcutta fuU-weights, aU s:z^. ' Woolpackg—Calcutta full-weights 27 xSi Coirse Castor Oil, cases and halves, dit>^ ' Kerosene—Devoo's and Diamond Galvanised Iron-Gospel Oak and Horse B ri »ia< ienemg-wire — Hill's 6,: 7, 8, 10, a-id i? -»d ' steel; also, B»rb, ■t-pronir. ' Tcas-In boxes, caddie?, and halt-chests c- ' ha!!Ssa Bn°dToC d *»**«* **> * Q -N- '"" S A ~h~lT: Cantrell and'Cochrane's Montscrrat or Li-no ' Juice Champagne, a delicious, spar Klin.-.-non-alcoholic, healthy drink *" . Schweppe'a Soda, Potass 'and Seltzer Water Lemonade and Ginger Ale Preller's "Globe" brand Clarets, which took Hi ExMMtion maber °' pthCi at llelbourn;3 Champagne, Sparkling and Still Hocks, and other light and Colonial Wines Lager Beer. : ' Also, ■=■ .. Tea Sugar, Beer Wines. Spirits, Provision*, Groceries, and other General Merchandise! \V. & G. TURNBULL & CO. ecember, 1881. 9 , Q N _1 A & VERGNIAUD CLARETS. Trade \j J Mar!.'. Vergulaud No. 0-Margnux (Quarts and nints) Vergniaad No. l_Haut BrioS (quarts and v&M %"»$ 2~HSUt St" Eio"<W «d Vergniaud No. 3-La Rose (quarts and piufcA Vergniaud No. 4-St. Jnlien (quarts) P ' St. Juhen—Berthaudand St. Julien, J. H. " : - Also, ■ Sauterne's- Marcobrunner Hock, Stunv.-ein "n<i" Sherries, &c, &c.. ■ . NEILL & CO., 190 Bond street, Agent?. T> S. SPARROW A GO ■X-Vm Have the following : MACHINERY FOR SALE: One pair 30-horse power (nominal) -horizontal nm ■ pound engines, the h-gh. and low-p^ress,'""yl S being 15 inches and 20 inches, with a stroke'm*'! inches; suitable for fiourmill, sawmill, woollS te™ rv or other large works where economy in f.:el is a co^i One 38-horse power.(ncminal) horizontal hi»h-p-es-inches Cnglne ' M' inCh eylinder ' with a sl^o oVao g^^ne pair coupled &-inch cylinder engines, 10-iuch h°rse Power horizontal high-pres ure engine. One 20-horse power tubular boiler. One 10-ton steam overhead traveller, suitable for lifting logs or other heavy weights. ■ One sandpapering machino, for a timber faetovv iwo morticing machines, made by Jolmatone " mV?^ 8?!*'? 0!!.1;"- s? rewcu«»'ff lathe, second hand, 15J-feet bed, 10i-inch centres. One American spoke-throating machin • timb^r?ator t y . dOOl:"CrampinS lnftChine ' s^* «** One small boiling-down plant, consistiti" of bsiler and digester, with a capacity of about 50ssheepee ep per da-! Twenty high-sided. 4-ton ; railway waggons, in good order, lately runuing on the Government lines heven seta waggon-wheels and axles (steel tvres^ with springs and axle-boxes. \*>>-*-\, All the foregoing to bo sold cheap. Dtxnodin Ironworks, Ist February. ISS2. 0,- ---• :■ ■ -•■ ' Soysl MsiL-'-EXCPBSION TRIP-CHRISTMAS HOLIDWS i REDUCED PARES' R OIAL "IS,^ 0* ooachss mediate places every Monday, Wcdnesdav, and a^cKS^.S^s 31' °^ir' n» w *i frot? ralmerst°n to Macra'es, Hyde, and Nrwbv Palmeh'ton J'' Onarr!val of Chnsi.-mircii express^ Return Tickets, availablo for any stage, from 19th t^wnSduci'Rate?' ffOm Queon^own or Anew H. CRAIG & CO., Uwrenco. Jewellers. AWARDED FIRST PRIZE FOR WATCHES avi» ■CLOCKS,.KKW ZEALAND EXHIBmON IS^ GAN D T. YO DWG, • IMPORTERS, ' PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS AND JRWELLFRS SO PRUNCES STREET, DUNEDIN, n^,,T Ch I3' 081?"' 6 i? .informing their numerous Customers and ihe public generally tlut thciv Jir Qeorge \ounir ha? just returned from England and hag brought vrftn hitn- a very large Stack of ti'o newest and most fashionable, Goods to be obtained in tbe British and Continental markets, an early Insrpf" iion of which is respectfully invited. .> "»i*..As G. and T. Young import all their goods from the Manufacturers direct, and buy foy cash, they a£ cabled to land them at the lowest possible" cost ?nrchasers may therefore rely that anvthimr bouo-hf it any of their establishments will be the vcrv h -f ■alue to he obtained, as all goods are sold by G .nd T. Y. at the lowest remunerative prices Note .the^ addresses: SO Princes street, Dunedin • 'mnar '' W<i Thamca "tro"t,' * r KON WATER and GAS PIPES also L Indlarubber Hose for gardenß at " ■ ' ANOERS N k.m&tfjfflS, :Moray p* c.-

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 6238, 8 February 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6238, 8 February 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6238, 8 February 1882, Page 3