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Business Notices, BOOTS AND EnOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. T MOLLISON 7~SON have open. rif,i* mh ex Cit- V of Lueknow and other late i a^ e^st^ B^^s G tf^pT^' Ladies' Evening Sho< MnYl™,»» i S- Ex);ttti»X I>J' next .stumer v Kid and r'« "% aSßortmen<; °f Evening Shoes w h evefvthin 6: . Ou ( r,Colo' lial Department is reple "n'oiit n^n S ,nn Ui e tradc,™dc up to our ov onr hlf £ <■ " Oraers e»tnwtc-d to us will ha our best attention. Jfothinjr used but the very be Start* stcc^9^?^ 5""- The M «M Ch a r^sfn oa. y^od^tl rado- InSl'CCtiOn inVite J. MOLLISON r>s 6 Princes street, Dunedin, and Thames street, Oaman |J AX N I SQHAM & GO. -fl-»> Hanu!*etuieis oi EEGIBTEB GRATKBfttd SW ... ~ and Verandahs. &3ao, the Htaat Cooking Range "2EALANDIA . Requires no buiidlag in, r.ed will ba» tuy kind ci Jim). VICTOBIA FOUNDSyTgRSAT KING STBEKV (Opposite tha Hnay-itel. Ounedin). JJAY, MERRICKS, and COS SPORTING and BLASTING POWDER. ARTHUR BRISCOR ft CO Licensing Notices. LICENSING DISTRICT OF CAVERSHAU, SOUTH TN pursuance of "The Licensing Act ' i B3 t IC- al? d "Tho Regulation, of Local Elec tions Act, IS,G," I, Richard Bowdes Martis. subslitut Keturmng-officer for tlie above district," do herebgive notice that an ELECTION will be heldfor tti' return of- FJVJB QUALIFIED PEUSONS to serve a rnrr»i Cv nSI2 S C°m>nittee for the said district 01 XOMINATIOV^ lnfd^ ■"' Febnury, 18S2, and tha of Candidates in the pre=cribe( n"red atTAv° *», "^rnta^fficor, mavte de li.ered at Mr "ft m.Blagdon's. George street Caver taken at. William Blazon's house, GeoSe s tL Giversham, on FRIDAY, 21th day of February 188' beUeen the hours of nine o'clock a.m. and six o'cloci ISS2. VCn Und°r my L!i"d> tbis Gih day of February . RICHARD BOWDEN MARTIN, . • Eeturning-officer. LICENSING DISTRICT OF CAVERSHAM NORTH. T NiJ, u™u^ nco-of "Tho Licensing Act, Aci 1878 " ffJ'^^SrtMon of Local Election turning o'ftv" F hD BO, WDBS MARTm' substitute Reof Candlifah, i ?/' ISS2' alld «iat NOMINATES tL R»tunnV., nffi ?le prc£c'ibed im ™. addressed to i W S , w"r ,! ficcW a >" be delivered at Mr Robert o, VRi'nHv 1 uijkor- ai» Sou"' road, before N.OO °" ™IDA\, the 17th day of February, 3SS2 and - POLL 11 necessary, will bb taken at Town HiM Camsham, on THURSDAY, the23rdd olF u ru ry ollockplm thehaurs of 9 o'clock am. and^C ig GWen under my hand, this sixth day of February RICHARD BOWDEN MARTIN, Returning-officer. LICENSING DISTRICT OF SOUTH DUNEDIN NORTH. ■ IN pursuance of "The Licensing Act, Acf il-r •" xani'' T' le Rc Sulation of Local Election Act, 18(0, I, Richard Bowdbs Martis, substitutf Returmng.officer for the above District, do herebj give notice that an ELECTION will be held for the return of FIVE QUALIFIED PEKSoNS to rerve i< emn^vS^ Omn}] ttee for the said District or bAfURDAY, the 25th day of Feb-uaiv 188' anr that NOMINATIONS of Candidates \k the"' pZ scribed form, addressed to tho Itoturmnv-offieer, may m f Owßd^ Mr F- G' Nau"Jann's Hcuje.CargiH ■FFB'im^ By% °" : rHURS£jAY,.the ICth day ol ■EBRUARIf, 18S2, and a P.'LL, if neccs arv will b( jAYVh 1^"' 8 Ha"» Hillside mid, on"SATUH i™»i o ."i h , day of Pebruary. 18S2, between the hours of 9o'clock a.m. acd G o'clock p 1a ISM"' 6" "nder mJ' hanJ> th!s Jl' Xth da-T' of'F^ruary : RICHARD BOWDEN MARTIN, Returning-ofncer. LICENSING DISTRICT OF RAVENSBOURNE. IN pursuance of "The Licensing Aci ot 1™'"?"? <iT oe Re?ulation of Local Election Mr 'th £ ' iS n?. Sxosz' s^ititute Returning-offic" ELECTiaor^ CfcV d?, hereby Hira 110tice M SH.V. " WiU be held for the return of FIVF QUALIFIED PERSONS to serve as the Licensing Comm.ttee for the said District on SATURDAY, he of ran^M f ebtUa7v lßS2' aUd that DOMINATIONS ot candidates must be pretared in the prescribed fora), be addressed to the Ruturning-oiiicer and be deposited m the West Harbour Council's le to--box? at Jackman's Hall, Ravensbounie, before 12 o'clck Mon on THURSDAY, the ICth day 'of Februar^ Printed Nomination-forms may be obtained from £ uSJMT1 Clerk of West Harbour' or 2SS 18?2 iVen Under m/ h3nd' tUiS eiffhth day 0{ Febniary,' JOHN STONE, • Returniug- officer. LICENSING DISTRICT OF NORTH-EAST VALLEY WEST. TS pursuance.of '-The Licensing Act IS- lißs-r'»a?1 ißs-r'» a? d n The ? egula«°n "I Local Elections ' ,' °? hlt; f LLAN"' substitute Returningofficer for the above district, do hereby give notice mT^Ti^SSV 1" be llcld the return of FIVE QUALIFIED PERSONS to serve as theLicensi.:g Committee fvr the said district on MONDAY, tho in V-i1 February. 18S2, and that NOMINATIONS of Candidates m the prescribed form,.addressed to the Returning-officer, may be delivered at the NorthEast Valley Council Chambers before Noon on SATURDAY, the 13th day of February, 18S2, and a POLL, if necessary will be taken at M'Kenzie's Shop, DuddinV ston, on MONDAY, the 27th, day of February, 18S2 between the hours of 9 o'clock a.m. and 0 o'clock p.m! Nomination forms may bo obtained at tho Eoiw'h Clerk 8 office. ic ,?o ive" Ullder my hanfl/this seventh davof-February, ISB2- . COLIN ALLAN, Returning-officer. LICENSING DISTRICT OF NoRTH-EAST VALLEY NORTH. IN pursuance of "The Licensing Act, ani- i£V.V n, ndJ' The RcS"lation of Local Elections nw'« f' J' C2 Ll:r ALLAy > substitute Beurninir?w orrS,lf district, do hereby give notice Rrvr niTA^Sfi.^ v>ill b3 held f"- tb» return of FIVE QUALIFIED PERSONS to serve as the Licen^ t h&£i£"? f S r, thC Eaid di;tricfc on SATURDAY, ■tnn. In Vf t Febfua'T, 18S2, and that NOMINaI Mti, i Gand. idat°s m-the prescribed form, addre.-sed r. v« nnß:'°! eel ' m W be delivered at the NonhEast A alley Council Chan.b t rs before Noon on FBI--DAI, tho 17th day of February, 1882, and a POLL, if neces.-ary, will be taken at Brown's old Store Nor SS t'*t° n B^°P AY. the 2Hh day of S&uwy, 1882, between the hours of 9 o'clock a.m. and 6 o'clock Nomination forms may be obtained at the Borough iaS, Wen under mi' hand >this seventh day of February, 18S2- COLIN ALLAN, *' . Returning-officer. npHS QUARTERLY LICENSING -1- MEETING for the DUNEDIN LICENSING DISTRICT BELL will be held at the Odd-Fellows-Hall, George street, on THURSDAY, the 9th day of March, 18S2, to hear and determine Applications for Licenses, Transfers, or Removals under the provisions of "Tho.Liceniiing Act, 1:81." All Notices of Applica tion must be lodged in Duplicate with the Clerk of "the Licensing Court 21 days at least before the Eaid meetWILLIAM SOMERVILLE, Clerk of the Licensing Committee Dated at Dunedin, this Cth day of February, ISB2. qpHE QUARTERLY LICENSING -t- MEETING for the DUNEDIN LICENSING DISTRICT SOUTH will be held at the Resident Magistrate's Courthouse, Bond street, at Noon on TUESDAY, tho 7th day of March, 1882, to hear and determine Applications for Licenses, Transfers, Renewals, or Removals under the provisions of "Tho Licensing Act, 1881." All Notices of Application must be lodged in duplicate with the Clerk of the Licensing Court twenty-one " daj s at least before the said Mooting. WILLIAM SOMERVILLE, Clerk of the Licensing Committee. Dated at Duncdin, this 6th day of February, ISS2. 7{ fpHE , QUARTERLY LICENSING ■fi. MEETING for the DUNEDIN LICENSING DISTRICT CKNTRAL will, be held at the Police Courthouse, Maclaggan street, on-WEDNESDAY, tho Bth day of March, ISS2, to hear and determino Applications (or Liconsea, Transfers, or Removals under the provisions of" Tho Licensing Act, ISSI." All Notices of Application must be lodgeS in-duplicate with the Clork of the Licensing Court twenty-one days at least before the said Meeting. ■ ' WILLIAM SOMERVILLE, Clerk of tho Licensing Committee. Dated at Bunedin, this flth day of February, ISS2. 7f npHE QUARTERLY. LICENSING JL MEETING for tho DUNEDIN LICENSING DISTRICT EAST will be held at the Odd-Fellows' Hall, Albany street, Duncdin, at Noon on FRIDAY the 10th day of March, 18S2, to hear and determine Applications for Licenses, Transfers, or Removals under the provisions of "The Licensing Act, ISSl.'' 411 Ivotices of Application must bo lodged in duplicate ivith the Clerk of the Licensing Court twenty-one lays at least before tho said Meeting. WILLIAM SOMERVILLE, Clerk of the Licensing Committee. Dated at Duncdin, this flth day of February, ISS2.7f HE QUARTERLY. LICE S S ING MEETING for tho RAVENSBOURNE LICENCING DISTRICT will be held at Jaokman's lall, Ravensbourne, on FRIDAY, the 10th day of larch, 18S2/to hear and determine Applications for Accuses, Tiansfers, or Removals under the provisions f "The Licensing Act, 1881." All Notices of Applialion must be lodged in duplicate witJi the Clerk of he Licensing Court twenty-one da 3's at least before lie said Meeting. WILLIAM SOMERVILLE, : Clerk of tho Licensing Committee. )uted at Duncdin, this Cth day of February, ISS2. 8f PHE QUARTERLY LICENSING -*- MEETING for the PENINSULA LICENSING USTRICT will be held at the Schoolhouge, AnderJn's Bay, at Noon- on FRIDAY, the 10th day of [arch, ISS2, to hear and determine Applications for icenses, Transfers, Renewals, or Kcmoval3 under the rovisionsof " The Licensing Act, ISSI." All Notices : Application must be lodged in duplicate with the" lerk of the Licensing Court twonty-ono days at ast before the said Meeting-. ...... WILLIAM SOMERVILLE, Clerk of the Licensing Committee. •> »ted at Dunedin, this Cth day of February, ISB2. 8f

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 6238, 8 February 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6238, 8 February 1882, Page 3