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The usual fortnightly mooting of tho members of tho City Council was held in tho Council Chamber yesterday afternoon, Presont: Tho M<vyor in tho chair ; and Councillors Carrick, Dods, Wilkinson, Thoneman, and Fish. ; Tho minutes of tho last meeting were read and confirmed, ■petition. Mr Doi>s presented a petition from certain ratepayers in 801 l Ward, stating that they were prepared to expend L2O on a continuation of Orange street, and asking for assistance from the Council in money and labo*x. Referred to the Public Works Committee. ifEMOIUAX. The Town Olkrk read a memorial, signed by a large number of ratepayers, asking that the stand for vehicles plying between Dunedin and Cavershiun might bb again removed from filanao street to Princes street south. It waa pointed out that tho mattor had already I cen decided on by the Council, Mid'this fact was ordered to bo communicated to tho memorialists, with an acknowledgement of tho receipt of their memorial. RESERVES COMMITTEE^ REPOUT. Tho Tows Clerk read tho following report from tho Reserves Committee :— Ist. Your Committee beg to report having received an application from Mr J. 11. Harris for pel-mission to incur somo neceesary clerical expenses in tho matter of the memorial to tho General Government touching tho Princea street Reserve. Your Committee has given tuo authority aa'kcd for. 2nd. Your Committed beg to report the receipt of two IJettcrs from Mr Wilson, on tho subject of tho Manure Depot, which letters aro herewith submitted for the consideration of the Council. 3rd. Your Committee recommend that the application from tho Citizens' Cricket Club bo complied with, the Club to be allowed to stako off a portion of the Recreation (J round South, under tho direction of tha City Surveyor. With relation to tho application for ground hy tho Citizens 1 Cricket Club, Mr Wilkinson- hoped it was not intonded to interfere with tho ground held by the Dunedin Club, tho members of which, ho thought, should bo communicated with before any ground waa granted. The Mayou assured Mr Wilkinson that there Was no intention to interfere with the Duuedin Club's ground. There was plenty of room in tho reserve for both clubs. < On tho motion of Mr Dons, seconded by Mr Cahiuck, tho report was then adopted. ITBT.IO WOKKH COMMITTEE'S REPORT. Tho Town Oi-biik read tho report of the Public Works Committee, which was | as follows :— j Your Committee beg respectfully to report as under :— Ist Tbe letter from the Government proposing to make a deviation in tho lino of Smith street, near tho High School. Your Committoo decline to recommend that tho proposal of tho Government be acceded to. ; , ■■' 2ad. The suggestion from too Government as to closing up from twffio that portion of Bond street fronting the Kcsident Magistrate's Court. Your Committee recommend that the Council should decline to clows the street, and they are further of opinion that any j work which it may bo. necessary to undertake for the 'convenience of" tho Court should be paid for by the"Government. | 3rd. Tho request from the Government that the present water supply of the Corporation should be handed over to the Government, and that tha Corporation should arrange with tho Water Works Company for the supply of water ntccsswy for the Rattray street tanks and urinals. Yonr Comtnitteo recommend that tbia application bo declined. " 4th. Messrs Lees and Hirsoh's application as to completing tho drainage of-their property on tho east side of Gforge street. Your Committee have replied that any necessary expense must be born© by the owners or lessees of the property immediately concerned. , , . - , . , ■ ■ 6th. Tenders for. making good the Bell Any tenders lodged will be submitted to the Council at to-day's meeting. _ : 6 th. Pay sheets.—Your Committee declina to pass the daymen's pay sheets placed before them at their last meeting, and they consider such sheets unsatisfactory, . ,: 7tbl An application has been received from Messrs Reeves and Co. forpermission to lay certain drain pipes at Maclaggan streef. .- •; ,■ .> ■ --''''~• i ■'■'■' Permission has been granted to wyany piping necessary, but only to do to under the direction and supervision of tha Council s Inspector of Works. The Inspector reported to yonr Committee that John Thomas maaej s practice of opening up the streets without first acquainting him, and your Committeo | have ordered" that Thomas be informed Against accordingly. "< • • ■''.:-' t ■ ■'."'' Bth. The Inspector has been instructed t0,,. repair tho fences at Duncan street aud at Forth street bridge. ' 9thu Your Committee beg to refer to tho Council tho clauses of tho Inspector of Works' report as to Pitt street, and as to the w&toring of .the streets. . j '~,,., • 10th. Your Committee have replied to Mr Haggitt that, the < Council cannot interfere intpue matter of the creek diverted near his property, Regent road. ' "~ """ , 12th.'Tb« Inspector will. aiteWL to the drainage of Frederick street near,Mr Solomon's premise*. '• - '\'' •" ' 7 13th. Yonr Committee recommend that the Council pay half-cost of asphalting 27ft frontage-to Mr O'Brien's pxemhiw, Walker * Wih. Your Ccmmitteo ha,ye"i«P'Hed to Messrs G. G. Kusscll and Co; to the effect that at .present the Council cannot incur farther expense at Watarwtroet. .- -s 15th. Inspector Nwwolui* been inirtraQtea

to givo Mr Ftraohan notice to a'jate tho nuisance from his brewery, I'itt etrcot, and to givo Mr Nunti notico to build a heating; furnace at his stabling, Moray place.

Tho Mayor snid there was ono matter to which he wished to call attention. It was with reference to the present condition of Bond street. Ah it waa at preflout laid down, it was with tho greatest difficulty Magistrates adjudicating in tho Polico Court conld hear either witnesses or Counsel. Ho thought the Government or Corporation ishoiild do sotnathing io remedy this aUte of thmg_B, cither by removing the Resident Magistrate's Court, or laying down something; iv tho slroct, over which vehicles could pass without making so much noico. Mr Caiuuok said"tho Kusidcut Mtigißtrato's Court belonged to tho General Government, and it was their business to act in tho matter. Tho Mayor aaid ho merely wished to throw out a suggestion, in order that some power which had tho authority might act in tho matter. Mr Dods said that no doubt tho Corporation would la glad to give penuuuuoa. either to tho General Government or to tho Provincial Government to tako tho steps thoy might think necessary to abate tho nuisance. Mr Bods, before tho report was adopted, said ho thought there were some items on tho pay-sheets which required explanation. Ho referred more particularly to tfio amounts paid to John. Barnes and William Barnes, who wore somctimo carters to tho Corporation, and tho latter of whom acted as labourer. Ho did not think tho Inspector should bo allowed to act as either contractor or labourer, or that ho should bo allowed to supply either draye or lalxMirers. Tho ltilat'clauso of tho New Municipal Act clearly laid down this principle, and although tho Council had not yet adopted this clause, ho thought it expressed clearly what tho intentions of tho Legislature were on the subject; and the present system, which was to his mind a inonrutrous ono, should bo put an end to. Apart from Mr Barnes, tho pay sheets wero highly unsatisfactory. Thwo-wasa sum down for curtago, but thero was no statement inodo as to when tho work was done, or what it was done for. A similar objection applied to an item paid to a man, James Lopor, for 23 days* work, at 16s por day. Ho had no wish to imply Unit Mr Barnes was not duly and faithfully performing all tho duties with, which ho was entrusted ; at thesamo time for him to bo contractor, labourer, and inspector, all in ono, was simply ridiculous. Mr Carkick moved tho adoption of the report. Ho endorsed tho observations made by Councillor Dodis, but thought tho matter should bo referred to the Public Worka Committee, in order that that body might tako what steps it thought uecoflflary. Tho report was then adopted. NOTICE OF MOTION. —TIIK HATE KOK, 18G& Mr Caruick gavo notico that at tho next mooting of tho Council ho would movo that tho Council, at its next sitting-, do fix tho rate for the year 18G0. STUEKT WOIIKK. Mr Dons called attention to tho present modo of conducting street works, especially with regard to carUigo, and advocating tho introduction of tho contract system. Ho believed that thero wore at preßont men employed about tho streets doing very littlo good, and that the majority of them could bo dispensed with, ono man being, as a rule, sufficient fojr each ward. # After a short conversation, in which, thero scorned a leaning amongat some members for tho contract system, tho mattor dropped. WEKUIBIUDOE AT »AtCU7THA. Tho Town Cr,KitK announced the receipt of a letter with respect to tha weighbridge at Balclutha, in which it was offered to tho Council for erection in the South Dunodin Markot Reserve, for a sum of L7O. This included a smelt house erected itcnr it, stated by tha Mayor to bo worth LiJO. Tho Mayob, in reply to a question, said tho weighbridge was in good order, and could bo brought to town from Balcltitha for about Lls. On tho motion of Mr Wilkinson, seconded by Mr Fish, it was resolved that the purchase should bo effected. COHK.EHrONI>KNCE. Tho Town Ct/EiiK announced the receipt of a letter calling attention to tho rate charged at present for stalls in th» meat market (Os per day), which was objected to as being too high. It was desirt'd by those who objected that they Bhould bo put in tho same position as those who had the stalls only for an hour or two in the morning. Tho Mayor thought the price might fairly be reduced one half. On tho suggention of Mr Fisif, the matter was referred to the Market Committee. Letters were read from the Dunediix. Volunteer Fire Brigade, asking: for * donation of books promised by the Council. Referred to Firo Brigade Committee. . From R. O. Harris," nightman, complaining of the state of the approaches to tho Manure Depot. Referred to the Inspector, with instructions to take immediate action. Front Mr Haggitt, with reference to a disputed question of drainage. Left to his Worship the Mayor to inquire. From. Mr J. Hblop, asking leave to erect a public clock on his premises, lief erred to the Public Works Committee. From. Mr J. Thomas, containing certain charges against Mr Barnes. Ordered to bo received. From Mark Cohen, Esq., applying for a piece of ground in the Northern Recreation Reserve, for the use of tho Albion Cricket Club. Referral to the Reserves Committee. From. Mr W. C. Young, asking that the right of drainajKO might bo re-served through, certain allotments in tho Wharves and. Quays Reserve. Referred io the Reserves Committee. From the CitySurveyor, with ,» report on the condition ;of the B«jU Tower, sotting forth. that with a few alterations it would ba good for five or six years to come. THE PROPOSED ABATTOIRS. The Towk Oibkk read tho following letter :— .-' ; . ■ The Clerk of tho City Council, Dnoolio. •-i -'■■'-■ jtt Abattoir. " ' ,■, ,;., . Sir—l am in receipt of yours of yesterday's date, and contents aro noted. I will laato the land at Brackvilla «e«a tost wo;<k by/ the' Sub-Committee of your Council, anil consulting of, as per maps, «*y» on a. r. p. South side of road, section 134 — 8 323 Part do 110 ... 7 33L Do do 115 .. 5 119 22 03$ North side of road, section 131 ... 12 327 Fart do 116 ... 0 3 IO Do do 115 ... 1 Iff Da do „ ... 1 0 4 do 130 ... 12 1 31 60 237 4 Rent, L 75 per annum. •■ " ••J It in unnecessary for me .to nay, toyoar Council that thiuels no pUco intho vicinity of Dunedin so admirab.'y united for an abattoir, being, sufficiently near, (ho town, wuL

■»ct Balfl'Jteni'y out *>f the wa,y as not to render it * Bnii««. «'*<* then ifa local poiitiou mike* it ra«t acce«iMo for i Utck hronqhl fro 71 either north or uoa'.h, without bringing them through a thor -uithfaro. 1 feal confident t!itit it wnuM 1j« more g»ii*r»ct"iy f«r your Council to hswo tbc abattoir erected l>y, or at les«t under thft ehirfl1) °f» t'l* s f*5"1011 whom you would trust the imn*;;em«it You will, 1 tlamwy, »cc that tho ground <sfT<!Tr<l ty «no i» of (sufficient extent to suit jjjo fur » ".arJtf:t *ito for stock, and iin position for Ui»t puipeso is canally ceatr*!.—l OT £ a , Johj* DbUOLAD. rJuiK<liii, OIU February, ISCJ. Tho Mayor »aid if it was determined to erect an abattoir, thin piece of ground was eminently ndnpted for the purpono. j Tb«r« wa* a P^'Jock "°»r **■> >i which ! there won splendid feed and first-ratu shelter. There were private abattoirs in Piincdin sufficient to meet the ru- j qtiircmeutii of the trade, but it was a question whether it was advisable) to leave tho monopoly in tho hands of thuso who enjoyed it at present, Mr i'imt suggested that tho letter should bo referred to the Market ComJtr Dow» thought tho Council should only taken action with regard to abattoirs when some prcssuro from outside was brought to bear. After ftoino conversation, the matter dropped. The Tow.v Cmskk then read a letter from Messrs Gardner and Dale, stating that they would slaughter and deliver sheep in Dunedin, at the rate of 1m per head, and cattlo at tho rate of 12a Cd per bend. iicruuMs etfKVKVoit's eeport. This report wn« brought up, and it stated that the foes received during four nnnths amounted to L2O. Till. CABB OF JOII.V TIIOMAB. A communication was received from the Inspector of Nuisances, stating that ho had proceeded against John Thomas, a» inatructtd, and that tho case had been dismissed, on tho ground that tho owner of the property should have been sued. It was resolved to tako action against tho owner forthwith. BY F. LAW NO. 3. This bye law waa brought tip and adopted, after nomo. objections had been taken to one or two of tho clauses by Mr Wilkinson. TIIK IJKIX TOWKII. The Town Clkkk announced tho receipt of two tondora for tho worka at tho Ball Tower—one from George Batoman fur LI2O ; tlio other from William Baakcit and E. ("Juorgo for a similar sum. Referred to the Public Works Committee with power to accept. Till: I'OHT OFFICE CLOCK. Mr Fish called attention to tho inconvfttiieiico the public }iad recently been Btibjectcd to by tho Post Ofiico cloclt not having been lit at night. 110 thought steps should be taken to light it till midnight, which would answer all purposes. After discussion ; it was agreed that tho Mayor should ascertain tho cost of lighting till that time. The Council, at its rising, adjourned to Wednesday next, at three o'clock. WASTE LAND BOARD. Tho usual weekly meeting of the Waste Land Board was held yust<;r.lay, at the j Survey Ofiico, Government BuildifcgH, nt 25 minutes piafc II a.m. Tho Comiiiiaaionur of Waste Lands occupied tho chair; and present were Messrs Burns, lluggitt, and Vogol. The minutes of tho previous meeting were road and con firmed. Mr Dk Caiu.k, on tho part of himself and other persons who were present, complained of tho loss of time sustained by parties having business at the Board meetings, in consequence of a nuHiuiont number of members to form a quorum not attending until long after tho appointed time. Tho CoMMiHSiONEK said that tho matter had not escaped his attention, and should bo attended to in tho proper quarter. The following waa tho business before the meeting:— Mr A. S. Wilson's application to leaso section 12, block 1, Blueskin village, was postponed. Mr Wm. Recs applied for an hotel site on tho Quarry Reserve, Stoney Creek, block f», Hillcnd, and it was agreed'to sell Tinder clause 01, after the approval of the Engineer of Roads and Works. Tho part not required for quarry purposes to bo sold only. Consideration of thoroportof Mr Warden Bcctham on tho application of J. W. Robertson and Co., for tho abandoned leasehold of tho Criterion Quartz Mining Co., and of tho telegram in re nogociations in reference thereto, was postponed. Mr 11. A. Loughnun applied by Mr Do Carlo for tho pro-emptivo right of run 304 (postponed from last meeting). Tho application waa declined. Mr Dk Caulk npplied that tho proclamation respecting Mr D6"ghcrty'a land in Kcctioriß 5 and G, block I, Tuapeka X., might bo issued in accordance with the resolution r>{ thu Ho.ird at tho last mooting but one, thai-, the Government should bo requested to proclaim it for sale at LI por acre, and t«i ask why tho proclamation had not been already mado. Ho pointed out tho great hardships entailed on his client by tho delay, and that ho had already attended tho Board and tho Executive tio fewer than C 3 times in reference to tho matter.

Mr Ha«:<!ltt s;u.d that, under tho circunwtanres, he did not think tho Board hail power, without contravening tho ri'^ulatinnn, to give tho freehold to tho claimant.

Mr Dk Caulk stated that it had already boon pa^ed by the Executive and by tho Wuato Land Board, that he should havo tho freehold, and that fill ho aaked was that they should carry out t)i v -ir own decision.

Mr Hunan- said that granting the applicatinn nii«ht involvo them in great trouble, and would bo productivo or much (liuiycr. If, however, tho Govornmojit chow to run the risk, well and good. Ah ;i anji^cation, he would mention that the Government might bo applied to, to withdraw Mm land from thojjoldfioldsand nell it to Mr Dogberry ; at the same time l*ii must remark that ho did not think tho matter w.\a quite ono for tho Board, but rather for tho Government to decide.

The Commissioner suggested that in that, niHo it-fllmuld bo withdrawn from the business on tho book.

Mr Dr. (Jaiu.k was only anxious that it might be nettled at once, and trusted that the Hoard would carry out ita original decision.

Mr HAfiGiTT pou.tcd out that if the land were proclaimed for sale, and two npplicationn made for ita purchaso, it must be put up at auction. Mr Dk said that ho waa quite ivillinjj that it should bo proclaimed, and that if thoro wora two applications it might go up to auction, and bo sold under a valuation. ■

Sir Haooitt stifrfrostcd that if that wore <W.o, and thingn did not go on according to Mr Dogherty'a wißbc«,.ho -would pro-

bably bo going down to tho Council with a petition. Mr De Carle undertook that his client wonld not do so. Mr Bukx* said that, fas representing the Government,'he would not undertake any rink that the Provincial Solicitor d«J not advise. The matter was then referred to tho Government. With regard to the sale of land at Koxburgh, the Commissioner asked the Board to paas the map, so as to get it ready for the sale. The sections were all laid off upon it, and it was ready to be proceeded with. Agreed to. Mr Ja«. Rkii* applied to be allowed to purchase tho E. part of nee. 8, block 10. Maungatiia, and explained to tho Board that he had already purchased one portion of tho land (as shown on the plan submitted), and had mado an application to tho Commissioner for tho other portion, but that the reception of bis application had been refused. The Commissioner explained that ho had done so because tho request of the application was contrary to tho Waste Lands Act. Mr VooEii did not think tho Commissioner had power to refuse to receive an application.. The Cosiiusaiojree. explained that ho had refused the application, and not i<s reception. , Ho had been simply asked if he. would sell the land, and had replied that he would hot. Mr Vocsel was of opinion that it was noMsjary under, tha Act that the refusal should come from the Waste Land Board itself, and that nothing but the refusal by that Board should be of effect; also, that if that refusal were not made within four days after tho application were lodged, the land should to sold to the applicant. alt Hackjjtt thought the refusal to .sell was ono of tho matters of rontino delegated to the Commissioner. It had, at ail events, always been considered so. Mr Vooki, thought that although soiling land might bo part of tho routine business, refusing to do so could not be considered so. At any rate there was a clause in tho Act which said that tho refusal should come from tho Waste Land Board. Mr Haggitt referred to the 14th section of the Act, which gave the Commissioner power to deal with the selling,' letting, and occupation of Land. Mr Vookl pointed out that that section no doubt gave him tho power of selling, but not of refusing to sell. Mr HAfionrr said that with regard to the cases under consideration, tho objection to selling tho land was that by so doing tho road line to another piece of land would be cut off. Mr It in i) wished to impress on tho Board that he had no desire to take any undue advantage over any person. In reality, ho cared bnt little whether he got tho land or not. As to tho road hno spoken of, there waa really no road line at all, and a road in another direction to tho other picco of land would bo very much profcrnblo. Tho CoMMiK-sroNER said that thoro was another objection to selling tho land besides that named by Mr Haggitt. It was that tho regulations required all sections sold to be half frontago, unless to make up a property. Mr Bokns said that tho land in question was required to inako up a property. Tho said that it appeared to him that Mr Keid wished to purchase tho frontago of a section and leave tho back part, which was novor intended by tho regulations should bo done. If, howover, tho Board decided to agree to tho application, ho had no o^jectijn. Mr Burns rernarkod that the land was in very impracticable country, and that it would bo a good thing to soU it. Mr Rkid expressed his willingness to give a 50 link road to tho back land, by Smith's boundary, if tho Board would sell him tho property ho wanted. The application was granted, Btibject to tie condition of tho road mentioned. Mr Douglas applied to bo allowed to purchase section 35, block 1, Otepopo,' as Sand of special value, under clause Gi of the Waa to Lands Act. Mr BtmNs recommended tho land beinjj sold on condition of tho surveys of certain road lines being completed before possession were given. There being, however, no person present to support tho application, the matter was postponed; as wore also an application by the same gentleman regarding the salo of section 37, block 3, Otopopo, under tho same clause, and James North's application for a reserve between sections 18 and 27, block 8, Portobello, to bo put np under that clause. - Mr J. W. liobertuon applied by Mr Reid for 10 acres of land for a sawmill and licenses for C sawyers to cut timber in tho bush at Lake Wakatipu. Mr Reid pointed out that miners could obtain iconscs without naming their men, and ho nskod for the same privilege. Also for tho pre-emptive right to 10 "acres to protect tho mill. It was decided that tho application for tho 10 acres should bo referred to the Warden at Qaeenstown — tho Board having no power to deal with it; and that if ho named three men and thoir mates, Mr Robertson could havo licenses for six. men.. . " ■ Two applications, ono for 5 acres of land at tho 1 wad of Welshman's Gully, as a lignite urea ; mid tho other from Pearce and Washer, for land in the aamo gully, for a similar purpose, were referred back to the Government, it being thought possiblo that both applications might be for tho same piece of land. An application from Mr Duckmanton. to bo al}owcd: to purchase * No. llj b. 7, in the town district, near the Anderson's Bay Road, so as to bring his property up to that road, was considered, and on its being found that tho land camo within tho railway limit of deviation, it was decided that tho application should not be dealt with until the railway was completed. ... Mr GrrxrES, on, tho part^of Mr Dboley,, asked to be informed whether tho lease of »j land for a lignite mine must be prepared by the Government, or by Mr Dooley himself. It was decided: that tho leaso' Bhould bo drawn by the Provincial^ Solicitor. * "■■ •■■*■ r"'■ • "'■'"' :"; 1/: :>" ".; Ewen Cameron applied for peanissian to purchase1 eightfacres'at Saddle Hill *A\ land of special value., The application had been refused at the previous meeting of tho Board. ( " Mr Buhms pointed out that a pieoe of land had been uold at the same place to a man named Wood sometime Bince under similar circumstances, and that it would bo a good thing for the Government to soil it., The matter was postponed' until the next meeting. ■>: , An application for leave tojraTchase a pieco of bush reserve on the S.E.'of Saddle Hill, sec. 59, block B,'by Mr M'Master, was referred to tho Ranger for hi* opinion, . t "»• l c The CoMMissHMnra presented a usb ot deposits on applications for pastoral leases to tho Board, .'and mentioned that he was having, a map prepared showing ovory pastoral lease in the. country, and that he oxpecled, it to be, ready very shortly. •■•■■>■" -r< ;■• : ,': ''■' '', The mo^tuig thi» terminatod.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2190, 11 February 1869, Page 2

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CITY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2190, 11 February 1869, Page 2

CITY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2190, 11 February 1869, Page 2


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