UNCLAIMED LETTERS to December 31, ISiil—'
A—Adams, John; Adams, Michael: Aiken, James Gordon, (;;); Aitkeiij Alexander, {?>); Aitken, James ; Aitken, Robert,; Agnow, William ; Akerryd, "Williara ; Aldridgo, F J: Alexander, George; Alexander, liana"; Allan, John ; Allen, J. L.; Allen, William; Alransoa, Sir; Anderson, George: Anderson, John ; Anderson, J M ; Anderson, William ; Andorson, Win Munroo. (2'i; Andrew, Frederick ; Armstrone, Elizabeth : Arnold, Joiui P; Arnoi, Mrs niciiar.l; Artlim, fan; Ash. T J N. ; Asher, William ; Atchison, (ieovgp : Atkin, G-eorge ; Austin, Charles; Auld, John ; Anderson, George.
B—Badcock, II W; Kailev, Gaor^e : Baird, "William ; Baker, Charles ; Baker, Esq, F ; Ballaiityiie, John ; ISahnains, David ; Baukhead, J W ; Banks, Thomas ; Barber, Thomas : Barrouinan, Joiin ; Bartviui, G S : Bash. Mrs ; Bastian, B°.q ; Batcy, John : Battes, liiniL; Baxter, Robart ; Baxter. Sutcliffe : Bayinton, Mrs Mary ; Bell, Esq. Arthur ; Bell, Mr; Beriek, Mr; Berry, W J: Betlmne, Kemietli : Bishop. Esq, J S'; Bishop and Keepe : Byrne, James Boimm-s: Black, 1) H: Black John; Bleakly, John : Bloom, Charles; Blue, Dugald ; Boelen', X; Body, John; Boivie, jun, Donald; Bovey, W T: Bowman, Esq, Alex Smith: Boyd, Allan • Bower) David ; Brauiago, Thomas ; Bretton, J.essiah: Bridire, John; Brooke, Esq, J C ; Brosman, P : Brownell, E A : Browning, John, (2) ; Brumby, John ; Brumby, Mansfield ; Boyce, John ; Brown," Charles, (2); Brown, George : Brown, II ; Brown, J G : Brown, Esq., B ; Brown, Bichard; Brown. William, (2); Brown, William Henry; Burgess, Mrs A; Bnrgess, John B ; Burgess, jun, Wilii.im; Burke, Peter; Burnes, Alex II ; Burnes, Sir ; Burten, Isaac ; Busk, A\"rn ; Butler, John ; Buxton, William A.
C—Ca!derwoo:l, Mrs Alfred; Calvert, JD ; Calighan, Thos••; Calvill, William ; Candwel, Samuel ; Carab, William ; Cardwell, Edward, (2) ; Carey, Roderick, (2) ; Carey, II; Carigan, Andrew ; Carine, Peter Bayne : Carrull. Esq Alex; Carter, JL ; Carter, A H"; Carter, George, (2) ; Carter, Thos ; Camthers, JJ ; Carver, L 11; Oartwright, T H (2); Cartwriglit, T ; Caasells, Esq G 0 : Catherall, E J B ; Catterwell, H L ; Caverhill, Esq TS ; Cawthorn, F H-; Cawthorn, Jumes ; Curr, Esq Edward M ; Chadbraml, Henry ; Chadwick, John, {2); Chalmers, James G and Bobert; Chamberlain, G : Chantiler, Lewis; Chapman, James Henry; Chayne, Mr ; Cheetham, Jolm ; Chell, William ;" G'hell, W ; Chesworth, John ; Chiebot, Auguste ; Chisholm, Andrew D ; Christian, Biehd ; Campbell, 0 ; Cliristic, John, (2) ;. Christie, Jno ; Christy, B (2); Clark, James A ; Clark Joseph, (2) ; Clark, Frederick ; Clark, Esq L B : Clark, Thomas : Clark, Williani Duncan, (2) ; Clark, William H ; Clements, Edwin Gray ; Cliffin, William : Clifford, W Chas ; Cock, Henry ; Cock, Thonias ; Coldecutt, John ; Coleman, Luke ; Cole, BS ; Colins. James; Collins, Benjamin, (2); Colquhoun, Weil; Cook, George : Cooper, George; Corbet James, (2); Corser, FS ; Coughlan, Michael; Coolter, Timothy ; Cover, Stephen ; Cox, Abram ; Cox, Henry ; Craig, Bobert; Croft, William ; Croll & Coy ; Colderwood, Joseph ; Cunningham, Bobert; Curr, Edward M ; Currie, Donald ; Cursons, V C ; Cameron, Alexander ; Cameron, Archibald ; Cameron, Christina ; Cameron, Esq F0 : Cameron, Samuel; Cameron, WA B.
D—Dalby, John; Dallase, Thomas; Daltan, Charles ; Dalziel, Andrew ; Dargie, James; Darton, Thomas;. Darton, Mr; Davies, William; Davies, George ; Davies, Henry W (3) ; Davies, John C ; Daviet, William C ; Dawson, Mrs 15 ; Dawson, William ; Deadman, W ; Dee, Edwin ; Dehl, William ; De Loree, P (4) ; Denhame, James ; Dent, Robert; Devine, William ; Dewe, Esq, John; Dick, Esq, Frederick ; Dick, Robert; Diekman, Thos, ; Dillon, Luke; Dinnis, William : Devine, W ; Dixou, George j Dixon, John; Dixon, Margaret; Dixon, Peter V ; .Dykes, Thomas ; Dobison, William ; Donald Andrew (2) ; Donnell, Thomas J ; Domingo, Antonio ; Denoline, Martin ; Dove, Esq., "Alexr ; Dove, Captain; Davine, George; Dewes, Bryan : Dowes, Mr. ; Dower, E ; Drowdrey, Michael; Dryden, Henry ; Dunstan, Joseph ; Durkin, Michael ; Darby, G ; Duncan, Mrs; Duncan, Mr; Dean, John Solomon.
E.—Easton, George; Eberhard, Henry ; Eekersley, W ; Eikstrom, A A (2) ; Alley, A ; Elliott, Esq. Charles; Elliott, James; Ellis, Esq. T J ; Ehves, James; Ensond, Walter ; Epton, Robert (2) ; Estrange, Esq, Guy W L : Evans, William Richmond (2); Ewing, William; Ewing, William A ; Ewert, James.
F. —Fairweather, Miss Batsy : Falconer, William ; Fairbairu, Margaret (2) ; F early, Esq, J ; Fclton, H W ; Ferguson, Donnld; Ferguson, William ; Ferguson, Wrn ; Field, Geo; Firth, Edwin (2); Fisher, Henry (2): Fisher, James ; Fitzgerald, David ; Fitzpatrick, Thos; Flanagan, Win ; Flanson, BM; Fletcher. Dugatd ; Florence, Egbert: Foot, John ; Forbes, Donald ; Foreman, George ; Ford, Jelunicas ; Forrest, James ; Forster, T ; Fry, Thomas ; Frame, Samuel; Frazor, H W; Fulton, Jacob; Fife, Hugh : Fife, Janet; Fairbrain, Margaret (2). G.—Gapes, Richard : Gadkin, Mrs. Thos. ; Galbraith, Henry ; Gales, John : Garvey, Mr. ; Gayner, G. ; GHossoh," Josiah ; Gleeson, Mr. ; Glover, Joseph; Gasperre, Mr. ; Gibba, John Star ; Gribb, Ebsnezer; Gibson-, Miss Margt. ; Gibson, William; Gilbert^ Charles (2) ; Gilkinson, Esq. W. ; Gill, Frederick (2); Gill, Mark; Gillion, George ; GiHog'ey, John; Geai-ey, William; Geddes, Esq. D. Stewart; Geddes, Donald ; Gendall, John ; George, Joseph ; George, Wm. Robert (3) : George, Mr. ; Gerkins, Glaus ; Go .Go, Miss Maria; Gornas, James; Gordall, Arthur; (Jooclwillie, George ; Goodwin, Miss Emma (3) ; Gordon, Alexander ; .Gordon John ; Gordon, Louisa; Govrmge, Orhuida ; Garrick, John : Gossen, Mrs. 0. ; Gottarman, J. ; Gothard, C. ; Graham, Martin ; Granger, C. T. ; Grant, John (2) ; Grant, Thos. ; Gray, Thomas ; Green, Thos. ; Greenfield, E. ; Gregor, Esq. W. P, ; Greig, Robert; Griffiths, Mrs. J. E.; Gun, James ; Gunn, Robt.
H.—Hackett, Elizabeth ; Halland, X B ; Hall, James; Hall, Henry ; Hall, William : Haldane, A ; Hamilton, Wm; Henley, Thos; Harrr.p, II J ; Harbottle, F ; Harris, Joseph : Harras, N J ; Harriss, H ; Harrison, Henry ; Harrison, II H (2) ; Earning, Joseph; Hartoig, Christina ; Harvey, Jno E ; Hatloy, Win ; Hawson, Thomas; Hawkins, Wm ; Hayes, P ; Haywrard, Geo ; Hayes, John ; Hay ;' Heardy, Thomas; Heap, Henry; Heap, Alex R ; Heath, Thomas; Heggie, David ;' Helme, John D Th Messrs"; Hendry, Henry; Henly, William; Henley, Wm Mrs ; Herd, Thomas ; Herne, John : Henninss, Frank : Hiijgins, Joseph ; Hist, Richard ; Hocking F ; Hollbrd, F ; Hollingdale, Edward ; Halli,s, FW; Hope, Harry; Horn, Peter; Horns, George ; Horns, L L (2) ; Harwood, William ; House, Mrs ; How, George Edward; Howes, GG ; Howell, Joseph ; Hayle, Joseph ; Haward, William ; Huggins, Wm : Hunt, Jonathan ; Hunt, Michael ; Hurley, F ; Hai-ley, John ; Hurley, Dennis.
I.—lnglis, Robert B. J.—Jackson, Mrs : Jackson, Captain J ; Jackson, Alexr.; Jameson, SVm ; Jenman, Thomas : Jarvey, Mt; Jennings, William ; Jetfry, James ; Johnston, Robert; John, Mr; Johnston, John; Johnston, Wm ; Johnston, John ; Johnston, Robert A ; Jones, E B (2); Joues, Thomas; Jones, George; Jonhans, G T ; Josephs, A. X. —Kane, James; Kayle, Mr; Kay, John ; Keating, James : Kelly, James C ; Kelly, James D W; Kelly, James; Kelly, William; Kemp, Robert; Kempthorne, Sampson ; Kempthorne, S ; Kennedy, Collin (2) ; Kennedy, James; Kerschen, Abel ; Kettle, Robert: Keeii, George ; Keen, Dr. J L S ; Kieley, Mr; Killeb^d, John; Kinross, Thomas; Kenesdele, Michael; Keillreake, Hugh ; Kipper, A ; Kitchen, James; Knox, John ; Koburs, Joseph: Kersch, S.
L.—Lade, John ; Laing, Walter; Lawcock, John ; Latkey, Robert; Lay, GL ; Lagarm, F ; Learne, N ; Leahy, F ; Leberinan, Fred. (2) ; Leishman, Robert; Lcvi, George Cotton (2); Lever, J ; Liddy, John (2); Lightfoots, James ; Lensey, James; Lentern, Samuel; Little, Joseph ; Littledale, Wm ; Loaker, Robert; Longman, AVjn : Lowia, C B; Lowell, James; Lovett, Capt li. V; Lovett, Capt Joseph (3); Lowe, George ; Lowers, D R ; Lloyd, J H ; Luck, Frances ; Luke, Williams S ; Lund, Freder ; Lnndy, James ; L. lines, D A C G ; Lumvell, John ; Lyraan, Nils ; Lytharn, Thomas.
M—Macy, James ; Maddison, Edward ; Mallinson, George ; Mantrok, C De; Manning, John ; Marrish, H; . Marryall, E ; Marshall, Robert (2) ; Maslen, John; Mason, William ; Masters, James ; Mathews,. Christopher (2) ; Mathewson, L ; IWatlierson, John ; Matyard, Richard ; Maxwell, Peter (3); May, John; May, James ; Meglier, Francis ; Menzy, Herbert ; Meckett, George ; Mechin, James ;'Mellock, Richard, Mrs ; Millichamp, F F (2); Milliehamp, Frederick F ; Midler, Thomas ; Milliam, G De ; Millar, Henriss ; Milligau, David P ; Miuilaws. Alexander; Monday, John; Montgomery, Alex (i) ; Moreton, John; Morgan, Augustus ; Morgan, Edward ; Morfan, Juiland; Moreham, Hr (2); Morrie, John; lorrison, Mis; Morton, John ; Mathune, Frederick; Mowbra}', .William; Moule, John; Muller, Eugene X (3); Mundaif, Thomas ; Munro, David; Murphy, Mrs ; Muir, James; Murray, William ; Murray, Robert ; Murray, George; Me.Allan, John ; Mcßruce, W G ; MeCullam, Alexander ; MeCrosby, William; Macdonald, Miss Ann; Macdonald, Jolin (2); McDonald, Mrs R; McDugald, Mrs ; McDonald, Miss Sarah; McDongall, Robert (2) ; Macfarlaine, Alex C ; McGlashan, Stuart; McGregor, Alexander; McGregor, Peter; Mcllardy, Alexander ; Mcllugh, John ; Mclnnes, Donald ; Mclntosh, AB ; Mclntosh, Samuel; Mack, Mrs. F ; Mack, James ; McHeige, Robert ; McHay, Donald ; McKay, James; McKeney, William; McKenzie, George; MeKenzie, John (3); McKenzie, William ; Mackenzie, William ; McKcown, James ; McKitiuon, Henry; McKfinny, AVilliam ; McKitch, Andrew; Maclnchlan, Alexr, McLaven, Hugh; McLennon, James ; McLennon, Thomas ; McLeod, Alexander ; McLene, Robert; McMarkin, Mr. ; McMillan, Samuel (2); McNeill, Alexander; McPherson, Archibald: McPherson, John ; Maepherson, 0 M; McPhial, Hugh ; McPhail, Mary ; Mcßay, Robert ; McKiechen, John. . N—Neill, John H ; Nevillo, Charles P ; Neville, Ebenezer; Navell, S; Newpoit, J ; JNicholls, James ; Nicholson, Albert ; Wood, R; Northcott, James.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 73, 8 February 1862, Page 3
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1,392Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 73, 8 February 1862, Page 3
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