When first the discovery of gold in thi, Pi > vince wdb pcitnuly established, riany ol ih old residents viewed ita probable effects wit considerable ion bodings They fores, iv thm it wouLl draw to the Pio\ men a laigv. he 010----gencous populaiion contaiinn • ii.^n^ eleuun of disordtr and enme, tliey fe'.rod rhit l' most primitive simplicity of the w.-mmo-'m would ho for exor sub\e±tecl, .ml in iiv^ order oi th.'nff!, they Vre^o di-tiu-l/nl c!il advantages to Le gjmul, .uul 'vtiv. their aritici|> l itio.ii. fi' the icsal.s. th.l -.', l.i accrue to the »a., 1 condition of the co. munir-v Tlk~c foolinj;s \vcru uotconJiui.lt. the colom^ jiu>e ft simple v><w iii.'^l.t .. v, able cL-.H o any tii-im nance of tnon tpiiet mtielty. or tliJ \.itl idr,tv \\ <>' J" Ii ). .. fiom then fb.in for Ihenio^ piohubio f ecu pation of mining, but c\cn iiu.t!, t tradeiM. who, nbo\c ail cibti -, lw\i. twPL the mojt hohd ad\.inta^'-. fn 1.1 tlu .I^. ," 1 of thni"- j, weie many of ihcm m^tui1 tfu. <m! dubiou1. „ , "\Vliat the actual conbcqiicnces 01 tiij v^oiu discoveries have been, and how far the , jo_;nostications v,e have lefeired to, h.i^' utu. realised, it is needless for us to point out, and .the mofafc resolute ,doubter raubt be conj>si]r\nir pun <
-■j :i'ce!y i;o of-f:■!!■■.;;..:!. 'Tf,o J'rovimje liiis, in ;:. low. siuiiv !ik, urn.it:: .itriiti?:! inailviinc;;- | jiieat, tliiiu }'tars fif she most skilful colotiizu- | i 1 u.-.i iiiid.jL' ',he iriLf/; iii!.v:)ni':u)lc uuspices could \ ]):s.ve accuf!;'.]!;,!.;..:.;!; an;! ..even wore the Crofc! ! Fields to o>illn:v-n: "[!• -mnrrow, they would still Li,vu :ifi ;n'kiil;h.r i'ih'ct on the prosperity of lh\: htt'louv. 'i'iu; .:„■!.• iorr>, apart i'rOin actual ■u:;i'tii;ii>ation-'iii lib.: ■i/oMmt spoil, have tlerivwl i;tv;i;;*:!,i::./-: ■ i;> Hi-; ,:::^ia^d \v)>.io 'of their .■:; d (m;:?:;'!'.!;'!: '>■"•'< vhe iliiiux of ("iipH;i,L;u:i(l i i..ii;n'i.i.ii-.)!\, f-'.y.l i!i ;■■■■.; uiiliiiiiiijij cioitmnd ai i :-;!<}d<:,:M--i>- !■■.■■;■:•...^ i:,..- :lit) ■nri!thii:u of iiuii". ■.;;;v.;;. <■■,■' :.■■■■■.■;.'■ li':. '. '.'■ ' ji;;:U!or,'h*i! t h-T; in n ;■;.'.:■>. ::;.V' ..' ■;-".;;■ . ■■ry'\:.^t'i..^±-rna\ u^ \ '/^'•'■- r! .^.■;";::'.: "- •■: .'' • tridi^'i^.n wbo'-.vo^ia | . ■■■" >■;.} !>:.'!■;:.'.Ci-,,'::'.■-■:., :■;.- lj.lvo Rh.>:>.l. b;.::hi:a! . ul'.> j ■■y,',.11:.--h ■.".;:' ;' ■<■■:.■; .::'' *he rC'.^^tf.t :;f .l^/i !..^ j ..ra -itiv,' !,:r<n:'.r:y \ ;,^'iiiJs.. 'ha;; in.".ii):iif pos-1 - ■::...L:;i -„;' v ..:.:'.): i'.-.i-'•,: :i;iif'iii! t i1 the iiio-.'.t «;i<l- 'I /"liiie :C';t:>.;i.::.L;i:...-"i1',:• :u; coul:- iu>.yc ibruic'Li to] i'.jllnw L■)■.:- :':..!:-'i/' w' ■■■■■ ir.i.C'i'Libour. ... ... TliU ivia';h v-■.■■..■' of Ynnriils i.l\d o;';'Oi^i:tv u3 -i.'dH .: it o■lCi.il-i"0cl ;. tTUC it l ; ; tlllLi | .::f:i;iing tliii iiio.i^i:;;I';.-; ,'.i'hf) litivc Hocked ionur ■sisures tliu.rc uuiy bc'fouud, scoundrels of every stamp, -j'.et-those .cbaractcrs ibnn a very siuall portioii of. tht' rijiniii;j; couiminiily, and : >vc believe that in si similar number of no other class would be found so much real intelligence, perseverance, industry, and respect for law and order, as characterize, the miners of the Otngo Goklfieldsj 'There are many circumstances which render this"the case.: partly the necessary outlay in, coming such a distance, for which the respectable miner was best prepared, and also in the fact that, there do not exist here the same , facilities for either crime or escape, that obtain in the more thickly .populated sister colony. The admirable police arrangements, have no doubt, conduced much to the state of order, but it is mainly owing to tiie'respectable character of the miners theniR'lves: finrVit behoves the executive of'the I'.'oviiiee in thi'ii1 dealings with thenien .yvl'O i;:i\f contrilnitcu ?;.> much to the welfare, aiul • i.Tc.sperity of (he colony, to !iiaiiifes» such a .-;; i.it oi*lila.-ralit)' ti.vviirtii. liiem'. nsni'ty in.'lnie' i'ierii to ■vwiiain 'with us, aud .to contirme to .•iive tss f.h.-'.aid of iiiair the«"s and sinews and; .■■■ci;--)li!te,:ri'(]ustrjl. ;■■ ■. :■ ■ ■■ ■ Without vnferiu ;; iit length into the several jjTiavances oi'uiiii.-;i t.iie miners complain, it is t; fact pats-nt to iriw""3 who has an acquaint.anoe with rhu gols.l fields,that they deem th;}' ■ hnve-'less reason: to l>c satisfied with the province than the" province has to be satisfied v.-.jth them. \'e;ir> ai;o, 'when Stephenson was srrn^srliu^' to eorwtruet the first railway, it tvtis one of his m-oji;;;ts to create a new cliiss of .■filled.workmen. T!.:e Xavvies sprung into existence in t!i€ natural course of carrying cut 'he great v»o:'i-.:" c-f llie master engineering ; -;irit of-his- fifro- '-fimpare the work of the ii:lv\ ii;s of to day y.\kh the laborers of forry v:-ars aa;o.' The1 ly,-> U-n years' experience in " ' .'iiovnia. w.'.'X Vircoria has, with (.'({l'liuly ■natural eftbet. (iovbloped a new claws of.ia-dasti-y—thai of t'- ; '^oSd miner. : Ho ha:; soiae of the qu:ililic.-icii>iiK of the uavvie, some of the r.jnii-h miner. :-:;i 1 s;.une of the adventurous traveller, aiid r:>v:n;C seaman. But whatever '{]>(': source- iToiii.wl>i-;''.i they have sjjrnng, his ■i-iJitude for aocj:;■jriodating himself to cirULimstaneo'?." hiu ' iidwrance of hardship. i-£ irrdifii-rence to daiifrer, his love of v inety, his p'-.V; .ii-ess to .idventure, his i-.-.'t-vss of crcd'.siits-, am! his careless good namro are all ■<;ha;"u:tt'ri:)ti« of hiniseif aio/ie '■'lie gold miner.-; of ISQ2 are its ..different .i'-om the gold seekers of ISSO, as are the navvies Y. i' to-day ;Vo:n iba lahorers of forty years a^o. Listend of the deveVipeuient of thetroid -iieids i;:'Otago beinrjf-it'rt 1-) 'pretilice hands, mnstcri:\en have taken t-'it-ia in charge, und as aeon- : iruc;;co 'ho ret-".'.!;' ;how a very lanjo pro■;:;r'fio;i, and a vo-ry lar^o nmouiit of wo»'i; done. ■'.'■■ The minors iuturni!y look ibr iif/nidpro quo. ■—they say wo havo <;oac this for your Province, do somolliin-r .ibr us. They aak,' that 'ii:e iiiiu'nJl..; rei;;ui-<uiuu-; : «boiikl be sn'oh as are : !c;ii:iteif to..if).-:.)►.■'■■■.,:;iid incriiiiMO their in-, cuwtry. , Tboy■«:;•: ilril .they should be able ;•■•■ obtai:i Ir.ni'i an ■.. u'ch to rear a liome .for ihoiHaniriios. 'Ti.i'.:y ask for roads which will )\.Titr!t tiio f::;/.'■!::.'•;■- '.>fgoods ; 'lit prices that will r.;)t entail on tlv-ai tUmine charges ibr food; tiicy ask ibr iiiL-i; for J«.'<gistrates ;in iOiort, 'tiiev inaiiitaiii that out of an .tiionnous revejine, derivied from the gold-fields, the"(ioverumeut should be able to spare sufficient to minister to their.requirements. Their demands ' itre not unreasonable, in justice and in v>:>iicy, no time should be lost in satisfying ■them." • ' ■'■■ ' ■■ • '■ ■• " ■■'■
VVe reproduce elsewhere ■■.a leading article from the Lyitelton Times of ■the /28th December, by which it will be seen that our Canterbury neighbours are, as we expected, fully alive to.the. advantages to be derived from the ; establishment of a line of steam comiuuniea- ! li m between Great .Britain and Xcw Zealand, \'via- Panama, and that they are disposed to fall ii; with the views already set forth in our I ct.lunms. This is as it should be, and we entertain but little doubt that the other Provinces will be equally ready with Canterbury tt- fall into an arrangement which must so evidently be for the advantage of all. We shall anxiously look for our next advices from the North, 'to. learn how far the other Provinces are prepared to lend themselves to the p.-oject—whether they are disposed to adopt <V,n- ideas in .their- entirety—or wbether'they have uny nc.v light to 'throw'upon the subject, .on any fresh aug::;c.itians to offei'. In bringing v scheme of this; khiJ to a definite issue, it will l.c necessary to consult the various interests uil the different Provinces, and for all to agree v ;xm a plan which', -while giving to each all iiie advantages consistent with the rights and convenience of ihe rest, shall at ihe same time be so adjusted as to fairly divide the burden according Co --.he'benefits enjoyed.' In :.uch an ■iirr;uj^o:t!t.it as we h.-ive already ;,.;inted out, it v.'oi;:d devolve upon Otago to ;>fV the largest sho.te of any subsidy that iijight bo rcquircci ,• Jirsd .in thia instance' duty would fortunately cjli;cide with interest.
His Honor1 Mi". .Tjsticc' - Giesson arrivoiV on f-::i!dnv- cvcJ!in,si', 'f.-iiui !/.ttletou, by the Goulong-. JSlduj-k j)i-ATu c:' as Oi.r> lti:.siijiiNX.— We '■ h;-.ve to record the ::<!::i.lau and most piiisiful death df a i"jKiiie:ii ioi,;j; Lii'Wii in the province, Air. ■}i-Am liTackti'iio. !>;•:;'.!■ ;■!' of Captain Mackenzie. i\m v.-iis c<jii'-;.yh)j .■ -: • [;>:cds by bullock clr;iys ' :... tiij stiwior.'r.JLUiV :.:i..1 Souiimrn ro:'id. 'I'hure I wew thvciO uraya'ii! nil —he wiis driving the centre one. Jaai a'.U.- they passed the Wuiwero i b]-idy;o, oa tl'io aouiij'.-:;i ; road, the driver .of the hindmost dray olisyrvo.l ISfr. M:mkenzie sitting i 'Ai the-po'le of his ilrr.v ; suddenly the bullocks :■■;'tiiejaac <h\i.'/ su'eL-v;;;!, am', on looking, down, x,]i<i driver saw..ll". l:hv.',Ucnl/AU stretched on the : ;-,--ouiid.. iL.' h;rl j';.'!oa. oli' the y.j.'o, and tJic v-'iC-cl l!.'MiIt-vi..lo:ii! ■•' '.; "-:'J ovei' hi;, nuclc, whiiilt ■' v,-'^ ci;.slw.;.an:J. H- v/ :..'r:ipted .'niotffietsufd.y to. ■:j;^;ik, :in-:ii.!i^! i;Uiji-,:--.-i:iiiiiiiJ-i>itely iie wus i-aistd ;V.un riic .xi-uaud. A mevitra.:; of tlw i;\:.u;ihcrs of the Church'of1 i";:"-!i!Tid •\ya.-.i he'd ."..'..iiirdiiy cvuu'mg, tiic Hoy. '•" I:! KdwiivdJ'. iii J.'Uo '..'huir, v/lien A. 0. ytrodu, j !wi.,'.mid -\V.' XX- i'o.'.-.i::-, &j., wvro ru-cicotcd. i":;-.!i'.'«lr,V4jr!.!c'y.;, a.:'ii. M.ivtin,- Pantiin, i'lfied. tlti;■■..!'.-, ".iv; Ot».)l-:, Ve.strynion for the •u*-h;:ic'H "ii;ii;;i.:•;<:;;;: J-.o'Voijtry to i'l-oaid iininc- '■:■ ,-.,. iv w :+i. j;.;. e:.-'/'■■■;.■, -\ ,n(" :i. aciv O'lir.v.h ..1:1 the inMur:'"- boiow tin; PArHonsi.ije, f,ud i collect suU^muo!,:; for tlmt .■ jmrouso, _ v.r.is '■;i:-;'ud, and the mci: >A' .-i-'MO wan coliet-ted and tmM on tiic Kisot. Yvo riiusit.reserve v detailed re|,i .re for'our siext i.vr;;o. : ■. ■■ ■ ji.ndreivi I?nttr:iy, >viiq was : arrested on tUe 'c!iii.'V"c of stealing a .•.•uin. of nioncy. from the road ovei'seer. at 'the Taicri -.liasli, succeeded in luaking.' lily- escape from ,tbo lock-up on Saturday,:, while enfaged.iu clearing put the cells, and has not snico tioi?n^ftnttiredi^^-:'^.^--:^^i>^-ilft r;: -a';;:;i;:''<?i' 'S'A^inL:'
! IVa regret to have to announce that Cnpt. E. j Hamsoiv whoso serious and ■ sudden IKnes.s we 1 noticed in oar issue of yesterday, expired on Sun- | flay evening onboard tho Donad ac Port Ciialj mew. We'beiieve Capt. Harrison has left a wife1 'unit"ifivu children to mourn his loss. We understand that a sub.-jcvijjf.ioji is b;>i,ng raised in their behalf.. A list is opened at Messrs. Norton- arid Co.'.; dfii're. Tho pasuwig-era iier the Donati sufiscriiwd£l4.": '; ■ ■ .■. . "'■ : "". ■'.• . ,'f". We observe tint t'ld wry handsome little steamer .Lady ■litirkly, which- recently r arr;ved from Vie- ) twin, is advertinad to run twice" a day, between Du7iⅈi and the i'ort, for which trade she appears admirably" adapted from her.1 light" draught of v.'af'cr ktsvl excellent cabin r.econlinocUition. ■ I Ti;:; in" fjfL'ioijs in.tV Cfiivcrnment township of j ',7f:iha!a, wiTo sold'on, irri.i(ay, and , realised very i h;ii;li ;'.j-:c':;;:;fh.:i;ircra.;.:'i; isdng £?,7 liz.2d. pcrqnar:Jrr' v■""' soirtion ; "one suction, went at the:-very I■ ( - *rWc 'iuivo 'boiit rciiussted to draw, attention to I'i!n ■■ira;;ftrtivnt sule '.to-day, of some of the .-best I x.iLtciiijd Jut;; ia the ti.>v."i of j).iine(]iu. They are i ■ i'.w. sites o;i which stjiiV'ls'the rarigo :of wooden ':^.>:x::i till -aiyw tw.v.-jh.d tn-"- Messrs.' W. ; ". Can; 'Young & Co., lute Yoriug and M'Glashan. ■' They have moved inlothu sprn.-ious stone .store adjoining raid the grou.'ut on wiiiuh 'tho old store stood has .bot;;i divided.into lots, and. will be submitted:to | tko liiunrner to-day iiy Mi1. Young. ' :
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 45, 7 January 1862, Page 2
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1,744TUESDAY. JANUARY 7, 1862. Otago Daily Times, Issue 45, 7 January 1862, Page 2
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