Tlie annualshow of the North Otagc Agricultural aud Pastoral Association will be held on Wednesday aud Thursday, and there . are special reasons why it should command publie, support! Last year, after all the arrangements bad been completed and necessarily a great part of the expenditure incurred, the Com-, mifctee, rather than-accept the. risk of the event becoming an agency for the- spreading of the influenza epidemic, abandoned the show and cheerfully sustained the heavy loss. As events turned out it was a prudential precaution, and the whole community is under a debt of gratitude to the xVssooiatioirs executive Lor its actiou. That debt it can in some ineasure repay i>y according this year's show the fullest measureol support. There are other good reasons why the public should help and encourage the-.Association by the bestowal of patronage. The Association has been the means of an incalculable amount of good for North Otago, and it has it within its power to promote the welfare of the rural industries of the country upon which our general welfare very largely depends. We have no doubt ; that it will perform that work if furnished with the, means. Outside j of these conditions,. however, there are 'other considerations which lead us to anticipate that there will be a great 'attendance- at the show on Thursday. People's Day as it is named. Thjere lias been no' exhibition of the- kind in Oamaru for two years, and it will come to us as a returned old friend aud get a cordial welcome. For several years big public gatherings were overshadowed by the great war, with its demand fpr universal activity, its sacrifices ahd v sorrows, its ever-present anxieties and cares. Public gatherings unasso.eiated with war work, necessarily suffered. The ■war..lias happily ended, and: though it: has left many a. scarj people are freed to resume normal life and indulge ■ / in healthful' excursions and relaxation. /The show will; provide- the means for these, as well as the. opportunity- for ; meeting old friends and .creating new jriendships. ■ .If. to all these- happy considerations there be -added an assurance that the show "itself. " will be well worth -seeing, /we have ample reason frn- anticipating. that the hearts of the Committee will be.made glad by a j?r&at- gathering of spectators and a financial success to reward enterprise and energy in the prosecution of a good public work.
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Bibliographic details
Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIX, Issue 13915, 17 November 1919, Page 4
Word Count
Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIX, Issue 13915, 17 November 1919, Page 4