WARD. —In fond, and loving memory of Frederick Thomas Ward, who departed this life ou November 17; 1918. One year has passed and still we,miss him; Words would fail our love to tell, But in heaven we wish to meet himDearest father, fare thee well. —lnserted bv his loving, wife and family. " 256 BROAD.—In loving memory of Mrs A. E. Broad, who departed this life at Oamaru on Nov. 17, 1918. : , 'Tis hard to bread the tender cord, When love has bound the heart; "lis hard, so hard, to speak the words: "We for a time must part." Dearest loved one, we have laid thee In the peaceful grave's embrace, But thy memory wilt be cherished Till we see thy- heavenly face. —lnserted bv her loving sister and brother-in-law, Jessie and William, Robbie, nephew and nieces, James, Jessie, and Ivy. 254 MoAULAY.—In loving memory of Eliza Maria, the beloved wife of Donald McAula'y, who passed away at Oamaru on November 17th, 1918. •'flJntil the day breaks and the shadows "flee away." _ McAulay' Kia Ora, 263
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Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIX, Issue 13915, 17 November 1919, Page 4
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Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIX, Issue 13915, 17 November 1919, Page 4