MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1877.
" Word* arc thinr*. and a drop of ink falling upon a thought may produce thai which makes thousands think."
Mails for the Australian colonies, via Melbourne, per Tararua, close at Hokitika on Weducsday, at five p.m. Harvest thanksgiving services were held in St. Luke's Church yesterday. In the morning the Kev. Mr. Giftbrd was the officiating minister, and in the evening the l!cv. Dean P>romby, of Launceston, preached a splendid sermon. The choir mustered in strong force at both .services, and i:i the morning sattg the anthem, "Oh, Lord, how manifold," and in the evening, "I will lift up mine eyes.'' The voluntaries during the evening were played by Mr. iiomerville, of Timani. Those of our readers who had the plea-tire of hearing M«. Scott-Siddons' rciding.-; some ttni j Miiee will be glad to learn that Oamaru i-i t>> receive a second visit from that talented lady. Wc understand that Mr. W. Carn-ero-s has received a telegram to the effect ', that Mr.? Scott-Siddons will give one of her eiiterUhments in Oamaru about the 3rd of May. The Committee of the Mec'nntcrt' Institute have already set i>:t'.ifj.-»t'y t > w.«.k t > ' --e the Institntj fr-»m debt, and. it is to be I iped that success will attend their effort-. As v<; st.-.ted i:i a '..-■■t;i.-, the J 'oinmil tie: in'end ;;cL;i::g j u ( > a .^esic. <<i eit.eri.dnote:;;.; and lecture-, and !;•>■■;■ by '.hi- i:k:w not only t • >.!;:..-.: ii.e ' lii-tun:-; on ;'. he; tcr f'-oth.g. but :.i-o to ; ft; nr-ii am:; e ; j,._■::;, piv th'- p:;i.lic t!:ir.n_; !.:;e I v. ituer st',!fi':i. A e ■•mmeneome'.ifc will '.-..■ I t;t:sieat the Mas'idc iiall on Fridrty cv::>i.i;: '■ :; ■■:;!. when Mr. 'i komas Ihaekcm of :>u;i- ---: e. htt. v. .d deliver his Lctine on " .'ami;-.-: ! Lrv.." The lecturer has obLaim-d gro.-.; jr;.i-e fur Ik:-- lecture in the .-;ever..l pi .<: ■.■ k; ; tight ;.u<\ i-uter.ahdt.g. «:.d :"idl of '.a uii ttou:- f:>>m .;-.•■ work.-; c" the grci.c-:: o; tri -. | ti;>> f!i-L ■■. Mr. i;:-i,i:i;c:i ii;t> <.!'••• ; emulation ' of "..L-triL; om: of iiie vv;*;. !>.,-.-1 in tiet'M.>;:y. and, i ehtg a capital of »; i ,: .it;'.'.-.. •-■•:•, !« ■ of j: .- .;-• .-• t:\»..i i.i.'vc.'.' v.seks iii..kc'-- the dci.vcry 01 : t'.f he.etc t';.r moe eelc. U.itling than u i mi hr <•>:. .*:'., i e be. Uo ocScVc ;-le • '••» - : m:tt-t h.'Ve ;;'-'o ,-t.eurcd tile had o.r ti.c ; --| flhci- ci'lcrLahimetit will be give!!, the pro--1 gs-.nii;:i-r t >'■■ r.-iii.-ii i- n >w being asvaiigei!. i Ic i- ..i i- ';: :";y t' kiK>".v t'uat a :v ■■• tdi- ' t: •:! oi' •• i'.iv.l r".; i»:;-d-= of New Z r :.'.\.ul " Li I to '. t- i--«.-d 'di-.-.p, with v.'iioficiu.- iit ; i-.". i of I e •;• ";.:d t'I:;-::-.a:ons. in: ihiiier, :i we ! nii.-:aUe t<"t. >i:d rci:i.".rk:d,!v well out i f lh-; ! »:..ur'.try. in a p?-tini-vy h; i ::.-e, by h'-, wr.c t:s '<.';.■: i'-.'.\-l iit.,:auce, and it i-. only i:.i'.c titat ih'.: ;,"..-;:er.d puhiie :dioiiid have an opjioriuit\'i y .'f getting something out of him. 'ih'.'H-ua! fortnightly meeting of the Haru.;kv V>'.r.:v.\ wiil !>u h-jid on VnUvy r.e::t, at eh-v.--it a.m. Tii.. i»'.-"g;-;M!in>.ij f.»r the Oamaru Si--oh--i.'i..'..-e CUtf.'.-i rare lttveting, to be field on \>itf-:-;i's I'.ii-thd.'iy, appear.-* in :n.:;h:;i- --->: dttn:f. '; h > (■' -n-.l>,i.i an-i the />< it'-n-j .V"'"<, botii of v. h'n-h j.'tr.-na's are from the :-::<i\-: t;-t'.% ;uo vety severe on the members oi the f'aru-din Trrs Amateur Dramatic Ci-tr., in Vf'fjtei.'* • to the performance given by them na Frld iv < ver-.iiig : whi'c the /A.'f/y T<-> •■ . sips-.-.k.t in tenr.s- ni p:at:,o of the clfott of tti-.' ftmateitrs. Why is this thus? At a tifctitrg of tite Ihtuediti School Com- j inittue held on rrtday, it was agreed to wait ! ttpoti t'«e i iov.-rfititent. and request that a re- i .-;e; v;; .liould be vc-ted ill the Coint-.littee, .-.o \ thai, ttity ;tii;_'t; thin have fund* secured to j IL>::« fo;- ih ■ pnrpo.-e of schosd-buiiding. , Mr. P-sthg.-t*, the Duneliti 11.M. has j ."tut,;! t!>r.t tis'-teis imve no light to retain ; tit." v.iig'.-i of tiitir servants e-r,e,- ; Ley s.:<; , diw, n,:;.1 f;ir:!.er, that .-o: v.'.nt * ;:: ■■■ not ii .Me • fo,- In.-v; v.h'ch they litay oce.i-ioii to their ! m.vtvTs, ittdts.) in eases of gross n?giigence. • The (r'»"i-tfi-tit says :—" When ih<; Kaitan- \ Coal Company cuf:nt*ei'.ccd opcrat'or.s, :*. i larrc ntsnib;r of men were employed, arvl it t 1 was titr.sigEt' titat t:.e township wredd rapi.ily ' in s-:»:c. In a few month-;, however, \ it was founrt thrt ths Comjiany could ttirn j out a targtf qtuutUty «d" coal with a smaUer j mr.nWr r-« men. atnl the j.'o:,tih;t'on >h Kv.i- ] ti,vi considerably. Xotwt h-.f.-,r.d.;* c .: litis fact, several new building: ' tuv%: !., n «.ro;t-rd r and Mr. V.\ T. Muit.t L;...j ..u'.ii i-ii'.h itt th» ftitr.rc prospects of li:e |d .tti tt;r»t it * htti j'.ts: erected a large sture j and a commodious dwelling-house." '
the clever contributor to the Melbourne Argus, who writes under the nomde plume " The Vagabond," is now on a visit to New Zealand. A contemporary says :—lt has been offic'ally intimated that "the Government recognise the necessity of maintaining hospitals throughout the Colony, for which purpose arrangements of a definite nature will have to be made during the forthcoming session of Parliament, by handing them over to the control of Borough and County Councils on such terms as may be decided on." With regard to subsidies, it turns out that the deductions from them on account of the charitable expenditure are determined by the proportion each subsidy bears to the whole amount required. The Town Council of Lyttclton applied for an explanation to headquarters, and have been informed in reply that the computation is made as fol" lows : " As the total subsidy to councils and boroughs within the provincial districb is to the total appropriation for hospitals, &c, within the district, so is the amount of each subsidy to the amount of its contribution."
The Christchurch correspondent of the Duncdin Sulnrdan Adcertisc.r supplies the folhiwiug additional information in reference U> a paragraph wliich appeared in a late issue of our journal : —" Baker and Farron left the other day for "Wellington. Has this anything to do with racing? you ask. I'll tell vo.i. It appears that Farron lost a bet of [,;-,;; — ori ;l fc a ri events, was said to have lost it—over the Oamaru races. He refused to p:tv. The gentleman who icon the money iindhig all attempts to get it useless, resolved t> jn-l the Irish comedian; and this is the v/iiv lie did it. When Farron was leaving in Ih : s s. Tarauaki, the aggrieved party—we will call him Erown, Jones, or llobertson, f.s- short—engaged a small steam yacht, and, ••.:-c:!::i.') by a party of friends, serenaded c : !e ':':::.tii.-ilci down tlie harbour, keeping nice ;::i•'; (10.-o to lie:-. At the prow of the launch v.:i; a i!ag, l;earing the words, in larg-j and •ii ;i;:ef. '.otters, 'Farewell to Farron, the Dj'':it'"rer,' wliich must have been veiysooth- ::••.' i i tha': u'ontlemau's feelings. The ste-nner v.-.i; erowtled with pa-sengers—so that Brown, .t.'.-.e:. or llobevtson had a bitter revenge. Moral: Fay bets." T'r.v ('/.".'r,/;.-o/ tells the following pathetic t-ev :-"Titat there is a good deal of dis-I'-e ;- i.revailing among the poorer classes was mado |-.arni'ui!y evident by an incident that o.:;;;i-ivl yc-terday. A strong, able-bodied :.i i;;. dre-sed in labouring clothes, jtresented him eh' at the Police-station. He stated ■Ai-.iL one of his children had just died, and a s-econd was at the point of death ; that he was i.ut of employment, and that he had no
!:)•• ;;ts whatever to pay for their burial. He wa : referred to the Commissioner of Police, a> :-i.:ee the abolition of the Provincial Government there was no provision to meet
{ .-ii;:h cases. The man, it may be stated, bore I the frank, honest appearance of one who was j wiping and ready to work; blithe declared I that he had been searching in vain for emj pl.-.ymciit. Messrs. Mollison and Hislop were | interviewed in succession, but they could do : nothing. The Rev. L. Mackie was then ap- ' j ph'cd to, and, hearing the nature of the case, i he addressed a note to the City Coroner, Dr. ' | Ilocken. That gentleman, after some time, 1 j found that he was permitted to act in such ' ; '.•:•.-=es, and he gave the necessary instructions j {o have the child buried. Such an incident ! a : tins proves that there is more destitution • | at the present time among a section of the : labouring classes than some wdio profess to j he well informed on such subjects would i readily believe." •' The "yarns" now circulating (says an exi change) about what happened to so and so, ; through the sudden rise in Moanatairi shares i are startling i nd plentiful It is said, for ; iu.ita.nce. that an Auckland man who owned i a goodly lot of them instructed his solicitor i to li!c a declaration of bankruptcy, and went [ "into the country "to escape the maledic- ! tiontof creditors. He returned after a few ! weeks' absence, was taken by the hand, and ! congratulated by all his acquaintances, and : creditors offered to lend him more. His j ' .-'i ::j~ were gone up from 13s. to L2l 10s., ; A :< an who was clearing out to .Sydney said ( to his landlady, "Well, I owe you for two I mouths' board ; take those ten Moanatiris ! and cry quits," and she took them, because ! there was nothing else to get, but on the dis- ! tinet assurance that there was to be no more [ cal's. She got Lls from the first dividend, I will probably get L4O more within a fort- ' i:i -lit. and the shares are worth L2OO. j ;: ! Tirj Mount Ida Chronicle supplies the fol* lowing:—"Mr. Vincent Pyke, the County ' < hair.nan of Vincent, is determined to earn 'the gr.ititude of his trusting su porters. There is no holding him. One day he is a. j Lauder, another at Blacks, then Alexandra ) he delights to honour, and possibly Crom
'weff L S J lßoHdknspeetbr, Engineer, Paymaster, County barrister, Magistrate, all rolled in one. Under his rule the roads are being got into order, and made fairly passable for the winter, and even the Dunstan Times is getting readable. A sporting friend
o Tiers us long odds that before 12 months are out Mr. Pyke will be the most popular man in Vincent County. Even the very roadmen are sacked as if he loved them. The only pity is that his great qualities should be restricted. Let him open his arms, and take in Lake County and Maniototo to participate in the fatted calf now being killed at Clyde."
The Auckland Star has the following : The Pakeha-Maori (Moffatt) who was not long ago turned out of the King Country by order of Hewi, has got into trouble, a warrant having been issued for his arrest by the Fvesident Magistrate of Wanganui. Moffatt is charged with manufacturing a kind of coarse gunpowder, resembliug blasting powder, but wanting the finishing glaze. The warrant has been entrusted to Natives, who a; e not sanguine of being able to arrest the accused, as be has still many sympathisers among the Hauhaus, who value his services.
The Christchurch Star says :—Two men, named John M'Donald and James Kickie (a Maori), were drowned at Catlin's River, on April 15. A telegram to Dunedin states that they had been employed at Andrew and Dickson's mill, where they left about nine a in. in a flat-bottomed boat with a small sail for the Owake river. At about half-past nine a.m., when opposite the lower tramway, the wind capsized the boat, drowning both men. The Maori's body has been found.
The activity of a woman named Ellen Donovan (the Melbourne Argus states) in endeavouring to escape after committing a theft is worthy of mention. She had been lodging in the same house in Frances-street with a man named James Taylor, whom she
agreed to accept as partner in a business venture. On last Tuesday night she disappeared, together with a portmanteau containing I S;>, the property of Taylor. Next morning a warrant was issued for her arrest,
and a report of the robbery was circulated amongst the police throughout the Colony. She was rccogni-eu tint day iu Echuca by a constable from Kyncfcuii, who, not knowing that she was " wanted," did not seek to effect her arrest. On his l-eturn to Kyneton, the constable mentioned that he had met the woman Donovan, and the officer in charge there at once telegraphed to the Melbourne detectives, who in turn telegraphed to the
police authorities at Echuca. By this time, however, the fugitive had gone by coach to Al'oiny, and the telegraph having been again jmt in operation, it was found that she had gone from thence to Wodonga, and that
on Friday night she had lesumed her flight by train to B j na!la. The police at Benaila were duly apprised of her presence in the locality, and yesterday a telegram was received from them at the detective office, stating that they had arrested the woman, and found L7o in her possession.
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Bibliographic details
Oamaru Mail, Volume I, Issue 311, 23 April 1877, Page 2
Word Count
2,158THE EVENING MAIL. MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1877. Oamaru Mail, Volume I, Issue 311, 23 April 1877, Page 2
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