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Racing oil over the Dominion on Monday. Good entries for the Wellington meeting. Racing at Stratford on Monday and Tuesday. Kilmeny coming back to form. Be with him nest up. , The Greymouth, meeting takes place on Monday and Wednesday. " Handicapper Coyle's adjustments for the Wellington Cup are due on Saturday next. Bon Reve got an attack of puncturitls six furlongs from homo m tho Manawatu Cup. Carlatour met with a slight accident lately, but it did not prevent her racing at Awapuni. , Panmure has only got to go to the post for the Marton Cup and he wilt be a good favorite. . Post positions at Awapuni on Monday were hoisted promptly, which pleased j)unters profusely; Teka, who proved a costly cove to his connections at Woodville, made good at Awapuni and. paid a hatful. The Waterloo Stakes, one mile, weigh t-for-age at Trentham, will be sweet money for Desert Gold. Those horse-trainers who go out of their way to Ho to pressmen, instead of being fly, are ilrsfe-class fiats. Some of the tales told to the "stipes" by snared sinners sound as hollow as a thump on an empty tin tank. The training: track tout, grafting for punters, is a pest that should get it where the chicken got the aso. For "Where the carcase is there tho vultures will be" should read," "Where tho tote Is there the grafters will be." Quinn's Post was m the fighting line at the distance m the Trial at Awapuni, but the last bit found him wanting. Mx. W. A. Lyon, secretary of tho Woodvlllo Jockey Club', was a visitor to Wellington during the Christmas holidays. Xanthos is supposed to be a rod m pickle for the Westland Jubilee Cup, Tho hardest part Is before the Greenwood cast-off. ■' Black Night showed a good bit of pace In the Trial at Awapuni, and the Elevation maro might win a race at •Tauherenikau . Whltlaphltl was noticed .showing a lot of pace m the middle stages of the Trial at Awapuni. The Achilles selding looks like coming good. Some of our 7sjL jocklets scxAe list of undiluted villainy. They're bad from hair to heels, and are that crooked they can't even Ho straight m bed. Do Gama, who has failed to win a race during the pact couple of seasons, has again been turned out for a spell. Apparently he has lost all form. To get over thft largo field trouble so prominent m Victoria, tho V.R.C. lias decided to impose a sweepstake of 2aovs. for starters In all races of SOOsovs. and over. It Is because \v« know that wo don't know much that makes us know more than those that thick they know everything. Yet we don't know why Marsa doesn't snore one. Multum was racing prominently at tho turn In tho Trial at Awn punt when another horse ran a-cross him. and hla rider had to pull him up. Under tho circumstances ho did well to finish tlUrd. As waa freely predicted In theso columns. Maaama ycon the Trial nt Awapuni, and owing to the confidence of the supporters of flying Spur and on© or two 'others, backers of the favorlto got quite a good price. Manama was very badly placed over tho first half mllo In the Trial a* Awapuni, but then ho ran round tho field Hko a good one, and staying on. beat Lady Kdlth, who looked all over a winner a furlong from home. Great Northern Derby on Monday at Ellexslio. The meeting between the Melbourne "Cup winner, Saaanof, Tho Toff and Ejrypt will bo well worth witnessing. Tho former will need to be at hl« befit to boat tho other pair. In connection with the Wairarapa meeting to be held on January 1 uud 2, the Hallway Department notifies that special trains will leave Lambton station at 6.36 a.m. and 5.30 a.m. on January 1, and nt 6.40 ii.m. and 5.30 a.m. on January 2. Wonder what poastwed Oeo. l'rlctt to sotfcct a simwifTv horso Hlte Crown | tmpfrHal 11.. to bring- to brinfr her* all tho way from lilnglnnd. If punter* curses could kill, Crywn Imperial 11. would havo dlotl ft thousand dcnlha sincci ho ha* been niclnjf J»er<\ Tho programme for tho Autumn moriinir of mo WoQdvlllo District Joe key Cm\\ has already been published. It U framed on nlmllor Hncjt to li»ni scMUion. and there m no event on it of le»» than lOOsovg. The milling nil! bo hold on W*djve»dn>' and Thursday, February L 4 and 15. Tho ex-Auckland<>r, Mr. George Hyd*. who Is now located m Xcwcattle, ha» Ured of peratvbrirti? with I Oloy. and haa sold the son of Gluten to Jim Jewell, who will turn him out i for a apftll. Qloy waa a fair performer In New Zftatnnd. but hi* dUrpiay* Io i Qlo COftl dUtflet U'«f4 v«ry pwr and h© ©oil bis owner v, lot of money.

AstrophU, who was recently srelded, to see if he would mend his manners, is now out with strangles. Deavolo was expected by his people In the Tokomaru Hurdles at Awapuni, but he failed to run a decent race. Tho imported Australian horse, Mountain Knight, is filling out wonderfully and he is now a typical sire. The Elystan filly, Ohiwal, is swfferingf from a cold, and her trainer lias been compelled to ease her m her work. , Idyllic is now trained by A. Goodman at Trentham. So far, tho Ilymettus three-year-old does not seem of much account. If the stewards do not wake up soon, the race clubs will have to instal refrigerators, as dead meat does not keep long this warm weather. Lady Edith was again" m second place at Awapuni. Her owners niust be sick and tired of seeing the Advance mare occupying the position of runner-up. A thoroughbred mare by Papakura, from that good mare Tanglmoana, was sold during tho Manawatu meeting fee 39 guineas. The procoeds*were given to the patriotic funds. Kurapat ran a great race under his big weight m the Tokomaru Hurdles. If he keeps right the Papakura gelding looks Hko making a National horse, as he is a great Jumper and stays well. Tho new owner of Balboa Is evidently intent ''of getting back his purchase money quickly. The chestnut horse is accepted for at all tho southern meetings. This is the way to find out whether he Is sound. Such a good finisher as Analogue will be very hard to shake oft at the finish of the Stratford Gup. The only tly m tho ointment Is that M. Gardiner may be unable to get a boy that can do him justice. In the latter case he may take on a hack race, and, if so, it will bo up and at 'em. Melbourne" "Truth" says: "The goodlooking Three was. despite his big Impost of 10.3, entrusted with some stable money In the First Division Handicap at Mcntone; but any chance he may have iMid was lost by his getting tangled In the barrier when It went up, and ho was left a long way j behind." Glorious weather prevailed on Cup day at Awapuni and a record crowd was present. All seemed to have money for Investment, and nearly I'XOOO wt« | passed through^on tho Cup alone. This was a record for the course. A pleasing feature of the meeting wiw tho promptitude with which the events wero started. Everything passed off well, and thero was an entire absence of trouble of any kind.

Red Ribbon made a very poor showing m the Manawatu Cup, and was well back the whole way. Our figure fiend works it out that tho average field of horses carries enough dopo to stock a chemist's shop. Wairnatoa is at present running- out at Otakl. Ho has never qulto sot over tho shunting accident he was m at I'almerston North. S. Reid j?ot Mount Victoria out well In tho first hur^lle race at th« Manrtwatu meeting, but he could not go the pace set by. the leaders. \ Sir Donald ran a good race for a inllo m the Tokomaru Hurdles, but ho could not see out the fast pace set by Parcwanul and Portland Lady. Don't forget that when ii.n owner chases after you to toll you "Sudden Jack is trying," that thero aro two ways of trying; trying to win and trying to lbso. Th& r&cecourso sharp who, In tho interests of the booze bars, turns the water off from tho standplpes m tho enclosures is paltry enough to burfflo a blind man's mouey bo^c. Atuatoro run prominently for a little over a. circuit In the Tokomaru Hurdles at Awapuni. His Jumping Is improving, but he wants racing to season him for tho lepping business. On the strength of a good gallop on the Thursday before the race, Indigo was made the machine favorite for the Manawatu Cup, and a right royal race h© ran, but at the finish. Square Deal, m receipt of 31b, beat him. The Glsborne-owued Gazlque made a runaway race^of tho Gillies Hack Handicap at Awapuni. His owner, Mr. C. J. Benuett, a popular steward of the Gisborne Club, waa present to see hla horse win, and profited largely by the good price paid. Parcwanul and Portland I-ndy. both jumping splendidly, set a very solid pace m the hurdles on the opening day at Awapuni. With half a mllo gone tho field waa badly strung out and hud no chance of catching the leaders. Both were very tired at the finish. I With two furlong* gone, Mazama i tickets could have been boujjht very | cheap on tho opening day »v Awapuni. The final fly of the black fellow was a rip snorting good one, Now that he has Couud hIH too. Ti. Gooseman'a charge uhould keep on doing It aomo more times, | It was Intended to toco Glonorehy :. on the opening dsty ut RUerslk*, but ho I was delayed on the way north owing | to tho slip, no was allowed to forego his Grafton Hurdlea imgugt-ment. His rider ■ (It. M. Twomey). then returned to Awapuni and got on Nlcomur In place of his usual mount, Kurapul, Klcomtu- Blurted favorite but brokti down at th« first fence.

\Y. Young rode two winners- on the opening day at Awapunl. Perceler, a good chance m the Tuhi- j tarata Handicap at Tauherenikau. La Tasse is a big tip at Hastings for the two-year old handicap on Monday. Golden March is no denied good to punters and thundering little good to anyone else. Glorify and Bla^k Ada contracted j bad colds recently and had to forego their Awapuni engagements. Big fields at Hastings and results hard to anticipate. The wise punter will walk warily on the opening day. Carillon has been showing a bit of form on the Hastings tracks of late, but he raced badly at Awapuni on the first day when well fancied. The well-known Awapuni trainer, S. Brereton. has been laid aside with illness lately but he is nc>w up and about again, though far from* well. Horses from Auckland and Inveri cargin are coming to the Wellington j meeting, which promises to be i as successful as '.m former years. The Wanganui-owned Record outjumped the others m the Hack Hurdles at New Plymouth, and won easily. His victory atoned for his defeats at Felldit»S. Golden Graf ton led the whole way In tho Stewards' Handicap at the Taranaki meeting. Tho bay mare was well handled by O. McArten, who rode a waiting race In front The Hlghden fllly. Sunny ChlWs, ran her best race to date m the Gillies Hack Handicap at Awapuni. She jumped out well and beat the others as easily as Gozique beat her. J. IT. Prosser is at present confined m a private hospital at Wellington. The trouble is not serious, but his medical adviser has ordered a completo rest for some weeks. I*ate last week Square Deal was purchased by Mr. E. Short, of FeilcUng, and at his first start he won tho Manawatu Cup, worth £650 to tho winner. Square Deal is a cheap horse to-day. Trentham Roso hung badly In the Juvenilo Handicap at Awnpuni, but with a straightcr run m tho Nursery Hunuicup at Tauherenikau she should do v lot better, especially as she is meeting maidens only. Munition was made « rod-hob favorite m the Borough Handicap at Now Plymouth, but sho played tip at the barrier nnd was badly left. The winner turned up m Silver "Webb, who won nicely from Madam BliUorl, Another failure has to be recorded against Elation. Tho bay colt la not keeping up the reputation of tho Itoiotnwa stud, and unless he Improves ituickly his owner will pj^bably decide to drop tho good- looking sou of Intelligence.. Prior to the start of tho Christmas Handicap at Now Plymouth. Paraoa and Zola bolted a circuit. Crawford was made favorite, and. beginning smartly, ho was prominent for a long way, but at tho finish Paraoa won comfortably. In tho I^opperton Welter Flying, Camp led off, and making the most of tho turns, he had tho race won at tho straight entrance, but his rider waa caught napp|ng-. and McArten, after getting off badly on Synctax, got up m time to makd, a dead hedt of It. At New Plymouth, on Boxing: Day, the Hawerft-tr-nined Fldello waa made favorite, and had overy chance to win but was not goo* enough. The winner turned up In tbe * llttle-fancled Claris, who canto with a great nubjh and scored by a narrow margin. That slushing fine horse, Xysind, has always had the reputation of beinjc a bruto at the barrier, but tho getting operation has evidently straightened him up, for ho was quite respectably behaved nt Awapuni, and m tho Juvenile Handloap ran quite a good race. Discussing the proposal to legallao tho tote In Sydney, Judge Docker recently aald: "The totiillaator Itself Is merely a form of lottery, and although there was a time when lotteries were used as a means of raising revenue, tho evils of the practice were recoimlsed more than 100 years ago In England, and they were abolished by law. Many other forms of gambling are made criminal by law. Twoup schools, for Instance are raided, nnd men found indulging In that comparatively harmless form of Rambling are run In, and sent to gaol without tho option of a fine. If the Government legalises the totaihuttor they must, to be consistent, k>»raJl«o gambling In other forms, including two-up schools." Tho r«cont fining of »omo jockoya for crossing over after the barrier rise should bo a. salutary lesson to the youngsters. Th« amount of jostling and Interference that occurs soon niter tho start m almost every ©vent I* rvally astonishing, and the only won- j dor l» that there juto not more nerlous j accidents than thero arc. The trouble j could speedily be minimised If tho stipendiary stewards, Instead of porchlng Ilk* threo caifod birds on their elevated roost adjacent to tho winning post, woro to divide, and one of them take' up a position about a furlong away from ihft starting barrier, -whero ho would l>» nblo to «mm> -what really went on as the horses settled Into their placwi. If some action of this sort is not taken. It may not bo long- b«fora a coroner may think himself called upon to mako r /-marks that will not be at all to the llklnsr of the triumvirate who now have control of tho racing. At Havre dss Gracn track. U.S.A., the Callfornlan-br<sd homo, Sjtngallo, owned nnd trained by C. W. Carroll, of California, ran a r«markablo race with » fractured leer In the handicap and nnlflhfd second to Kaal*. beatlnff Mala- | chlte «nd Bamtm«vrk, ih<t only othsr | euintiutMUtr*. White tb« four etvmHrtnt»v» i for the frrtturp event of tho tiny (a i cnuplo of months hock) w«?r<» twl«tlnif ! üboul at th*> post. Malachite h)Pf?<?d oui j iwul Ulckf-d Hrtn«aUo, Itindlntj on thet • rltfht kne*. The home was *<*<m to ! flinch oj If wnntlnif to Ho down, hut i directly afterward)* th« b«rri*»r wan sprunt?. H« goi off w#ll, nn<J tonaclously hold a poslUon at tho h«rfl<l of | iho i)cU) until thA )am t#vr ntrld««, 1 whc?n h« «ai« defeated by Eagle by a I t>o«r. When SaoicaHo wo* r6lurn<x) I to tho paddock nji4 nr> ' examination | ma<!^. it -wrau a«c«riain«<J llwt the klcH ! I*? rrc«?Jv«?«l h»rl r««u)i^4 In what wft* ; Known ft» a Krf»»i>-tf«^ fracture, to | called b<»cau*<t of she Uon» spltntflr*. : Thtt frerujW wa* In ihe radial bone of j lisp riKht foreleg, »n«l how Jho hor*« \ rs« nucli' » »o<stl an«i Knm<> r»c». whleh I undoubtedly ft^uld hnv« b«*H hU with S a IHilp htuer racing luck, waa «om<?« 1 what difficuli io explain.

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NZ Truth, Issue 602, 30 December 1916, Page 9

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NEWS AND NOTES. NZ Truth, Issue 602, 30 December 1916, Page 9

NEWS AND NOTES. NZ Truth, Issue 602, 30 December 1916, Page 9