Bill Rudd was no earthly use to Ted Whiting when the pair met at Brisbane recently. Up against Whiting, Bill was a clumsy elephant against a shifty antelope, ahd though for the first three rounds, Bill's forcing tactics kept Whiting on the gui vive, the New Zealand champ got it when Whiting opened out, and he opened to effect m the sixth round, -when the Victorian became extraordinarily aggressive — he usually fights a defensive battle— and he belabored Bill all round the ring. Bill waited for a clinch and let go a heavy one, but missed. The Maoriland representative smothered from Whiting's fusillade of blows, and received the Victorian's right hard over the kidneys, and on the back of the neck several times m succession. At this stage, the police interfered, and Whiting 'was awarded the fat end of the house.
Summing 4 n e matter up, Brisbane "Truth" says :— Whiting has never been seen to better advantage here. Rudd, a forceful fighter, who looked as if he -was going to make a good .showing at* the start — appeared to become disrrfayed when he failed to find Whiting's dial at the end of his arm after delivering a punch.
Why the police interfered isn't very plain, perhaps m view of tbat previous averse medical report the cops thought Bill would be killed.
Wellington Bill Hardy is now m Sydney recklessly challenging all comers. Sid Porter is also m the Harbor City imploring any ninestoner to mix it with him.
NZ Truth, Issue 309, 27 May 1911, Page 3