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General Gossip.
Can anybody tell why the Wellington Rugby Union Committee always keep the gate m the middle of the stand closed at exit time ? It surely wouldn't hurt to open it for five minutes and relieve the pressure and the thirst. . Anyhow, with the number ,of lady patrons the Union have every Saturday, and -tho way they get jammed m the crush, a little convenience like this would be very highly esteemed.
Ever see the rush to the dressing (?) rooms at half-time at the Park '( Not to mention the referees' rooms. The same old mob constitute the rush every Saturday.
George Tyler absolutely can't give the game up. He's at it again m Auckland this season.
Dug. Hunter, late of Poneke (Wellington), is playing with Pirates (Dunedin).
Harry Harris has been appointed sole selector of teams for Otago for the forthcoming year.
The Auckland Rugby Union have beaten the Northern Union players for the lease of the Alexandra Park.
W. Cunningham, the famous Auckland and All Black lock forward, has decided to turn the game up, and go m for refereeing. There are many who thought that the same gent, might have turned it up two or three years ago with advantage, both to his reputation as a player, and for the good of his province.
Two well-known Auckland players. •Tas. Wylie (forward Auckland and "'sorth Island rep.) and Buchanan 'half-back) are playing m Sydney and sticking to the "Union. There ".re a whole heap sticking t,o the rnlon at present. The other cove is full up. .
, Once again Dave Galla.gher, the i All Black captain, has been appo'nted sole selector of / Auckland Rugby Union teams for the season.
An Australian writer says that j the suggested visrt of an Australian j Rugby League team to America is i still very doubtful. Owing to all I the clubs and colleges on "the Pacific , Coast playing amateur Rugby, such a team would experience great difficulty m arranging decent fixtures. Of course, tho other proposal — to send two teams across to play exhibition games — may still eventuate, but the financial risk would, of a necessity, be very large, added to which there is plenty of missionary work much nearer home, if mission- : ary work be required.
i "His Majesty King George has graciously consented to become a patron of the Northern Rugby Union." This news has given general satisfaction to all Northern Union people, as up to this time the Royal patronage has been bestowed only oh the Rugby Union and the Football Association. They consider that this mark of R,oyal favor will effectually wipe out the last remnant of prejudice that has remained against professional Rugby.
We have to acknowledge ■ receipt from Mr Ford, the well • known maker of Ford's footballs, Sydney, of a copy of the New South Wales Rugby tfnion Annual for 1913 . The book is full of interest, and is carefully compiled. Mr Ford never forgets. "Truth. "
Writer had an idea that there was something wrong at the New Zealand Rugby Union's annual meeting when F. H. (Barney) Campboll, of Dunedin, opposed Geo. Dixon for the office* of president. F.H.O. states that he would never have allowed his nomination to go m had he known that Dixon was going to stand. It is the. kind of position for which there should be no ballot.
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NZ Truth, Issue 309, 27 May 1911, Page 3
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557General Gossip. NZ Truth, Issue 309, 27 May 1911, Page 3
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General Gossip. NZ Truth, Issue 309, 27 May 1911, Page 3
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