Barrett's New Hotel,. LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGLON. Excellent Accommodation — 50 Bedrooms. . .Tariff, 8s per Day or ■ £2 2s Weekly — Special Termi^ to i Permanent Boarders. Only Best Brands of Wines and Spirits Kept. ' W. J. CX)NNER, Proprietor (Late Chief Steward Commercial Travellers' and Warehouseman's Club, Wellington,. and of - - Day's Bay House). Hotel* Petone, E. L. ("Ted") BARNES, Proprietor. (Late of Napier,) SPEIGHT'S BEER ON TAP. EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION. of*»lP HnTpl WELLINGTON , i fid lIU ivl) (Opp. Queen's Wharf). TARIFF— 7s PER DAY. , Proprietor { 8 1 P. J. Griffin. Telephone, 863.] [Night Porter m attendance. The Palace Hotel,^ w,LUS SSro N . ■ • TARIFF: 5/6 to 6/6 per day. »• ■ . LUNqEEON 1/-. UNDER ENTIRELY NEW MANAGEMENT. NORTON SMITH, Proprietor.
BRUNSWICK HOTEL, WILLIS-STREET, WELLINGTON. - "Bc»s Braids ol Wines and Spirits Kept. GBOEGE TULLOCH, Proprietor. Shepherds' Arms Hotel, /Tinakori Road, Wellington. \ MRS Fi BUICK (late of Wairarapa) 'wishes to announce^that she is now ■Proprietiess of the above . well-known House. i Sneight's Beer and • only, Jthe Best .VBrands ol Wines and Spirits kept.. BOTTLED ANY BOTTLES! J; NELSON, Waste Product and Bottle Merchant J ' ; :rrARANAKi place, Wellington. "r .Buys* Anything m the Shape 'oi Vfirasg,. Copper, Lead,. Zinc, Old Rags, Etc. Oil GIVE: THE HIGHEST PRICES! bus; Call on^or Writ* to Me Before. Going .u'j", :•..•;;• -'-;-• -Elsewhere. »-x,?,i^, i«- , j;-NELS,ON, .' BCiITX^ YARiI, TARANAKI PLACE. r uiji. 816. V Albion Hotel, WELIJNGTON. D. CORMACK, Proprietor (Late of Pahiatua and Marion). Only the Best BRANDS 0# MQUOB& STOCKED. THE iPtHREST DRINK IN ?TliE WORLD— PURIRI •.-,'.•>-. 'AND w PURIRI NATURAL MINERAL WATER. "— — — : , -i '. — — > Panama Hotel, Corner ot Taranaki and Vivian Stnetd, /C. MASON, Proprietor. $H>od acconnDodation for country visitors. ' V 'Ml best-known brands of WINES, SPIRITS & ALES Stocked. THE GRAND HOTEL, 'WILLIS-ST., WELLINGTON. THE Largest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel m the Dominion. TARIFF from 12? 6* PEE DAY. J. Beveridge, PROPRIETOR. 4 .FAMILY. HOTJBL, LOWER HUT?. ■. Proprietor. This Hotel, .oilers Accommodation secbiicl to none m the district. Central position and close to the Post -jQflJce. Billiards, Excellent Table, and, Rest BroawlsV of Wines and Spirits. Only Speight's Vtfw clrawn<
Page 2 Advertisements Column 1
NZ Truth, Issue 309, 27 May 1911, Page 2