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The., weather for the opening day of the Takapuna Meeting was , all that could be desired, and as aeonsequence, the attendance was particularly good. The Maiden Plate attracted a field of fifteen, and was won by an outsider m Ruatangata. Mighty Atom, a double winner at Avondale, proved too good for the opposition m the pony race.
The well-fancied Domino beat a good field m the Empire Handicap, Sea Elf and Electrakoff being m the places. A very hot favorite m Miss Explosion, who was ably handled by A. Julian, scored m the Maiden Hurdles, whilst Don Quex did likewise m the open jumping event, the favorite, Delegate, getting second place. The winner, who is engaged m the Great Northern Hurdles, will now have to put up a 7tbs penalty. An accident occurred m the Ngataringa Handicap, when Countree fell, bringing down Jolie FiHe and Falchion: O'Shea, the rider of the former, was seriously injured, but the other pilots escaped. Backers went solid for Sir Artegal m the Royal Handicap, and Tommy Williams' prad pulled them through with three lengths to spare.
The near approach of the Great Northern meeting at Ellerslie is adding a great deal of interest to the track work, particularly as regards the jumpers.
A serious mishap befell Montigo last week. He had only, arrived from. Gisborno a few days before and was tinder the charge of F. Loomb. While being given a turn over the hurdles he jumped one and swung on to the rails. In doing so he tore an unsightly and somewhat serious gash m his side. Moritigo has been scratched for his Ellerslie engagements. As the horse was doing promising work, and looked like a candidate for a winning bracket during next month, the accident will he a serious one to his connection.
Wimmera and Paisanp are the best fancied selection for the Northern Hurdles, while Sol and Loch Fyne are the pick of the 'chasers at present undergoing their preparation over big country.
Delegate and Sol both took part m the Hauraki Hurdles, two miles, at Takapuna on Saturday, and finished second and third respectively ! to Don Quex (9.8); also a candidate for the Great Northern Hurdles. The winner's performance was a meritorious one for he led from start to finish, and won comfortably. Delegate, who was conceding Bibs to the winner, was a near companion all the way and jumped well, hut with the penalty the son of Cardigan will have to carry the two will be practically on terms m the big hurdles next month, so that on Saturday's running Delegate may perhaps be now regarded as the pick of the two. Of Sol it may be said he finished — although only getting third place — with most dash, and had the distance been another half mile, as it will be at Ellerslie, the veteran son of Soult, who was carrying LOst, or 41b more than his A.R.C. weight, would doubtless have been m the lead. In this connection, however, it may be mentioned that Sol's supporters regard his chances for the Steeplechs with more favor than m the Hurdles, so that he must be given a big chance m the Great Northern cross-country race. Even for the double Sol is by no means an outside possibility.
Le Beau has been an absentee from the t^-ack for a day or two,
which gave, rise to a rumor that his preparation had found him out. R. McMiken states, however, that the 'chaser is doing well, but being kept to hill work for a speil.
The efforts of Castle Blaney over the hurdles are distinctly promising for a beginner. Her greatest fault at present is that she gallops a little high.
Black Northern has been disappointing m his work of late, and shows traces of soreness after work.
Cloudy Morn is much favored among the light weights for the Great Northern Steeplechase. His track work has been all that could be desired, and m a round over the big country last week he acquitted himself creditably. Tn running second to Mahara at Avondale he had bad luck, as Julian lost a stirrup the second jump from home, but despite this he finished with considerable dash, which goes to indicate that he will probably stay the distance.
A. Julian has the mount on Cloudy Morn m the big Steeplechase event. Pajsano has not been, doing anything brilliant recently and was losing favor, but at the end. of last week he did a round of hurdles m splendid style, and his quick • jumping went to, -show that he must still be considered a formidable competitor m the Great Northern Hurdles.
The veteran Kremlin is coming back to form; and, showed considerable dash m a round, over hurdles with Don Quex last week.
Okaihau has recently been initiated to steeplechasing, and the way he is negotiating the big obstacles is encouraging. There is, however, some doubt whether he will stand the severe preparation.
Paritutu's efforts over the steeplechase course at Ellerslie only go to confirm the disappointment expressed after his running at Avondale. He is jumping slowly and slovenly, and will need to show very great improvement within the next fortnight if he is to be given any chance at the Ellerslie meeting. There is small chance now that Antarctic will fulfil his engagement m the Great Northern Steeplechase. The big chestnut has f,or some weeks been restricted to trotting work, and it is very doubtful if he would, stand a rousing gallop.
Orahu is 'a new aspirant for jumping honors. He is a fine looking brown gelding by Takapuna,. and was last week sent round a circuit of schooling hurdles, and did* well. He is nominated m several of the minor jumping events at the A.R r (X meeting next month, but may not be quite ready by then. However, before the' season is out he should prove his qualities as a jumper. No jumper is doing better work on the Ellerslie track than Bully, and there is' little doubt that he ; is a better horse now than for a,-}png time past*. He showed a wonderful dash of speed last week .when he reeled off half a mile m fifty seconds, and he is jumping splendidly. Bully is being specially prepared for the Great Northern Hurdles, and will be ridden by "Rangi" Thompson.
Taiaha, who won the Maiden Hurdles at Avondale, has been suffering from a bruised heel, but is now rapidly recovering and getting through his work well.
Reservoir cannot be said to be doing good work ; he is very slovenly m his jumping and is not likely to improve sufficiently to make any stir next month.
Rakau gives promise of turning out a g<ood jumper, and, since he has been schooled over the big fences, there is reason to think that E. J. Rae has found a good one m the son of San Remo.
Prince Soult, the rising two-year old, full brother of Master Soult, cut a tremendous dash of pace over a three-furlong sprint last week, and seems to be assured of a good future when he comes to carry silk.
Sea Elf has been galloping m great style. The other morning she covered seven furlongs m lmin olsec. This gallop accounted for her starting a hot favorite m the Empire Handicap at Takapuna on Satur-. day, and probably had she had a clear run would have won the race. The game little Seaton-Delaval mare got badly knocked about, and had to be satisfied with second place to Domino. She should, however, repay her connections at Ellerslie next x month, when she will have her old pilot, Mark Ryan, m the -saddle.
There has been a great deal of talk lately about the pony Manurere, which has been taken m hand by T. Williams, and although she has been on the shelf for some time she was so strongly favored by the touts that before the pony race at Takapuna on Saturday she was the best supported horse m the race. She got fairly well away, but after half the distance was covered it was quite evident the Musketry mare was not ready to race m company. The gall/op, however, did her good, and Manurere may be regarded as a coming pony.
Maxwell, who has always been a brilliant track performer, is pleasing particularly well . -just now, and should be welJPftworth watching as a likely winnernor some of the big welter events next month.
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NZ Truth, Issue 309, 27 May 1911, Page 2
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1,416AUCKLAND NOTES. NZ Truth, Issue 309, 27 May 1911, Page 2
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AUCKLAND NOTES. NZ Truth, Issue 309, 27 May 1911, Page 2
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