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(By "Jigger."*
Tom Recce, the well-known English professional, has arrived m Australia on business bent. He expresses the opinion that Gray can concede any player m the world half the game start, with crystallate balls, and hand him a beating.
Fred Lindrum defeated Williams m their last match m Melbourne by 7840 points, scoring 16,000 points against his opponent's 8160. V" The winner's top breaks were SOO and 821, with an average of 58.6. Williams averaged 29.9.
Speaking of the losing hazard (the Gray shot), Mr George . Reid (Hazard), who arrived from Englaid with , Recce, is of opinion that" the stroke can't go on. When he left England the public were show Lag a slight disposition to weary offt it. "But," says Mr Reid, "that w'on,'t affect Gray. He will, m time, make a wonderful all-round player, a better all-rounder than he is a losing hazard player. His execution, his delivery, the way he strikes the ball, .and tse way he concentrates his 'mind 'on the game are nothing short of marvellous, and he would soon .acquire the technique for the various shortrange shots and canons.
The same Mr Reid is of opinion that with a couple of months' "practice Gray would be just as deadly with the ivory ball as with the composition. :.; ...'.-> ' Here are- some figures for billiard players to. think over. During the period October 1, 1910, to March 31, 1911, George Gray compiled-' "one break over 2000 ; nineteen over 1000 and under 2000 ; eight over 900; and seven over 800 ; twelve over 700, twenty-two over 600, and eighteen over 500. Gray won the. 'whole, thirty matches m which he took part. An English writer remarks that such a list as the above has hitherto never been put before the public by any player, alive or dead, m six months. Alf. Bromwich has been ccach'ing some coming champs, down : at Millerton. The Jack Griffin-Billy Co o.tes go. is the star item of the forthcoming Westport tournej'. The New Plymouth Boxing Association holds a tourney '-'-in. -.Tune. Taranaki has produced "sbhie.y>*ng classy m one A. C. Maxwell, and a match is to be made with a,u Av.ri-. lander. Freddy Kerr is not going to ineei Havill of Palmerston North at.'-West-port. "Docker" White, who was tn have had a return go with Clap^ferton, is to be put up against tlit"Pflimerston North lad. ' . -• < ' Manawatu Boxing -, Assdt&a£i6Y<. commenced last year's > op/era^ipnn' with a debit of £27 ss, and v Woiuid up with a credit balance ; of v£^6i: 4s ,6d. With that cash hi handy iit'Sis lip to the Association to do some- . thing, and to do it quickly. '■.■#: /What a win. Wellington's, dfty Council, by a large majority, decided last week to rent the Town Hail 4to the Wellington Boxing :Assopiat|bn for professional Boxing contests. What a buknp for the kill-joys ! Now that the difficulty of -securing a suitable hall is overcome, the Wellington Association should buck m and once again become the premier Association of the Dominion. Already the following matches are mooted : Arthur Kelly and Sailor Duffy, and Bill Elliott and Frank Fitzjohn. Latter go ought to be the draw of all times, because it was m Wellington when the Australian amateur championships were fought here that Elliott defeated Fitzjohn. Both have since made good as pros., and there is little difference between the pair. Yes, it's up to the Association to give us something of a 'lively nature.
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NZ Truth, Issue 309, 27 May 1911, Page 3
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571BILLIARDS. NZ Truth, Issue 309, 27 May 1911, Page 3
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BILLIARDS. NZ Truth, Issue 309, 27 May 1911, Page 3
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