/That nasty sectarian animal, the ,welloiJ7 Pup lias unbared his fangs arid claws at. quiet,, sleepy little Nel~. sow, above all, places m the world, j and\ is yelping with all his might for | ber^lood and bargains. The Yellow Pujp/s fangs have been filed down a le $ since the wave of humanit&rianiiijn, arising from the decay of dog»4, pushM the aggressive fcerristiani'/y which served God by Sacrmoing /'man, into the > background. But the pup, comparatively harmless as he row i£, has lost none of his ancient, ♦hirst for Catholic gore, or his worship of that royal Dutch libertine and hiimbug, William of Orange. The Nelson branch of the Loyal Orange ■<:■ Loftze would dearly relish the head •f Pope P^iiis IX. "on a charger." ' bailing thai?,, a ragpuii of cardinals r would be accepted -as a gift from the most) loving God. v And, iaiiinf ,-j *^fed CArdinal,' what so succulent ::, bioijs(?l for thfe • Ravage sectary *s a . wwifljMd Roman Catholic Prime Minjjsiwr ? Which is our way of announcSfcF thr 'Kiad tidings of great joy that fhV N«ls©n yellow bellies are clamoring for the political assassination : ot ftii Jowph Ward. ' * ' • . • .. ■, ' a :, Stays the ♦'Nelson Evening M»il' ' K7 : 7 : "'.*p.B)\: . ''•;•'-. A moating of the Loyal Orange Lodge-' ira.% held^pn Thursday evening, when a good ' Kunbei of brethren were present. It was «b*i£«d to hold a demonstration at the 4Uuir«h of Christ, Waimea-street, tom»xx»vr eyen^og) and to ask all other &*Ag«ft Jp' io-pperata to Send a petiteon to ti .ferrfcrftor to (protest against Sir J. Gl «*A taing appointed Premier of this •flfemy. QCtie members <>f the Lodge intend k* inU ?.• medal m the. Druids' Sallon July . M W oflnun^morate the anniversary-./jJt the Twrtfit^jf th« Bpyne, to which allyiaiting QcmmpmsQ. ar« cordially invited. v TW Battle of the Bbyne !; Y?l*at -i»fl^|pSa- 4 if«^;6 be Jained by Jpetr 'P9&s,%ia% ijk such ways the eWI &em? "•ri'iß ot liht plpbcly tnriumph ofj th^ ttomiiviia* ef Protestantism ; over' the twt?4ltdiam of Rpmanism by tii^ hu|-juijUatipn-bt King Jamie at the ftandp •f Dutpb Sill $ Such things belong t6 Ike eons '^ld reign of crude and 'cruel 4*** rc * i4i^ fl masquerading as ; SBIy -adi^on; ' The history of religion* wiitreversy is a brutal and bloody tistory. Let us strive to forget . it; Xa the golden age of humanity, now •Brightly dawning upon the world, Catholic and Protestant, as bitter i*rt«nies; will disappear. They will ji^in hands and work for the( good of man. Mr Seddon was a Humanist fl^st, a Protestant second, bid v pur JUjBAn Oathplic, neighbors Howl ' for His politically butchered carcase^ Sir Joseph W f ard w.puld probaW^ desorUi* himself as a Humanist, lik^ Mr ii»f!iißj»n~a Humanist first, a Roman Gitfholip ficcondv Aje Protestan«toless 'than'CaWoficsl It would Ma «o; As far as the Orange sec--1ii»B is concerned it certainly is soj ■I?hen Sir Joseph Ward ■ s,o >f^ Jpxgete iff hat is due from him as tfh^|ea<l of a Ri»at Protestant State antf*permits i Meiarian bias to guide ibis minister- \ isMl. actions , he will commit, political Bwuude. Only soft-headed-children, •rangemen, a,nd brainless 4>ols can •m l»tguiled by slimy, sebarjan Thugs Jfcte [crediting Sir Joseph ViUi : such aia, jjqaane prosrarnme as to jict as poUUmX catspaw for the Church of mkiftk h» is a private mer/ber. ' l^t tho Yellow Pup is hot content ,wi;to barking at a strjon^ man, who ma bit back. It must 1 n^ds tdckle a jronng, inoffensive gdrl. , Queen Ena of ifpain has incurred the blast's hatred ■?] fey changing pn* set of 1 highly speciilai*i,T« Christian ideas for Inother set. ! ,ffhe following advertiseme«j appeared 'ft the "Nelson Evening I^-i!^ 5 fgtamSWS OHAPEI^, WaMxea-street.— isr4'« Pay, at 6,80 l&n. — Orange .' Demonstration. Address by Mr. Jos. : J. Franklyn, Sufejept : F ;• That in--7 famous Bomish Oath impofed upon the \ Girl Princess.^ L,O.L. m ■ Begalja, / Come early to eaoure a wati ! ' 'J- - •-■ - : ■■'.-"' : : ■'■■.■■['•■■ ',• -■ ',' -
'Had Princess Ena been a Roman Ca-; .tholiC by birth and had she left the .Catholic camp, for the Protestant/ camp as a preliminary to marrying a;' Protestant prince, does any one sup? 1 pose that the Yellow Pup would hav^ snarled his disapproval '■?■ there have been long-winded speeches and articles about ihe hypocrisy revealed by these sudden conversions", so obyiously induoed by ulterior motives ? Devil a bit of it ! What is sauc« for the Catholic > goose is 'by ■no means .sauce for the Protestant gander/ < Even Mr J, J. Fratiklyn, 'in interesting letter to .the' "Nelson/Evening Mail," is con^rained to poipt out that the talk about Rome's enqroaehments on the political . freedom of countries that long ago shook^ off her yoke, is idle talk, /^ As thf letter J9oints a sound mor a;V wfj repi^duce it m its entitetry, m^ : <^y(^t^^^^ at the ''abnormal^^ slate 1 : bf m'ipd can evolve both such a letter -ahtf a .frenzy of ;rage : 'at poor little Ena's. harmless device to get a ci owned husband.: ' To those who!;value the religious fireedom enjoyed by Protestant Britain 'the intimation m a recent issue of yotir 'journal re the abnormal growth of Romanism in 'America is somewhat interesting, especially as it is to the. best avajlable information, on the subject;. Of course,. we a*e not m (the dark Concerning Romib's usual methods. of keeping ',' up their end " r ? h'etiqe these . seemingly innocent fragments of news should be carefully weighed before being' accepted. Xhe fol^p^^og culled from an Australian j periodical may; be . timely :— "lt,. is a mistake to^uppose that Some is making vast 1 etridef'and is m a fail/ way to conquer the wod^. On the contrary, she is everywhere ; losing ground with- thA masses of the people, In America it is estimated that Roman Catholicism has Josf something' like •20,000,000 of its adherents. In Canada it 'is calculated that/there are- now, as the result of the znofement,, inaugurated by Ohiniquy, over 80,000 French Canadian ' Protestants. In ilurope there is a remarkable movement known as 'Lou von fiom,'i or away from /Borne. ■ Th'g movement originated m; Catholic 4pstria, and its exploits are set forth by John A.. Bain, M.A., m his bopk *T& New Reformation. ' 4, The case of B.oheniia is (jited, where between 1898 arid 1904' n0 less than ; '.Ss,ooo Roman Catholics openly jp'inejci Protestant churiches. In Belgium, wh^oh is perhaps the raos^pronounced Rojnan Catholic State m Eutope, there is oye .Protestant body numbering 10,000 personSj almost all of whom are-con-verts from /Roman Catholicism. In Fiance the situation is we.ll known, and of it, it is sufficient /to sayilhat- whole villages have seceded tcf Protestantism^ and m Paris alone are 105/Protesta!jitf;.Qhuroheßi" : Now, Sir, I trust the fpiMgoing- will suffice to satisfy your readers (whb'ma^be alarmed by Rome's free adver tisemen^s)/ that ' a. decaying caiis^ needs a/large and. continuous bolster. 1 .'■/ . V*-'^"':X"* r ' "'.'■« ; \ Sir jJ oseph ; Ward can afford to smil^ at th^nlachin^atijjns. of thftNelson .Qr4 angemen and their brethren through-^ ■^ii^ln^W'ntryr^ieo^g'in "the c6h4' sciousn^ss of his pwri political jnteg-j idfy, aM firmiy~basetl f oiti-the" will of the people, there is no earthly reason why he should not carty on the work: pf his late great chief to 'still highelr and nobler levels. As Chief of the State he will be called upon to serve the Whole State. His private religious convictions are his own propertjf; no sane person would wish to disturb , them. As Prime Minister of Nejv Zealand he. must have no religious bias. It will be for him to accept the attitude of Mr Seddon towards the social needs and aspirations of the people : that of the conscious and conscientious Humanist. As for Queen Ena, she is likely to prove just as good a wife and mother as a Catholic as we should have expected of her ha<i she retained the Protestant opinions with which she was equipped m hoi: childhood. The object of the 'Nels<jjn snufflebusters is to stir up strife. TJieir love of God is so vast that i* leaves m their shriyelled-up bodies no rjbom for the love of man. In Queen l))lizabel/h's days they would have taken part with their own pious hands In the disembowelling of Catholics, ffo-day they are comparatively 'impojtent, but let the people beware les<; fanatic fools plunge, them back into j dark ages. [
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NZ Truth, Issue 56, 14 July 1906, Page 1
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1,358PINCHING THE YELLOW PUP'S TAIL. NZ Truth, Issue 56, 14 July 1906, Page 1
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