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Amateur Athletics.

Personal and General Jottings. (By “Hurdler” for 4 * N.Z. Times.**)

COMING EVENTS. To-day (November 24) —Secondary Schools Championships, Athletic Park. November 26—Evening Meeting, Kelburn- Park. December I—Wellingtonl—Wellington Centre N.Z.(VA.A., Athletic Park. December 3 —Evening Meeting, Basin Reserve. December B—Levin A.A.C., Levin. December 26—Caledonian Society, Basin Reserve. December 29 —Otaki A.A.C., Otaki. January 1, IQ24 —Paraparaumu A.A.C., Paraparaumu. January 2, 1924 —Wairarapa Caledonian Society, Masterton. January 2 t 1924 —Waikanae A.A.C., Waikanae.

EVENING MEETING LAST MONDAY INTERESTING COMMENTS. Tho 'Wellington Amateur Athletic Club held a successful evening meeting on tho Athletic Park last Monday. The fields were the largest of the season, and the competition exciting. M. Leadbetter was the star performer of the meeting and my contention that he will be our best 100 yards man this season looks like being confirmed l . In tho final of the 100 yards handicap, starting off the 2yds mark, he ran like a machine *-nd Avon by half a yard in 10 3-ssec, against a strong head wind. A fine performance. H. T. Underhill (Byds) was second, and F. S. Hill (7vds) third. The last-named could! have done better and should remember that it is not good policy to pull up on the tape. The one mile handicap was a fin© race to and was interesting throughout. Twenty-five competitors faced the starter. It. Griffen being on the soratch mark and H \V ore (140yds) cn the limit. The wipner turned out to te the fast improving E. C. Rose (65yds), with C, Bowler (80yds) second and! R. Morton (90yds) third. This race gave Rose his third successive win. Tho time for race was only fair, being 4min 39 4-ssec, and I kra wondering as to what start some of the runne-rs would need to have a chance. L. C. Todd ran a good race, and in the last lap looked a likely winner, but faded away at the finish. J. T. McCaw (a master from Wellington College) made hi 9 first appearance and ran exceedingly well. All the limit men were outclassed. The 220 yards hurdles only attracted five aspirants, and was not a very spectacular event, none of the better class runners being represented. JEi. Jacobsen (owing 15yds) was tho winner, being closely pressed by P. Thomson, whose lack of condition found him out over the last twenty yards, and allowed H. Kent to pass him just before the tape was reached. The cycle race, ag per usual, was greatly enjoyed by the spectators, and provided a good oxciting contest. S. Harrison and C. FJett started off the scratch mark, but could not reach T. Clouston OSOyds). who won by .ten yards, C. Flett finished) second, ancL. I think I can safely say that'he is: tlie be&t of our local riders Clouston was lucky that ho was not disqualified, for he made the grave error of looking round, a serious mistake amongst bicycle riders. Ho was let off with a caution. s The ladies?* race again provided a good finish. Some disappointment was felt when it was noticed that Miss P. Dawson was not a starter. The consistent Miss E. Posselt (syds) wag (the winner, with Miss M. Havvice (Sfyds) second, and Miss J. Thisthole (7yds) third. Miss Swinburne (Iyd) was only a yard behind the winner at tnc finish. The tit-bit of the evening turned out to be the relay race. The distance was SBO yards—each man to run 220 yards. It was not long after the commencement of the race that the issue was seen to be between the W ellington and'Varsity Clubs. Paris, of “he former club, started off against Shotlander, and gave Wilkins the baton with fully 15 yards to spare. LeadDetter made up about five yards of this leeway and set*Hill off to chase Bennett. Hill did not make up :ny ground, but the University lad's superior handing of the baton to Tracy only left Jenßins (Wellington) with about six yards start. Tracy was about a yard behind coming mto the straight, and the spectators were standing on their feet looking for a tough finish, but it was not to be, for Jenkins touid not keep up tho pace ami Tracy laased him ana won by a couple of yards. I was pleased to notice that the Selwyn and Athletic Clubs each started a team. The cry hag been for field events, 90 a hop-step and jump was put on, but the response of competitors was poor, only six toeing the mark, and five of these from one (dub. P. Thomson (scr) for his first attempt this season did well by jumping over 42ft. \ J. Ogilvi© (a new member of the W.A.A.C.) also did) well to clear over 39ft.

JOTTINGS ■ VARIOUS NOTES AND COMMENTS. Secondary schools' championships Athletic Park to-day. Evening meeting Kelburn Park Monday. The events are 100yds, 440yds, 120yds ladies' race, three miles, putting the shot, one mile walk, and a boys' race. Entries close to-day for the meeting on Athletic Park next Saturday. Competitors will not be allowed to start unless they have their registered number' attached to their singlets. H. E. Wilson will be a starter next Saturday in the 100yds and 120yds hurdles. Congratulations to K. Griffen, the popular secretary of the University Club, on his promotion. Unfortunately for Wellington Griffen is to reside at Auckland. I am told that "Grif." is taking a partner up with him. Anyhow, our loss will he Auckland's gain, for Griffen is a champion runner, a cheerful loser, and white right through; so to him and his intended I extend the well-wishes of &U i true sports. Colin Campbell, of the Olympic Club, was a competitor last week at the evening meeting of the Wanganui. A.A.C. He started in the 440yds off the ten yard mark and ran second in 51 4-ssec. Handicapper take notice! The electric light sports meeting, hedd at Hawera last week, wa9 a great success. The performances put up were nothing startling, the best being the win of E. Scott off scratch in the 440 yd» handicap r n 5-tsec. Scott Ims a great record of in "quarters," and I doubt if there is a Tunnor in New Zealand to-day who could beat him over that distance. The newly-formed Napier Amateur Athletic Club commences in earnest on Monday next, when an evening meeting is being 'held. J !Hiis club has some promising material in hand, and it is rumoured that they have a sprinter of Hawaiian descent who can break lOsec for the 100yds. Many well-known names are connected with the management of this

club, the best known to m© are W. L. Dunn, J. J. Cato, W. Norrie, and W. Hislop. The Waipukurau Club has started operations with a good list of active members. Amongst them I notice the name of H. E. Moore, a champion distance runner of a few seasons back, who ran here for the University Club. The Wellington College Old Boys Amateur Athletic Club has cried enough for the present, and have cancelled their affiliation to the Wellington Centre. This step has come about by the lack of support of the old boys' themselves, and is to be regretted. Perhaps next year a real energetic secretary will be induced to take up the rein© of office and eaten the boys before they leave the college. There is qne real live club not far from this city, and that is the Levin Club. Unfortunately for this club they made the mistake of linking up with fine Manawatu sub-centre with headquarters at Palmerston North. The secretary of this centre is evidently too busy a man to attend to correspondence kom the affiliated clubs, and consequently the progressive policies of these clubs suffer accordingly. ' My suggestion is, and I feel sure that the sport in the country districts concerned would forge ahead, that the Levxn, Paraparaumu, and Te Roro Clubs should form a subcentre and break down from Palmerston North. This move should appeal to these clubs, and it is apparent that much good will result. I would suggest that the headquarters be v at Levin. Palmerston North is strong enough to on its own, and should not complain at my suggestion.

Cycle Tacing is on the boom, and deserves encouraging. A number of runners were suffering from colds—caught, so I am told, at the joy night in the Town Hall There were a lot of non-triers in the sprint event, or else it was a case of lack of condition. What has become of S. Cappin, of the Selwyn Club? He nag only started once. Runners of experience have a splendid opportunity of doing some good for the sport if they will only strou up to the Athletic Park some* evening between 5 and 6 o'clock end give some coaching to the new men. These recruits are very willing. |but have no idea of how to run correctly. G. W. Dome proved himself the best miler in the Hutt Valley Club by his win in that event on Wednesday evening. What has become of W. Kyle, late of the Petone Club? Kvle is too good a runner to be lost sight of. The Caledonian Society have drawn up their programme for Boxing Day. This meeting is to be run on the Basin Koeerve this year. The council are charging 20 per cent., and not 33 1-3 per cent., ag I stated last week. The Athletic club members are training hard at Athletic Park in view of the j Dewar shield competition on December ! Ist. I noticed Elliott. Stevenson, and j Sutton putting in some hard work. R. Morton, of the Wellington club, ran. la good half-mile in the relay race last | Monday, and if he does not overwork j himself he should get a few win® this ser son. Miss P. Dawson and Miss Swinburne will meet on Monday at the evening meeting. K. Griffen, of the University club, has not been able to finish a race yet, but by December let he will make his presence felt. I feel sure that if the handioapper could be induced to shorten his limits a, marked improvement would soon be noticeable in our runners. A javelin is wanted; for Athletic Park—plenty of material offering, but no apparatus. Athletic Park now possesses a jumping pit—no excuse for jumpers in the future. In my notes I issued a word of warning re new clubs coming into the fold and swamping tho older clubs, a*»d I also stated that certain clubs had drawn members from the present day clubs. I specially mentioned that I was not casting any slur on any particular club, for I know it is not the practice of any athlete to steal members. A certain club here, so I am told, resents my remarks, but this club oan Test assured that my words were written in good faith, and only with the object of keeping amateur athletics on a higher sphere "Amateur," who supplies the athletic notes to the "Wanganui Chronicle," accuses me of writing a lot of nonsense, when I criticised tho Wanganui centre's lack of initiative, and goes on to t say that I should have made a few inquiries before rushing into print. I desire to inform "Amateur" that all my information came to mr first hand, and if he thinks all is well up hie wav just let him make some inquiries fiom the officials of the Hawem club. "Amateur" goes on to talk a lot of nonsense about rent of a halt which the Wellington centre took a long time to adjust. I would like to point out to "Amateur" that he must be mistaking tho centre for the New Zealand council, as tho centre had nothing to do with the visit of the 1913-14 American team to Wanganui. Just on> word more on this subject, end that is, that "Amateur" should remember that I (like himself) only write these* athletic note© to help the game along and not to cause malice. M. Leadbettor won. the 220yds handicap off syds at Petone last. week. H. Bennett cannot remain much longer on 16yds in a 220.

F. J. Keddell, who competed in the 220yds handicap Inst Monday, is nephow of the famous hurdler "Jerry." He looks a likely sort.

"Jim" Taylor, the popular trainer, who looks after Tracey and Go. has had tho misfortune to sprain liis ankle. There seems a shortage of good trainerconches t.heso days. The Selwyn Club are adding a walking race to thoir \ rogrammo on November 26th. „ I am informed that F. C. Hickling. who was second in the last walk, handed this trophy, on to his 'lu'b to /hsfip €r,n» courage the walking game. Where aro our pole vnultersP It is up to the local clubs to put on a vault at some of the evening meetings. .B. Warner is the newly-elected delegate on the Wellington Centro of the Olympic Club. A. O'Donnell has been appointed handicapper to the Masterton Club.

HUTT MEETING. A very successful meeting was held by the Hutt Valley Club on Wednesday evening, at Petone. P. G. Thomson made the journey out, and was successful in tlie hop, step and jump, with a beautiful jump of 42 feet. Amongst the sprinters, W. Kyle wns

having his first run this season. M. leadbetter wae successful in tho 100 yards off the yard marie. The 1000 yards was won by L. Payne, a young runner of much promise. R. Haddy, who jumped 18ft 2fin in the long jump, should certainly train . for this event. The events next week at the Hutt Recreation Ground are the 120 yards, 440 yards, and three miles. AMERICAN NATIONAL AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP In view of the approaching Olympio Games, the following results of the above meeting should be of interest. Kirksey, Merchant, and Krogness evidently did not compete:— 100yds-—Loren Murchison, 10 l-ssec. 220yds—Loren Murchison, 22 3~ssec. 440yds—Fitch, 50sec. 880yds—R. Watson, lmin 57 4-fiseo. One mile—Joe W. Ray, 4min 18sec. 120yds Hurdles—Karl Anderson, 15 l-s«ec. 220yds Low Hurdles—O. B. Brookins, 24 4rssec. 440yds Hurdles—Riley, 55 4-ssec. Three Miles Walk—J. B. Pearman, 22min 59 2-ssec. Long J ump—De Hart Hubbard, 24ft 7|in. High Jump—Terry T. Brown, 6ft s|in. Putting the Shot—Arville Wanzer, 47ft Of in. Hop, Step, and Jump—De Hart Hubbart, 47ft oJin. Pole Vault —E. E. Myers, 13ft lin. Throwing the Hammer —F. D. FooAell, 178 ft 6fin Throwing the Discus —T. Lieb, 15ft Ofin. Throwing the Javelin—H. Hoffman, 194 ft 7£in. JOHN DEWAR CHALLENGE SHIELD. After a long discussion (at the last meeting of the Wellington Centre) finality was reached in regard to the points to be allotted for the above shield and the position now stands: —Twenty competitors or more: Ist, 8 points; 2nd, 4 points; 3rd, 3 points. Under 20 and over 12: Ist, 6 points; 2nd, 3 points; 3rd, 2 points. Under 12: Ist, 4 points; 2nd, 2 points; 3rd, 1 point In the event of any competitor equalling or exceeding a standard of the centre he shall score 5 points in addition to the points already set out. If any competitor equals or exceeds an existing New Zealand record, 10 points shall be scored by him, irrespective of where *he competitor finished in tho event. Cycling events and ladies' events shall not count for the shield. Commencing at 2.30 p.m. next Saturday, a full programme will be carried through for the above shield. All our local champions will he competing, but as the events are handicap ones it is hard to say who will come out on top. The Wellington Amuteur Athletic Club have a strong team in training, namely : H. E. Wilson, D. Paris, H. Wilkins, F. Malmanche, E. Guy, L. Crane, H. Higgins, C. Leer, P. McCaw, H. C. Whyte, F. Hob6on, R. Morton, C. Jenkins, A. Hose, P. Munro, A. Brown, P. Thomson', G. J. Ogilvie, B. Hume, H. Wilds, i±. Ware, J. H. Bennett, and J. Fraser. The cracks in the 'Varsity Club are; L. A. Tracy, M. Leadbetter, H. Whitehead, F. Hill, K. Griffen, H. McCormick, A. D. Mcßae, J. Paul, lX Priestly, and A. Davies.

The Selwyn Club have some promising talent, amongst whom are R. A. Rose (New Zealand champion distance runner), M. Rose, S. Coppin, H. Sareeant, A. Grigg, A. Blackburn, B. S. Brown, SWogan, E. R. Leng, C. Gillett, and H. Kent.

The Athletic Club will depend on L. Elliott, C. Tome, A. Stevenson, W. Melrose, R. F. C. and G. Hickling, W. Anderson, R. Davis, A. Evans, and F. Hobbs.

The Hutt Club will also enter a strong team.

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New Zealand Times, Volume L, Issue 11685, 24 November 1923, Page 11

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Amateur Athletics. New Zealand Times, Volume L, Issue 11685, 24 November 1923, Page 11

Amateur Athletics. New Zealand Times, Volume L, Issue 11685, 24 November 1923, Page 11