PHASES OP TUB MOON. O*ionla)od *io t N“>» Zealand Me*n Time. OCTOBER. D. H. M. Last Quarter .. .. 19 8 88 8 p.m. Now Moon .. ..26 10 58'Op.m. Ban rfaes, 5.19 a.rn.: sots, C. 26 p.m, High Water al Wharf-8.13 a.ra.,8.33 p.m. ARRIVED. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10. Wftvcrley, s.s., 77 tons, Vickerrnan, from Picton. Pania, a.s., 40 tons, Fisk, from Blenheim. Passengnti —Gubin: Miaa Macauley, Messrs Rainbow, Nlcoll. Manaroa, s.s., 78 tons, Mclntyre, from Haveock and bays. PassongerH—Cabin: Messrs Smith, Bryant, Griffiths. Muhlnapua, s.s., 239 tons, Millman, from Onehunga and Now Plymouth. Passengers—Saloon: Misses Colson, Clemens, Mesdames Dawson, Keasberty, Messrs Wood, Roilitt, Brander, Farmer, Bbortt; 11 steerage. Wakatu, s.s., 95 tons, Wills, from Lyttelton, Cheviot and Kalkoiira. Passengers—Cabin: Meadames Goulter, Nicholl, Paap, Whltty, Messrs Whitty, Hamon, Webster, Warner. barque, 794 tons, Evans, from New York.
Tulunc, s.s., 1203 tons, Wald, from Melbourne via Hobart and Bouth. Passengers—Haloou: Misses Taggart, Bain, Maunder, Newton, Corniek, Rosa, Lawson, Brcmner, Duller, Levy, Cassidy, Mesdames Poole and 3 children, Griffon, North, Williams and 4 children, Brown, Tullooh, Sparks and child, Cripps, Rev Guy, Messrs Douglas, Read. White, Oriffen, Krushka, Wagner, Tritfett, Dey, Wilson, McGregor, Calvert and hoy, Brookman, Alabaster, King, Jjevy, Walker, Jamieson, Cox, Massey, Masters (Jrilfen, Reed ; 35 steerage. Wellington, ship, 1097 tons, Thomas, from Liverpool. Sunday, October 17. Hlnemoa, a.s., 282 tons, Neale, from Lyttelton. Opawa, s.s., 70 tons, Ecklord, from Blenheim. To Anau, s.s., 1028 tons, Bernech, from Lyttelton. Passengers—Saloon : Misses Quartermaine, Roach (2), Hmallbone, Bisters of Mission (2j, Mcadames Rutherford and 2 children, Quartermaine, Turvey. Hopkinaon and 2 children, Cloggie, Jorgonboh, Rev Konaldson, Messrs Delaney, Btockcr, Whinhum, Burrell, Duncan, Thompson, Hulston, Talbot, Hobbs, Fisher, Kerr, Hamilton, Cohen, Carmichael, Hall, Roach, Hcywood, Clarke, Norris, Hamilton, Wood, Show, Jorgenson, Robinson, Barron ; 10 steerage. Rotorua, b.b., 570 tons, Manning, from South. Passengers—Saloon: Mesdames Norwood, Atkinson, Captains Shaw and Cogan, Messrs Simpson, Poster, Pittan, Jenkins, Hallcnstcin, Norton, McKay, Master Atkinson ; J2 steerage. Mataura, a.s,, 5701 tons, Millward, R.N.R., from London viaTencriffo, Capetown, Albany and Hobart. Passengers First saloon: Major Somerville; second saloon; Messrs Boyd, Ennis, Freeman, Glover, Grant, Grieve, Ha/.lett, Jopp, Reid, Byrne, Bomervillo, Ballinger, Banks, Harris, Hawthorne, Howe, King, Richardson, Strong, Webster, Williams, Simpson; 112 steerage. Kennedy, s.s., 137 tons, Wildraan, from Foxton. Queen of tho South, s.s., I*l cons, Harvoy, from Foxton.
BAILED. Saturday, October IC. Taluno, s.s., 1231 tons, Wald, for Sydney. Passengers— Saloon : Misses Young, Colson, Mesdames Shelton, Anderson, Young, Messrs Wardoll, Stuart, McCardell and son, Lamb, Drake, Young, McGuire ; 14 steerage. Paula, s.s., 40 tons, Fisk, for Blenheim. Manaroa, s.s., 78 tons, Melntyio, lor Wanganui. Waverley, s.s., 77 tons, Viekorman, for Nelson and West Coast. Huia, s.s., 90 tons, Crawford, for Wanganui. Sunday, October 17. Mahlnapua, s.s., 219 tons, Robertson, for New Plymouth and Onohuoga via Nelson. Passengers— Baloon: Misses Lusher, Reynolds, Dixon, Bain, Bromnor, Corniuk, Sisters of Mercy (2), Mesdames Fulloch. Couper, Messrs Holmes, Ritchie, Allen, Mooro, Fisher, White, Couper. ' - EXPECTED ARRIVALS, Kohu, from Napier East Coast, this day Stormbird, from Wanganui, this day Corinna, from Westport, this day Pania, from Blenheim, this day Manaroa, from Wanganui, this day Pareora, from Orcymouth, tin's day lonic, from London via Plymouth, Capetown ana Hobart, tbis day Wairoa, from Patca, Ibis day Wainui, from Westport, Picton and Nelson, 19th Opawa, from Blenheim, 19th Beautiful Star, from Nax.ior and East Coast, 19th
Brunner, from Westport, 19th Takapuna, from Now Plymouth and Onebunga 19th
Omapero, from South, 19 th Indramayo, from London via Australia, Auckland end East Coast, 19th Mawhera, from Groymouth, 20th Te Anau, from Lyttelton, 20th Mararoa, from South, 21st Walkaro, from Sydney, 21st Star of England, left London (via Australia and Auckland) August 27th; Rangatira. left Plymouth September 2Gth; Star of Now Zealand, left London September 28th; Delphic, left Plymouth October 3rd; Waikato, loft London October ,sth ; Matatua, loft London October Btb. Weathersfleld, left London (via Sydney and Newcastle May 28th; Lutterworth, left Liverpool July Bth; Alice, left Now York August Gth ; Invercargill loft Glasgow August 21st; Nelson, loft Liverpool (via Dunedin) August 21th ; Penobscot, loft New York August 2nd; Agostlao Rorabo left New York September 4th ; Crusader, left Liverpool September sth ; Lake Erie, left Sharpness August 13th ; Rangitikei, loft London October Bth ; Bamar, loft Ndw York September 13th ; Garin, left Bdithburg (S.A.) September 19th; Blenheim, loft Glasgow October 15th; Dunedin* left Glasgow October 15th.
By Telegraph.—Press Association. — Copyright. London October 13. Arrived—Tongariro, from Wellington; Rakaia, from the Bluff. Sailed from Glasgow for Wellington the ships Blenheim and Dunedin. Sydney, October 16. Sailed—Waikare, for Wellington. The Hon 0. 0. Bowen, M.L.C., returning from a visit to England, is a passenger by her. October 17. Arrived—Waihora, from Auckland. Melbourne, October 17. Sailed—Wakatlpu, for New Zealand. Clarence River, October 16. Arrived—M. A. Doran, from New Zealand. Newcastle, October 16, Sailed—Hilda and Waitemata, for Auckland. Auckland, October 16. Arrived, last night—Taviuni, from the Islands. Bailed—Dlngadee, for Bast Coast ports and Wellington. Port Chalmers, October 17. Arrived—Monowai and Tarawera, from. Lyttelton. Sailed—Manapourl, for Bluff. Bluff, October 16. Soiled—Rotokino, for Sydney via Oamaru, Timaru and Lyttelton. ' Lyttelton, October 16. Arrived, 7.30 a.m.—Tarawera, from Wellington (connected). * Natier, October 10. Arrived, 3.15 a.m.—Kahu, from Wellington. ParewjHiL Srit, October 16. Hosketb, from Greymouth to Lyttelton, passed at 5.15 a.m. Picton, October 16. Arrived, 7.13 a.m.—Richmond, from Wellington. Balled 11.15 a.m.—Richmond, for Nelson. Wanganui, October 16. Oreti and Moa still barbouod, and no cbance of getting out to-day. « Stormblrd arrived from Wellington at noon, and returns at midnight. October 17. Arrived, midday—Manaroa and Hula, from Wellington. New Plymouth, October 10. Arrived, 10.20 a.m.—Takapuna, from Wellington, Westport, October 17. Sailed—Wainul (1 p.ra.), for Nelson, Picton and Wellington; Corlnna (1 pun.), for Wellington, Nelson, October 17. Arrived—Richmond (9.15 p.m), from Picton; Waverley (10 a.m.), from Wellington. To sail, noon to-morrow —Wainui, for Picton and “Wellington. Blenheim, October 17. Arrived, 11 a.m.—Paula, from Wellington. Greymouth, October 17. Sailed, 1 p.m.—Mawhera, for Wellington (direct).
The cost of maintaining I'ghthouses during the year was £15,644. The expenses of steamers visiting the lighthouses were £7OOO in addition. The sum of £15.995 was collected for light dues during the year, a slight increase on last year. Mr Scott, second engineer of the Mawhera, got his Ungers crushed in tbo Vessel’s machinery about midnight on Saturday. At Nelson he was taken to Dr Hudson, who amputated the first joint of the middle finger. The Government steamer Hlncmoa arrived at 4 yesterday afternoon from Lyttelton. The Rotorua and To Anau arrived from South yesterday at 9.15 a.m/ and 12.80 respectively. The Te Anan brought up about 67 tons of general cargo. She leaves to-day for Lyttelton. The Wakatu left last evening for Lyttelton via the Coast.
The Manaroa towed the Manaround to the Patent Blip on Saturday morning.- Tho work ol altering this little vessel has been somewhat retarded by the bad weather experienced. Tho Wairoa, which ran into the Bounds forshelter from tho nor’-westerly gale on Friday last, was anchored in Lewis’ Bay whoa the Manaroa left on Friday night. The Beautiful Star, which loft for Napier and East Coast early on Saturday morning, brought up in Worse* Bay, Captain Campbell deeming it unwise to put out in the heavy soa that was running at the Heads. The vessel was still in the bay at 8 o'clock last night. ~ The Taluno, which loft for Sydney direct on Saturday evening, brought up 555 tons of general cargo for Wellington, and had 855 tons-for Australia (including 4000 sacks of potatoes) from South. ' Captain Gibb baa been appointed to the Manapouriand Captain Wald to Ino Tniuno. Captain Xobortson Is still unable to resume command of the Mabiimpua, but hopes to rejoin her next trip. The Mahluapua will bring over 3000 boxes of dairy produce oo her next trip from Onchunga and New Plymouth. She left last night for Onohuuga via Nelson and New Plymouth. The Westport Coal Company has chartered the barquontine Gleaner and tho four-masted barquentlno Arago to load coal at Westport for San Fran-
A consignment of 200 sheep were brought from Picton by the Waverley on Saturday for the Gear Company. - , Tao Hcrraione was towed into the stream on Saturday. She will probably got away with a cargo of wool about the middle of December.
The Mawhera, which has been stuck up at Greymouth for some time, arrives direct from that port to-night. Her departure from Wellington has been postponed until 5 p.ra. on Tuesday. The Kennedy and Queen of the South arrived from Fox to q last night. The Mahinapua left at 10.30 last night for Nelson, New Plymouth and Onehunga.
THE MATAURA, PROM LONDON. The New Zealand Shipping Company’s steamship Mafcaara arrived in port at 1.01 a.m. yesterday and anchored in the stream till the doctor boarded hot and examined tbo crow and passengers, after which She steamed up to the Qaeon’s Wharf, arriving there about 10 30 a.m. She left the Roy-il Albert docks on August 23th and arrived at Plymouth the following day, leaving the same night. Fair winds and weather prevailed to XeuetilZe, which was reached on August 26th. The vessel coaled and proceeded on her way the next day. After crossing the equator picked tip the south-east trades, which were fresh to strong with heavy bead sea. Capetown was reached on September 15th, the steamship leaving the same day.' Two days after leaving the latter place the intermediate cylinder cover broke, necessitating altering the engines into compound, which caused a largo increase in the consumption of coal. She passed the meridian of Cape Leuwin on October 2nd and arrived at Albany two days later, where she coaled and proceeded to Hobart, which was reached on October lltb. After discharging cargo and passengers left for Wellington, which was reached as above. After leaving Albany a child in the steerage was taken 111 with scarlet fever, which necessitated all except passengers for Hobart remaining on the ship at that port. The child is now convalescent. The oflicers of the Mataura aro—Captain Milliard. R N.R : chief officer, Mr Sibba; second, Mr Terry; third, Mr Maxwell; fourth, Mr Moore; chief engineer, Mr Sutherland ; second. Mr Thomas; third, Mr Leitch; fourth, M? Sneddon; fifth, Mr Reid; chief refrigeiating engineer, Mr Forester; second, Mr Scott; surgeon. Me Page; chief steward, Mr Hancock. Part of the New Zealand contingent and tbo Bisley team were passengers. Particulars of the vessel’s cargo bos already appeared in this column.
THE WELLINGTON, PROM LIVERPOOL. The ship Wellington, which has been olf (be Heads since Wednesday last, arrived in port on Saturday afternoon, thanks to the southerly breeze which sprang up at midday. She loft Liverpool on Juno 26tb, and had very fine weather on the run down to tbo equator, which was passed on August 2nd, there being no nor’-oast trades. The meridian of Greenwich was reached on August 21th, latitude 86 south. From thence moderate weather to the Cape of Good Hope, arriving oil there on August SOth, latitude 40 south. After leaving the Cape, continuous bad weather was experienced. She passed the barque Earl of Cadigan on September 18th, latitude 43 south, longitadeSO east, who wished to bo renorted ** all well” She passed Cape Leuwin on September 25th, „and sighted the Snares on October BUi, passed Akaroa on the Uth, and arrived off the Heads on Wednesday last, but was blown off by a heavy uoe’-westerly gale. Penoarrow light was picked np again on. Thursday night, bat again wAllington’s “ zephyrs ” proved too much for her. On Saturday morning a light southerly sprang up, which enabled her to reach jJort. Captain Thomas
says that the decks were awash nearly all the way from Capetown to arrival. The Wellington will be berthed to-day. Messrs Johnston and Co. are tho local agents. BARQUE BEECIIWOOD, FROM NEW YORK. The barque Becchwood, 123 days out from Now York, arrived In port on Saturday afternoon, after a fair trip. She left New York on June 14th, and had moderate to flno weather to the Equator, which was passed on July 25th, long. 30 W. She waa hampered by bad south-east trades for about ten days off the coast of Brazil. The Capo of Good Hope was passed on September Gth, moderate weather being experienced. She sight'd the Snares on the loth October, and was there becalmed for 48 hours. Nugget Point was passed on Wednesday last at 8 a.m.,and Cape Saunders at noon. Bho sighted tho light at 3.30 a.rn. on Saturday, and entered tho Heads at iu a.ra., finally reaching the anchorage in the stream about 4 p.m. Her officers are—Captain Evans, chief officer, Mr Denison ; second, Mr Reea. Messrs W. and G. Turnbull and Co. are the local agents. •
WASHED OVERBOARD IN A STORM. THE DEATH OF MR W. ROB. The Fiji Times gives the following particulars of the death by drowning of Me W. Roe, second ollicer of tho Union Steam Ship Company’s ss. Xaviuni, which occurred on Sunday, 25th ultimo, while the voyage from Sydney to SuvaOn tho morning of the 25th the weather, which had been very;uir y, increased to a strong gale with heavy seas, which increased until G p.m. At 133 p.m. the deceased was lost overboard, being washed from the ran, while securing the starboard ash shoot, by a particularly large v/avo. Although every effort was made to save him, tho unfortunate young man was drowned, as, however, ho was fully dressed, with sea boots and oilskins as well, there was little chance from tho start. As the ship was rounded-10, a heavy wave swept over her, which smashed some P or JJ and in one case carried away tho wall of a room opposite a broken port, so great was the Impact oi the water. The ship cruised about for two hours, but did not succeed in incking up any of ibe mebuoys or see any further trace. It was seen from the ship that the unfortunate man did not succeed in reaching any of the buoys, and was lost signt oi before the buoys. The lifeboat was prepared ready for lowering, but owing to the very heavy gale raging and tho labouring of the vessel nothing could be done, and as the man was seen to go down before this It was useless to put the boat out. Mr Roe was only 27 years of age and a native of Sydney, tor some time he was in the Taviunl as t li» r«1 n* a J® * 1893, then sacond mate of the Maori in the seme year, and several times visited Fiji afterwards i tho Taieri. Ho had joined tho Tavium as second mate last July. The mother and sisters of tho deceased reside in Sydney.
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New Zealand Times, Volume LXVI, Issue 3260, 18 October 1897, Page 2
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2,430SHIPPING NEWS. New Zealand Times, Volume LXVI, Issue 3260, 18 October 1897, Page 2
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