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Reports of football matches played on Saturday, and gold mining news from Reef, ton and Mahakipawa will bo found on the fourth page. Owing to pressure on our space we are compelled to hold over leading and other matter.

The steamer Tekapo, whioh sailed on Saturday for Sydney, took close on 1700 tons of cargo and a large number of passengers.

All the preliminary steps in connection with the Judge Edwards’ case have now been taken by the Government, and the action will probably come before the Judges this week. Mr H. Gully, the Crown Prose, outer, will have charge of the action, the Attorney*Ganeral officially moving in the matter and Sir Robert Stout being retained to argue the case. The Kaiwara Brass Band gavo a performance on the Basin Reserve yesterday after* noon, in aid of. the Arbor Day fund. Owing no doubt, to the unfavourable weather there was nob a large attendance of the public. The band, under the oondnotorship of Mr Cimiuo, gave an excellent programme, the various items being exceedingly well played. The contributions received at the gates amounted to £1 18s 6d. A ro m for tho use of visitors to the city has been set apart in the Loan and Mercantile Company’s now building. This will answer the purpose of a Farmers’ Club Room, where farmers may drop in to write letters or transact any business they wish. The tables are well supplied with writing materials, and (ilea are kept of agricultural journals, including tho New Zealand Mail, Canterbury Times, Press, and other leading journals.

The R.M.S. lonic, which left here on Saturday, took away from New Zealand as many passengers probably as any of the direct steamers have taken since the inauguration of the lines. Amongst those who left were many prominent citizens, not only from Wellington, but from other parts of tho Colony. A large crowd of persons as sembled oa the Queen s Wharf to see their friends embark, and to wish them a pleasant voyage.

As an outcome of the report of tho Royal Commission in connection with tho Shelly Bay disaster the Government have decided to give effect to tho recommendation therein by appointing an Imperial officer as commandant of the whole of the Now Zealand forces. With this view tho Government will request Lord Wolaeley to recommend an officer weß up in the very latest scientiSo military knowledge for tho position. The salary of tho Commandant will be about £7OO per annumn, whioh sum will be provided, without any increase of the estimates, by iho salaries now paid to officers whose services will be dispensed with. The engagement of the Commandant will be for a limited term, at the end cf which the Government can either renew it or obtain the services of another officer.

Friday night saw the Petone Club hold its first sapper,with Dr Newman,)M. H. R., in the chair. Only two toasts, “ The Queen ” and “ Success to the Petono Club,” wore allowed In proposing “Success to the Club” the Chairman said that its future was safe if only the Committee were wi-ie and kept down expenses. He believed Petone had a great future, and the Club should grow with it. The Chairman said he had been chaffed for saying Petone was a good port, but that very day for the time a Union steamer had brought coal direct from tho West Coast, and was the pioneer of a long lino of steamers. Shaw Savill’a and the New Zea land Shipping Companies cargo steamers would aUo o ill regularly for frozen meat, tallow, eto. Tho toast was warmly drunk, and Mr Sladden replied pointing out tersely yet forcibly the many advantages of club life. Capital tonga were sung by Messrs H. C. Kirk, B, Hector, Cargill, and Dr Purdy, The new clubrooms arc exceedingly con* venient and well furnished, and tho Club altogether starts with every advantage. Judgment in the Efutt Borough election petition case was given by Mr H. W. Robin* eon, R.M., on Saturday as follows :—lb appears to me that the allegations of tho petition have been proved. It is perfectly clear that at the commencement of the pollino the name of Mr O’Callaghan was not on the*roll. It was subsequently added by the Returning Officer, who was also Town Clerk. In this I hold the Returning Officer to have been wrong. It appears to me that the accident of the same person being both Returning Officer and Town Clerk does not justify any addition to the roll after it had passed into the hands of the Returning Officer in the execution of his duty, 1 must hold, therefore, that the name of Mr Henry Davies O’Callaghan was not .properly on the roll, and that be was not entitled to vote at the election. It appears by the scrutiny that Mr O’Callaghan voted for the candidate John Wilkins, and for him alone. I order that this vote be struck off the roll and that the votes be recounted. His Worship decided not to declare who was entitled to the seat until the votes had been recounted. He fixed the 11th instant as the date on which be would receive the result of the recounting and complete his judgment. Mr Travers appeared on behalf of the petitioners, and Mr Gully for Mr Wilkins. According to His Worship’s decision Mr Wilkins is unseated.

Mr C. F. \V. Willeston boa been elected chairman of the Wellington Licensing Com* mittee.

Thomas Gluyas Pascoe, clothing manufao* tarcr, of Johneton street, was adjudicated a bankrupt on Saturday. A meeting of his creditors will be held on Friday, at 11 a.m.

Shareholders of the Public Hall Company are reminded that the annual meeting of the Company will held at 4 o’clock this afternoon in the Company’s office, Featherston street.

Mr H, Blundell has been elected acting chaiimsn of the United Press Association, m place of the late Hon W. Keevea. The election of a permanent Chairman will take place at the annual meeting to be held in Napier in October nest. The census returns for the Hafct county show a total population of 6216 males and 5508 females, or in all 11,773. The popu* lations of the different boroogbs are : - Petone, 2176; Lower Hutfc, 1317; Melrose, 1204 j and Onslow, 979. The total amount realised at the bazaar in aid of St. Joseph’s Orphanage on Saturday evening came to a little over £IOO, the takings at the door being about £2O. The bazaar will bo open from 3 p m. to 5 p.m. this afternoon, aud from 7 p.m* to 10 p.m, this evening.

The yacht Maritana left on Saturday for a trip to Pelorus Sound. Her crew consists of Messrs R. Harman, G. Mee, G. Martin, W. R. Morris, and F. Gannaway. She would probably have reached Port Under* wood before the “southerly buster" came up ou Sat rday night.

The Public Trust Commission have decided to call upon the Audit give evidence in connection with the enquiry into the working of the Public Trust Office, It Is thought the Audit Office has failed in its duty regarding the examination of the Trust accounts, and hence it baa been decided to take evidence on the matter.

Messrs G. Alien, J. L. Bacon, and W f Aitken, Justices, presided at the sitting of the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Saturday. A first offender, for drunkenness, who had been liberated on bail, did not appear, and the Bench ordered that he should forfeit the amount of hla bail (£1). Maud Clements, an old offender, charged with drunkenness, was fined £l, or in default a week’s imprisonment. An immediate summons case was beard by Mr H. VY. Robinson, R.M., on Saturday, in which S. Parke*, licensee of the Oriental Hotel, sued W. H. Cowan for the turn of £9 for board and lodging. The defendant offered to pay 10J a week, but this offer was declined by the plaintiff. Ilia Worship ordered the defendant to pay £4 10s on May 11, and the balance a month later, in default a week’s imprisonment. Our readers aro reminded of the benefit concert tendered to Mr W. H. Hardwick, organist of St Mark’s Church, which takes place this evening at the Theatre Royal, Nearly all the seats in the circle are engaged, and a Urge house is anticipated, the Dresden Company have kindly tent a piano for occasion, and Messrs Robert Parker and T. Tallis Trimnell will preside at the instrument daring the evening. The funeral of Mrs Uuaika Wi Parafca took place on Saturday last, having been postponed from Thursday, the date originally fixed, to allow time for the attendance of a number of friends and relations from a distance. Thu service at the grave was taken by the Revs J. McWilliams (Obaki) and Harona to llano. About 300 Natives, besides a large number of Europeans, were present.

The rescue competition for Mr Stevens’ trophy took place at the Oriental Boating Club’s shod on Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock. There wore four entries, and the result was :—A. Glover, I ; A. Hill, 2. Points were allowed for getting dummy in boat and position of body, and respective totals scored wore as follows ;—A. Glover, 23; A. Hill, 21; J. Tringham, 19 ; W. Jones, 18. Possible points 30. Mr J. W. Kinniburgh noted as judge and timekeeper. The reality of the competition was evinced by a gentleman rushing along in great distress at one time of tho competition to see what accident had happened, but his fears were allayed by seeing it was only a dummy that was being rescued instead of some uo, fortunate individual as he imagined.

An examination of candidates fot pupil teacherships was held at the Education Board Office on Saturday morning. 'I he following .members of the Pupil Teachers’ Appointments Committee were present : Messrs Lee and Fleming (Inspectors), Maomorran (Terrace), Hardy (Mount Cook), Hulko (Vewtown), Horne (Petone), Mowbray (Thonidon), Barry (Butt), Grundy (Clyde Quay), and J. Young. There were twenty-two candidates, and as a result of the examination, the following were placed upon tho list from which appointments will be made :—Misses Ada Cook, C. Gaudin, Emily R. Brooms, Marion Wilson, Anna X’arsona, Jessie Fitohett, Florence Bird, Clara Liez, Isabella Morlet, Ethel Townsend, and Florence Hutchings.

A deputation of some 25 members of the Wharf Labourers’ Union waited upon Mr T. K. Macdonald, M.H.R., on Saturday, in connection with a grievance felt by Unionist casual labourers on the wharf, that they do not get their fair share of employment. The impression of the men seems to be that they are still being punished for the strike troubles, and they wished to know from Mr Macdonald whether the city members would bring their case before the Harbour Board and obtain a promise of tho work being equally divided. Mr Macdonald advised the men to appoint four of their number to wait on the Board, and undertook himself to communicate with the other city members on tho subject. The deputation agreed to this, and some arrangement will probably be made during the week. Mr Lane’s drag containing the Wellington Football Club first fifteen, came to grief on Saturday evening, about a quarter to six, wbila returning from Petone, Soon after passing Nghauranga, it met a dray belonging to'Mr Burgess, of Johnaonviile, driven by a man named Fisher, The driver of the drag did not see the dray until it was close in front of him, and in suddenly pulling on one side to avoid a collision with the vehicle, be came in contact with the railwayfence. Tho sudden jerk caused tho pole to snap short off, and considerable damage was dons to tho drag. Some of the foot* bailers walked into town, and the remainder came on in tho drag that had returned to Petone with.tho members of the Petone second fifteen, which was courteously placed at their disposal. The driver of the drag, and several of the footballers say they are certain Fisher had no lights.

Lately was made to the Zeoban Dundas silver lield in tho little colony of Tasmania, and the astonishingly rich yield which tho ore produced. What was only some nine months ago atiu.ost a solitary spot ianow busy with the hum of men. A town has started into existence with remarkable celerity, and land which recently was going begging is now sold as building sites ranging up to £l2 a foot. The distance between the port. Trial Harbour, and Zeoban is about twelve miles, and on the road through the bush are some sixty to seventy teams conveying provisions, imple. meats, and building material, at a charge for carriage of £5 per ton, with a return freight of ore, which also pays well. Large quantities, fifty to a hundred tons in bulk, have been sent to Germany, Swausoa, Adelaide and other places for smelting, and the returns are rich beyond the expectations of the owners. A prospectus of tho Zealandla Si’ver Mining Company ii advertised. It has a nominal capital of £50,000 in double that number of shares. Its property consists of 80 acres leasehold, with some twenty years to run at a rental of 5a per acre per annum. It is distant about eight miles from Zeehan. Messrs Harcourt aud Co. are agents and brokers here, and from them fall information can bo obtained.

“The Grasshopper” was repeated at the Opera House on Saturday evening by Miss Jennie Lee and her dranutio Company, There was a good attendance, and the performance pneaed off very successfully. 41 The Grasshopper ” will he repeated for the last time to-night. Tomorrow evening Tom Taylor’s well,known drama,' “The Ticket of Leave Man,” will be produced, Miss Lee appearing in the character of Sam Willoughby. An exhibition of Batcheldor’a Pantascope of a tour th ough America was given at the Exchange Hall on sSatnrday, in conjunction with Mr and Mrs Foley’s variety entertainment. There was a fairly numerous audience, whp appeared to enjoy the entertainment immensely. Mr Foley, appeared in several now items, all of which were well received. Several other members of the company also gave new songs and dances. Mrs Foley presided at the piano. The Paotaacope together with another well arranged programme of specialties, is announced for this evening.

Applications are invited for a mastership now vacant at Auckland College and Grammar School. The salary is L 250 per annum, and applications should reach the Secretary on or before the 30Ji insfc.

Samuel Banks and Son advertise that having lately imported a complete outfit for silver plating and nickel plating, they are now prepared to execute all work of the kind. George Thomas and Co. announce an unreserved sale of trap harness, platform scales, iron safe, &c., at their rooms, Panama street, at 11.30 a.m. to-morrow.

Freeman Jackson and Co. publish elsewhere a list of the stock to be submitted at their Jobnsonville sale on Wednesday next. A. J. Reid, auctioneer, has received instructions to sell by auction, at his rooms, tomorrow, a large quantity of new and secondhand furniture.

W. M. Bannafcyne and Co. give notice of the sailing of the barque Alice for Auckland on or about Thursday next. The friends of Mr John Swallow are requested to attend the funeral of his late eon, Albert John, which leaves his residence. Brougham street, at 9.30 a.m. to-day. .Forty head of cows, heifers, and heifer calves, and an Ayrshire bull are advertised for sale. Applications are to be made to A. Luff, Wellington, A governess is wanted for Patea to teach three girls and be otherwise helpful. The necessity for an hotel at Mauakau has long been felt by travellers along the Manawain line, and two new hotels are now in

course of erection. The larger of the two, to be called Tompsitt’s Family Hotel, ts a fine building of 20 rooms, and will be fitted in the beat style, wi.h all modern conveniences, A notice of application for a license for this house appears elsewhere. The old boys of the Thorndon school will hold a meeting at the Queen’s Hotel this evening at 8 o clock to consider the best means of helping an old schoolboy.

# Mr Chisholm thanks his patrons for their kindness, and announces that during his visit to Australia Mr Hotop will manage his business,

Harcourt and Co. give no'ice of a cash sale of Taranaki cocksfoot on Friday next.

This afternoon at 2 o’clock Messrs T. Kennedy Macdonald and Co, sell by public auction at their auction rooms, Lirnbton quay, the balance of a consignment of fire-proof safe*. The size*, etc., o: those to be sold appear in another column. Attention is invited to afresh announcement re the Zealand!* Bitteis, which, from the advertisement, will be seen is an extract from New Zealand plants. A resident of 50 years standing in the Colony offers it as an invaluable specific for indigestion and other stomach and bowel complaints. The manufacturer has received several local testimonials as to its efficacy.

Our autumn and winter dress fabrics which mainly came to hand by the steamers Aorangi and Coptic have been still further increased by some beautiful selections only recently arrived by the Rimutuka, at Te Aro House. The prevailing tendency of fashion is towards the “ Pure Wool Cheviots,” of which we have a magnificent assortment, and which are exceedingly stylish, will make up elegantly, and are noted for their durability. We have these in all the fashionable colours, such as greys, fawns, browns, and mixtures. Special mention is also made of “ all wool Cheviot serges” in all the favourite autumn and winter tints, of which we are uow showing a choice selection at Aro House.

Our “Robe drosses” comprise an unusually large variety of beautiful and novel combinations, and ns we have imported these in single drees lengths, we can guarantee that ladies may select their own styles without fear of being copied. We would call special attention to some striking novelties in all wool “reversible suitings,” Carrington, and “ Roseberry suitings,” and a magnificent choice of “striped suiting tweeds,” at Te Aro House. We have also a large supply in all fashionable colours of our celebrated Meltons from 10a Gd to 15j, the full dress length. One two large and commodious dressmaking rooms are under the same efficient management as last season, arid with an abundant staff of competent assistants we can guarantee to our numerous ladj T patrons the utmost satisfaction at Te Aro House.

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New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 9285, 4 May 1891, Page 2

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Untitled New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 9285, 4 May 1891, Page 2

Untitled New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 9285, 4 May 1891, Page 2


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