TIDELESS WINS THE SPRINT (P.A.) NEW PLYMOUTH, Thursday The Taranaki Jockey Club's Christmas Meeting was concluded today in showery weather. The track was excellent at the start, but deteriorated later. The totalisator handled £41,101 10s, compared with £21,309 on the second day in 1941, the last two-day meeting held. The total for the meeting was £87,340 10s, compared with £40,043 10s in 19-11. Results:— TAR AT A HURDLES, first £175, second £SO, third £25; about V/ 3 miles and 100 yards.-—2—3 Watertight, 10.3 (D. McKiunon), 1; O—X.0 —X. Gold Dale, 9.5 (.T. Jenkins), 2; 3 —2 Political Boy, 0.8 (N. Stewart), 3. Also started; 1 I Expellant, 4—5 Hunter's Night, B—B Prakash, 10 —lO rioear Ace, 7—o Tatarn Lad, 9—9 Trisune, 5 —7 Yafer Flame. Two lengths and a-half; loiiglh and a-half. Expellant was fourth, Time, 2m 52 l-ss. SUM MRU HACK HANDICAP, first £175, second £SO, third £25; 7 fur. —- 4 —5 General Sateve, 8.7 (K. Chote), 1 ; 3—t Firm Lass, 8.0, car. 7.9 (C. Jillings), 2; l— l El Tiger, 8.7 (N. Holland), 3. Also started: 2—l Broiefort Star, 5—3 Beryl Fox, (!--(, High Spy. Neck; length and a-half. Broiefort Star was fourth. Time, lm 27 2-ss. FITZROY HACK HANDICAP. first £ 1 to, second £lO, third £2O; apprentice jockeys; 7 fur.—2—3 Gay Fault, 8.0, car. 8.5 (G. Ivi I>, I; I—21 —2 Lady Mamaeroa, Si.lt, car. K.O iC Jillings), I —l Lumond, 8.0 (D. Hart), 3. Also started: 3 —l Sweet Veloc, s 0 Dis, 7 5 Francis Mond, !»—8 Nancy .Hnswclls, l'j—ll Circy Gleam, 10 —10 Kir Enmiett, 11—12 Lady Flame, s—(i Hoiidini, 0 7 Queen Plato. Two lengths each way. Sweet Veloc was fourth. Time, lm 295. ELECTRIC iIUVEN ILE HANDICAP, first t'l7s, second £so, third £25; two-year-olds; 5 for .--I 1 Hiraji, 7.10 (C. Jillings), I; 0— (i Aggravation, 7.3 (XI. Martinovich), 2; 4—l Matara, s.o (L. Clifford), 3. Also started; 2—2 Severe Lass, 5 -5 Irish Poet, 3- :t White Diamond, 8--8 Flight Girl, 7 —7 Wee Joan. Three lengths; three-quarters of a length. lri~b Poet was fourth. Time, lm Is. WAREA HACK HANDICAP, first £175, second t"iO, third L 25; it fur.-—B—s Victory Dawn, 7.9, car. 7.2 (B. George), 1; 7 7 Quick Draw, 7.7, car. 7.2 (C. Jillings), 2, 0 (i Oymondy, 7.11 (B. Markwiek), 3. Also started: 12 II Midflame, 4 -I Ette Qoex, 1 1 —l4 Shasta, 5—5 Te Heroine, :}- —a Mangiirakau and Belly Broiefort (bracketed), 10--12 Lady Merit, I.'! 13 Ratene, 9—9 Pay Acre, 22 Peter Theio, 11 —lo Vermette. Two lengths each way. Vermeltft was fourth. Time, loi 17s. TARANAKI HACK CUP, first, £325 and trophy valued at £25,- second £IOO. third -CSH; 1 mile and 2 1 , j fur.—2 —2 Seafire, 7.11, car. 7.4 (B. George), 1; I—4 Second Seal, 7.8 (N. Holland), 2; 3—3 Hulahaloo, 9.0, car. 8.11 (G. Ivil), Also started: 1 I Young Trent. o—7 Manpower, 5—5 Gayanne, It —II Solo Park, 11--I1 Royal Scholar, 8- s Chef d'Oeuvre, 12 —l3 Fluffy, lo 9 Scar'een, 7-0 Windsor Star and Sivam ibracKeted), 13—12 Golden Acre, O --lo Stand To. Two lengths; threeiiuarler.s of a length. Gayanne was fourth. Time, 2m 21s.
NF.W PLYMOUTH HANDICAP, first t'-'so, second i.\so, third flO; 1 roile and 2'.. Inr.—:j—2 Dink's Own, 7.2, car. 7.1% !('. .fillings), I; 2 -3 Jolly fox, 7.2, car. 7.0 -I!. Eraser), 2; I—4 Sousa, 7.1 18. George). :i_ Also Started: 1— 1 Black Plato, 5-5 Keen Play, 2 3 Biieno (tiracketed with Jollyfox), 3 2 Dawn Flight ' (bracketed with Dink's Own). Length; two lengths. Keen Play was fourth. Time. 2m 235. IXGLKWOOI) HANDICAP, first C2lO, second (.'in. third C3O; 0 fur.— I- 1 Tideless, 8.0 (W. Carter), I; 3—3 Grey Salute, 7.7, car. 7.3 (('. Jillings), 2; s—o5 —0 Plato Lad, 5.3 <M. Martinovich), 3. Also started: I—4 Drambuie. *J—'J Mrrciiri.il. G ."> I,nrd Coronach. Five lengths; three lengths. Mercurial was fourth. Time, 1m IPs. WESTPORT RESULTS FRANK LOGAN SUCCEEDS DOUBLE FOR VICTORY BOY iP.A.) WESTPORT, Thursday
Following are the results of the second day of the West port Trotting Club's Mid-Summer Meeting, wtiich was held today:
CHARLESTON HANDICAP, first £l3O, second t3o. third £2O; trotters: limit, 1.2; 1 mile and 5 fur.—l —3 Worthy Pointer, limit (H. Bennett),* I; I—2 Golden Amazon, 2 l.vds bhd (W. I'ascoe), 2; s—o Sir Walter, 21.vds bhd iH. J. Smith), 3. Also started: 0— 9 Billy Loyal, 10—11 Cash Bond, 9—in Golden Ruin, 11 —12 Joy's Pal, 3 —l Loyal Native and Rey Stone. 7—7 Upshot, 2 —l Walter Jingle, B—B Comprip, o—s Contraband. Two lengths; three lengths. Cash Bond was fourth. Times: 3m 555, 3m 53 3-ss, 3m 5 I 2-ss. SEDDOXYILLK HANDICAP, first Cl3ft, second t3O, third £2O; limit. 1.5 H; 2 miles. — 1— i Authentic, limit (.F- Wilson), 1; 7—7 Dramatist, limit (J. Roche), 2; 2 —'2 Mavis Grattan, limit (W. R. Butt), 3. Also started: s—o5 —0 Calworth, I—l Jackalette, B—9 Leeston Lass, lo—lo Loriol, o—s Reckless Lady and Loyal Charm, 9—B Stammel. 3 —3 Sure Spec. Two lengths; nose. Reckless Lady was fourth. Times: 4m 18 3-ss. -lm 1!) 2-ss, 1m 49 4-ss. BULLF.R HANDICAP, first £255, second £55, third £3O; limit. 3.-18; 1 mile and 5 fur.—s—s Frank Logan, 30yds bhd (G. Cameron), 1; I—l Buster, limit (C. R. Berkett), 2; 2—2 Flying Chips, 30yds bhd (G. Withers), 3. Also started: Jackie Guy, Loyal Peg. Sunny Glen, Sandstone (bracketed with Buster), Volo's Victory, Chinook, Hargood's Pride. Two lengths; length. Volo's Victory was fourth. Times: 3m 40 3-ss, 3m 4 Is, 3m 11 1 -ss. STOCKTON HANDICAP, first £llO, second £35. third £25; limit, 2.50; I'i miles. —y—2 Victory Boy, limit (F. Newfield), t ; 1— i Opaque, limit (N. Berkett), 2; B—o Little Audrey, limit (F. Scolt), 3. Also started; o—7 Atawhero, 13 —It Ben Travis, ;j—J Gambler's Fortune, 10 —10 Mark Way, I—3 Paddv Potts, 7—5 Quite Game, 14 —l3 Sandy Potts, 11 —ll Sir Carol, s—B True Potte, 15—12 Derbyshire. 12—11 Motto, lin Wee Pal, f)—9 Wee Peg. Half a length; two lengths. Sir Carol was fourth. Times; 2m 50 3-ss, 2m 50 4-ss, 2m 52 I-ss. , GRAN"ITS" HANDICAP, first £l4O, second. £35, third £25; trotters; limit, 4.50; 2 miles. —5- —I Kongo, limit (L. A. Williams). I • —ri Worthy Pointer, 30yds bhd (H. Bennett), 2; 10—11 Billy Loyal, limit <S. Dakin), 3. Also started: B—B Cash Bond. II —lO Golden Ruin, I —l Jack Daly, 9—9 Loyal Native, 12 —9 Upshot, o—o Sir Walter', 2 —2 Walter Jingle, 7—7 Compris, 4—5 Contraband. Five lengths; three, lengths. Contraband was fourth. Times: 4m 50 4-ss, 4m 19 3-ss, lm 525. WAIMANG AROA HANDICAP, limit, 2.59; I*4 miles. —First division: 1— 1 Lucky Scott, limit (N. Berkelt), 1; 3—3 Calumet Queeei, L'iyds bhd (A. *2; 11 —0 Frank's Pride, limit (O. Cameron), 3. Also (darted: 7—7 Anthditir,, M—ls Golden Knave, 10 —IT! Re.v Audubon. 7—B Crystal Bird, 2 —2 Cue, 17 —10 Xile Lass, IS —18 Loval Charm. 5—5 Mavis Grattan. Two lengths each way. Mavis Grattan was fourth. Times: 2m 55 l-ss, 2m 53 3-ss. 2m 50 2-ss. Second division: B—s Little Audrey, 30yds bhd (F. Scott). 1; I—l Dramatist, limit (J. Roche), 2; o—o Highland Pride, limit ([)'. C. Walts), 3. Also started: 19—17 Gay Flounce 12 —12 Jackalette, 10 —-13 Loyal Volo, O—S Sure Spec, 15—14 Mayo Boy, 10—10 Hazard Queen, 13—11 Latirene Grattan. Two lengths; length and a-half. Jackalette was fourth. Times: 2m 53 2-ss, '2m 57 3-SS, '-'III 57 I-ss. DENNIST ON HANDICAP, first £llO, second £35. third £25; limit, 3.52; 1 mile and 5 fur.—2—l Buster, 30yds bhd (C. R. Berkett I, 1; •"> - 0 Gambler's Fortune, limit (D C Watts), 2; 0 7 Atawhero, limit tW. R. Butt), and 4—t True Potts, limit_ (A. Fairburn), dead-heat, 3. Also started: >- Ti Paddy PoSts 9—B Sir Carol, 8--5 Omte Game 3—3 O pan ue, 11 —ll Derbyshire, 10--lo Wee Peg. I—2 Wade Lane. Two lengths; half a length. Times: 3m 40 2-ss, :tm It 1 -ss, 3m 10 3-ss. FAREWELL HANDICAP, first £IOO, second £35, third £25; limit, 2.53; \V» miles. —1- I Victory Boy, limit (,F. Newfield), 1; 10— 10 Hargood's Prlrto, 21yds bhd (L. A. Williams), 2; 5—5 Papcrman, limit (W. R. Butt), 3. Also started: Loyal Peg, Northern Lass, Sunny Glen (bracketed with Victory Boy), Logan Palm, Mona Palm, Volo's' Victory, Bien Sur, Bonny Axworth, Sandstone. Flying -Chips. Length and a-half j length. Bonny Axworth was fourth. Times: 2m 52 3,-ss, 2m 50 1-SH, 2m 535.
The totalisator handled £22,190, compared with 117,0.14 on Iho second day last year, an increase of £5182. The total for the twp days was £10,90.3, compared with £30,22'), an increase of £10,077.
RECORD OF BARWON THREE WINS IN FOUR RUNS By winning the Great Northern Foal Stakes at Ellerslie on Boxing Day, the 3000jruiuca coll Bar won consolidated lis position an the leading northern two-year-oM Ho has been successful at Ilia last, three starts. I fi on I v unplaced performance . being in ine Juvenile Handicap ut Te Aroha on October 0 when he was badly left at thebarrer. A bis next appearance he scored an easj win in the Tamahere Stakes at le Rapa on November 17. A week late;rhe won the Cam. Majesty^''v! g and''Supe/vaaV, 7.10. third. As a result he was strongly fancied fur the Great Northern Foal Slakes and duly won, although ho riHlnotbaveim.rh to spare front Regal Praise at the finish. The latest success brought Bnrwon S earnings up to 11050, so his owners Messrs A h. and A. Bowler, have secured n substantial part of the sum they paid for him as a yearling. Tliey recently refused an Australian offc"r (if 0000 guineas for Bnrwon. stating tint the coll was not for sale. Barwon credited Foxbridge with his third winner in the Great Northern Foal Stakes.. Lou Rosa in linsi and Al-Sirat in 1014 being the others. Al-Sirat ia a full-brother to Barwon.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume 82, Issue 25396, 28 December 1945, Page 3
Word Count
1,651TARANAKI EVENTS New Zealand Herald, Volume 82, Issue 25396, 28 December 1945, Page 3
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