ptfNERS AT GOOD ODDS ALISON CUP TO ROYEVRUS BEVERLEY'S BIG DIVIDEND Every favourite was beaten on the nening day of the Auckland Racing Club's' Iklid-spring Meeting at Ellerslie Saturday, the only ones to gain Jaces being Sir Keynard, Glen tonsil Orelio and Harinony. I'ive winners, Tea' Drop, Beverley, Koyevrus, Kiver Plate ami i'oxola, and tne minor placebetter Udtaa paid double figures, and fLerally it ' vas a day of surprises, the freatest of which was the victory 111 the ™i Hurdles ot Beverley, who made a return of nearly three-quarters ol a cenchief event, thfc Alison Cup, provided snfl finish, in which, Koyevrus narrowly defied the top-weight iieau Leon. Koyevrus ? the tapes ol the barrier when the field .. liniDK "P. and was, responsible for a false * >♦in which several liorses were left stand- * The tag system lor signalling false starts «« immediately brought into operation and i ld W as brought back, although not Orelio LovaalS and Tellsou. had Sed two furlongs. Unluckily for Orelio, revived the worst of it when the proper ,ttrt*as made. Koyevrus had not won for 'Tollowfng rain overnight, the going was The weather was fine, although inclined to be unsettled, and there was a heavy Kr just before the/,last race. The attendnr* w;is 11,500. which equalled that of last «r Thetotalisator handled £58,593. com ared with £52,030 on the first day last year, Jn increase of £t>s63: Melrose maiden handicap each Bref £125. second £35. third £ls; £ vl f, ir J-First division: 10—16 Tea Drop, I D and J. (J. Crosby's b g, oyrs bv Tea lUv—Drop One, 8.9, car. 'B.4'/ a <F. Hain), i li-14 Verus. 5.4 (W. Hooton). 2; iL-20 Beaucoup, .8.4 (S. Tremain) 3. Also JrTr'j. 3_3 Lady Pay, 0.0; 2—2 laku : 8 6 IS—IS Kotiro Pai. 8.5; *20—19 lhk P Chief 8.1. car., s.lf 11—12 BamTane 8 4 car. S.ti; Jo Sporting Bronze, 5^ 2 L 3 as Toker u, 21-2! Camilla 8.4; rCIT Tea Blossom,''B.4, car. ~11; 13—lo 1' n Peri, 8.4. car- "11; 610 Honeywood, ? - Waif ox 8.4; 10 —9 Romance, 8.4. car. !7'«_l3 Gem Tray. 8.4. car. 7.11; 9—ll r»tiri~4 car. 7.12. Length and a-half; neck. jSftlin'lS 3-ss. Winner trained by Owners, Division —5—6 Cayja, L. G. Abel's eh c, 3yrs. by Vaals-Picture, 8.12, «r *5 (F- Beguely), 1; I—l Sir Reynard, SO'(T. Green). 2; 9-11 The Crow. 8.4. car. ftl ik 0. Ensor). 3., Also started: 12—4 TJalflM Maid 5.9, ca/. 5.2; 13 —8 Funny Sfr Is' ear.' 8.1)4; 20—19 Sylonyx, 11—12 ladio Gall I—s Last/ Survey, 17 —17 Tea lafder 22—22 Balashiel, 8.4; 13-15 Water--5 Bridge 8.4, car. 7.11; 6—lo Yalhaven, r° ® Tnno' Tide 8.4r B—l38 —13 Vaalsmoss, 8.4, 6 711- Neck; half a length. Time, lm 1-5S Winner by Owner. '1 akanini. Rrackets.— Svlonyx and White Chief. Radio Call and Bambury Lane, Last Survey and Snorting Bronze, Tea Raider and Tea BiosBridge and Bean Peri. Yalhaven and Honeywood, June Tide and Waifox, Vaalsmoss and Gem Tray, The Crow and JnW MILFORD HAXDICAP. first £2OO. sec£7o third £3O; 6 fur. —I—l1—1 Golden Suivey, J. C- Gerrand's ch in, o.vrs, by Sur«yo -Golden Comet, 8.4, car. 8.0% (L. C. *mwn) 1; IS—l6 Odtaa, 5.5, car. 8.1% (R. TTn*ard) 2; 3—3 Verulam, 8.6 (W . Doyle), Also started: 2-2 Sir Genera!, 9.0; 6-9 l&brow. 5.9, ear. 8.6; 7—B Kenneth Robert, it i_li Silver Clariou, S—6 Empire Rose. 84- 11—11 Onetea, 8.2, car. <.9; 13 lo 2S Wheriko, 8.1. car 711%-. 9-- Bronzo. car 7.9; 10 —10 Bronze Meter. -.12; 14—14 Heroic Star, 7.1-2, car. 7.9%; ij—lß Little Rase. 7.11, car. 7.10y a ; 12—12 Edna s Birthday, 7.11; 15-13 Watchett 5-5 Golden Bonnet, 7.7; 16—16-Home Again ..-, rur 72. Two lengths; head. Time, lm lo 3-us. Winner trained by W. Townsend, Cambridge. TIKI HURDLES, first £245. second £75, third £3O; 1% miles. —12—11 Beverley. G. Forsyth's ch g, aged, by Lord harden— Erda. 9.5 (A. McKrnnon). 1; I—l Glen Connell, 9-13 (F. Cleaver), 2; 3—3 Flylilt, 9.5 (D. J. Burgess), 3. Also started: i__i Sight Hawk. 10.6; 6—6 Besiege, lO.o; o—2 Etaro. 9.13; 9r-9 Paint. 7—7 Forest Glen. 9-S; 5—5 Melvanui. 9.5; B—fe Cheaners. 9 —2; 14—12 Isorthlander. 14—lo Wong Foo, 11—14 Gay Opal. 10—10 Surt»«n 13—14 Gay Movie, 9.0. Four lengths; tsro and a-half lengths. Time, 3m 15 3-ss. Winner trained by G. Jenkins, Ellerslie. ALISON CUP. First £450, seccnd £IQO, third £SO; VA miles 6 11—Royevrus, W. Townsend's ch_ hj, 6yrs, by Sarveyor—Desert Fire, 7.11 (J. WiJlismson) • ■ • • 1 V-3 -Beau Leon, 9.8. (J. Winder) .. 2 —Orelio, 9.4 <W. Hooton) . . • • 3 (Winner trained by Owner. Cambridge.) Also' Started.—s—4 Erndale, 8.7; 2—2 Uml Fox 7.11; 9—7 Wildore, (.8; 12—1Gipper. 7.'7, car. 7.11; B—s8 —s The Cardinal, 7.7; 13 —13 Lovaals, 7.5, car. r.fa/ 2 ; 14—14 Erlick, 7.2, car. 7.10; 4—5 lellsom. / ; 11-10 British Talent, 7.0, car 7.2; <—o Landveyor, 10 —9 Court Favourite. «.0. Xeck; head. Time, 2m 10s Sectional Times.—Two furlongs _ 2-s, three, 40s; four, 52 2-5S>; five, 1.0 l-o. six, US; seven, 1.30 3-5; last half-mile. 525. CAMBRIA HANDICAP, first £2OO sec(jid £7O, third £3O; two-year-olds; o fur.— 4—5 Beau Vaals, H. R- Tyler s br g, by Vaals—Limeen, 8.4 (W. O. Ensor), Qrakau, 8.11 (M. Caddy). 2; 3—2 Royal Merit, 9.2 (W. Hooton), 3, Also started.— 1-1 Bonny Pay, 9.3; 2—3 Sleepy Fox, 9.2; 9—9 Malaguena. 8.0; B—B Elect, 7.12; 12—11 Queen Horod, <-9. car. 6-7 Century, 7.5, car. 7.5%; 11—lAppier, 7.1. Length and a-half; three-Quarters oi a length. Time, Iml 2-ss. Winner trained by F. Smith, Takanini. TAKAPUNA PLATE, first £3OO, second £7O, third £3O; special weights; / fur.— B—S River »late, O. Nicholson and Hon. .h. £. Davis' br g, 3yrs. by Iliad—Gay Mantold, 8.0 (C. B. Goalsbro), 1; 3 — c j2 e l l [ y s Ticket, 8.7 (G. Gilchris)t, 2; 7—• Betterman. 8.7 (P. Fenton), 3. Also started: 4—4 Jastma, 9—6 Town Survey, 8.12-, 6—9 .\eetah. I—l1 —1 Silver Mist,. 8.7: 15 —15 Acreinan, 5-5 Foxlore, 13—13 Kadina, >2— 12 Paymaster, 8.5; 10—10 Balblair, 11—14 Borak, 11-11 Hogarth. 8.0; 2—2 Prince Louis. 8.0, car. 8;2. Length and a-half; head, lm 27 2v/S. Winner trained by 1. F. Verner, iPipaksra. r , t/ ■
CHELTENHAM HANDICAP. First £3OO, second £7O, third £3O; 6 fur. g—-—Foxola, O. Nicholson and Hon. E. B. Davis' blk m, 4yrs, by Foxbndge —Aureola, 9.1 (M. Caddy) ■ • .. 1 2-I—Harmony, 7.12 (W. 0. Ensor) . . 2 10— 7.8, car. 7.BVa (W. HoOion) .. < • ■ • • '7 (Winner trained by T. F. Verner, Papakura.) , Also -Started.—l—4 Bronwen, 9.3; I—2 ironos, 8.10; 7—B Proud Fox. 8.10, car. 811%; 3—3 Sure Pay, 8.0; 9—o Rex Mai - Mid, 8.5; 5—5 Te Takiria, o—<>0 —<> Diftky Di, 8.0; 12—11 Grandora, ..10; 13—13 Softly, ?.S: 11—12 Peter Douglas, 7.0; 14 —11 Trehor. 7.0. car. 7.3. Half a length; neck. Time, lm l«>s. PO.VUI HANDICAP, first £3OO, second f"0, third £3O; 1 mile. —2—2 Sea-law. J. It- Massey's br hj, lyrs, by Foxbridge—-bea-loria, 7.5 car 7 <;' j (J. Williamson). 1; 6-4 Expellant, S.lu <N. R. McKenzie). 2; '—6 Silver Qucx, 7.0 (A. C. Messerv.v), Alio started: I—7 Bronze Moth, 9.2; B—B Gay Rosette, 8.5; «i—<» HoyaS Message, 11—10 Tea Gong. 7.0; :i—"■ Brahman, < .9, «r- 7.10%; 5—5 Ai,V Port, 7.8; I—l Kr?, 8 /' (.6; 10—11 Bronze Ora, 7.1, car. <.4/4; 33—13 Full Hand. 7.0. car. 7.7; 12—12 Mjsito, 7.0, car. 7.5%; 11—11 Vaalso. <.O. Wth; neck. Tim?, lm 41 4-ss. 'A inner trailed by F. Smith. Takanini. RIVETTE RETIRED Unusual stud book ban , Kivette, winner of the Catilfield and Mel.bourne Cups, is to fie retired from racing, Jcrording to a statement bv her owner and £*uner. H. Bainber. Her breeding value is "tarnished by the fart that she is not eligible | or the Australian Stud Book, although she g. admittedly a ilM'/roughbrcd. The (lain of givette and other members of the family of £ IV . bv Cyklon from White Itiver. are in the «uii Book, hut Hivette is barred because the s*®rd of her foaling was not received within we stipulated time. / . "amber intended to retire the mare after "" double victory in 1039, but when it was S'Scovered that she was riot eligible for the Hook she was put into training again «a won an additional £7lO, to bring her *lr®ffate stake winnings to £15,453. AJAX AT THE STUD NO AUSTRALIAN INTEREST iJJ? Brst progeny of AJax will be seen in n e retired from racing early last *1 at <he Aubins Stud, New South . «ies, he was mated with some mares to foal th» an 'im f '- In the Northern Hemisphere itia-f S . eaSO!l ' ,p gi»s in January. Most of the bonio ser®5 er ® consigned to the order of Mr. tw '• "eyer and reports received since rjHiLfnyal indicate the greatest interest by 'wL ptates breeders in Australian bloodss,fr a ". Pere. who left Australia about the hi»hi„ 3 f " r r - Meyer's stud, is now so 4 0 ? l"' y regarded that at, a feu of 2500 W® h,s list is filled. Co t ?, wners of Ajax, A. W. Thompson and AnhinT ; V' 1 " operate the Widden and St. the hf s '»ds, have Expressed their faith in kffiru? )J! a ]]?'ling him the best of their f !"»•[». His /fee at the stud is 250 hu ,t no outside breeders in the Vthns»£ ff(, i '' .have booked a single mare, kt?, D f" American breeders, it is reported, ] f mor6 applications than there
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New Zealand Herald, Volume 78, Issue 24136, 1 December 1941, Page 5
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1,544FAVOURITES FAIL New Zealand Herald, Volume 78, Issue 24136, 1 December 1941, Page 5
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