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[INTER-COLLEGIATE MEETING AUCKLAND GRAMMAR WINS NEW QUARTER-MILE RECORD The annual inter-second ary schools track nnd / field championships were conducted at the Domain on Saturday and, jn spito of a cold wind that blew directly down the straight, a series of splendid • performances, well in keeping with the past standard, was registered. Only one record was broken during the day and f'that was in the intermediate section, \\ . Jlansill reducing the 440 yds. record to 54 4-os. F. Watt, Auckland Grammar, -was n the outstanding senior athlete on the day, and he ran true to form in winning the half-mile and one mile championships and greatly assisting his school to win the senior relay. W. Mansill, also of Auckland Grammar, was the outstanding intermediate athlete, while in the juniors Barton, of Otahuhu High School, performed well. Smeeton, of Mount Albert Grammar, also imi- . pressed with a beautiful display of high iumping 2 in which he employed a perfect "Western roll." , Auckland Grammar was again successful in the senior and intermediate divisions, while Otahuhu High School and Seddon Memorial Technical College tied for first place in the junior division. Abbreviations in the following results are: —Auckland Grammar bchool (A.G.S.), Mount Albert Grammar School (M.A.G.S.), Seddon Memorial Technical College (S.M.T.C.), Takapuna Grammar School (T.G.S.), King's College (K.C.), Sacred Heart College (S.H.C.), Otahuhu High School (0.H.5.). SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS 120 Yds Hurdles (record, 15 4-ss, X. Sawtrs, JI A G.S. ,1931)-—First heat: Gordon (K.C.), i- i- Kronield (M.A.G.S.). 2; Johnson (A.U.S.), B.' Time, 16 3-ss. Second beat: Mills (M.A.G.S.), 1; Jones (A.G.S.;, 2; hawe (S.H.C.), 3. No time taken. Final: Mills, I; Gordon 2j Kronfeld, 3. Time, 16 2-ss. SSOl'ds Championship (.record, 2ni 2 3-ss, "Wordsworth, b.H.C., 1934).—Watt (A.G.S.). 1- Arkinstall (A.G'.S.), 2; Thorpe (S.M.T.C.I, 3.' Time, 2m 7 4-ss. Watt led all the way and Woxi comfortably by 10yds. IOOVds Championship (record, 10 l-ss. W. > Roberts, A.G.S., 1933).—Gordon (K.C.), 1; Brinsden (T.G.S.), 2; Bush (A.G.6.), 3. Time, lis. Throwing the Discus.—Mead (A.G.S.i, 93ft Sin, 1; Coxhead (M.A.G.S.), 93ft 4in, 2: ilcHugh (S.H.C.), 89ft lljin, 3. 220 Yds (record, 235, R. G. Eade, 1.G.b,, 1931).—Gordon (K.C.), 1; Coughlan (A.G.S.). 2; Hargreave (K.C.), 3. Time, 235. Although equalling the record this time was not * allowed as a following wind assisted the lU Putting the Shot.—Coxhead (M.A.G.S.). 83ft oiin, 1; Mead (A.G.S.), 38ft 4in. 2; Oddy (M.A.G.S.), 38ft 3in, 3. One Mile 'record, 4m 33 3-ss, b. E. Watt, A G.S., 19'5-H.—Watt (A.G.S.), 1; Hill A.G.S.), 2. 'i .. cedie (S.M.T.C.). 3,. Time. 4m 465. V»att again led all the way and won easily. 440 Yds (record 51 2-ss, A. J. Sayers. A G.S., 1934).—Mi11s (M.A.G.S.), 1; Coughlan (A.G.S.), 2; Hill (A.G.S.), 3. Time, 54 3-ss. The best race of the day. Mills lust winning in a bunched finish. . . High Jump (record, sft 7in R. B. Cruick.ehank, A.G.S., 1934).—Traill (A.G.S.). aft 4in, 1; Kronfeld (M.A.G.S.). Meyer (M.A.G.S.). Mills (T.G.S.), sft 2m, equal, 2. Broad Jump (record, 20ft 4Jin, P. C. Spittall, A.G.S., 1931K—Bush (A.G.S.), 19ft. 1; Kingstone (M.A.G.S.), 18ft iHm. 2; Gamble (S.H.C.), 18ft llin. 3. Relay Championship, one mile (record. Sin 47 3-ss, A. G. S., 1934).—A G.S.. 1: M.A.G.S., 2; K.C., 3. Time, 3m 55 4 : as. Watt lan a fine half-mile to place the issue beyond doubt for Grammar. INTERMEDIATE CHAMPIONSHIPS 90 Yds Hurdles (record, 12 2-ss, G. D. Lundon, K.C.. 1931).—First heat: Godley (T.G.S.). 1; Thompson (A.G.S.), 2; Murphy (S.H.C.), 3. Time, 13 4-ss. Second heat; Robertson (T.G.S.). 1; Bridgens (A.G.S.), 2; Cooney (S.HC), 3. Time, 13 2-ss. Final; Robertson (T.G.S.), 1; Murphy (S.H.C.), 2; ut>dley (T.G.S.), 3 Time, 13 2-ss. 440 Yds Championship (record, 565, J. IJ. Lewis, K.C., 1929; P. J. Young, A.G.S., 1931).—MansiU (.A.G.S.), 1; Woolley (S.M.T.C.), 2; Manning (S.M.T.C.), -'3. Time, 54 4-ss—a record. Mansill showed a particularly good style and won comfortably . % IOOYds (record 10 3-ss, G. D. Lundon. K.C., 1931).—Mansill (A.G.S.), 1; Robertson (T.G.S.), 2; Covey (S.M.T.C.), 3. Time. 11 l-ss. * High Jump (record sft lin, A. G. McRae, A.G.S., 193-I).—iMurphy (S.H.C.), Man--6 ill (A.G.S.), Branch -(T.G.S.), sft }in. equal, 1. All three competitors failed at sft liin and 4 tie was declared for first place, j 220 Yds (reco'd ?3 4-ss, G. D. Lundon, K.C., 1931).—Mansill (A.G.S.), 1; O'Gara (A.G.S.), 2; Thompson (K.C.), 3. Time, 24 3-ss. Mansill ran another splendid race to win by ihree yards. Broad Jump (record 20ft liin, P. C. Spittall, A.G.S., 1930).-Robertson (T.G.S.), 17ft 9{in, 1; Thompson (A.G S.). 17ft fiin, 2; Mansill (A.G.S.), 3. , T , RSOYds (record 2m 10 l-ss, K. L. Warburton, A.G.S., 1929).— Murphy (S.H.C.). 1; •*» y Thompson (A.G.S.), 2; Turbott (T.G.S.), 3. Time, 2m 12 3-ss. Murphy finishrd the strongest to win by five yards from Thompr— son and Turbott, who had made the pace #ll the way. Relay Championship (880 yds, record lm 45 l-ss. A G.S., 1931). —A.G.S., 1; S.M.T.C.. 2; T.G.S., 3. Time, lm 47 3-5s JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS IOOYds (record, 11 2-sb, O. C Cleal. A.G.S., 1931; A. S. Cross, A.G.S., 1934). Selwyn (S.M.T.C.), I; Thornton (0.H.5.). 2; (K.C.), 3. Time, 12s. 220 Yds (record 25 3-ss, O. C. Clea., AGS 1931; I. M. Ramsey, A.G.S., 1933). —Thornton (0.H.5.). 1; Gibbons (K.C.). 2; Pring (A.G.S.), 3. Time, 25 4-os. Won by inches in a fine finish. , r . x Hish Jump.—Smeeton (M.A.G.S.), 4Jt 9 3-Bin, If Thorn (M.A G.S.), 4ft Sin, 2; Newcomb (K.C.), 4ft 7in, 3. 440 Yds (record, 58 l-ss, J. bhanahan, 8.H.C., 1931).—Bartor (0.H.5.). 1; Schellack (S.M.T.C.). 2; Gibbons (K.C.). 3. Time, lm 0 2-ss. Barton led all the way, but just stayed on long enough to win by a yard in a close finish. 880 Yds (record. 2m 16, H. G. F. Clark, S.M.T.C.. 1934).—Barton (0.H.5.). 1; Hutchinson (M.A.G.S). '2; Redgers !A.G S.). 3 *" Time. 2m 22 4-5s Relay Championship. 440 yds (record. 49 4-ss; A.G.S.. 1934).-S.M.T C.. 1; K.C.. 2; A.G.S., 3. Time, 51 3-5s The final plncings in the three sections were:— Seniors.—A.G.S., 52, 1: M.A.G.S.. 31 5-o. 2; K.C., 16; 3. Intermediates.—A.G.S., 38. 1; S.II C and Si . S.M.T.C., .11 points, equal, 2. Juniors.—S.M.T.C. and 0.H.5.. 18 points, equal. 1: K.C.. 12 points. 3. EVENTS AT NORTHCOTE COMBINED MEETING HELD There was a laTge attendance of parents at the fourth annual combined sports meeting of the primary schools associated with the Northcote District High School, held at the High School grounds at Northcote on Saturday. Favourable weather conditions , prevailed, and the gathering was most sue cessful. The organisation of the sports was excellent, the arrangements reflecting credit upon the officials. The events were keenly contested, .'vnd owing to the large number of competitors six and seven heats were necessary in some races to reach the final stage. The pointy were again awarded on a scale basis to preclude the possibility of the larger schools having any advantage because of their ability to place more competitors in the events. Birkdale counted double, and tbe other schools four times, the value allowed for',points scored by North,cote and Birkenhead. Albany again secured first place in the girls' division, while Greenhithe was first in the boys' division. The aggregate points scored were us follows:—Albany, 212; Greenhithe, 200; Birkenhead, 182; Birkdale, 144; Northcote, 130; Glenfield, 66 In the absence of the president, Mr. H. Shaw, the Herbert Smith Memorial Cups were presented by Mr. T. M. Shepherd, these trophies being received by Miss Agnes Massey for /Alb.iny and by Master Austin gr Blakeway for Greenhithe. In the results, schools are abbreviated in Parentheses as follows: Alhany (A.), Greenhithe (Gr.), Birkenhea'd (B.), Birkdale Bd.), Northcote (N.), Glenfield (G.). Re§fj. suits were:— PRIMARY SCHOOLBOYS Half-mile, open.—A. Blakeway (Gr.), 1; Ife If. Douglas' (B.), 2; P. Merz (Bd.), 3. Ssk 220 Yds., . pen.—A. Blukewuy (Gr.), 1; J. Bte lepper (N.i, 2; B. Williams (Bd.), 3. ■P IOOYds., under 13. —F. Le Grice (Gr.), 1; C. Roberts (B.), 2; H. Blond (B.), 3. 75Yds.< under 12.—D. Campbell (B.), 1; W. Jenkins (Bd.), 2. Under 11: D. CumpVbell (8.1, 1; C. Roberts (8.1, 2; B. Williams ' (Bd.), 3. ' 50Yds.—Under 10: D. Campbell (B.), 1; J. Lepper (N.I, 2; C. Roberts (B.), 3. Under 9: J. Collins (Bd.), 1; W. Bugg Sv-, <N.), 2; J. Ferner (N.), 3. Under 8; C. Robertson (N.), 1, P. Heggins (N.), 2. g Under 7; J. Godley (A.), 1; A. Clark (N.j, 2; A. Aspden (N.) and S. Roberts (B.), R dead heat, 3. Under 6:- H. Pike (N,) and I. PP.; .Page (A.), dead heat, 1; C. Greenslade. 3. §gr IOOYds. Relay.—Greenhithe A, 1; NorthCote A, 2; Birkenhead A, 3.
Stick-jumping Relay, 100 yds.— Northcote, 1; Greenhithe, 2; Birkenhead, 8. Sack Race, open, 100yds.—Desmond Neal (Bd.), 1; "\V. Jones (Gr.), 2; K. Newby (B.), 3. Potato Race.—Under 9: J. Collins (Bd.), 1; J. Ferner (N.), 2; T.'Jenkins (Bd.), 3. Over 9: A. Blakeway (Gr.), 1; R, Lepper (N•),_ 2; P. Le Grice (Gr.), 3. Points.—Greenhithe, 1G8; Birkdale, t*4; Northcote, 84; Birkenhead. 73; Albany, 68; Glenfield. 4. PRIMARY SCHOOLGIRLS 75Yds.—Under 13; M. Gardiner (A.), 1; A. Thorburn (B.), 2; Cr. Krissansen (Gr.), 3 Under 12: A. Massey (A.), 1; B. foster (».), 2; G. Krissansen (Or.), 3. Under 11: A, Jenkins (Bd ), 1; E. Hentley (B.). 2; Jv. Nelson (N.), 8. 50Yds.—Under 10; J. Samty (B.), 1; K Neads (B.), 2; S. Norton (B.), 3. Under 9: 1. Saunders (G.), 1; F. Steward (N.), 2; E. I ugh (B.), 3. Under 8: J. Massey (A.), 1; E. Campbell (B.), 2. Under 7: J. Clow (B.t. 1; V. Luker (B.). 2; B. Chandler (G.), :j. Under (i: E. Kindly (B.), lj A. Brown (B.), 2: Iv. Dnrrington (N.), 3. Skipping Races, 75yds.—Over 11: A. Massey (A.). 1; B. Poster (B.). 2; G. Cochrane (B.), 3. Under 11: G. McCready (B.), 1; M. Hunter (Or.), 2; S. Norton (B.) and J. Satchel] (N.), dead heat, 3. Relay, 50yds.—Birkdale, 1; Albany, 2; Northcote A, 3. Overhead Ball.—Birkdale, 1; Northcote, 2; Birkenhead, 3; Greenhithe, 4. Sack Race, 75yds.—B. Foster (8.1, 1; M. Wilson (B.), 2; P. Collins (Gr.), 3. Potato Races.—Over 9: A. Massey (A.), 1 S. Norton (13.), 2; N. Nelson (N.j. 3. Under 9: C Burnett (B.). 1; M. Millar (N.) and Y. Bailey (N.), dead heat. 2. Points.—Albany. Ill; Birkenhead. 109: Birkdale, GO; Glenfield, 52; Northcote, 40; Greenhithe. 32. HIGH SCHOOL EVENTS Boys' l?aces.—looyds, open: Tainui, 1 and 3; Matatun, 2. Relay, 100yds.—Arnwa. 1; Tainui. 2; Matntua. 3. Relay, one mile.—Tainui, 1; Takatimu 2; Arnwa, 3. Girls' Competitions.—Stick relay, 50vds: Kuru, 1; Kotuku. 2; Miro, li Overheads Ball:—Kuku, 1; Miro. 2; Kotuku. 3; Ruru, 4. Ball-throwing Relay.—Ruru, 1; Kuku 2; Miro, 3; Kotuku, 4. Other Events.—Overhead hall • High School, 1; Bunnies, 2. Committeemen's Race.—G. Collins (Bd.l, ( k 3 Hopkine 2 : N - J. Campbell
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22085, 15 April 1935, Page 17
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1,778SCHOOLBOY ATHLETES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22085, 15 April 1935, Page 17
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SCHOOLBOY ATHLETES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22085, 15 April 1935, Page 17
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