AUCKLAND CLUB'S EVENT The Auckland City Rifle Club fired a double shoot at 700 yds on Saturday, the first being ten shots and the second seven. Conditions were difficult, the high wind and variable light getting most of the competitors into difficulties at some stage. G. G. Kelly and S. C. Parkinson shot well and won a spoon each, while A. G. Robertson made a great recovery at the second attempt. Scores off the rifle were:— A Grade.—G. G. Kelly, 4G, £l—77; H. Simmonds, 42, 32—74; A. G. Devore, 44, 80—74; A. J. Pieterson, 39, 30—69; I. J. Spry, 38, 26—64; A. G. Robertson, 27, 83—60: J. A. Spry, 32, 26—58; F. Bowes, 32, 25—57; H. J. Verrall, 36, retired. B Grade.—S. C. Parkinson, 45, 31—76; R. Verrall, 42, 25—67; M. Milligan, 38, 2&—64; A. W. Harris, 39, 24—63; H. G. Collingwood, 39. 23—62; J. E. Kelly, 34, 26—60; R. Howie, 18, 20—38. The final service classication shoot will be fired on Saturday week. AKARANA CLUB A further stage of the Akarana Defence Riflo Club service championship series was concluded when the members shot an application practice over the ranges of 25 yards, 200 yards and 300 yards for the Laidlaw Cup. The practice consists of five shots group at 26 yards, seven shots application, seven shots snap and ten rounds rapid at 200 yards, and seven shots application at 300 yards. The silver spoons was won by J. R. Draffin. Details are as follows, the possible being 24 group, 24 application, 25 snap, 47 rapid, at 300 yards; 23 application:"total, 143: J. R. Draffin, 24, 24. 16. 43. 22—129: W. Colquhoun, 24, 18, 21, 43, 19—125: D. Chatfield, 18, 19. 25, 42. 20—124; J. Cossar, 25, 22, 18. 43. 16—124; R. Bell, 22, 20, 21. 39. 19—121; E. J. C. Reston, 20. 21, 21, 39. 19—120; A. Sutherland, 13, 20, 20. 30. 24—107; K. Ewington, 18, 13. 15, 22, 20—83. Trenthnm practice, consisting of seven shots application, ten shots rnpid. ten shots snap, at 800 yards; ten shots plntea and six shots running man. at 200 yard*, resulted: E. J. C. Reston, 27. 43. 30, 13 15 totnl 128; D. Chatfield, 26, 41, 30. 15. H—l23: T. Bevan, 31, 33, 80, 13. 15—122; W Colnuhoun. 27, 33, 22, 19, 15—116; R. F. Wakefield. 30. 28, 18. 25. 11—112; J. Cossar, 32. 30. IG. 23 10-111: H. Oxley, 28. 33. 8. 20. 1*—103: K. Ewincton, 30, 29. 15, 9. 6—89: W. Oxley. 26, 29. 4, 18. 10—87; P. Fraser. 93, 25, 18, 9, 5—80: C. Gee, 14, 18. 4, 12. —, 48 The silver spoon was won bv T. Revnn. The veteran. W. Powell, who won the Akarana Rfle Club's championship, has further added to his laurels by annexing the club average. Although the standard of shooting did not reach the same degree as the previous season, Powell's performance is more creditable, by reason of the poor and unreliable quality of the ammunition. Details of the averaees are as follows: W. Powell. 4.37; E. J. C. Reston. 4.32; J. R Draffin, 4.3; J. Joncs-Parrv. 4.26: J. M. Rennie. J. N. Mills. 4.17 : W. Colquhoun, 4.13: J. Cossar. 4.1; A. H. Dixon, 4.0: h. O. M. Ewineton. 3.37; M. .T, Rennie, 8.86; O N. Gee. 3.29.