BOOK EARLY FOR TO-NIGHT! CI V I c Amalgamated Theatres, Ltd. 11 2.15 8. A PICTURE YOU REALLY CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS! "THE LITTLE MINISTER" " THE LITTLE MINISTER " "THE LITTLE MINISTER" "THE LITTLE MINISTER" "THE LITTLE MINISTER" "THE LITTLE MINISTER" "THE LITTLE MINISTER" "THE LITTLE MINISTER" "THE LITTLE MINISTER" AN R.K.O. RADIO SPECIAL. Approved (ox Universal Exhibition, ANNOUNCING = OUR EASTER ATTRACTION MARGARET SULLAVAN HERBERT MARSHALL FRANK MORGAN 1 ☆ «T H g GOO D FAI R Y A UNIVERSAL PICTURE. Approved for Universal Exhibition. A Perfectly Delightful, Exquisitely Funny Story from Ferenc Molnar'« Most Brilliant Romnntic Comedy! BOX PLAN NOW OPEN. RESERVATIONS: 30-100. | CAPITOL | Ph »^k HJU I u w - Commencing This Evening, at 8 ■ GERTRUDE MICHAEL, PAUL CAVANAGH, In "THE NOTORIOUS SOPHIE LANQ A Fascinating Lady "Raffles. AIso—NILS ASTHEE and PAT PATERSON, In "LOVE TIME." The Life Story of Schubert. (Both Approved for Universal Exhibition.) Reservations not paid cannot be *«P» after 7.45 p.m. NEW EMPIRE— at 8 p.m. ANNA STEN LIONEL ATWILL, PHILLIPS HOLMES, "NANA" From tlje Famous Novel by Emile Zola Recommended by Ceijsor for Adults. Supports include WALT DISNEY S3 Cow oured Symphony *' THE GRASSHOPPER AND THE ANTS," SERVICE WITH A SMILE," Colourtone Revue. Usual Prices. Phone 21-433. __ STRAND ONEHUNGA. Do\ible-Star Attraction To-night, at 8: Ist Feature— • ■ "MALA, THE MAGNIFICENT. A Real Thriller from the land of the Eskimo. 2*id Feature —Edward G. Robinson, Mary Astor and Ricardo Cortex, m "THE MAN WITH TWO FACE 3. The Screen's Most Unique Mystery-Drama. (Both Recommended by Censor for Adults.) SPECIAL MATINEE, 2.30. CHILDREN gD, gD, €JD, gD. j MAYFAIR I a phonf T il|l AM ' I 1 Matinee at 3 p.m. Every Child attending the Matinee To day will receive a Chocolate Marshmallow Easter Egg. Special Picture Programme. TO-NIGHT. AT 7.45 P3U "MERRY WIVES OF RENO. "CRIME OF HELEN STANLEY. Both Recommended by Censor for Adu . CHILDREN 3D AT MATINEE. DELTA —Matinee, To-night and Monday, RAMON NOVARRO and JEAXETTB MACDONALD in the Most Gorgeous Musical. of the Year. „ "THE CAT AND THE FIDDLE. (Recommended by Censor for Adults.) FREE BUSES leave Titirangi and i Glen Eden, 7.1 o. HENDERSON to-night aT> Fredric March and Evelyn Venables m "DEATH TAKES A HOLIDAY. (Recommended by Censor for Aduus.i Special Supporting Programme : ____ : . NEW FICTUREDROME—MILFORD, Matinee 2.30. Night 7.50-Lionel' „ <fc Jean Harlow m "Girl from . MIS . S PVf (Recommended by tensor for AdUlw^ t Dancing—Meredith's Orclies. Free —
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 24
Word Count
Page 24 Advertisements Column 8
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 24
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