AMUB-BMENTB SPECIAL I First pictures of #rriv»l in Wellington of the Govetnor-General-Designote Viscount Galway and Viscountess Gal way Colourful > , Naval Pageantry Spectacular - Welcome Their Excellencies drive through cheering crowdsCivil Reception at Town Hill, : etc., «tc, " ' ■■■"• TO-DAY AT .11 j ST. JAMES' | Direction. . Sir Benjamin Fuller TWO GLORIOUS SINGING STARS! moved oy so glowing a wvc atufy. au now in this production of the romance of a Prwcs ana a dancer. rljj'i■ ■ *' • ■ V RAMON NOVARRO • RAMON NOVARRO / \ RAMON NOVARRO \ RAMON NOVARRO // " THE NIGHT IS YOUNG" , (Recoil)mended by Censor for Adults) // EVELYN LAYE \\ // EVELYN LAYE Yy // EVELYN LAYE \\ j , EVELYN LAYE \ With - CHARLES -DUTTPIRWORTH HARLES -DUTTERWORTH ("Forsaking All Others") 'And EDWARD T7IVERETT TTORTON. DWARD An Outstanding Associate ■ Programme includes POP-EYE, THE SAILOR Jn "THE DANCE CONTEST." 'TALES OF THE VIENNA WOODS" Delightful Coloured Cartoon. " GLIMPSES OF ERIN " Fitzpatrick Travel Gem, Etc., Ete. Plans fer To-night are filling rapidly. Don't be left out! Phone 41-814, EASTER SATURDAY _ Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Brilliant Production of "THE MERRY WIDOW" (Recommended by Censor for Adults), Box Plan opens on Monday morning. ' " BIRD IN HAND." " BIRD IN HAND." ITS CHEERFUL. BUOYANT RUMOUR, ITS GENTLE HUMANITY, AND ITS UNERRING FIDELITY TO ENGLISH CHARACTER PRODUCE A REFRESHING TONIC FOR WHICH EVERY TRUE PLAYLOVER SHOULD BE GRATEFUL. j^HIS^MAJESTY'S Direction... .J. C. Williamson (N.Z.), Ltd. GREAT EASTER ATTRACTION, BRILLIANT SOCIAL AND THEATRICAL event. ■ • COMMENCING SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY NIGHT NEXT. NIGHT NEXT. NIGHT NEXT. NIGHT NEXT. NIGHT NEXT. AND FOLLOWING EVENINGS, MATINEE EASTER MONDAY. J, C, WILLIAMSON, LTD., Have great pleasure in announcing the return to Auckland of their wonderfully successful " Ten-Minute Alibi " Company in JOHN DRINKWATER'S BRILLIANTLY CLEVER AN T D VERY ENTERTAINING COMEDY, " BIRD " BIRD " BIRD " BIRD " BIRD " BIRD " BIRD * BIRD " BIRD " BIRD $ HAND" IN HAND " IN HAND" IN HAND" IN HAND" IN HAND" IN HAND" IN BAND" IN HAND" IN HAND" ONE OF THE MOST charming plays THE ENGLISH STAGE HAS EVER PRODUCED. The Incomparable Company Will Again be Headed by the Brilliant Young London Actor, With Whom is Associated Frank Bradley Arundel Nixon, JANET JOHNSON (Her First Appearance in New Zealand'*, Tommy Jay, Harold B. Meade, R. L, Atholwood, Gwen Munro, Nan Taylor, Richard Fair, Ron. Roberts and Other Artists. . Play Produced by Frank Bradley. DURING THE BRIEF SEASON WILL ALSO BE STAGED " THE WIND AND THE RAIN " " THE WIND AND THE' RAIN " By the young N.Z. Playwright. And THE STAGE'S GREATEST THRILLER, ■ TEN-MINUTE ALIBI" V TEN-MINUTE ALIBI" Popular Prices: D.C. and R.S-. 5/; Stalls, 3i; Gallery, 1/6; Early Door Gallery, 6d extra. (All Prices plus tax.) Box Plans will be opened at Lewis Eady, Ltd., on Wednesday Morning Next, at Nine o'clock. TOURING MANAGER, JOHN FARRELL. FUNERAL NOTICES Loyal franklin LODGE, F.U.1.0.0.F. Owxj&Qn Members are Requested Assemble at Holy Trinity Church Otahuhu, on SUNDAY NEXT, at 3 p.m., to Attend the Funeral of Our Late BROTHER GEORGE E. NUTTER. By Order Secretary. motor tours PIHA NIIJOTUPU, WAIATARUA AND WAITAKETIE RANGES TOUR, THIS DAY. 1.30 p.m. SU><DAY 10 FRIDAY, 9.80 a.m. Return i p.m. Daily. Ring RIMMEIt'B. the only Licensed Service that cpn take you to these places of. Interest. 5-4 Miles of Beautiful Bush Scenery. Fares Nihotupu and Waiatarua, 3s single, 6s return. Piha, 6s single, 10s return, PHONE 45-360.
Page 24 Advertisements Column 7
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 24
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