KAIPARA • SUB-ASSOCIATION I'ho matches in the competition being conducted by the Kaipnra. Lawn Tennis • SubAssociation' wevo continued on Saturday. In the A grade section the Kumeu Club defeated Woodhill by 10 sets to 3 sets, playing on tlie latter's courts. "Waikoukou Valley defeated Kaukapakupa, by lO.sqts to 3 sets at, Waikoukou. In _ the B grade, Helensvillci. S) sets, bent Kaukapakapa., 1 eet, and Waikoukou, 1 set, lost to Wuiraauku, 9 sets.
Details o[ the Woodhill-Kumeu match are as follows. Woodhill names, being mentioned first-Men's singles: A.' Phillips lost to A. Giles. 7—9; C. Hoist lost to C. Giles. 7—o; D. Guy beat W. Brown, O—G; J. Pym beat. G. Oraie, o—l. Ladies', singles: Mrs. ,1. Pengelly lost, to Miss L. Barnes. 5—7; Mrs. McDonald lost to Miss B. Shuttlevorth, 2—7. Men's doubles: Phillips and Hoist lost, to Ciiles and Giles. 20; Guy and Pym beat Brown and Orme, o—7; Pengelly and Sandin lost lo Shuttleworth and Smith, 69. Ladies' doubles: Mrs. Pengelly rind Mrs. McDonald lost to Misses Barnes and Shuttleworth. 5—7; Mrs. and Miss Deans lost to Mrs. Harris and Miss Petford, 5—7. Combined doubles: Pengelly and Mrs. Dearie lost to Shuttle-worth and Mrs. Harris, B—9:8 —9: San din and Miss Deane lost to Smith and Miss Petford, 3—9.
PAPAKIJ R A BEATS TAKANINI Ah inter-elub B nrnde lawn tennis mnfcli played between teams representing the Pnpal:uru- unci Takiniini Clubs resulted in a win fm- (lie former by "11. sets io 4. Following are (lie results. Papalutra nnmes being mentioned first,:—Men's singles: Garlick bent. Mcintosh, 11—fi: Cole bent. Claude. ll—9. Ladies' pinnies: Miss McSwceney heat. Miss Lawless, 11—9; Miss Andre heat, Afisa "Mclnncs, 11—3. Men's doubles: Gnr--1 iclc and Colo lost, to Mcintosh and Claude. 7—ll;' Henderson and McLennan beat Beams and Ferguson, 11—7. Ladies' doubles: Misses MeSweenov and Andre beat Misses Lawless and Mclnncs, 11—9: Mrs. Evans and MrS. bent Miss Grant and Miss KinloclY, 31—S; Mrs. Johnstono and Miss Rhine! lost- to Mrs. Mcintosh and Miss Ferguson. fi—ll. Combined doubles: Henderson nnd Mrs. Evans beat Beams and Miss TCinlocli, 11—(i; McLennan aiyl Mrs. Pethybridge lost, to Ferguson nnd Miss Grunt. 8—11; Evens and Mrs. Johnstone beat Lawless and 'Mrs. McTntosh, _T 1 — l 7; Gardiner nnd Miss Hhind lost to Reid nnd Miss Ferguson, 3—ll.
KAV KA PAKAPA V. \VA ll\ OUK OH [FBOM OMR OWN nVRRESrONPENt] WAIMAUKU, Monday Following are the results of the tennis match played between Kaukapakapa and Waikoukou , Valley under the auspices of the Kaipara Sub-association:— __ Ladies' 1 Singles.—Miss Nancy , Coughlan beat Miss Jones, 7—l; Miss Ns»ire Kerr. Taylor beat Miss E. Jones, 7—6. Ladies' '.Doubles.—Misses Coughlan and Kerr-Taylor beat' Misses Jones, 7—l; Mißses E. and D, Dakers lost to Miss Downes and Mrs. P. Pye, 3-V7. Men's Singles.—W. Dakers beat W. Bell.inghain, 9—2; L. Kerr-Taylor lost to A. Dye* 2—9; D. Kerr-Taylor beat B. Stewart',' 9—2; 'R. Macklow' beat S. Tibby, 9—l. .. Men's Doubles.—W. Dakers and. L. Kerr'Taylor beat Bellingham and Dye, 9—o; D, Kerr-Taylor "and. R,. Macklow beat Stewait and Tibby. '>-7: M. Coughlan and ,T., KerrTaylor beat P. Thomas nnd Greenhnll, 9—2. Combined Douhles.—Miss D. Dakers and Coughlan beat Miss Downes and Thomas. 9—3; Miss E. Dakers and T. Kerr-Taylor lost to Mrs. Dye and Greenhill, 7—9. • The match resulted in a win for the home team, the scores being 10—3.
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21392, 17 January 1933, Page 7
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