, AMUSEMENTS THE REGENT N.Z.'s Pre-eminent Talkie Theatre. S A' Direction: J. C. Williamson Picture Corp., Ltd. 8 Sessions: 11 a.m., 2.15 p.m., 8 p.m. No picture in the new senson will bring: you more thrills or more absorbing Entertainment than this. TALLULAH BANKHEAD " DEVIL AND THE DEEP." (Censor's Recommendation for Adults,) With CHARLES LAUGHTON. One Perfect Night of Romance 'neath starlit desert skies—then a devastating revenge planned in the mind of a maniac. A strange, amazing action-filled drama that is different. Regent Vnriety Featurettes Include— Exciting Scenes in 2nd Cricket Test. Rudy Vallee Melodies, etc. FRIDAY NEXT. A LAUGHING PREMIERE. THE SCREEN'S MOST UPROARIOUS ROMANCE. The bespectacled creator of Mirth in the new Comedy Smash that is shaking the Earth with Laughter. It's filled with riotous minutes of humour that will rock you from your seats —and packed with situations that thrill like melodrama! brings you your biggest laugh since his famous success of Silent Days—"Grandma's Boy." Bubbling . . . human . , . uproarious. A medley of delightful merriment that brings joy for every member of the- family, be they 6 v or 60. BOOK EARLY. Box Plans Open at Theatre. <Phone 46-8S8.) FON—SONGS—MUSIC ROMANCE—THE " MAID OF THE MOUNTAINS." CIVIC FRIDAY NEXT. BOX PLANS NOW OPEN. BUILDING SOCIETY NOTICES [.NORTHERN! THE NORTHERN CO-OPERATIVE TERMINATING BUILDING SOCIETY. Notice is hereby given that the ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTH APPROPRIATION MEETING will be held in the OFFICES OF THE SOCIETY, 108-11 VICTORIA ARCADE, on THURSDAY. January 20, 1933, Commencing at 7.30 p.m.. when the following Appropriations will be allotted : BALLOTS—£BOO Each. GROUPS 2, 3, 8, 9. SALES BY TENDER—£BOO Each. GROUPS 5, 6. 7. TOTAL TO BE APPROPRIATED, £5600, Under Rule 43 Members will require to make their Shares "FINANCIAL" by paying all Subscriptions due before 5 p.m. on MONDAY. January 23. 193.3. ■ GROUP 19. GROUP 19. Shares Still Available in This Group. TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY—JOIN NOWI Fullest information and Free Descriptive Booklets available at the Offices, 108-11 Victoria Arcade (First Floor), Queen Street. Auckland. „ CUT OUT COUPON AND POST IMMEDIATELY. The Northern Building Society, 108-11 Victoria Arcade (First Floor), P.O. Box 645. Auckland, C.l. Please send me a copy of your I Free Descriptive Booklet. Note the AddressNORTHERN BUILDING SOCIETY. 108-11 VICTORIA ARCADE (First Floor). CNR QUEEN AND SHORTLAND STS.. AUCKLAND. C.l. P.O. Box 645. Telephones: 41-579. 43-579. WINES AND SPIRITS FOR SALE AN Appreciated Gift.—Port, Sherry or Cider, 80s 12 quarts, freight paid; quality guaranteed.—Auckland Wine Co., Rutland St. _______________ ASTOUNDING Reduction.—-100 Cases beautiful rich Port at 25s Case.—Phoenix Wines. Phoenix Clmmbers. Auckland wine co.. Rutland St.— "Calisaya" Tonic Wine for Invalids, prepared by qualified chemist; pi;ice 50s per caso; freight paid. ICli Port Wine. 20s 2 gals., 30s cose, nt depot; bring jars.—Corban'e Wines. Fort St. X*l Per Case.—l2 Bottles beautiful Rich dt'l Red Port. £l.;—Old Vintage, Box 1144. Auckland. OAS CASE.—Frontignac, rich, sweet, red Ou Wine, delivered; freight paid.—Crown Wines. Elliott St. Phone 47-135. OFFICE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ADDRESSOGKAPH, second-hand, in perfect order.—Armstrong and Springhall, Ltd., 36 Fort St. AMAZING Reductions all miikes, from £3 10s up, guaranteed; bargains you cannot ignore, call, inspect.—British Typewriters. 112 Queen's Arcade. CLEARANCE Sale of Used Typewriters and Duplicators; easy terms.—lmperial Co . Britisli Chambers. High St. CORONA Portables, brand new; cheap to clear.—Phono 44-387, Bailey, 203 Dilworth Bldg., Corona Agent. OFFICE EQUIPMENT WANTED rpYPEWRITERS. Adding Machines, Dup--1. licators, any make, any condition; highest cash prices offered. Arcade.
Page 16 Advertisements Column 4
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21392, 17 January 1933, Page 16
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