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AMUSEMENTS LAST 3 DAYS lOUS LAUGH PROVOKER. SENSATION OP 1933. \ LAUGHS! MUSIC! SONGS! HOWES HOWES = HOWES lEE! BABS " BABS " PLAZA \ THE PLAZA > \The All - British Theatre^/^ Direction: Amalgamated Theatres, Ltd. Sessions: 11 DITION GORDON HARKER MYSTERY THRILLER. PROGRAMME IN TOWN. [lllllllllllllllll next Drama. interspersed Comedy. LAND'S DRESSLER THE "OLD MAN. <CI NEW REGENT — 8 p.m. 8 p.m. Direction: Amalgamated Theatres, Ltd. °' BUSTER KEATON JIMMY DURANTE, in "SPEAK - EASILY." No. 2 WILL ROGERS (Everybody's Favourite), in " TOO BUSY TO WORK." STALLS, 1/. 11. Children Half-price. COMEDY-ROM AN CE MAID OF THE MOUNTAINS IVIC FRIDAY NEXT. BOX PLANS NOW OPEN. CORPORATION NOTICES JgOROUGH OF NEWMARKET. Notice is hereby given that the Railway Over-Bridge in Broadway, Newmarket, is CLOSED TO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC on account of repairs, until further notice. Motorists proceeding to and from the City, via Parnell, are reqvested to detour via Victoria Crescent. 11. WILSON, Town Clerk. January 16, 1933. MEDICAL REGISTRATION ijyjjEDICAL REGISTRATION. I. THOMAS HENRY JAGUSCH, M.8., Ch.B., Univ. of N.Z., 1933, now residing in Auckland, hereby give notice that I intend applying on the eixtenth day of February next to have my name placed on the Medical Register of the Dominion of New Zealand; and that I have deposited the evidence of my qualification in the Office of the Department of Health at Auckland. Signature (in full): THOMAS HENRY . JAGUSCH. Address: Public Hospital, Auckland. Dated at Auckland January 10, 1933. BUSINESS NOTICES rAFFE, EVERYBODY'S TAILORS. ANNOUNCE gENSATIONAL rjpAILORING r-IAMPAIGN. SUITS MADE TO ORDER, £5 ss. Breath-catching Value. It will pav you to buy your Summer Tailored Suit from Jaffa NOW, because you get two try-ons. the Quality is right, the Price is so remarkable. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. W© guarantee to refund every penny you pay if your Suit proves to be unsatisfactory in any way. T A F F E, EVERYBODY'S TAILORS. 344 QUEEN STREET. Opposite Town Hall. AN Index to Unclaimed Money, giving thousands of names of persons advertised for, posted upon application. Price, Is.—King and King, 17 Bond Street, Sydney, N.S.W. PRODUCE FOR SALE ALTHOUGH Pollard's scarce, No. 2 Pollard available, 4s 6d 100.—Perkins, City Markets. ARRIVING 24th.—Pollard, Maize, Duns Gartons: lowest quotes.—Brown, Durhnm Lane. Auckland CIABBAGE, Onions, Swedes. Carrots, Par- ' enips, Beans, 4s; Potatoes, 2s Gd. —Box 382, Auckland. HONEY, first-class clover. 201b., 301b., 40lb tins; Gd lb.; freight paid.—Weslcy College, Pnerata. MAIZE, Wheat, Oats, Barley, all Poultry Foods—quality, price.—J. Jones, Ltd.. City Mnrkels. "VTEW Potatoes. 2s 3d sugar bag; Onions. J-* 3s 3d; railage, Bd.—Franklin Supplies. Pukekoho. \TEW Potatoes, Cabbages. Carrots, Parsli nips, Green Peas, Rhubarb.—Box 1, Pukeknhe. ONIONS, ss; Potatoes, 3s Gd; Mixed, 4s (id; sGlb; rail paid.—Sweet, Box 63, Pukekohe. . POTATOES, AAA Quality, 3s Gd; Onions. 4s 6d; approx. slilb; rail paid.—Fewell, Pukeknhe POTATOES, choice, fresh, tloury, sGlb 3s; rail paid.—Rooso, Hillsborough Rd„ Onehunga. 13IIIME Potatoes, fresh dug, 2s 8d sGlb.; rail paid.—W. Morgan, East St., PulcePRODUCE WANTED CIOCKSFOOT Seed wanted, any quantity. > —Write particulars, P.O. Box 18G0. PLANTS, TREES, ETC., FOR SALE ACACIA Verpieillaia, about 10lb.. Gs 9d lb., posted. Splendid hedge. —C. Lainbly, Takapnna. ASTISRB, Zinnias, Salvia, Antirrhinum, Celosia, Lobelia Petunia, Dianthus, 3s hundred; postage paid.—Selwyn Nurseries, Mt. Albert. CIELKRAIC, choice, beneficial vegetable, 30 ) plants for 2s 3d.—75 Onewai Rd., /COCKSFOOT.—Sow out Bush, Scrub and Fern Burns with our Fresh Cocksfoot nt sid lb.. DELIVERED. Germination and Purity Right. Write for full particulars.— Peter Boyd, Colonial Mutual Bldg., Dunedin. DAHLIAS, Latest Novelties. Catalogues free.—Hay's Nurseries, Rcmuera. Phono 24-152. Shop; Palmerston Bldgs., Customs St. QLADIOLUS. Come and seo these beautiful flowers in bloom. Lovely for decoration.—John Tait, The Gladiolus Gardens, Yutes Rd., Mangere East. Mangere-Papatoetoe bus. MANGOLD Plants, Sutton's Long Red and Prizewinner, 7s Gd 1000 f.0.r., cash. Burrows' Nurseries, Pukekolie. OUR choice St. Brigid Anemones, planted this month, will flower in June; medium bulbs. 3s: large, 6s 100.—Cullen. Waimauku. SPANISH Iris, purple and gold, Is doz.; Daffodils, named, 2s.(id doz., posted.— Mt. Albert Terminus Nurseries. "T3ORTULACCA Phlox, v superb strain, X beautiful colours; 100 2s 6d, posted.— Selwyn Nurseries. Mt. Albert. ANDY SHAW, again N.Z. Open and Professional Champion, resumed Coaching. —Tayler, Eastbury, Qneen'n Arcade; 40-372
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21392, 17 January 1933, Page 16
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675Page 16 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21392, 17 January 1933, Page 16
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Page 16 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21392, 17 January 1933, Page 16
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NZME is the copyright owner for the New Zealand Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of NZME. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries and NZME.