GENERATION BY WIND PLANT AT RANGIRIRI Cheap electricity is generated by Mr. E. C. Firth on his farm at Rangiriri. A windmill With sails built after the stylo of an aeroplane propeller drives the generating plant ) and storage batteries, connected by a short reticulation system, are drawn on for domestic requirements. Continuity of supply is dependent on the picvalence of winds, but there are few occasions on which the batteries cannot cope with the demands made upon them. Plant similar to that erected by Mr. Firth is on the market in overseas countries, but Mr. Firth believes that his is the first to be put in commission on continuous practical work in New Zealand. Mr. Firth was responsible for the design. The dynamo is placed aL the top of the mill tower and is driven from the windmill shaft by gearing. There is an attachment for conveying the electricity away from the mill without interfering with the movement of the mill platform, which is free to turn in any direction to suit the wind.
The electricity is conveyed by wires to storage batteries .situated a little distance away, and thence to a house in which are installed nine incandescent lamps of from 12 to 20 candle-power. The full number of lamps is not needed at one time, and the batteries are capable of keeping four lamps in operation when the windmill is not running. Under most conditions the batteries can be used for three nights' lighting when the wind fails. The plant was erected for experimental purposes, but has been found to be suitable for house lighting as far as a small plant of this description is capable. It lias been in continuous operation for 15 months, and the total annual cost for electric power production is about 5s for lubricating oil, which is the only running expense.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21392, 17 January 1933, Page 12
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21392, 17 January 1933, Page 12
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