SOME PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS. Reminiscences, political and otherwise, of forty-years of life under the reign of Queen Victoria, have provided Sir Alfred K. I'easc with much fruitful material for his latest Book, " Elections and Recollections." In the main it is a record of impressions of the period from 1885 to 1892, of the great political issues which stirred Britain in those eventful years, and is enriched bv frequent quotations from a diary in which the feelings of the moment were captured in all their vividness.
Students of the politics of these bygone days will find in this book much that, will throw an intimate light on the great personalities and tho lesser ones who moved across the political stage, ami readers oT an older generation will have their memories stirred in pleasurable fashion bv living over again with names I hat once were household words. Gladstone, Ltosebery, Parnell, Dillon, Healy and a host of others are recalled again iu the setting of tho times, vivified as tbev can be only by one writing lroin porsonal knowledge.
The book is admittedly an ex parte record by a moderate Liberal, in which certain political principles arc defended and the application of them illustrated as understood by tho writer. "It is intended, says Sir Alfred, t( to be in sonic measure an apology for the Liberalism of bygone days." Elections and Recollections," by Sir Alfred E. J'eauc, (John Murray.)
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21130, 12 March 1932, Page 9 (Supplement)
Word Count
237VICTORIAN POLITICS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21130, 12 March 1932, Page 9 (Supplement)
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