£ORT OF AUCKLAND* YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. ftftPfirndder (3.50 a.m.), from S!an Pedro. plwSorea (5-30 a.m.), from Coast; Ronaki : - ,-■{£ ,'m], from Tuurane'a; Clansman (9.45 Russell; Otiinai (noon), from YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. Vij Ulimaroa (3.30 p.m.), for Sydney. Pasggngera: — W§.b.lntm —Mr. G. Christie,, Mr. P. GreenMr A. Middleton. Mr. Alton. Mr. Lias, Mr. C. Lias, Mr. W. Lias, Mr. : Mr. H. La Mar, Mr. P. \Virth, 'insSSS, Mr. Mulready, Mis. Arcona. Mrs. Sooth and infant, Miss B. La Mar, Mr. C. Mr. H. Wright. Mr. Lucas. Mr. G. v,j-' rfion Mr. and Mrs.' Cracroft-Wilson. Mr and Mrs. B. Perry, Mr. D. C. Barton, Mr. Ramsay, Mr. E. E. Wright, M? and Mrs. F. Barry, Mr. Hoppe, Mr. .< K' D e jun.. Mr. P. Ifallett, Master L. ' Mr. Lawton, Mr. G. Minns, Mr. V. Petersen, Mr. Bush, Mr. Armit, Mr. W, ley Mr. Mann, Mr. Kennedy. Mr. H. "in/ferson. Mr. J. Cunningham, Air. Welton, Mr Stock, Mr. J. Patsori, Mr. Debitt, Mr. Qnan Mane, Mr. Gee Hun Wing and child, Mr Mrs. Stock, Miss McKenMrs. Disley, Mrs. Olsen, Miss Robertson Miss Miller, Mrs. Sinclair, Mrs. ctn'mno,, Mrs. Cuilen, Mrs. Dodd and infant, Mrs Blackwell. Miss A. C. Cuilen, Miss I. Crosby. Miss Dawber, Miss Greenwood, Mr. <sufnliffe. Mr. Livensen. loir. A. Zimmerman, ir. Cosiello, Mr. C. Hargreaves. Mr. Bards- )■ Toy' Mr. McFarlane, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. McFarlane. Miss Adnms, Miss McFarlane, Mrs. E White, Miss K. Lydiard, Mrs. Hammertoil Mr. and Mrs. McGuinness, Mr. and «J r P. Fox, Mrs. Carr and infant. Miss Car?, M' ss Goldie, Mrs. Pollock, Miss E Goldie, Miss Wallace. Mrs. Weston and i hnv Miss Kirdcaldie. Mrs. V. L. Gibson, Miss M. J. Street, Rev. and Mrs. Goldie. Miss M. R- Wright, Mrs. H. Wright. Miss ' C M 'Wright, Miss/ M. Wirth. Miss G. •mirth.' Mrs. P. Wirth, Miss G. Wirth, Mr. and Mts. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Self, Mr H. Arcona. Mr. R. Arcona, Mr. West, Mr'and Mrs. Robb, Mr. M. Lias, Mr. F. Lias, Mr A. Lias, Mr. and Mrs; G. G. CTDell. Mr. EO. Macky, Mr. T. H. Irlam, Mr. and Mrs. G Gray. Mr. A. Fergusson, Mr. A. J. Fermisson. Mr. Roigard. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. ndlin Mr. W. R. Brir.sley. Mr. Brinsley, Mr. Redhill, Mr. C. Schroder, Mr. J. Aly•nrnrd Mr. H. Mooney, /Mr. B. Palmortz, Mrs 'E. Prior, Mrs. Ej Frith, Miss M. Caasin. Mrs. Quick, Miss E. Fergusson*, Mrs. 'E. A. Fergusson, Miss J. Fergusson, Miss M. Fergusson. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. .Long, Mrs. Park, Master W. Park, Miss Part'fMr. and Mrs. G. L. Bannatyne, Mrs. Park' Miss J. Park, Miss K. Park, Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, Miss D. Bullock-Web-ster, Miss V. McKenzie, Miss M. J. StrickImd, Mr. and Mrs. D. Jones, Miss Fieldjions'e, Mrs. Fieldhouse, Miss Fieldhouse, Mr and* Mrs. Sadgrove, Miss Legge, Miss
Knight. Miss Dement, /Mrs. P. Sheldon, Miss Thomas, Miss McDonald, Miss Handford, Mrs. Davies and infant, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Redhill, Mrs. E. Jones, Miss M Franklin, Mrs. Ritchie. Mrs. Spicer and infant Miss J. Green. Mrs. Fletcher and bor Mrs. M. M. Bennett, Mi3s M. M. Hawtin,' Mrs. Bray, Mrs. Jamieson and infant, Mrs Davy, Mrs. Beaven and infant, Miss Capper. Miss Refshaw, Mrs. Grimshaw, Mrs. A Clarke, Mrs. Hooton. Miss Morrison, ■Mrs. T. Adams, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Gibbons, Miss Finlayson, Mrs. Godwin, Mr. A. Gibson, Mr C. E. Gibsein. Mr. C. H. Gibson Mr. A. B. Gibson. Mrs. A. B. Gibson, Mrs* A. P. Gibson and infant. Master Gib«nn Miss Davies, Mrs. McNaughton, Miss J ihirnbull. Miss L. M. Knyvett, Mrs. FosMrs. Holloway. Mre, Love and child, •Mm Bailey, Mr, J. Barry, Mr. Darby, Mr. Blandell, Mr. Galbalby, Mr. J. Wright, Mr. gK Mr. A. Marshall Mr. DisTey, Mr. Bpence, Mr. P. Whyte. Mr. Hooper, Mr. Murray, Mr. T. Adams, Mr. Clark, Mr. Boyd Mr. Paliridge, Mr. Zambra, Mr. Arns, Mr. G. Heiids, Mr. Siddens, Mr. A. Bayley, Mr Gibson. Mr. Williams. Mr. Mclvor, Mr. G Wood, Mr. E. Prior, 'Mr. Goldstine, Mr. !A* Newman. Mr. 0. Hentridge. Mr. W. Mcleod Mr.' j. James, Mr. T. Dunn, Mr. T. "White, Mr. S. Baker, Mr. F. La Mar, Mr. M. La Mar, Mr. D. Djiffy, Mr. and Mrs. lAlV'i; and 104 second class. • r Winton (4.55 p.m.), for Wellington. Omana (4-20 p.m.). for Wairkworth; Apaimi (4.20 p.m.), for Thames; Rangitoto (5.10 •p,ra.), for Coromandel. Waipiafa (0 p.rr.l, for \7elhncion ; lvawau (620 p.m.), for Mangawai; Hauiti (6.35 pm.), for Waiheke; Clansman (7.15 p.m.),
1 for Russell. / VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Canopus, from Westport, morning. Apanui, from Thames, 3 a.m. Omasa, from Warkworth, 5 a.m. Wajpu, from Kerepeehi, 7 a.m. Claymore, from Whango.rei, 8 a.m. Bangifoto. from Coromß.nc.el, 3 p.m. -Kawau, from Mansawai, 9.30 p.m. Largo Law. from New Plymouth, early. 'l,-. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Corinthic, for Wellington, daybreak. Pakeha, for Wellington, daybreak. Tofua, for Fiji, 11 a.m. Port Caroline, for Gisborne, noon. Coronation, for Awanui, noon. Apanui, for Parenga, noon. Ronald, for Tauranga, noon. Motu.'for Awanui, noon. Hauiti, for Waiheke, 1.45 p.m. Waipu, for Waiheke, 1.45' p.m.
VESSELS DUE Tb-MORROW. Westmoor. from Antwerp, 6 a.m. Sinnington Court, from Antwerp. Somerset, from Gisborne, mid-da;*. Waimea, from Napier, afternoon. • - Awahou, from Gisborne, evening. VESSELS SAILING TO-MORROW. Claymore, for Whangarei, 6 p.m. Tanlwha, for Paeroa, 5.30 p.iru ]?ESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. ' INTERCOLONIAL AND COASTAL. Canopua, Westport, March 22. Kerepo, Westport, March 25. Maunganui, Sydney, March 25. Kalingo, Port Stephens, March 28. Marama, Sydney, April 8. Ulimaroa, Sydney, April 15. H.M.S. Veronica, Wellington, April 28. H.M.S. Laburnum, Wellington, April 23. " OVERSEAS. Sinninifton Court, Antwerp, March 23. Somerset, South. March 23, to load. Westmoor, Antwerp, March 23. Niagara, Vancouver, March 24. . -BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS. : lonic, left , Southampton February 28; due Wellington April 7. Buahir.e, left London March 15; due Auckland April 21. Mataroa, loaves Southampton March 28; " due Wellington April 29. Bangitata, leaves Southampton April 11; due Wellington May 14. » iuSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND. Ulimaroa, due Sydney March 25; sails for Wellington March 28. M&heno, at Wellington; sails for Melbourne March 29. Maunganui, left Sydney March 21; due Auckland March 25. ■ Marama, left Sydney March 21; due Welli'i '. ington March 25.
VESSELS IN PORT. -In Stream—Rewa (bq.), Waitomo, H.M.C.S. Iris, *'Mako (Watkin and Wallis). Bavonport—H.M.S. Philomel, H.M.S. Dunedin. Queen's Wharf—Port Caroline (Heather, Eoberton), Southern Cross (Mission steamer), Tutanekai (Marino Depart- . ment). 1 Ein?'s Wharf—Maui Pon.are (Spedding, Ltd.) Western Wharf Korua (Gisborne dredge). Svolder / (A.U.O. Coy.). Prince's Wharf—Tofua (U.S.S. Coy.). Central Wharf—Kaponga (U.S.S. Coy.). . The Wingatui is to le\ve Dunedin at noon for Timsru, Lyttelton and Welling'on, to complete loading for Auckland. j The Kurow iB duo from East Coast ports j Monday and will load at Auckland for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Timaru. The Westport Coal' Company's steamer Canopus is due from Westport this morn--IDS. She wil] unload a quantity of her coal jarg£ : a t Central Wharf and will then go Wtstern Wharf to complete discharge. THE COKINTHIC. ~ -to complete unloading general merchandise from London, the Shaw, Savill and .Albion liner Corinthic -is to sail for Wellingat day break to-day. THE RANT iTIKI. •;2-A fast voyage of 32 days, 6 hours, 30 from Southampton was made by •fpe J*ew Zealand Shipping Company's motor '"'ft % an S''iki, whish reached Wellington ? -'?f i. y evening. The time was less than • 'rp hpurs longer than the record held by the = f•?*»%. Stormy weather, lit the beginning ; lj"® ® n d of the voyage delayed the Rangitiki «• 12 hours. The ve.ssel is to leave i''JY ®Uington for Am-.kland to-day to com- , un l ofl -ding general, merchnndise from &£W>don. She is due c/n Monday. H a P|?in E. T. Smith is in command of the an( i he hag associated with him following officers:—Chief, Mr. C. R. IS'tv j'v second, Mr. L. P. Malcouronne; W§iFn , J& l ' H. C. Cockerill; fourth, Mr. R. surgeon, Dr. J. H. Mnci§A?£y * i M.8., C.M.; chief engineer, Mr. second engineer, Mr. L. E. - ' £hird, Mr. A. Cox; fourth, Mr. M. • PS^fMP. S chief refrigerating Mr. ; i lson: wireless operator, Mr. L. V. ' <Sb. *G. >W. »Eraser.
THE PORT CAROLINE. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line steamer Port Caroline is to sail for Gisborne, Waikokopu, Napier and Wellington at mid-day to-day to continue loading for London. MAUNGANUI AND MARAMA. The Maunganui and the Marama left Sydney for Auckland and Wellington respectively yesterday afternoon. They are due in New Zealand on Tuesday morning. KAPONGA'S TRIP CANCELLED. The Ivaponga was to have sailed for West-port last evening, but owing to no cargo being offering at Westport the trip was cancelled. The vessel jvill be laid up instead and the crew will be paid oS. THE PAKEHA. Tbe Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Pnkeha is to sail for New Plymouth this morning to commence loading New Zealand produce for Continental porta and London. THE SINNINGTON • COURT. Due from Antwerp to-morrow the steamer Sinnington Court will berth at King's Wharf to unload a full cargo of basio slag, which is all for Auckland. The New Zealand Shipping Company is the local agent. TOFTJA SAILS TO-DAY. The Union Company's Island steamer Tofua is to sail for Fiji, Tonga and Samoa at eleven o'clock this morning. She is loading at Prince's Wharf. ROTORUA'S "ALL WELL." A wireless message received from the New Zealand Shipping _ Company's liner Rotorua, which left Wellington for London last Saturday, states:—"Fine weather experienced . since leaving; all is well on board." TTLIMAROA SAILED, The Huddart-Parker steamer Ulimaroa sailed for Sydney yesterday afternoon. She is due at Sydney on Tuesday morning, and is to be despatched for Wellington next Friday.
UNION COMPANY'S COLLIERS. Tho Kanna was to leave Westport for Napier and Auckland at three o'clock yesterday afternoon. The Karepo is to leave Westport for Auckland dircot at three o'olock this morning. The Kntoa is to leave Westport for Auckland early next week RANGITANE AT PANAMA. The local office of the New Zealand Ship- . ping Company has received advice that the motor liner Rangitane reached Panama at six o'clock on Thursday morning, en route from Wellington to London. She was despatched from Wellington on March 1. WESTMOOR ARRIVES TO-MORROW. The' Moor Line steamer Westmoor will arrive from Antwerp at six o'clock tomorrow morning, according to her wireless advice. She was not expected until next Friday. The vessel has a full cargo of basic slag, all of which will be unloaded at Central Wharf to the agency of the New Zealand Shipping Company. NIAGARA LEAVES SUVA. The Royal Mail liner Niagara reached Suva from Vancouver and Honolulu early yesterday morning and resumed her voyage to Auckland at noon. According to advice received by the local office of the Union Company the vessel expects to arrive at 10 o'clock: on Monday morning. She is to be despatched for Sydney at five o'clock on Tuesday evening. THE SVOLDER. The Norwegian motorship Svolder arrived from Los Angeles yesterday morning with a full cargo of bulk oil for tho Atlantic Union Oil Company. Tho vessel unloaded a quantity of cargo at Western Wharf and was to Bail to-day for Wellington, Melbourne and Sydney to complete discharge. Her departure is being delayed for repairs to the windlass, which broke when she was heaving up at the anchorage after medical inspection.
LARGO LAW'S BRIEF VISIT. The steamer Largo Law will arrive from New Plymouth early this morning and will anchor in the Hauraki Gulf, outside Rangitoto Beacon, to embark two seamen to replace men who were left behind at New Plymouth. The men will be taken cut in a launch and when they are on board the Bteamor will resume her voyage to Makatea Island. The Largo Law was at Auckland recently, unloading basic slag from Antwerp. The remainder of the cargo was discharged at New Plymouth. AWAHOU AND PUKEKO. Mesurs. Watkin and Wallis advise that the Richardson steamer Awahou left Gisborne for Auckland, via Tolaga Bay and Tokomaru Bay, late' last night. The vessel is due to-morrow night, and is to be despatched on her return trip to East Coast bays and Gisborne at five o'clock on Tuesday evening. The Pukeko is duo at Portland on Monday and at Auckland on Tuesday morning. She is to leave Auckland for East Coast bays, Napier and Wairoa, on Tuesday evening. PASSENGERS FROM MELBOURNE. From Melbourne, via Bluff, Dunedin and Lyttelton, the Union Company's intercolonial steamer Maheno reached Wellington yesterday. In addition to cargo, she had the following passengers for Wellington:— Saloon: Mr. W. H. Benton, Mr. R. Collins, Mr. 11. C. Forge, Mrs. H. C. Forge, Miss R. Forge, Mrs. E. J. Forge, Mr. E. Grunden. Miss M. Kidner, Miss E. Kidner, Mr. W. G. Kidner, Mrs. W. G. Kidner, Mr; A. Robinson, Mrs. A. Robinson, Frank Robinson, Mr. H. Richmond, Mr. A. Robertson, Mr. F. L. Scholl, Mr. J. C. Shields, Mr. H. L. Shields, Mr. R. J. Shelton, Mrs. R. J. Shelton, Miss T. M. Shelton, Dr. G. H. Skinner, Miss A. Wright, Mr. G. E. Leech; and 30 third class. The vessel is to sail on her return trip to Melbourne, via Bluff, at one o'clock this afternoon. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-day:— Auckland. —City of Lincoln, Largo Law, Moeraki, Port Hunter, Sinnington Court, Sonoma, Zealandic, Westmoor, Rio Dorado, Ulimaroa, Maunganui. Chatham Islands.—Kosmos, Cumberland, Rotorua, C. A. Larstm. Wellington.—Aorangi, Niagara, Laburnum, Benvenue, Mamilius, Middlesex, Northumberland, Otaki, Port Victor, Raranga, Somerset, Golden West, Hertford, Matakana, Kartigi, Poolta, Marama. Awarua.—Southern Princess, Sir J. C. Ross, Makura," Tahiti, Hinemoa, Paua, Valacia. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Yesterday's Arrivals.—Hauturu (7 a.m.), from Raglan and Kawhia. Yesterday's Departures.—Hauturu (3.45 p.m.), for Hokianga.
BY TELEGRAPH. WELLINGTON—March 21: Arrived— Opihi (5 a.m.), from New Plymouth: Kaimanawa (6.10 a.m.), from Portland; VVahine (7 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Maheno (9.50 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Hertford (10.10 a.m.), from Auckland; Waipahi (3.45 p.m.), from Lyttelton; Progress (0.15 p.m.), from Lyttelton; Kahika (10 p.m.), from Greymouth. Sailed—Wahino (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Opihi (8.15 p.m.), for Dunedin. LYTTELTON.—March 21: Arrived—Alexander (4.30 a.m.), from Sounds; Calm (5.40 a.m.), from Timaru; Maori (6.35 a.m.), from Wellington; Holmdale (9.55 a.m.), from Timaru; Cygnet (3.15 p.m.), from Kaikoura; ! Waka'kura (3.20 p.m.) from Akaroa. Sailed —Totara (11.45 a.m.), for Wellington; Kuku | (12.10 p.m.), for Wellington; Golden West (12.30 p.m.), for Wellington; Holmdale (2.40 p.m.), for Wellington; Alexander (4.10 p.m.), for Westport; Foxton (6.10 p.m.), for Foxton; Calm (1.5 p.m.), for Wellington; Northumberland (7.30 p.m.), for Wanganui; Maori (8.25 p.m.), for Wellington. DUNEDIN.—March 21: Arrived—Storm (7/20 a.m.), frcra Timaru; Waihemo (8.30 a in.), from Lyttelton; Canadian Explorer <jo. 15 a.m.), from Timaru. Sailed—Himatnn'gi, for Timaru. SUVA.—March 21; Arrived Niagara (daybreak), from Vancouver. Sailed—Niagara (noon), for Auckland. SYDNEY.—March 21: Sailed—Maunganui (4 p.m.), for Auckland; Marama (5 p.m.), for Wellington. i
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20520, 22 March 1930, Page 7
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2,429SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20520, 22 March 1930, Page 7
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