DETAILS OF THE PRIZE-LIST. The prize-giving of the Epsom Girls Grammar School took place last evening in the main hall ol Uie Auckland Grammar School, Mountain Road. I here was a large attendance, Protessor A. I'. W. Thomas, chairman of the board, presiding. There were also present Mr. lii. Roberton, vice-chairman, and Mr. A. Burns, chairman of the Auckland Education Board.
The report of the headmistress, Miss A. C. Morrison, stated tho school had completed its 12th year and for the second time in its history the roll 011 the opening day exceeded 600. The work on UlO whole during tho year had been very satisfactory. Tho playground had been much improved by the levelling and grassing ol a space in front of tho shelter-shed. Electric light was to be installed during the holidays.
Protessoi Thomas said tho years r-pent at school were the most impressive of one's life. "Prido in your school is a great tiling," he added. "By prido I do not mean contempt for others, but a feeling of unselfishness and dignity toward your school." 'J lie prize-list was as follows: SPECIAL PRIZES. English Essay.—Senior: J. G. Reitl. Intermediate: M. Brew. JuMor: M. Creugh. Rending.—Senior: M. Johnston. Intermediate: I). Hancock. Junior: J. Garratt and J. Mnrland, equal. Drawing.—Senior: T. L. Jessop. Intermediate: J. Ambury. Junior: I. W. Davis. Sketch Club: M. C. Gurrett. Laboratory.—Vl,, Botany and homo science: N. Collis. V., Botany and home science: M. Martyn. Intermediate, home science: V. McMillan. Junior, home science: P. Savin ami Eileen Smith, equal. IV., special, (sewing: 1. E. Davis. Oral French.—Lilian Matches Memorial Prizes (given by' iSpsom Girls' Grammar School Old Girls' Association). —Fifth forms: C. L. Buriey. Fourth forms: E. C. L. Dromgool. Third forms: H. Coates and It. Morlatid, equal. FORM PRIZES. Sixth Form, Divison A.—Form prizes. K. J. Wakelin, I: E. M. Hall. 2. Certificates— English, Latin, languages: X. M. Coates. Sixth Form, Division B.—Form prizes: R, M. Macky, 1 M E. N. Dromgool and V. C. Ilertslet, equal. 2 Sixth Form, Special Division B.—Form prizes: J. McR. McLanachan. 1; T. L. Jessup, 2. Certificate—French: K. Dimond. Fifth Form Remove.—Form prizes: A. M. Molony, 1: T. C. Empson, 2. Certificates— English: A. S. Robinson. History: A. E. Cocks. French: F. 11. Willcox. Languages, total: J. Tilly. Fifth Form, Division A.—Form prizes: N. M. Dickie, 1: E. D. King-Mason, 2. Certificates— English. History. Latin and languages, total: E. L. Utting. French: E. Vella. Mathematics, and mathematics nnd science total: E. E. Tucker. Hygiene: M. B. Martin. Fiftli Form. Division B.—Form prizes: P. D. Davidson, 1; N. E. Wilson. 2. Certificates—History: M. Guildford. Latin nnd mathematics: O. R'. Richardson. French: D. D. Hutchinson. Fifth Forms, Modern Division B.—Form prizes- P. G. Young, 1; 0. J. Hamilton, 2. Certificates—English and languages total: T. M. Gow. History and geography: J. W. Pinhey. Fifth Form, Division C.—Form prizes: C. D. Butcher, t; E. R. Newey, 2. Certificates—English: E. E. Mars. History: M. p. Iluntei nnd \V. E. Shaw. French and languages total: \V. E. Shaw. Home science: N A. Coatts. Gcocraphy: D. M. Cohen. Hygiene: M. D. Hunter. Fourth Form, Division A.—Form prizes: N. H. Coates. 1; E. C. L. Dromgool. 2. Certificates—English: F. J. Irvino. Latin: V. J McMillan. French: M. N. Larkin Geography: J. L. Culpan. Fourth Form, Division B.—Form prizes: R. M. Dnlo. 1. L. B. Fulton and M. Irvine, equal. 2 Certificates—History: A. J Hetison. - Home science, geography and hygiene: A. C. Lamb. Botany: E. M. Witten. Fourth Form, Modorn Division B.—Form prizes: M. S. Rowe, 1: M. N. Brew. 2. Certificates Mathematics: M. Munro. Geography: J. Fogerty Domestic science - M. Peters. Botany and hygiene: M. Shand. Fourth Form, Division C.—Form prizes: N. W Ingram, 1: J. E. D. Matthews. 2. Certificates. -Latin: B. C. Smith. Mathematics: F. I. Kidd. Home science: O. C. Howden. Mathematics and science totalJ. E. Dreadon Fourth Form. Modern Division C.—Form prizes- F. M. Macdonald. 1: O. Gibbons, 2. Certificates—French: A. Mnrgetts. Home scienco: E. Clark. Domestic science: V. M. Walsh Botany: J. Ambury and P. Kerr. Fourth Form, Special Division.—Form prizes: E. Bishop, lj F. Burgoyne. 2. Certificates—Home science: G. Jeffrey. Geography: J. Spragtie. Third Form, Division A.—Form prizes: K. R. Sellers, t; E. L. Roscoe. 2. Certificate—Mathematics: S. E. Wells. Third Form. Division B.—Form prizes: M. L. Mayalt, t; M. A. C>rrutherg, 2. Certificates—French and math .-matics: P. W. Stewart. Geography, domestic scienco and mathematics, and science total: J. E. Burgoyne. History: K. Wade Home science: F. J. Tombs. Third Form. Modern Division B.—Form prizes: E. D. Robinson, t; J. H. Biss. 2. Third Form Division r
Third Form. Modern Division B.—Form prizes: E. D. Robinson, t; J. H. Bias. 2. Third Form. Division C.—Form nrizes: G. M. Becroft. 1: 11. L. Coates, 2. Certificates, English. French and languages total. S. C. Pilcher. Mathematics: I. D. Harris. History: Y. A. Pinhey. Ceogranhv: J. M. Br emncr. Homo science: C. J. Barker.
Third Form, Modern Division C.—Form prizes: A. M.Claridge, 1: O. M. Cork. 2. Certificates, French and Mathematics: M. M. MticKiulay. Geography: .T. C. Hamilton. Homo scionce: E. R. Noble. Mathematics and science total: K. E. Lee. Third Form, Division D.—Form prizes: N. McLeod, 1; L. C. Kerr. 1. Certificates, history and geography: E. E. Smith. Latin: E. E. Aickin. Mathematics, and mathematics and science total, E. Grnssick. Domestic science,: K. M. Smith. Third Form, Division E.—Form prizes: M. E. Cowper, 1: N. L Dallen, 2. Certificates. English: V. J. Hamilton. History: A. M. Gnpper. Latin and languages total: E. G. Thomas. Geography: V. J. Hamilton. Home scienco: V. R. Cowan. Domestic science: Y. E. Browning. SPORTS AND GAMES. Physical Culture.—School championship: D. D. Hutchinson. Tennis Championships.—Senior: M. E. Hooton; junior, B. G. Griffiths; doubles. M. E. Hooton and G. G. Griffiths. Tennis Cups.—Senior: Form VI. Vickery Cup: Intermediate: Form IVa; junior. Form lITb Modern. Cricket Cups (presented by the late Mr. W. J. Speight).—Senior: Form VI. Intermediate: Form IV. Special. Junior: Form 111 c. Basketball Cups.—Senior: Form Vb. Intermediate: Form IVa. Junior: Form Illb Modern. Fives Championships.—Senior: M. Wade. Junior: J. Bennie. Fives Form Championship.—Form VI. Wiseman Swimming Cup.—Form VI.
There was a largo gathering in St. Mark's Ilall, Remuera, last evening on the occasion of the annual prize-giving ceremony of tlio Dihvorth School. Archdeacon G. Mac Murray, chairman of the Trust Board, presided and the prizes were distributed by Archbishop Averill. Others present included Archdeacon W. J. Simkin and Mr. 1. E. Makgill, members of the board.
In his report the headmaster, Mr. Noel Gibson, stated the year had seen several changes at 'lie school, both in regard to structural and educational matters. The roll averaged 130 and the capacity of the school was now fully taxed. Miss E. Kerry had completed nine years' service in charge of the smaller pupils and the school would be a 'oser by her retirement. Touching upon ttie activities of old boys Mr. Gibson said J. \V. Ifvland had completed his Bachelor of Commerce degree last 'vear.
Referring to the inclusion of secondary school subjects in the curriculum Archdeacon Mac Murray said the policy of the board was fo enlarge considerably the educational scope oT the school, retaining pupils until thev reached matriculation standard. Until recently it had been the rtiactice to send bovs to either the Auckland Grammar School or the Technical '""ollece and to board fhern at Dilworth Those nlreadv attending other secondary t<|iorils would continue to do so. but in future thev would arrange for bovs >o receive snrondarv education :il Tlihvnrfb subjects were already beine taught at 'be school and a considerable surn had been uncut in nrovidinir arldi tional classroom accommodation and valuable equipment.
Although the board had been criticised for spending a large amount of money to this end it was considered it had been fully justified. There appeared to be an objection that as the school would shortly move to its permanent home in> the country the expenditure was not warranted in the meantime. However, when .the school did move to its new location the secondary department would bo in full working order, and as this side of the work would become more extensive and more important as the years went on it was right that steps should be taken to establish it firmly and along right lines
The board was now carefully accumulating money in order to be able to effect the removal of tho school and its consentient enlargement as early as possible. Money was not being locked up to no purpose, as the board was investing sums at its disposal, so that (hey could be realised upon when required for building purposes. He proposed to visit England next year and immediately on bis return he expected to be ready to ask the trustees to take up the work of establishing a permanent school
Archbishop Avcrill gave a brief address expressing his gratitude that the school was living up to tho high ideals which prompted its foundation by. Air James Dilworlb in 1894. The present position of the school and of the board's finances was largely due to Archdeacon Mac Murray's foresight and faith in the future of the trust. As a result of the chairman's work the school would in the comparatively near future be one of the bestendowed in New Zealand. The prize-list was as follows: Form lII.—G. D. Connell.
Divinity.—Classes V. and VI., D. F. MacMaster; classes 111. and IV., B. G. McMillan; class 11., L. G. Kowell; class I. and primers, W. J. Mainland. Drawing.—Classes V. and VI., S. W. Boss; classes ITT. and IV., W. Crandell: class 11., B. M Gilnio-ir: class I. and primers. J. H. W. Perry.
English.—Class VI., J. Chapman-Smith; class V., D. F. MncMnster; class IV., B. D. McMillan; class 111. B. M. Stewart; class JI.. L. G. Rowell; class 1., W. J. Mainland; primers, J Hamilton. Science.—Class VI.. J. Chapman-Smith; class V.. D. F. Mac Master; class IV., M. T Willis; class 111., V. Farnsworth; class 11.. A. E. Fowlie: class 1., M. B. Bush; primers. T. R. P. Gibson.
Outdoor Work.—R. O. Sanderson. F. E, Braesey, R. L. Byrne. Woodwork: W. Slako
HAMILTON, Friday. The annual prize-giving ceremony of the Hamilton High School was held this aiternoon, the prizes being distributed by Sir George Fowlds. The chairman of the Board 01 Governors, Mr. (J. L. MacDiarinid, said that Sir George Fowlds opened the school and grounds 17 years ago. Modern ideals in education formed the major part of the address given by Sir George Fowlds. There was, he said, a trend towards the ideals of ancient Greece. Perfect development, both physically and mentally, had become the ideal. The power of thinking was being taught and men were learning the value of independent thought. Referring to the future Sir George said the children of to-day were eutering upon the timo when service of the highest quality would bo needed.
In his report the headmaster, Mr. E. Wilson, stated that the attendance for the year was a record.' The pupils had met with considerable success in athletics and games and the school work had been very satisfactory. A new hostel was assured and the board had decided to build on an acre of land given for this purposo by the Domain Board 15 years ago. The following athletic and special prizes were awarded :
Dux of the school. —Boys; J. Goodwin. •Jiris: Irene Clilie. Girls' Cups.—Swimming: Senior, Nancy Gaze; junior, lvathie iiurtagh. Athletics: Senior, Peggy Sorby; junior, Valerie Collier and Jieris uoyes. Physical drill championship: Eileen Pearson. Tennis: Senior, ''eggy Sorby; junior, Valerie Collier; doubles, Peggy Sorby and Valerie Collier. Leadership and games: Linda Hemua. Boys' Cups.—Swimming: Senior, B. Pratt: uiior, C. Ross. Form cup: Forms Va and VI.. equal. Athletics: Senior, T. Mills; Junior, V. Pountnoy. Johnston medal: O. Millington. Form Clip: Form VA. Steeplechase: C. Ready. Old boys' cup: T. Mills. Physical drill: T. Mills. West cricket cup: F. Findlay. Shooting: Lady Godley cup, Pountney; Eollard cup, W. Tombs; Penrose cup, W. Tombs; Penrose junior cup, Clague; Defence Department trophy, W. Tombs; plate shooting, E. de Lacey. Wilnm Robert Friar memorial prize: C. E 'bbard. The following are the school prizes awarded in the senior forms:— Girls.—Form VB: English, French, mathematics and science, Irene Cliffe; special award. Gladys Watson. Form VA: English and French, Elaine Hopkins; mathem-tics ~nd science, Zoe Wells: special award, Kifa Hamlin. Form VB: English and French, I'eggy Gallagher; mathematics and science, T'-a Barrett; special award, Betty Bocock.
Boys.—Form VIA: English, French, mathematics and science, J. Goodwin; special nwards. N. Gascoigne and V. Venimore. Form VIB: senior commerce, W. West-water; geography. S. Johnson; lan"Mnfes and music. S. Morgan. Form VA: English and French, O. Trounson; mathemifics an;l science, G. Rimmer: Latin. R. Miller; history, A. Morton. Form YB: ,r n«rlish and French. G. Troutbeck; mathematics and science, N. Barker. LADIES' COLLEGE, KEMUERA A YEAR OF ACTIVITY. The annual prize-giving of the Ladies' College, Kemuera, was held yesterday, the principal, Mrs. Moore-Jones, presiding. The principal's report showed that the school toll now stood at 81. The primary department had been extended by the addition of a class on the Montessori method under the instruction of Miss Mona Jones, of London. The Montessori system of infant training was the accepted ono 111 Efigland and had been proved to be tlio best to develop the child's mentality and individuality.. An invitation was extended to visitors to see the class at work. Une pupil had passed tho matriculation examination, and six had gained proiiciency certilicates. Five girls had passed Ihe Royal College of Music examinations. Tho classes in dancing and eurhythmies had showed marked improvement. whilo excellent work had been done l>y the elocution classes. Due interest had been taken in sports, including tennis and basketball, while the Girl Guide and Brownie patrols were enthusiastic The sum oi £SO had been forwarded last March to the Dr. Barnardo funds for the maintenance of the cot supported by the pupils of the college. Tho Barnardo fund now amounted to £43. The prizes were presented by the Rev. H. R Coleman, vicar of St. Aidan's. It had b. en intended to present a demonstration of eurhythmies and poetic dances on the lnwns, but owing to tho weather this wes found impossible. The prize list is as follows: — Form Vl.—First in form, J. Knvanagh. Form V.—First in form, B. Kissling; weekly murks. J. Kelly and M. White. Form T > ? n. —First in form. B. Young; French, B. Young; excellent work, J. Johnstone consistent work, C. Moore-Jones; handwork and drawing, T. Steinmetz. Form [Vb. —First in form. J. Wilkinson; French. B. Dingle; English, B Johnstone: arithmetic. M Winstone; weekly marks. B. Wigg Form 11 la.—First in form, silver and enamel medal, and French, M. Kirton; science English and composition. D. Hessel; Scripture. J Menzies; arithmetic, V. Prior-Williams. "Form I lib.—First In form, silver medal. F Skeates; great progress, P Blake; handwork, D. Goldsmith. Form ll.—First in form, gold and silver medal, It. Cleave; composition, gold medal presented by Mr. A. Kohn, and English. B. Broadfoot. DresFmnkinu. —H O'Reilly. Drawing.—Miss I Eise's prize. IT. O'Ueillv and J. Mullipns. Millie.--Miss Sen roll's prize, H. O'Reilly and B. Broadfoot: Mis' Eastgate's prize, J. Johnstone: Miss Braund's prize. Y. Colnet t. Commercial Subject!) —K Cuhill. F,locution.—Pii/.es presented by Mrs. \lon criol McC'ii'liini: Form 11.. K Cnhill. Form 111.. M Kirton: Form 1111) F. Skeates: Furiji IV ii. F. Kelly. Tennis.—Challenge Clip. M. Bruce; doubles. 11. Hoffman and D. Goldsmith; A ladder M. Bruce: B ladder, L. Roberts; C ludder, M. Kerr.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20130, 15 December 1928, Page 16
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2,621EPSOM GIRLS' GRAMMAR. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20130, 15 December 1928, Page 16
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